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@Hekazu The Unnamable

Oh dear. Well, here they were. Steps descended the stairs. The man with the puppet would bolt up from the floor, leaving the task of mending the worst of the wounds on the deceased Markus unfinished once again, and quickly bow at the figure descending the stairs. She was, after all, the lady of the house, and by extrapolation its owner just as well. They were under her roof, and a fair bit of respect was in order. There was no immediate reaction from her it seemed, though once she saw just what had happened to her floor the reaction was... understandable. "Yes George, we ought to...", the man mumbled, glancing around worriedly. Doors were not a thing to usually run free, they were not. Now they were missing one. Most inconvenient, even annoying.

Slowly approaching the side of this 'Mad Mary', it was left to George and his voice to try and salvage what was salvageable of all this. "Indeed, most unfortunate, George does very much agree. It is with great reluctance that he admits these people who have quite thoughtlessly broken beneath your flooring are travelling companions of his... but he hopes there may be some olive branch to be extended here. Perhaps there is something you would require, he inquires", the puppeteer explained perhaps long windedly, shaking George just a bit every time he was mentioned in a sentence, "in order to set things right again?"

@Zverda Anala Attor

Before the woman had come into the room, Anala practically shoved a book and the necklace she had picked up into Talran's hand. "Take these, you could make better use of them than I possibly can, also... you should try this drink it is amazing!" she said as she wiggled the cup a bit. However, when she heard movement above the hole she made sure Lucian still had a grasp on her before she climbed up with some difficulty. Everything was harder with added weight and while she slipped a few times she managed to pull herself out, leaving the cup on Orhvin's hand seeing as he seemed more than pleased to try it. "Oh look! Company."

Anala was being rather sarcastic as she looked around and ushered Lucian somewhere that he would be safe. "You stay here my little one," she said to him, tapping his nose before going over to where George and his puppeteer were standing. She did not exactly feel bad for taking some of the things that had been left to gather dust, but she was a bit on edge now that their exit was gone.

@Irredeemable Orhvin Yi

Ach. Clearly his new travelling partners weren't fun at all when it came to looting. Apart from a few of them, that was always cool. Just as the Genasi was about to continue looting, his ears pricked up. Wine! Didn't look like the cheap stuff in the shelves either. Taking a swig of the cup, he felt the warmth of the alcohol run through him, smacking his lips. "Yeah, really good." A few nods and he drained the rest of the cup, idly swinging it back and hooking it to his belt.

There was more to loot though! He chuckled a little and looked down, frowning for just a moment. He could have sworn that there had been a ring here, but apparently that had not been the case. Or maybe someone else had picked it up... He couldn't tell. Sweeping up the obsidian in one smooth motion, he twisted his way through the air and let his quarterstaff rap upon the cabinet door. Sure, it wasn't anything special, but wine was wine! He stuffed five of the bottles into his sack, and as for the sixth... Well...

"You and I are going to become good friends!" A grin crossed his face and he uncorked the bottle with his teeth, idly pocketing a few bottles here and a lens there as he glugged down the first few mouthfuls of the rich stuff.

Just as he was about to be comfortable however, he... Ah, that was an issue. The woman seemed to have been attracted to them, and whilst Mhyrienne had put up an admirable technical defense of themselves, he doubted the woman would see it that way.

Unfortunately, this was a problem he could not punch his way out of. Especially since there was now no door to speak of, and without a door, no way to get out of the building. Ah well. He swigged the wine some more, ruminating a little as he did so.

Before he could really react, Talran found himself with a religious book in one hand and a set of prayer beads in the other. It was immediately obvious what exactly those beads were, but not what power they bore; sighing dejectedly, and glancing over to the unfortunate drunkard as whatever concoction Anala had handed him was chugged down, he placed the beads round his neck and stashed the book in his belt pouch, and began making the climb back up to the ground floor.

On his way up, he heard a lot of things. First, the arrival of Mad Mary herself, and her request for the child. Second, as he hauled himself up to where she'd been stood, the smell of sulphur crossed his nose, and the presence of very many tendrils of something leading out of her back; a manifestation, yet not demonic or undead so far as he could tell, swiftly ended by the nameless puppeteer's action.

@BCTheEntity Talran Galelove – Medium Friendly Paladin

And then the warning not to gaze into the mirrors. A warning his first companion failed to heed. The man vanished, puppet and all.

