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Camila had lost the scope of the fight as she took shelter underneath a bleacher while she assembled the mobile connection, but she could tell things weren't going well. The sound of pitched combat was as strong as ever, and judging by the guns around the edges going silent, the stony bastards had gotten to the Maverick troops on the wall.

"Any chance that this swarm of rock biters is fizzling out, Captain?" Camila shouted through the radio, struggling to plug in one of the connectors to the devices on her arms. "Going to have a rough time here if Command decides to break out the attack bombers. Time on the Quicksilver uplink?"

"Ready for feedback on our end, and I have bad news and worse news for those first two comments," Brennan said over the radio coolly. "The bad news is as far as we can tell these things are still coming. We're in a secure position but I don't like our odds if the Oni realize we're here."

"Of fucking course. What's the worse news?"

"We couldn't call in bombers if we wanted to, our communications are completely dead," Brennan revealed. "We've tried to contact everyone from Command to the damned PLA and nothing has gone through. Everything local still works like Quicksilver and our regional communicators but otherwise we're cut off from the outside world."

"Mierda...you think the weather is the issue?" Camila asked, attaching the last connector into place and crawling out from under the stands.

"Entirely possible, bad weather usually doesn't act on our systems like this, but statues usually don't invade stadiums either."

"Let's hope those are the only surprises we see then. I'm about to activate the Quicksilver link, stand by."

Camila, fortunately, found that the Oni's had abandoned the bleachers in favor of attacking the mass of champions and civilians trapped near the center of the combat arena, leaving her free to ascend to the higher area. Dashing up the closest staircases, she switched on the power source for the up-link and-

"Children of Jimmu...your twilight has come."

Camila stopped short and turned back towards the stadium. The fight had come to a sudden stop as the powerful voice boomed across the stadium like a thunderclap. The stone creatures all stood back in reverence as a cloaked figure emerged from one of the entrances, floating overhead before landing on a broken stand overlooking the assembled Nomads, civilians, and others fighting the stone horde.

"Quicksilver, NOW," Camila whispered urgently, jamming the power switch on the mobile system. "This is going to get messy."

"I am returned from the World of Darkness, seeking retribution for my people who were cast out of this world long ago. It was in the shadow of this mountain that your ancestors brought the oni to their extinction millennia ago, and it is in the shadow of this mountain that the extinction of mankind will begin."

The figure addressing the crowd raised his arms, revealing a glowing white gauntlet on one of his hands before ripping off his cloak and leaping from the stands, landing with a tremendous boom that shook the whole stadium and sent up an obscuring cloud dust around him. This mist cleared as an oni rose to his full height before the nomads, venerable but powerful, with a mane of white hair and lethally sharp teeth and claws. Unlike the others though, this one was clearly flesh and blood, the red of his skin standing out sharply against the rain-soaked arena as he approached the more forward members of the mass of Nomads with murder in his eyes.

"I am Daichi, the Revenant Oni King!" Daichi declared, holding his war club aloft as the oni horde around him gave a triumphant warcry. "By my hand, the blood of the Oni shall be repayed in the blood of man! Now...which of you will be the first to die?"
Expect a post from me tomorrow, finally have the time ^^

The Kármán Line

"I was not aware...space was so far away," Voyager remarked a little breathlessly, glancing downwards as she continued to shoot upwards into the sky. She had lost visibility of the city a moment earlier, but it was still fascinating to see how far she had gone up.

"There's a reason the Enterprise has teleporters," Jordan quipped over the communicator in her ear, letting a little bit of silence hang before speaking again. "Hey...you sure you want to do this Riles? I know the Doc posited your barriers could help you fly around in space but that's one hell of a gamble. If you think you're ready then-"

"I know I am ready," Voyager replied, her voice brimming with optimistic energy. "I think this is going to work, Jordan. It...feels like the right path." There was a crackle of static on the extending radio line that masked Jordan taking a deep, shuddering breath.

"Alright, I trust you, Riles. Now let's try to find that satellite."

"I do not see any sort of God Finger yet," Voyager observed, sensing a thinning of the air as she continued to ascend into the sky.

"Not exactly, surprising. We have a ballpark estimate on where it is at least. Given its purpose it's going to be right overhead of the city and fairly low in the atmosphere for a satellite. I'm triangulating our scanners down here with your earpiece to get a precise lock, so keep pressing forward."

