Avatar of Flamelord


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6 yrs ago
Current Going in a trip over the weekend. Will be back on Sunday, probably no RP posts until then
6 yrs ago
>That awkward moment when you learn the religious revival movement you were headin was actually a vehicle for a Lovecraftian Abomination masquerading as a God to jack your body and take over the world
7 yrs ago
>That moment when you realize that you can only do fandom RPs because you're bad at original characters. This is what I get for never playing DnD


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Man, everyone is showing up for the party aren't they

Admiral Kardoff would find himself receiving a terse response, a telepathic message close to getting hit in the head with a brick as the crew of the uriotes made their displeasure known to him. Of course it could have been worse, since his experience with Jedi undoubtedly made it a bit more familiar of an experience than it would have been otherwise.

We serve the will of the Unity. Do not presume that we serve you, Admiral.

Having delivered that message, Valeran turned to the situation at hand. The shuttle had been eliminated but the individual aboard it had somehow shifted to one of the other ships. It was one of the ones they had detected before Anubis arrived, but she was not sure whether that meant it had been a deliberate act or not.

"Should I bring up a firing solution on that ship?" Denesther asked, not looking away from projections of the battlefield. She didn't need to look, not with their telepathic bond like it was.

After a moment Valeran shook her head. "No. If they brought him there deliberately then we must assume they know what they are getting in to.Anubis is still firing on them, so we can assume they are not working together either."

The text message from the enemy ships was received and promptly ignored, if only because they had no way to bring this agent aboard even if they wanted to. Unfortunately the Destra didn't have a fighter component, unlike some of the other ships that the Advent used. Instead they returned to focus on the current ongoing battle.

Turning about, the Kuriotes accelerated towards the rest of the ongoing fight, ignoring the fighters to instead focus on one of the carrier ships. Heavy Plasma weapons fired at the pyramid shaped vessel closest to their location, the Crusader slowly strafing for the moment as it focused on a target it could handle. That big one was a bit above their weight class so that would be left to someone with heavier firepower.

At the same time Valeran extended her hand, tapping into the Unity and activating different projection mechanisms. The crew of the vessel they were firing on would feel it, the anger radiating off of the Crusader as it fired, the determination to fight until their destruction. It would give them pause and hinder their combat abilities, assuming that they were not radically different from the TEC or the Vasari One problem had been reduced, for the moment it was time to deal with this 'Anubis'.
Also I expected someone to acknowledge the significance of my call for a fleet. I'm a little saddened lol

Tell me how you're different from the Trade Order and I'll consider it :P
@Anomaly758 yes, but especially with this being set in the Stargate Universe, with Earth such a major place... I can't resist going a Battlestar. not that I could resist anyway.

On the other hand, the Colonials worship the Greek gods, who are just the Goa'uld. Does that mean they'd side with the Snakes against us? :O
Ohhhhhh boy - finally finished! Hope it's good!

Does Vell mind if I smack his Admiral with telepathy :V
Well then, I see stuff happened

I know you said straight to the brig, but it's Palpatine. His well-honed reflexes and general Big Bad Guy nature means that there's got to be a fight scene. I'd feel guilty missing the opportunity, otherwise!

Eh, it's Star Trek. What would the franchise be without a transporter malfunction or ten :P
Alicia Hayden

Leaning against the railing, Alicia focused on recovering as she watched the ongoing battle. Her breathing deepened as she forced her muscles to relax, to recover the energy that she had burned if only to some small degree while Penny did what she could to keep the ship, and all of then, in one piece. It gnawed at her though, being only able to watch and having to trust that things would work out. She knew Penny would do her best but given how important this was, being forced to stand aside and not do anything was that much worse for her.

It was times like these that she really wished mana potions like from fantasy stories were a real thing. One would have been real useful about now.

Her musing was interrupted as the ice lady returned, picking up where cat girl had left off when she had been shot in the face by the Bastion's cannon. Even holding on to the railing Alicia found her legs knocked out from under her, the hold the only reason she didn't go tumbling. Which gave her the opportunity to see the ice golem as it emerged, bodily lifting the ship up out of the water on its own. "Okay, why doesn't anyone on our side have neat tricks like that," she grumbled to herself while quickly racking her brain to come up with some sort of solution. Maybe she could blind Doris with her light and buy therm a few-

The ship flipped over, and though she managed to hold on to the railing for a few seconds, her strength rapidly failed from all the fighting previously, leaving her tumbling through the air. She'd have grumbled more if she had the time, so instead she settled for crying out as she fell. Dimly aware of the sudden appearance of the fireball that sent the boat falling after her, Alicia did her best to right herself before hitting the water in something resembling a dive.

Hitting the water was a shock to her system, setting her shivering at how cold it was. Because of the height she plunged deep, and it was only thanks to her enhanced uniform that she hadn't been hurt more by the impact with the water or been dragged deeper down by her clothes. Pulling herself to a stop, she quickly oriented to where the castle was before hauling herself through the water in that direct, limbs burning in stark contrast to the freezing water as she desperately hauled herself away from where the boat was going to land. She couldn't keep this up long and would have to go up for air even sooner, but right now she needed to focus on getting distance. She might not be a sailor but she knew that upside down vessels didn't tend to stay on the surface, especially falling ones.

Then she'd just have to pray that nobody noticed her swimming along. She was a sitting duck here and was well aware of that fact. Could things get any worse?

Whee :V

Having sent out their message, the Unity found that there was little response. Perhaps the other ships around them did not possess significant development to detect their telepathic message, or they were merely too distant. The only one who did was that individual on the shuttle, and even if he claimed that he needed to be protected, they were loath to listen to him based on how he felt in their mind.

"Vessels emerging from phase space," Restris warned, just as the fleet emerged into view on the monitors. They were big, with some pyramid shaped vessels, some that were closer to discs, and one massive ship that would give even the Vasari's Evacuator a run for its money in size. "I don't recognize the ship types."

That further confirmed how far they were from home. And as the transmission came in, Valeran found herself more confused. Who was this Anubis? And what did he want with that shuttle?

The rest of the ships they were with had begun to react, launching a myriad of different strike craft and firing back with an eclectic assortment of weaponry. They were moving to defend the shuttle, perhaps unaware of the darkness lurking inside of it. Anyone who wanted something like that could not be trusted.

"Denesther, charge weapons. Lock on and fire at that shuttle," she intoned to her Psintegrate.

Normally one who would be eager for a fight, Valeran could feel the doubt in her subordinates mind. "Are you sure? That will make an enemy of basically everyone here."

Shaking her head, Valeran opened herself up to the Unity and the rest of the crew. "You all felt the aggression coming from that vessel, and now this 'Anubis' has brought a significant battle fleet to claim it. These others who have chosen to join in its defense do not recognize the snake in their midst. It falls upon us to eliminate the threat, and foil whatever scheme is in motion."

After a moment Denesther sighed, as she brought up the firing solution. "Well, I suppose there are worse ways to die," she muttered before activating the firing mechanism. Cannons fired, spewing bolts of plasma at the Imperial Shuttle while holding at range with shields active. First this threat, then they could deal with this 'Anubis'.
*Waves hands*

Spooky psychic powers~
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