Talran found himself emitting some wordless noise of horror after a moment, for he didn't even have a name to utter. His climb concluded, he followed Anala over toward the mirror in question, keeping his body out of its reflective form and his gaze slightly averted at all times to ensure the mirror did not steal him away as it had stolen his ally. The wall next to it seemed a good place to look.

In due course, another appeared in the glass. And oh, how Talran was tempted to look upon her, for if she was trapped, and the puppeteer was trapped, then surely others were too? But he couldn't let himself be taken in, and it seemed the Lady had things under control after all. He merely uttered 'Try not to trap anyone forever,' before stepping away from the mirror and leaving matters to her.

In the meantime, he had other matters to consider. Lucian was well, the matter of Markus was dealt with, and he'd done all he could to prevent a lot of theft. Which meant checking other people's priorities. He could argue that many were at fault, but it seemed to him that the only one with no excuse was...

'Mhyrienne,' he uttered, stepping over to her with just a hint of foul temper, 'whilst Lady Anala seeks to free our trapped ally, would you care to explain why you weren't willing to so much as assist a fallen and badly wounded companion?' He gestured to Egil, still wounded, but much more alive than he would have been if left to his own devices. 'Egil could well have died for your choice to pursue the glory of the kill over his well-being. I hardly feel it would have been worth it, all things considered.'

@Lady Selune Mhyrienne – The Mildly Suspicious

The elf looked around now that the noblewoman was talking. In her hands was an ornate cup, with a rich, full bodied looking wine inside it. She may have been a lot of things- thief, potentially a murderer depending on how you looked at her actions, undoubtedly a less-than-profitable member of society, but she wasn't a sucker, and that was begging for a sucker to be reeled in.

She held a hand up and shook her head, turning away from the mug. There was a nice warm, rich-looking drink she was far more interested in, the woman sweeping up a potion and stuffing it in her belt, before pocketing a number of yellow-white gemstones. A few coins as well, just for good measure... But then the paladin had clambered down, and was chewing the trio out. She sighed, half-swearing in elvish, and turned to face him properly.

"I'm not sure if you're aware of this, with your armor in the way, but this isn't a normal house. No insane woman has a basement with magical jewelry and gold in it completely unused. This place has been visited recently, and frequently, and not by someone shuffling." The woman looked around.

"In other words, I believe that all we're doing is... Liberating this from the original thieves." She brushed her cloak down a little, and then walked over the hole that she had descended down. Just as she was about to rocket up, she realized something. The kid was on the woman’s shoulders.

She walked over to Lucian, reaching up. "Here. You might not be able to read Elvish, but the pictures are still there." She placed the children's book in his arms. “You should be grateful- I wish I had that sort of thing growing up." A slight smile crossed her face, although it was instantly crushed what she realized she was doing.

The moaning sob no longer floated through the vibrant foyer, coloring the thoughts of Egil with renewed sadness. The harrowing howl, which spiraled from the second story of the adorned and barricaded townhouse, stifled into a dark somber emptiness. A final whimper exalted into silent, slothful footsteps emanating from the master bedroom until a pair of shoulders and a shawl crept into view, staring at the serrated floor, circumscribing four burglars and their child.

"No. Nooooo. NOOOOOOO!!!!!"

>The once previous entrance/exit has now mystically become a wall, now bearing a matching mirror, harkening the beckon of the woman.

@Hekazu The Unnamable

Not much time had passed at all, and already everything was descending into madness. First someone breaks through the floor, then the loudest scream the puppeteer had had the joy of witnessing through the auditory sense screamed out... but there was something wrong in it. For something so loud, it felt flat. Must be the fact how the woman consumed by her madness could not hold a believable note in the first place. But not only was it enough that one nut-job would break through the floor, there would be more. People followed the drunk like he was some well versed guide instead of more likely doing something in his impaired state.

Despite all this, the puppeteer made honest attempts at focusing on doing a quick patch job on the rips and tears on the Vistani guide's body, only to fail as now people began to start hollering out from downstairs. Good heavens, why couldn't they just... George crossed his arms across his chest, and one could swear the expression of the doll twisted towards the pouty side, though that might simply be mirroring the expression of the handler on the non-living thing. The barefoot man approached the broken hole in the floor, face slowly contorting to that of anger.

