Avatar of Fading Memory


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Back From The Ashes. Again.
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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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If you need to keep things sane, Zavakri can easily be overwhelmed with a crowd and ushered to someone else's location. Feel free to do so as needed.
"--Lost Property? Gosh, it couldn't be that simple..."

She lifts her head, realizing that everyone was beginning to wander away. That wasn't what 'parties' did in the stories she'd heard. Nay, they were supposed to stick together through the thick and the thin- and from what she heard it really was mostly thin- and face unseen perils and form a tight knit bond of comradery that would face the test of time and the gods themselves. The Flaming Fist were extremely clear about this sort of thing in their complaints in the taverns, and the Adventurers she'd met in passing were just plum full of those sorts of stories themselves!

...In short, she already felt quite doomed.

She took a deep breath and drummed her fingers on her thighs, thinking... Until the words flowing around her managed to penetrate through the mental barrier of general mathematics she had to constantly balance to breathe properly and remember how to chew food.

"--Wait, last night? LAST NIGHT?" She groaned. "Of course it's the last night! Oh, drama!"

She let out a sigh that resonated from deep within her endless pools of angst, born from her dark teenaged years, and hastily trudged off. Walking with Purpose, as it were, as she pursued the Lost Property area with haste.
I'm finna speed rush this before anything bad happens. Just give me back my 'property' and nobody has to face a Factorial Equation.
Everyone scrambling away from the entrance will drive Zavakri insane so she'll stay near the front and go to the Calliope first.

Lost Property. She's going to Lost Property.
@Lurking Krog

This is merely a metaphor for the chaos she is subjected to. I will edit my post with an awkward shamble for Pink instead
When Zavakri mentioned that she wanted to pay for her sister, he answered her, "Of course, Madame. You may have to describe your sister to me, so that I can give her her ticket. An adult ticket costs 8 silver pieces, while a child's ticket costs 3 silver pieces,"

"Eight and three. Best make it two of each just to be on the safe side." She rummages into her gold pouch, muttering senselessly all the while;

"We were but gels when we came last, so that'd be two child's...but she'd be nearly a woman grown now, so best make it an adult's to be safe- and nothing's free, that much is true, so I'd better be safe and buy my own ticket too..."

She produces the required twenty-two silver in short order and exchanges it in swiftness for the tickets, which she delicately folds away; the free one into her pocket, the rest safely and securely into her bag. Seeming to lose her reverie for the time being, she studies the map and taps her chin a few times.

"...Gosh, this all sounds positively..."

She gulps.

I'll establish any book-keeping OOC and include it in my posts as relevant; she's going to buy two children's tickets and two adult's, for reasons.
I decided to get it out tonight and stay up a bit, but now my sleep will be ruined and I hate you all for it. Good night.
"The carnival goes round and round, The multiverse is our playground. Nothing's free and nothing's lost. Every visit has its cost."

Her voice came out as a clear, if soft-spoken, declaration. Irregardless of the rest of the group's remembrance or knowledge of that phrasing it held significance to Zavakri herself. She stared at the ticket-goblin with slightly widened eyes, the showcased 'free' items of wary interest to her. He was genuine, that much was certain to her, but whosoever had purchased these items had been waiting for her.

No. Her mind clarified that detail swiftly, her eyes settling on those around her. They'd been waiting for them.

"I will take the ticket." She says at last. "But I need to buy one for my sister." She elaborates, reaching into her cloak to produce her gold pouch to pay for the extra ticket should it be affordable. "As for the wings..."

She sighed, staring at them with softer eyes.

"Purple for me, lest someone else has a preference for it. I never could decide between red or blue as a gel, and so my mum told me to stop bickering over it and just wear purple. Something lucky about purple for me, I feel-- Er, right, I'll just settle for the pink then."

And with that she removed her cloak, folding it away slowly and neatly until it was a concise square which could fit within her traveling bag. This left her new, but comfortable, traveler's clothes apparent to all- she was decidedly middle class, but practically minded- and the crossbow she carried strapped to her side also quite obvious. No longer laden by the cloak, she knelt down and began to fasten the butterfly wings onto herself.

"When in Neverwinter, do as they do, eh? Jolly good." She was mostly talking to herself at this point.
Insight Check 19+1=20 for these 'free' 'things'.

I'll broil it all into a post tomorrow morning.
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