Avatar of Flamelord


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6 yrs ago
Current Going in a trip over the weekend. Will be back on Sunday, probably no RP posts until then
7 yrs ago
>That awkward moment when you learn the religious revival movement you were headin was actually a vehicle for a Lovecraftian Abomination masquerading as a God to jack your body and take over the world
7 yrs ago
>That moment when you realize that you can only do fandom RPs because you're bad at original characters. This is what I get for never playing DnD


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I... I didn't really think it sounded easy... But to be fair, I might have forgotten to include something since I rewrote it from memory days later.

The solution is basically 'drop and trade coins a couple times, then hold an auction with a single person and the debt is paid off'. Which is a fairly simple thing that somehow only a handful of people know about.
Man,that Ebon Mint post was interesting. Though you have to wonder, if it was that easy to get out of debt to the Mint while still having access to the awesome power then why isn't everyone doing it?
Yeah that's my bad. I just hit the wrong side between not wanting to take agency but also wanting to seem concrete and not dance around whether it worked or not and fill the post with hypotheticals. Sorry.
Yeah, too bad but I get the reason why. It was fun while it lasted though, and was certainly memorable.
Ariamis confirmed GRRM level GM
Alicia Hayden

Penny's apology was overshadowed by Elroy's transformation, and she dodged out of the way as chains wrapped around the building. Her anger and frustration still held sway, yet it was distracted by the necessity of fighting the opponent right in front of her. Regardless of what she thought, the fact remained that he had become hostile and she had to act to protect the people who lived near here. That was just how things were now.

She resolved to talk to Penny when this was all over, where there would be harsh words. Yet for the moment she put that aside. It seemed the monster was focused on her and Penny was eager to meet the challenge. It made a nice distraction at least.

The reasonable approach said to do nothing, to stand back and let Elroy and Penny fight it out while she tried to keep the collateral damage to a minimum until it was over. But she couldn't just stand back. The sooner the fight ended the better, and she didn't know how good Penny's chances were at the moment. Her winning would be preferable after all, if only because they were allies.

Springing back, she nocked an arrow as she took aim at Elroy. She waited until he was distracted by Penny before firing, bolts of light streaking across the gap and slamming into his back in quick and successive blows. If this was the fight they had then she was not going to hold back.

Mind letting Magus in on this too?

Finch: "Oh come on, don't you have anything better to do? Ever?"
Hey @Flamelord want to collab my little squad of madmen raining on your ransom parade

The idea just popped into my head and itd be kinda funny

Or just a couple of them: though none of them are particularly powerful

@Mercenary Lord

If y'all do that, and haven't already started, mind including me?

Sure, I'm okay with that. Hours are a bit spotty since I'm working third shift tonight, but I'll manage
Two days after the Behir

Everything had been prepared, Finch thought to himself. The mayor was secured away, alive albeit uncomfortable. His men had covered their tracks, and they had set themselves up in one of the hideouts they had managed to secure across the city. All the stuff they needed was here as well, and there had not been anyone immediately knocking down the door either. It was good for him.

Grinning, Finch checked himself over in the nearby mirror. A hand ran through his hair, combing a few errant strands into place before he nodded to himself. Looking good, and now it was time to get going. Which on second thought was actually pretty silly since he was just making a phone call. It wasn't like anyone could see him.

He supposed it was the thought that counted.

Clearing his throat, Finch grabbed the phone and dialed the police, at the exact time that he had said he would. In his minds eye he could imagine the scene, people clustered all about waiting on anticipation for that ring. Had he lied, would he called when he said he would? Now those worries could be put to rest for a whole new set. Undoubtedly they were recording him, so he was going to have to put on a good show.

"Hello, this is Finch speaking," he said into the phone. "As you most likely know by now, I currently have our beloved mayor in my tender care. Now, to those of you who know my reputation, I am not some cold blooded killer. And honestly I voted for the guy so I don't really want to hurt him. But being a criminal is as much a business as working as a store attendant, so I will if I have to. In this case, I would like a million dollars wired to the bank accounts that I am about to give you. Fail to do so by midnight tomorrow, and well, it appears your mayor won't be running for re-election. Understand?"

He then went on to deliver the numbers of the account as he had said that he would, before hanging up. It was short, to the point, but also long enough for them to trace the call back if they were smart enough to do that. And that trace would take them to the Hall of Mirrors at one of the old Carnival spots.

Grinning, Finch turned to his men. "Go get set up. I think we're going to have visitors soon." With that he kicked back in his seat to wait. They'd never pay that kind of ransom, so he was sure that the fun would begin shortly
Alicia Hayden

Though she would admit to still feeling uncertainty about the monster boy that she was currently talking with, Alicia had to say that, to her surprise, having some patience and the diplomatic solution seemed to be working out for once. It could be that they knew they were close to Beacon territory, which meant rapid reinforcements, but the justification didn't matter as much as the outcome of their confrontation itself.

She glanced towards the building, considering the offer he had as he presented it. It didn't seem like it would be that bad, and she could always come back and check later to make sure that he had followed through on it. As long as they ended up leaving that was the important part. A couple hours wouldn't make that much of a difference.

Then the violence started.

The wall practically disintegrated as something discharged, aimed at the rooftop across the street. Said rooftop practically exploded in dust and debris, which Alicia watched with a stunned expression for a few moments before rounding on the one responsible. Much to her sadness she found that it was her ally, attacking without provocation, threat, or reason.

There was the hint of sadness glittering in her eyes as she spun and aimed at the other girl. "Penny, stand down!" she barked, bowstring drawn back and ready to launch an arrow. They had been so close, so damn close!

Silent frustration clawed at her heart as she confronted her ally. Had this, all of this, been a mistake after all? She wasn't sure anymore.

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