"Why yes, it is perfectly reasonable to break through the floor of an inhabited house, be it the inhabitant is not quite sane. And you would seek to plunder everything not nailed down too? George would like to point out that your behavior is nothing short of silly!" the man's voice carried an irritated message, followed by a puff of air through the nose. "And you would do so in front of not only the watchful gaze of the mirror, but the many painted eyes just as well! Were you raised on the rooftops, or perhaps in a barrel full of salted fish?" With that, the man puffed again and began turning back, before realizing that something else of importance was spoken.

This would require a bit of thought, it would. Why would the guide be buried? Would they not rise anew? This place could not be... The man pat a few spots of his body with the free hand and shook his head. No, that was not the case. So why? Crouching back down and looking to resume with what had already been underway, those thoughts raced free. Why was a burial in order? Was it the will of the victim? Or perhaps a decision of someone else? Were the Vistani unwanted rebels?

@BCTheEntity Talran Galelove – Medium Friendly Paladin

...honestly, Talran was wondering if the Lady Anala was somebody he ought to look up to when it came to good will. For starters, she'd covered Lucian's ears without a second thought for her own hearing, which Talran would generally consider noble, if unnecessary. Were that all, he'd have naught to worry about, but she went on to explain more plainly than he had exactly why heading back outside was infeasible, and further comforted the boy in a way he'd perhaps failed to.

Then again, she was now looting this basement, the same as Mhyrienne and the newest, most drunken party member - something that George's puppeteer plainly explained wasn't exactly good-hearted. What followed was not necessarily sane, but his prime point remained valid.

'I'll try to prevent as much of the theft as I can,' Talran told Egil and the nameless puppeteer, a bit of annoyance on his face at the whole scenario. He was also being specifically called down by Lady Anala, anyway, so it was a doubly-good reason. 'If you spy anything suspicious, just call for us.' With that said, he clambered his way down the rope too, landing next to the others as they engaged in their looting and passing-around of items. Oh, this wouldn't do, not at all- and right, he still had to discuss Mhyrienne's behavior earlier!

'Alright, let me make this clear to you all,' he uttered, talking to all three of the would-be thieves. 'I understand that these items might not have been in use, but they are technically still owned by somebody, presumably whoever owns this house. Things might be different if the owner had nefarious ideas in mind for them, but so far as I can tell, her only crime is a loss of sanity due to grief. And you'd steal from a poor mad woman? For shame.' Frankly, he didn't expect to get through to these people, but the effort was important in and of itself. Following through after the fact, he pondered, might be a touch more difficult, but he'd have to see how that turned out as it happened.


The boy covered his ears, upon the incessant sounds of the intense strikes and howls. After the duo floated into the hole with the wooden floor, the child dropped his bandaged arms to the side.. "Dreams? Why would Grandma do that? Never mind." Another moan, matching the ferocity of Mhyrienne's minor illusion, bellowed out. "Oh no! I believe Mary's getting madder. I have heard Mom tell stories of her anger, because children hide instead of doing what they are supposed to." Remembering the zombies and Markus' expiration, the lanky seven year old began to whimper slightly with a consequent sobbing sniff. "Mister Holy Angel Man sir, please take me out of here."

@Zverda Anala Attor

Anala reflexively covered Lucian's ears rather than her own when the howl filled the room from Mhyrinne's spell, the sound causing her to wince and grit her teeth. She understood why the Warlock had done it, but the sound had been so loud that part of her wanted to hall off and punch the woman. It was aggravating and rather annoying to say the least. She was silent for awhile as she looked around, spotting a few things she could use and contemplating a few things before she was addressed by Talran. "Just the sword," she said slowly, "Something to remember my dear friend by. Maybe one other thing, but other than that he needs to be buried with what he owns, as is their custom."

After that, she listened to Lucian ask to be taken out of there and she frowned, she didn't want the child to get hurt. "Lucian dear," she said to the boy, crouching down to his level and resting a soft hand on his cheek, "I know it is scary in here, and we can hide you if needed I am sure, but it is far too dangerous to bring you outside right now. Look what the sleet did to you in the short time you were out there, I would hate for you to get further injured or possibly killed because whichever God Grandmother was cursing decided it time to punish the land. I understand that this is a scary place for you, but you are with us and we will keep you safe the best we can. Now, why don't you help me find you a safe place to hide just incase?" She smiled at him and offered to lift the boy up if he so wished it. While she was not the strongest out of those here, a 7 year old was rarely ever too heavy for her to pick up.