That was an easy instruction, Voyager mused as she kept flying towards an endless sky above. Her first experience flying had been exhilarating, but this was a new sensation entirely. She knew how hard it was to fly like this and how much energy it took, yet it felt easy pushing herself to this extreme. It wasn't really excitement given the circumstances, but it gave her that same positive feeling regardless; like she was ready to take on whatever the world threw at her and win no matter the odds.

"Got it!" Voyager and Jordan both chorused excitedly, Jordan's voice sounding a bit distant and scratchy from the great distance as she continued. "It's straight ahead of you, should be coming into view soon!"

"I know, I saw it just now!" Voyager announced triumphantly, speeding off towards the distant jagged shape before slowing down a bit, unused to the sudden speed that came from the thinning air. Already things felt otherworldly to the alien super-heroine; even her PsiBarriers seemed to be glowing brighter then usual, making her an impressive purple beacon in the inky darkness of the upper atmosphere.

As Voyager drew closer, thinking of what sort of dangerous and scary design the Finger of God possessed, she was surprised at how normal the destructive weapon looked. She hadn't expected something straight out of Star Trek of course, but it was a little surprising that this terrifying destructive weapon that killed so many people looked so...mundane.

Mundane or not, Voyager was intent on taking it out. Hovering closer, she charged up and took aim at the body of the satellite with a PsiBlast, pleased to note her other powers worked fine up here, before the blast dissipated on the surface of the space laser without so much as a dark smudge.

"My energy blasts didn't seem to hurt it," Voyager said clearly. "I think this is it."

"Can...skzt...try to find out...kzzz...fore you shoot it?" Jordan fizzled through the communicator. Swinging around and clinging to one of the panels, Voyager looked over the solar panel detectors on the sides to try and find a weak spot to cut through before dismissing the idea.

"I think if we break part of this thing our knock it away without destroying the weapon..."

"It's going to fire off randomly and probably ruin someone else's day, right?" Jordan piped in, her voice suddenly and miraculously coming in clearly despite the vast distance between them. "Might not though, and you already gambled on the psibarrier, I say we double down!"

"Uh...no," Voyager said flatly, taken aback by her sudden tonal change. "Are you feeling well, Jordan? You do not sound like yourself."

"Ah, I figured I wouldn't fool a sharp mind like that, but it was worth a shot. That element of uncertainty is so exciting!"


"Not quite. Look over here, darling," came an unfamiliar voice over her headset. Voyager did so and gave a yelp of surprise at the figure standing sideways on the body of the satellite. Clad in a suit the tackiest shade of orange she'd ever seen in her life, the newcomer strode towards her like he was walking through a park, swinging a cane from side to side as he approached. He would have been normal-looking except for his head, which seemed to be some sort of skull-sized microphone over a wide, grinning mouth.


"I hope you'll forgive the little masquerade, my dear," the man said. "It makes for a most amusing icebreaker."

"Oh...okay..." Voyager said warily, not entirely sure how to cognitive this situation. "Uh, are you here to help with the satellite."

"Actually darling, I'm here to help YOU, with a little proposition," the microphone man said, cheerily looking on as Voyager attempted to Psi-Beam open one of the panels. "I think we could work well together, you and the fabulous I!"

"I am somewhat busy, Mister Metal-Head Person..."

"Primetime," the microphone man correected. "The greatest showman in the galaxy, as the billing says! Though I would love to amend that to Primetime and...Voyager, you called yourself?" Voyager grunted in annoyance as she attempted to pry off one of the panels, only to be stopped as Primetime stepped on the metal sheet with one of his pristine polished shoes.

"Can we please discuss this later?" Voyager said irritably. "I have a city to save from a giant laser thing!"

"Oh I wouldn't bother, darling," Primetime said flippantly. "This audience isn't long for this world anyway, as the saying goes."


"Besides, I'd rather talk about you...about us even!" Primetime barrelled on. "We're both showman and foreigners to this planet, it's a natural combination! Imagine the ratings!"

Voyager's eyes widened at the sound of the word foreigners. "You mean...you're an alien too?"

