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3 yrs ago
Undertow only makes me think of Tool. Good album though.
3 yrs ago
Incest in 1x1 interest check. Opinion invalidated.
3 yrs ago
Yeah don’t ever recall BLM charging the US Capitol building, scaling the walls, attacking Capitol police and breaking windows to enter.
3 yrs ago
RIP America 1776 - 2021. We had a good run.
3 yrs ago
If I am made mod I will do what everyone truly desires and delete the status bar.


  • Male.
  • Twenty six years old.
  • EST USA timezone.
  • Been RPing since 2011.
  • Mainly into sci-fi RPs.
  • GM'd and been a player in too many roleplays to list.



Feel free to hit me up if you wanna RP with me or have a RP idea you think I might be into.

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Has my approval too!
A flash of relief shivered through Zes as he felt Malcom lose his grip and fall. The undercover assassin peaked his head to the side and watched as the armored man fell. A smirk formed on the Falleen's face as he watched the fool fall through traffic seemingly headed for a fall not even he would survive. The smirk disappeared more quickly than it came as Malcom impacted with a large freighter then latched himself onto it. Luck was not on Zes' side today. He sighed angrily then clenched onto the controls of his speeder and rocketed forward as he sped through traffic, getting out of the sight of the armored commander. He had failed in his attempt to take the man's life, a rarity for the skilled assassin. Malcom had been a constant thorn on the Sith's side for a very long time, his death would've been welcome news for many in the Empire. Still the day was not lost entirely, he had provided an ample distraction for the infiltration of the Temple and now he had to flee.

Zes suspected just about every single Republic soldier on Coruscant knew of his attack on Malcom, though his identity had not been compromised. He needed to ditch this speeder as soon as possible then find his way back to the underbelly of the world where his contact awaited his return. A change of clothes would be a wise idea as well. He could still disappear into the streets then leave this wretched, disgusting world behind. It was so rift with corruption and failure, a true monument to the Republic. He couldn't wait to be off it and back to Korriban.

The sith's eyes caught sight of a parking lot to located below the flow of traffic. Next to an apartment complex, it would do for a spot to discard his ship. He was not that far from where his contact suggested them to meet up once the mission was finished. A seedy, unimportant dive bar tucked in the mean streets of Coruscant where the authorities did not often go. Once he met up with his contact then he'd be ferried off world before going on his way back to Korriban. He wouldn't have dared to fly his Imperial Interceptor to this world, that would have set off all kinds of alarms. Instead he had to rely on the trusting his contact though Zes had no reason to suspect the man of treachery beyond his usual paranoia of people. He had not told the contact of his exact plannings, as far as they knew he was simply a Sith that had business on Coruscant. The credits in the man's pockets ended any potential questioning.

The speeder gently set down in the parking lot, in a corner of the busy lot. He could ditch the vehicle here, take everything he brought with then start walking towards the meetup point. Along the way he'd find a merchant selling clothing and take care of the issue. Zes briefly thought of torching the speeder but that would only draw more eyes. There was nothing to link it to him. The robed assassin climbed out of the speeder with swiftness, the only thing he brought with him not on attached to him was a compact satchel containing some essential supplies and explosives. As he hooked it around one shoulder the Falleen walked quietly away from the speeder and out of the parking lot. None of the denizens of the area gave him much more than a passing glance before returning to their mundane lives.

Zes walked down a long busy street filled with people, aliens of all shapes and varieties. As he did so many times before he seemingly disappeared into the crowd, well on his way to getting off Coruscant. The burden of failure hung in his head, the thought of Malcom still taking breath jabbed at the back of his head. He felt his hand begin to shake in anger before he seized control of his emotions. The assassin would address his own failures once he was offworld and back in Sith space. Still, the day was far from a lost one.
The sun had set in the clear Tython skies. The incidents of today would never be forgotten by the Jedi Order even as calmness had once more returned to the world. The brave Jedi they had lost had been accounted for, those still missing continued to be searched for. Funeral processions were planned for those confirmed dead on a tragic day. As the stars dotted the darkened skyline a group of Jedi gathered behind the temple, each one clad in robes with hoods raised as a sign of brotherhood and respect. Upon a raised funeral pyre laid the corpse of the knight Elav Chiyoa upon a bed of wood. The deceased twi’lek had been laid in a peaceful position, eyes shut as no more life reverberated within them. His hands had been gently folded over his chest, with his twin lightsabers placed in his palms.