Lucian seemed troubled for a moment, but eventually put his arms up to be lifted by the Sorceress, to which she did so with little difficulty before plopping him on her hip. With the child holding onto her, she went to join the other two in the lower level and rummaged around a bit, Lucian on her back now rather than her hip so she had use of her arms as she picked through things. First she took a look at a few things with mild interest before grabbing two books, a necklace, one of the potions, a handful of gold that seemed to be laying about and then stared at a lined necklace. She tapped her chin in a thoughtful manner before nodding her head and grabbing that too. After a moment, she studied the mug that she had seen, curious about it but not really having the desire to keep it as it filled with a beautifully colored red wine. Curious, she sipped at it and found the liquid to be rather delicious. "Hey Mhyrienne, you should try this, it's really good," she said.

"Also, Talran, get down here, I have a book for you that you might like," She called up, "And you should prolly try this drink too, it's surprisingly sweet actually." She held the cup out to Mhyrienne and waited for the woman to take it as she waited for the... well she thought he was a cleric but maybe he wasn't? Regardless, he needed to get down here so she could give him things.

@BCTheEntity Talran Galelove – Medium Friendly Paladin

Mad Mary, hm... delusion could explain her howling, though perhaps that delusion was caused by some aspect of Morgantha's cruelty? If she'd taken Gertrude, and the madness had come about afterward... somehow, the thought of contemplating this was uncomfortable. Like another was watching them, judging them.

A drunken fist smashing into wood broke him out of his considerations, and he began to tell Lucian, 'We can leave as soon as the rain ceases,' only to be rendered unable to say more than this by an impossibly loud, piercing howl; immediately clamping his hands over his ears, trusting that Lucian would have the same reflex, he glanced around to try and figure out who in Helm's name was doing this.

His eyes ultimately landed upon Mhyrienne, the Elven woman nothing like as shocked as the others at the noise, and staring directly at the apparent source of the hollering. He wasn't sure whether this was her doing, but he could hazard a guess at the matter.

Once the Genasi's punching ceased, and the screeching noise abated, Talran removed his hands from his ears again, frowning at Mhyrienne for causing it, before returning his kinder attention to Lucian again. He reminded himself that he had to ask Lucian about a certain matter...

'Child,' he started, 'just so you know, I get the distinct impression that Morgantha isn't done with you yet. In the near future, if you have any... how can I put this, odd dreams, dreams where she or another in her stead try to convince you of anything, or dreams that seem designed to try and terrify you, and in any case are recalled perfectly afterwards, do feel free to come to me about them, if you wish to see them sorted.'

He felt his speech was less persuasive than he was hoping, but hopefully, he wouldn't need to say much to convince the child to talk about it, especially with a paladin. Once he received an answer from him, he nodded and stood, ready to move to the next item on his list.

'Lady Anala,' he called, stepping over to her, his face twisting into a bit of a frown as he considered what to say next. She had been good friends with Markus, or so he understood from how she reacted to meeting him again. So, then, she'd be grieving his loss, and a few kindly words might be of use.

'I, ah... feel I ought to say, I'm so dreadfully sorry for what happened to Markus,' he began, tone slightly sorrowful, but largely remorseful. 'I truly wish I could have done something to save him, and- well, I'm sorry for your loss, my lady. If you'd like to talk further, I'll always have a shoulder or two for others to lean on,' he offered. Naturally, he felt that it'd only be right for her to take on Markus' possessions. He imagined it'd be what he'd want in this situation, and until further notice, he'd make sure to the best of his ability that no others filched them from his body.

Not that they'd be interested for now, given the antics the Genasi and Mhyrienne were apparently up to in the hole Orhvin had punched his way into. The man's rope throw had been quite exceptional, and the Elf was consequently taking advantage of it to take a large portion of treasure. Hrm. Let her have it, then, for now at least; he had more important matters to attend to.


The child looked at the kneeling knight, no longer armored with an angelic ambiance, as another motherly moan belted from the second floor. Lucian quickly covered the final patch of burned skin, now bandaged by the lead manservant of Anala. A little of the Sithican salve crept away beneath the cloth turniquet as Sebastian finished the last tie, spilling the ointment on the metallic shoe of Talran.

"I'm good. Thank you, sir. But can we get out of here? Mad Mary's screams scare me. My parents say no one can help her."

At that juncture, another wail befitting a banshee loomed into the foyer.