"Last I checked darling," Primetime said, a pondering look on his face as he took out a compact mirror to look at himself briefly. "Yes, I am an alien, and a rather dashing one too, I must say," Primetime finished, making a kissing face at his reflection before tossing the mirror out into space. "So, are you perhaps interested in partnering with moi, my darling?" Voyager blinked, still taken aback by the revelation before something shifted below her feet. Looking down at the satellite, no doubt beginning to prepare to fire, she returned to forcefully work on the panel.

"I am sorry, but I really do not have the time to discuss this, Mister Primetime," Voyager declared. "Now if you do not mind, you're standing on my metal plate." Primetime clucked his tongue, stepping back to allow the alien heroine to work.

"Perhaps another time then," the microphone-headed alien sad sadly. "Assuming you're still around to light up a stage. Best of luck to you, darling!"

Looking up as Voyager finally pried off the metal covering, she found space empty and abandoned once again, just as distant figures began to come into view.
Writer's block, begone!

Commander Aamra Tulez

"Right, now that this is settled, back to the matter of the pirates," Commander Tulez said, reverting to her usual matter-of-fact tone before turning away from the stowaway to talk quietly with the crystalline doctor.

"Have you ever seen something like this before?" Tulez whispered seriously. "I certainly have not, outside of some old texts from the monastery." She waited for the doctor to make her observation before coming to a decision again. "I do not enjoy the idea of someone who can exhibit that kind of ability on this ship. Do you think you can prepare a sedative in case she tries something-"


Already on guard because of the psychic prodding, Tulez was able to better deal with the shockwave slamming into the Monroe, protectively grabbing the nearest solid object and bracing herself as the wave subsided. Letting out her held breath in a low hiss, she glared at the wall of the docking bay, where the explosion most likely came from.

"Arx..." Tulez growled, her voice practically dripping with disdain. "By the Seas when I get by hands on that bomb-lobbing ingrate..." It was then that the lights came on and Tulez realized that the solid object she grabbed onto protectively was in fact Doctor Driani. Tulez quickly let go of the doctor, her luminescent markings flashing red as she bashfully apologized before rounding, once again, on the stowaway.

"Right...it is about time you come with me," Tulez ordered indignantly, taking her firmly but non-violently by the arm. "It's time we introduce you to the Captain..."
Figures when I'm all set to start writing I lose my internet for two days. -_-

Still working on my post, apologies for slow going.
Also alive, just busy. Stay tuned!
Valencium? Did she seriously just say her name was Valencium? Way to cap off your big damned hero moment with a title that sounded like an over the counter boner pill, Maddy grumbled to herself. Still, lame name or not, it wasn't going to distract her from what she had to do now.

Trying to show some level of confidence, Maddy jogged out of the building to a chorus of surprised voices and camera flashes from the onlookers, which intensified as she was followed out by a groggy Sergeant Shredd in handcuffs.

"Hey, it's the new hero!" one reported cried out, reaching over the police line with microphone in hand. "What's your name and powers ma'am?!?" Maddy blinked, not entirely paying attention to the press as she was surveying where the loud noises were coming from.


Before Maddy's second attempt at a name, there was a tremendous bang just one street over as a wrecked police car suddenly sailed from a side street with an almighty crash.

"I'm busy, talk to you in a sec!" Maddy said quickly before running over to the barricade the police were forming with their vehicles between the civilians and the oncoming threat. Massive footfalls shook the earth and filled the air, only to be drowned out by a screeching electric guitar solo worthy of Eddie Van Halen erupting from the street the police had their guns trained on, as around the corner emerged...

"Oh good lord, that is tacky."

While that was probably the least helpful descriptor of the oversized mech that emerged onto the street, it certainly wasn't an inaccurate one. The giant bipedal robot, visibly armed to the teeth and built for hard combat, had been vandalized and overdecorated to an absurd level, painted almost entirely in a discordant mess of flames, American flags, and skulls where there weren't chrome spikes and plating bolted onto the heavy armored surface, many of which protected the speakers mounted in the chest and connected to a sound system blasting classic rock at full volume. Even the head had been decorated with a fake metal Mohawk and a chrome-plated jaw to complete the look.

"Where the fuck did they get that thing?!?" one of the police officers shouted.

"Ask them after we kill it, take that thing down!"

Gunfire raked the great machine, but it did little more then superficial damage as it stepped forward, raising an arm to point at a nearby cluster of policemen. The officers quickly dived out of the way as a torrent of flame erupted from the metal hand, incinerating one of the police cars instantly.