Kyla walked towards the pyre slowly, a flame lit torch in hand. As the battlemaster walked she kept her emotions strong while internally sadness flowed through her. As she took her last steps towards Elav’s body she felt the eyes of her fellow gathered Jedi upon her and then Elav’s corpse as she tossed the torch onto the pyre. Tears welled in her eyes as the pyre ignited and flames danced over the fallen knight’s body. She heard birds chirp in the trees as a cool breeze echoed in the wind. The cremation’s flames grew higher as they fully enveloped the deceased warrior, a proper funeral for one of the bravest Jedi.

“Still hard to believe he’s gone.” Kyla stated softly as she approached her padawan San, then turned and stood solemnly alongside the girl and her fellow Jedi. The battlemaster had not been at a proper Jedi funeral in a few years. She had not missed them.

This had been the padawan’s second funeral attendance, a sight that she had not grown used to as she was constantly reminded of her previous master’s death. The words of her current master hardly registered as the memories almost took her. Then, the words clicked and she blinked out of her stupor, allowing the memories nor the event get to her. It was sad, but the words and meditation with her friend had gone along way to improve her mind and allow it to rest from the chaos of the day.

“I may not know him as well as you had, master. But he died for the Order, for that I respect him,” San Anin said calmly, before looking to her master. For a moment, her gaze fixated itself upon her master before hesitantly looking at her feet. She squirmed a bit, “I-“ she paused. “I can f-feel your sadness, m-master,” she said softly, barely loud enough to be heard and would easily have been confused for a mumble to someone who was not actively listening for her.

“He was a man deserving of plenty of respect. He gave his life to save us.” Kyla stated calmly, then thought of what her padawan had told her. It was the second time San had mentioned it so it must have been concerning the young girl.

“You told me before San, but we had other matters to attend to. That’s not an unheard of power among a select few Jedi. It's a difficult one to have, emotions are a powerful thing. I will try to help you the best I can.” She added as the funeral pyre continued to crackle and cremate the fallen Jedi’s body. Elav was truly with the Force now.

San Anin shifted a bit as she stood there, never looking up to see Elav as his body became ashes, not comforted by knowing that her power was not unheard of. “B-but I felt every little thing, anger, sadness…” she stopped to think, “I could hardly know which emotion was mine and which belonged to another. I-it’s still hard to t-tell.”

“It’s a strange and confusing thing but you must not allow it to conflict you.” Kyla stated as the funeral ended. The gathered Jedi gave their final respects then began to depart. Once the flames died down the fallen knight’s ashes would be collected and buried on Tython.

“I shall bring it up to Grandmaster Shan and the rest of the Jedi council. Such a power is one which can easily become unmanageable. Rest assured San, I will help you.” Kyla added, placing an arm on her confused padawan’s shoulder. She gave one final look towards the flaming ashes of her fully departed friend before walking away from the funeral pyre. Elav and his sacrifice would never be forgotten.

“W-why does the r-rest of the council n-need to know?!” San Anin said in surprise as she followed her master, not looking back at Elav. The fact of the council knowing of her ability brought her nervousness of dealing with other people back. Social awkwardness was quite the killer.

“I-I mean, t-there is n-nothing wrong with t-that, b-but sure it’s e-enough for you to k-know,” the padawan continued, going into a further explanation of why the council would not need to know. Eventually, the long winded explanation turned into mumbles as the padawan continued and continued as she followed her master.

“Its for the best, trust me San. Its better they know and can help you in understanding this ability. They won’t yell at you or hurt you. Plenty of Jedi go before the council to seek guidance.” Kyla replied as they walked back inside the temple along.

“As I said before this ability is a rarity but it is not unheard of. The archives speak of a select few with it.” She added, then paused in her stride to pull in San for another hug. “I appreciate you telling me about this, today has been a rough day. I want you to rest up for tomorrow as we will be training.”

“Y-yes, m-master,” San Anin said, returning the hug of her master before speaking again, “G-grandmaster S-Satele already k-knows.”

“Good. I shall speak to her about it sometime soon. For now get some rest please, San.” Kyla replied with a nod and another comforting pat on the back before she walked away from her padawan. The veteran Jedi herself could feel the tiredness from a rough day in her own bones.

Looking for some more badass Mandalorians!
@Dusty has my approval too. Welcome aboard!
Moreover I wanted a character that would be physically intimidating on the simple merits of being way to large.

But still easily fell to (but not finished by) eventual badass battlemaster Kyla Vondin.
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