"My Gertrude! Wheeeeeerrrreeee arrrrrreeeeee yoooouuuuu?"

The partly mummified boy appealed to everyone else's caution.

"See what I mean. She can get really loud for hours."

@Irredeemable Orhvin Yi

Orhvin twitched a little. Not at running or the sleet, or really much of anything, but because he was paying attention. This place gave him the creeps, that was for sure. Examining the room, he dragged his eyes across each inch, and then knelt down to tap the floorboards a few times. Shuffling to one side, he continued to tap, and then raised his arm up high.

The first punch against the floorboard caused a chunk to shudder and break off. Reaching down, he flicked away the chunk of wood and shook out his hand, pulling it back. Another thundering punch, but although the wood shuddered at the impact, his first came out worst off. Another punch, and that too resulted in bruised knuckles, but the fourth punch bore fruit again, the monk feeling the wood out of sight of his fist creak and weaken.

One more punch. Ok, maybe the one after? He slammed his fist back down, and felt as the wood gave way, splintering underneath his arm and his entire forearm vanishing into the floor. Pulling his arm back, he blew on his bruised knuckles, and peered down into the hole.

The eyes of the Genasi came across stalactites and stalagmites underneath the wooden flooring and further below in a claustrophobic chamber, dimly lit by eerie glowing orbs, in all eight corners. The exitless room, twenty feet down, bore a large, decorated stone chair, as well as a fountain, dry but without dust, and a well-stocked wet bar. Treasure, books and bottles were strewn about, collecting curiosity and intrigue afore the drunk monk.

>Orhvin has muscled his way into the basement. A lot of noise has transpired.

"Well would'ya look at that?" The monk raised an eyebrow. Taking a knee, he placed a hand underneath the hole he had smashed open, and lifted the plank aside. Underneath, he indicated for the party to come over. "Someone's been doing some renovations here..."

He continued to peer down, assessing each part of the subterranean room, and then dropped down. He was glad he was slender, since it was a fairly tight fit to take him and his gear down there with him, but as soon as he began to fall down, he felt the air around him thicken.
The balls of his feet lightly touched down onto the floor, and he rocked back and forth a little bit, running a hand through his slightly rumpled hair. On the one hand there was the bar, but the only thing he could see were a few bottles of old Marrivy Red, and he had drunken that so many times that he wasn't even sure if he truly enjoyed it, or it was just familiar to him.

No, the loot on the ground was a lot more interesting to him. He used his quarterstaff like a makeshift stick, prodding at one of the necklaces there. Then, he hooked the end of his quarterstaff through the loop that formed the neck, and tossed it up into the air, catching it with his crown and letting it slide down onto his neck. Comfortable. He had seen a few of these carried by a few Genasi- especially helpful when you could hold your breath like he could.

"Seems safe enough, although no guarantees. Any of you guys got rope up there? If not uh..."

The looter fumbled around a bit in his sack, and then produced a spool of red silken rope. "I've got something for you guys hah!"

@Lady Selune Mhyrienne – The Mildly Suspicious

She had barely had time to react from coming in from the freezing cold when she was confronted by the place... And the wailing. Sighing, she looked around, and was about to take a step forward when she heard a distinctive 'crunch'ing noise from the floor. Turning her head, she saw...

"What the fuck are you doing? You'll draw the attention of everyone here?" The elf hissed out, but the monk wasn't stopping... Fine.


Another large scream, but this one didn't come from the wailing woman. No, instead the warlock was plugging her fingers in her ears, eyes directed on the room that she could hear the noises coming from. It wasn't much, but it should ad least give the idiot some covering noise so that they weren't sussed too easily.

>Mhyrienne casts Minor Illusion and ramps the volume to max to cover up Orhvin's actions.

When he was done, she had the voice trail off, looking around. Perhaps he hadn't been noticed? Small blessing in that case. Watching as the monk pulled off the plank, she hurried over and peered down, eyes quickly adjusting to the gloom.

Looked pretty safe. Just the loot and the booze. Drunkard would probably be going for that, but she had her sights on something else. Almost as soon as the Genasi had touched down, she nodded at the group and folded her arms, taking a backwards step and plummeting through the hole.

Just as she was about to crash onto the bottom, hair streaming upwards, she suddenly, and dramatically slowed down, until she was hovering just a few inches off the ground. Then, without any other motion, she let herself fall the last inch, landing neatly on her feet with just the slightest billow of her cloak.

