Avatar of HylianRose


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2 mos ago
Current Busy with life stuff! Should be around tomorrow, pending work.
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3 yrs ago
nothing like looking through old rps to make you miss it all again. </3
5 yrs ago
Just popping in to let everyone know I'm not dead. ...that is all.
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6 yrs ago
Sorry to all of those that I flaked on. If I had an excuse, I already forgot what it was.


29 year old writer.

Hi, I'm Rose. I RP and stuff.

Most Recent Posts

I will post as soon as i am able. I've been away from my laptop these past few days.

Mentions: None

Lain tried to keep to herself while the others talked. She really didn't feel like dealing with others or the fight that seemed to be brewing nearby. Though it was no surprise that the others seemed to forget she existed, Lain still felt a bit hurt that her presence didn't seem to amount to much. Then again, she was practically trying to disappear on the spot.

She lifted her head when the teacher started talking, but the entire situation was making her nervous. She felt hot and a little bit nauseous. Like the room was spinning slightly and she could hear a ringing in her ear. She took in slow deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She didn't like any of this. The idea of not hiding your powers, the fighting going on, the teachers. She did not want to be here and that was the only thought going through her mind. She could care less what the teachers wanted or what the students wanted.

Just... let me leave. Please...

Who would she get as a partner? For some reason, she was really hoping for the dragon guy because at the very least he might be able to stop her if things got out of hand. He looked like he could take on anything her uncontrollable powers could dish out at him... She glanced at Eric next to him. She really did not want to be partnered with him. He looked so normal and... she really didn't want to hurt him.
@Ebil Bunny I don't watch anime much anymore. So, none really. I think the last anime I watched was Project K? -shrugs- I watch a lot more dramas these days than anime. The most recent one I watched, I believe, was the K2. Which, I'm still watching but like... Ji Chang-Wook is <3. I don't think I like the K2 as much as I did Healer tho. Mainly because Healer had a lot more gadgets and cool stuff. And K2 is just like... "I beat people up. Hi."
I was sniiiped. Lol. I fixed it tho, so no issues. :D

Mentions: @Aphelion & @Enalais

"OH Elaine, that's it! It was driving me absolutely nuts trying to figure it out! Lucky laughed, giving her thigh a light slap. "Well, Lain, you really don't have anything to worry about with Lady J' here. She really does have everything under control. If anything..."

If Lain was honest, the comment did little to calm her beating heart but the idea of it was more soothing than not. Even if everything were under control, she still didn't like the idea of being around others or possible showing off her powers. It didn't sit well with her at all.

Lucky paused for a moment, looking Elaine over. "You may want to relax and take some deep breaths. You seem pretty nervous. Is this your first class at the Haven?"

Lain stood still for a moment, thinking about how she wanted to answer Lucky when another student came up to greet them. He looked oddly normal. She was still staring at Eric when she answered Lucky's question, "Y-Yes..."

However, was she really ready to 'strut her stuff' as Eric had asked? A frown formed on Lain's face as she quietly turned away and stared down at the floor again. "N-No... She mumbled quietly to herself, though she was almost certain her responses would confuse both students.

"Teachers cute though." She heard Eric laugh. The comment prompted her to look back up at the teacher before settling her gaze back down at the floor, her movements slow and cautious. The teacher still intimidated her so she couldn't look past the fear to see the appeal. "Yeah..." She replied softly, a lie but she didn't really feel like explaining herself and agreeing usually meant less talking.

The thud of another new coming prompted Lain to look up once again and her eyes widened at the sight. What the heck was that... thing? She blinked, staring at him for a moment before her face softened as she once again reminded herself of the looks people often gave her after she transformed back from an episode. With a shuddering sigh, she turned her head again to stare at the floor. She was starting to make out little pictures in the wood grain...

Mentions: @Aphelion

Lain turned when another student approached her who... glowed? She blinked for a moment, unable to help staring when she remembered how much she hated people doing that to her. She turned her head back and stared at the floor, feeling suddenly very awkward. Though, she had to admit, at least the glowing girl was pretty. There wasn't anything pretty about a raging tiger... She lowered her head further, using her long hair to shield her from others.

"It'll be over with before you know it."

Was... Was that the glowing girl? Lain blinked for a moment, debating looking before finally shifting her head and hair to look up at the girl. "I'm Lucky... Like, that's actually what people call me, go figure." The girl introduced herself, chuckling. "Anyways, don't worry. Lady J' has this situation under control, nobody will get hurt. Probably." She added with a wink and a weird looking smile.

Lain simply stared at her for a moment. P-Probably? Lain thought to herself, concern showing as her brows furrowed. But still, regardless of her feelings towards what could happen in the future, it would be a bit rude not to introduce herself in return. "I'm Elaine but people call me Lain..." She mumbled softly, raising a hand to rub the back of her neck.

Lain sighed. She really hated big crowds so she honestly had no will to be here right now. It took everything she had not to wolf out of there as fast as she could. The teacher directing everyone kind of scared her too, so there was that. She tugged at her knitted hat, trying to pull it down over her face as if to disappear from this situation.

"I really don't want to be here." She mumbled to herself. Her dorm room was already set up with all of her gaming stuff, posters strewn about the walls and her line of books tucked neatly on the shelf. Just the thought of it made her want to go back to it. What the hell were they going to make them do here anyway? She hoped to God they weren't going to have everyone show off their powers for the teachers in front of all the other students. What better way to start the year than losing control over your powers and maim another student because you can't control your own damn emotions.

The arena they were in didn't lend itself to calming Lain down either. She took in a deep breath to try and calm herself down manually. This was going to be a stressful day, wasn't it?
My memory is utter shit so I can't remember my first pokemon. The one I feel the closest to is my Gardevoir in Pokemon XD:Gale of Darkness. :|
Fluffy Ninetails
The literal trashbag tho. Trubador or whatever.
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