Avatar of Flamelord


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6 yrs ago
Current Going in a trip over the weekend. Will be back on Sunday, probably no RP posts until then
6 yrs ago
>That awkward moment when you learn the religious revival movement you were headin was actually a vehicle for a Lovecraftian Abomination masquerading as a God to jack your body and take over the world
7 yrs ago
>That moment when you realize that you can only do fandom RPs because you're bad at original characters. This is what I get for never playing DnD


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Scaramouche is now in action! Anyone interested in an interaction?

I might have Shurelia meet him. Cause Sound magic and all. (Even if her physical abilities are laughable.)
Masae Kanegawa

Wrong place and wrong time? If that didn't sound like the lamest excuse ever it did sound like a reason to worry for this guy. Wasn't that a bad thing, if you didn't have control over your own body? Or maybe she was just misinterpreting what he was saying, which Masae would admit was a possibility right now. She was still somewhat unclear as to what had happened in the first place.

"Have you seen a doctor about that? It sounds like some kind of medical condition," Masae observed. Her back was turned to the main auditorium at the moment, keeping her from noticing the arrival of the idol CiEL to talk with Aderyn, though she might have found it interesting as well. Once upon a time she had harbored some thoughts of being an electronic sensation, but reality had long since worn down those convictions. The light of stardom didn't shine for everyone, and with the kind of person she was she had the suspicion that she would only ever appeal to a niche audience.

But yeah, she hoped she wasn't coming off as too offensive about the whole thing. It just didn't seem like he had a handle on it if he was passing out in her sound booth while eating food. Then again what did she know? She was just the computer wiz, not a physician.

"Masae Kanegawa, resident tech guru and token transhumanist," she replied as her introduction before gesturing around the booth. "I was just making sure those Ivory Mask bastards didn't do anything to the sound system during their little stunt back in the festival. And I figured I'd take the opportunity to update a few things too." and she was waiting for a friend now, but since he had been awake for it he probably knew that already.

In which Shurelia wonders if this is a trap.


It flowed all around her, on the wind, in the tremors of the Earth, in the sun shining overhead. No, that was not correct. It was not purely music, but rather it was sound. Sound from an infinite source, one that could make even the most tone deaf Reyvatiel sound like a chorus.

Shurelia was music, and music was Shurelia.

She was a Reyvatiel, one of the Origin, the first of her kind. Not the greatest, perhaps, but she liked to think that she had served to the best of her abilities during her time as Administrator of Ar Tonelico. There had been successes, and there had been plenty of mistakes. Perhaps this, sacrificing the Tower, sacrificing herself, all to stop Mir, perhaps that would make up for the worst of her errors. If it took her own life to let the world know peace, then she would freely give it.

as her song went on, she felt herself begin to fade. The systems of the tower began to deactivate, and it felt like the same was happening to her. Yet her voice rang strong and true, to complete this task and end this war once and for all. Her mind drifted, thinking to those she was leaving. Lyner, Leard, Misha, even Ayatane. This was their world now, and all she could do was apologize for the situation that she had left them in. They would have to do their best.

The song ended, and she was left with an aching emptiness before her own neural processes stopped as well. Her body collapsed as darkness consumed her, pulled into Suspension along with Ar Tonelico itself.

At least, that was how it should have worked.

The first thing she felt upon waking up, besides the concrete, was anger. She knew what waking up meant, and she thought she had been clear on her instructions. This was the only way to stop Mir, and if they had brought her back anyway then they were more foolish than she remembered. That trick would not work a second time. So as she sat up, she was prepared to give Lyner, or Leard, or whoever was responsible a piece of her mind.

"Huh?" Anger was replaced by confusion as she looked around. This was...this was not Platina, or any part of Ar Tonelico that she knew. It didn't feel like the Cosmosphere either. Had she fallen into the Sea of Death?Was this some kind of trick by Mir, an effort to subvert what she had done to seal her off from the rest of the world? It was possible, though it didn't explain why she had awoken to find herself in this strange town. It would not be out of place down on the surface, but even then she could not recognize the style.

Rising to her feet, her face took on a serious expression as she activated her Linkage Armor. It flashed into place, engulfing her in a warm protectiveness that was quite familiar after so long using it. Her minds eye turned to the Tower, to try and figure out what exactly was going on here. "What are you up to?"

Then the readings came back, leaving her to wonder yet again. She couldn't detect the Tower at all. If she was awake then it should be active, yet it wasn't even in suspension. It was like the Tower wasn't there at all. That left her with a few options. It could still be a trick by Mir, or she was merely out of range of the Tower. At the very worst the Tower itself was gone, but if she was here then that didn't seem likely.

"Very well, I will just have to do some more observation," the Reyvatiel decided at last. She was next to some kind of store, though the selection was small compared to Platina. There was only one way to figure out what was going on. If this was a trick by Mir, she would know soon enough. With that resolved she set off, heading down the street to see if there was anyone around in this town.
Look you're preaching to the choir. I already have it planned out how to get her involved again,the problem has just been finding the time to do it because of how slow her scene has been moving.
If you don't care about The War, that just leaves you open to be smacked around the back of the head when The War starts to care about you.

And Masae is basically not on DGO except when required by the school, so she figures no on will bother her because she can't affect the war in any way. At least, that's her current mindset. She can be convinced otherwise but we haven't gotten to that point yet because of posting speeds.
<Snipped quote by Flamelord>

What if we assault all her friends in real life.

This is bait

I'm working on it for my own character. It's just hard for her to be gung ho about it when her first interaction with the war is her friend getting assaulted over it in real life, you know?
@Lord of Evil @ERode

Well, I noticed something so I felt compelled to remember you two of it.

Your characters are at the same side on the fight against the Green/White alliance. If you kill one another you are basically doing Chiyo's job for her.

I think ERode's made it pretty clear thus far that Moe doesn't give a fuck about the war
@Flamelord Wolverine likes to eat.

And they're both used to having painful things implanted in their bodies. Sounds like a perfect match
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