Then, she looked around. Books and so on around here, and she hadn't seen anything that would indicate to her that there would be issues... She stooped down and picked one up, leafing through it. Almost as soon as she saw one of the pages, she scowled and hurled it down onto the ground, turning her attention to the other items littered around.

She stooped down as she made her way towards the robe, fingers sweeping along the ground. She hadn't seen any traps here, which was good enough for her... And the robe seemed to be magical. Picking it up, she examined it. Patches, all over it.

She knew of these robes.

"Don't suppose anyone's going to mind me taking some mouldy old clothes," she muttered underneath her breath, sweeping it into her rucksack in a small bundle, and watching as the monk threw up a line for the others.

Cracking one of her fingers, she looked at another one of the books, opening it up. It was the... The same one as the other one. Little fuckers. "If you don't come down, I'm taking all the loot."

@Zverda Anala Attor

Anala rode up to the building and found a place to stash her horse where it would be safest before stepping inside, an almost annoyed expression on her face. No one had told her that she would have to deal with Acid Sleet in her travels. Then again, no one really knew what she was doing anyway so it wasn't like she had given them the chance to tell her what to expect from the places outside of her home. Letting out a sigh, she went over to Sebastian and Lucian to check on the child, he was badly injured but he would live and that was more than she could say for Markus. While he had been a great friend, maybe it was best that someone who truly knew her was no longer around, even if his death did hurt.

"Think there is a way to make them shut up?" she asked with a raised brow, "Maybe would should see what those crocodile tears are all about in a village that is supposedly high on Dream Pastries." She made a face, such disgusting things those were, stopping people from facing the reality in which they needed to see. There was no point in hiding from something that would never go away and it was cowardly to do so.

Then there was the fact that the strange man who had offered no name but his puppet's was dragging the corpse of their Guide. No one had been able to save Markus and by dumb luck the Paladin had been able to save Egil before he died. Maybe it wasn't dumb luck though? She shook her head, no use thinking about how things could have gone if that was not the way they had went. For now they needed to nurse wounds and figure out what exactly was happening is this strange place.

@BCTheEntity Talran Galelove – Medium Friendly Paladin

Your companions have slain the dead in your stead. Why falter from your purpose?

'Why let a man die needlessly?' Talran murmured under his breath in response. The drunken monk, despite appearances, managed quite tactfully to put down both remaining zombies in a single blur of motion, and Egil was already looking more put-together for having been healed before his impending doom arrived. Equally, the others all seemed to be alive and well, their unfortunate guide excepted; yet even he was being brought into the building by the nameless owner of George the puppet, a process Talran made an effort to assist with, at least before the man in question apparently teleported a significant distance.

There were many matters to address in the near future, such as Zaerith's nature and Mhyrienne's priorities. First and foremost, though, Lucian's health. The moment Talran entered the building and espied the discarded guide, he moved into the air, swooping over the boy's head on his wings of light in a way that he hoped drew attention away from the mauled body, and landing deftly before him and the Lady Anala's manservant. The voice seemed to want to press him further, to address the boy's weakness directly, but with screwed-up eyes and a focused effort, he pressed his angelic heritage back into himself, contained and, as he generally found, unable to rise again for a while yet.

'Ah... tell me, lad, are you faring decently?' he asked the boy whilst kneeling down to match his height, again an effort to draw his mind away from the trauma of the guide's desecrated corpse. Part of his to-do list would also involve bearing his sympathies to Anala, for she seemed to have been good friends with Markus, but that ought to come later. He recalled, too, the lock of hair Morgantha had stolen from Lucian; that, he felt, might be the more important matter, if she did in fact utilize it the way he thought she would.

@Lady Selune Mhyrienne – The Mildly Suspicious

Her companions... Were running off. No need for her to stick around then. Flicking her arm out wide, she let the black blood of the giant zombie clean itself, before watching as the blade dissipated. As it turned out, the monk seemed quite capable at what he was doing, despite the copious amounts of imbibed alcohol, and she rapidly found herself having to hurry along with the group... With the strange man who talked to his puppet managing to cross an extraordinary distance in the blink of an eye.

Perhaps he was less crazy than she thought he was. Or maybe he was just extraordinarily good at concealing his wisdom behind a veneer of insanity. Either way, she was now sprinting as fast as she could, long legs meaning that she was more than capable of matching pace with the rest of the group. They burst into the building, the elf finding herself a little rattled.