Suffice it to say, Maddy was a bit floored. This thing was above all things, big. Really big. She had gotten up to one, maybe two stories tall on her own, but this thing looked almost twice as large as that, probably even more. Maddy steeled herself, trying to draw upon whatever was inside her that allowed her to change size, almost begging herself for her powers to work. This wasn't going to be and easy fight, but it wasn't going to be one she backed down from.

"Hey! You with the crappy paint job!" The mecha's flames cut off as it turned to glance at Maddy striding towards it, almost regarding her with curiosity. "Yeah, talking to you!" Maddy shouted at the thing, barely hearing herself over the intensely loud rock music. "Shut down the robot and come quietly, or I'll have to take care of you myself!"

The robot paused, shifting slightly on its feet as the gunfire from the police tapered off. Maddy stared up at it with bated breath, for a second believing that maybe she had gotten through to whoever was piloting it. Looking back at the police officers, she shot them a thumbs-up to indicate she could handle this. Crunching metal suddenly pierced the still air, and Maddy snapped her gaze back up as the robot lifted a car off the ground, swinging it overhead to bring it right down on Maddy.

Panic mixed with instinct in a millisecond as Maddy drew on every bit of concentration she had, and in that one moment, it just clicked. Just like when she discovered the formula or the perfect mix of chemicals in a puzzling experiment, she discovered what it was that made this power click. Maddy couldn't hope to describe it, but as she consciously felt the sensation of her body growing for the first time, she knew she could control it.

Maddy quickly re-attuned her senses to the real world after this experience as the robot brought the car down on the outstretched arm of the now massive Madeline, whose sudden change had elicited shocked gasps and a flurry of camera flashes from far below. Twisting the car out of the arm of the mecha, Madeline mused over how strange it was to hold the vehicle in just one hand as she gingerly set it down. If she thought things were odd and alien when she was small, it really was nothing compared to what it was like at this size. As Maddy took thundering steps towards the mecha, she even noted with amusement that the terrifying robot was only a few inches taller then she was now.

"Last chance," Maddy warned the mecha, poking it in the chest and idly wondering what her voice would sound like to the normal sized people below. "Power that thing down or you'll have to tangle with me."

There was a pause where the mecha seemed to think about its course of action in the face of a far more threatening enemy. Maddy couldn't help but crack a smile as the robot's pilot stewed in its own thoughts, only for the robot to rear back and slam its chrome plated fist into her chest. Maddy stumbled backwards from the blow, crushing the hood of a vehicle underfoot by accident and throwing up dust as she impacted into a nearby building. A pang of worry hung around in the back of her head, but when Maddy realized that a blow powerful enough to smash cars felt like a normal punch at this size, she couldn't help but be amused as weapons emerged from the mecha's arms as it prepared for combat, blasting its rock music louder then ever. Feeling more confident then she had in a long time, Maddy raised her fists into a fighting stance and charged.
And on top of all that surprise power outage lol.

In any case, finally posted!

Commander Aamra Tulez

Whatever Aamra was expecting from the scrawny stowaway, it certainly wasn't that.

The sensation along the back of her head had hit her like a jolt of electricity, stumbling the normally stoic officer and forcing the air from her lungs with a sharp hiss. Her trained hand was the only thing stopping her from immediately drawing her weapon in self defense, a forgivable if unnecessary action given the circumstances. It was definitely a threatening move, but Aamra recognized a tinge of something else in what had to be a psychic outburst. Even she didn't have enough experience to discern exactly what compiled this explosion of thought, so to say, but she recognized the fear and worry in that outburst easily enough. Perhaps a different approach was needed.

"I advise you to cease your telepathy at once," the crystalline doctor announced as she arrived. "The last thing this crew needs is a headache while we need clear heads to defeat the Rats. Trust me, they will not be as compassionate as we are."

"Yes, the doctor does have a point," Aamra continued, crouching down in front of the stowaway to be a less imposing figure. "Despite appearances, none of us outside of the loathsome rats wish you any harm." Aamra briefly considered if the statement was truthful in light of the lunatic with the grenade launcher but ignored it for now. "If you will stay near us, we'll protect you until the enemy is dealt with until we can sort out your particular situation. Is that acceptable?"
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