She had realized something, on that street. The connection between the mysteries of this town. Running a hand through her hair, which the accursed sleet had done nothing to help her with, she checked herself down, making sure that she hadn't been too bad. Now then.

What was this place doing as boarded up and abandoned as it was?

@Hekazu The Unnamable

It was over. Finally so. It was over. "Good things come to those who wait, patience is rewarded", the man mumbled to the puppet sitting on the hand concealed within it. George turned his head towards his handler and nodded, the hunched form of his handler swiping the newly blood covered cudgel on the at last unmoving corpse, removing the worst of it before placing the instrument of directed violence back under the tattered coat. Now that the immediate threat was dealt with, there was more that needed attending to. One of these things would be their guide.

It had been awfully inconvenient of the man to die, that much had to be said. "Very well George, if you say a closer look is in order", the puppeteer would confirm with the raven haired doll and walk onward, checking the extent of the wounds on the man laying in the dirt and stinging sleet. "Not too good, but not too bad. You are correct George, you are correct indeed", the man resumed rambling and grabbed the deceased by the collar, starting to drag them towards their haven of safety.

The act of dragging was slow, and with the ever looming threat of falling to the acidic rain alternative means for this act were called for. With the broken rows of teeth bit together, the mind behind those purple eyes focused on a matter it had not bothered with for quite some time now. And the pathways of this reality were open to it, to both traverse and alter as seen fit. A foot was brought forward, and a piece of the road from several feet away rushed under the man's foot to carry them onwards, thrusting them to the hands of another piece. To those watching, the sudden burst in speed would be difficult to even follow, but what little could be made out was a blurry figure of both the puppeteer and the man being dragged, only with the slight sensation of something being wrong. But it was over soon, and the man would open the door and enter the building Sebastian had already brought the kid in.

Ignoring any adverse reactions of the child, the corpse of the guide would be dragged away from the door to make space and flopped off to the side. There had been no suspicious flashes in the mirror. There was a quick look around, but with no imminent threats remaining, the puppeteer would allow George another look at the corpse. "Yes George, all in due time. Good things come to those who wait", the puppeteer would confirm, before turning to face the spiral staircase. "But you are right, those crocodile tears are most infuriating."

>The Unnamable uses three (3) psi to use the Nomad's Step discipline, teleporting for 60 feet after dragging the corpse of the guide for 30 feet. With his focus having been shifted to said discipline, he gains an additional 10 feet of speed which is used to enter the safety of the building walls. Bonus action goes to mystic recovery once more. The Unnamable and the corpse of the Vistani guide Markus are now inside, near the door.


He gasped for life. Once more.

The champion's filthy fingers clenched a groundful of burning powder as he rose to his aching feet, savoring the same abandoned world.

Again. But now with an angel?

It had been a hellish eternity since Egil had awakened from that butcher's block, eartagged and covered in stained rags. He traced the incisions on his face that this nightmare, mystically disecting from Old Svalich Woods to Barovian Village.

Remained veracious. Just as clear as the heavenly command.

"Seek shelter. Now!"

His body heeded this beckon, following the connaissant movements of a previous villainous occupation. That ever familiarity of streets and their imputrid kind burdened him with the title of Vine of Vaasa, a gradual vigilantism that bore no fruit amongst the forsaken nation of his birth. The bestowed moniker became a mockery to the famous noose he had knotted for the many that refused to devoutly bend the knee to the corrupt theocracy, his lips swore to protect. Egil betrayed the office of state executioner, sensing the cumulative turmoil of innocent blood on his unclean hands. However, no amount of righteousness would rid the sands of sin that blinded his soul's eye.

Until now.

The fighter accepted the unwelcomed redemption, dashing furiously to the moaning house, where Sebastian and Lucian curiously entered. The relinquished pony whinnied, urging him also unto inner safety.

>Each player gains their next level's max HP before suffering acid sleet x 1, in the assumed lieu of reaching the destined canopy. The Tavern likely appears to be across the road from where they are, about another 120 feet away. Anala's manservant has taken the child inside to tend to his wounds and to escape from any possible further threats in the streets of the village of Barovia.

As each party member enters, there is a foyer with a spiral staircase. Many rooms are boarded and barricaded except a second story where an incessant wail of melancholy ignores the below barge of all.
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