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I am not feeling well. I am not sure when my next post will be, but I will edevor to have one by next Sunday at the latest. Thank you for understanding.
President Silen sighed as she waved her hand at Ridahne, “Yes, yes, yes. As you say. Everyone in this room will swear whatever oath The Seed-Bearer asks us to swear. I’ll start. By The Tree, I swear”

Darin suddenly exclaimed, “No!” She stumbled out from behind Ridahne, “No. The Tree is dying and does not have the strength to hold such an oath maker accountable.” She stood up straight with her shoulders square, “And I am The Seed-Bearer.”

Suddenly a wind picked up to blow around the room. It ruffled Darin’s nondescript brown hair. A shriek was heard as Darin instinctively lifted her arm. From somewhere Taja flew into land before letting out another shriek. The wind picked up as all the lanterns in the room went dark. The uloia that had suddenly swarmed around Darin kept the room from going entirely dark. They lit her up with a type of eerie glow that reflected in her eyes. Cats slinked in. Trees rustled. Other animals followed as thunder could be heard to crack across the sky. The Seed-Bearer was speaking, and Astra was listening.

The Seed-Bearer finished her statement as The Seed burned almost red hot against her skin, “Swear by The Seed or not at all. Everyone in this room will swear that nothing said here tonight will be spoken of with someone not present. This will remain secret until such time as I choose to reveal it.”

They stared at Darin in shock, alarm and silence. Then one of the two guards fell into a bow that Darin didn’t quite recognize, “I am Mrixze Janeel, and I swear to you Darin Seed-Bearer on both my honor and on The Seed that nothing discussed here will escape my lips or my hand. I take these secrets to the grave. May the trees and the stars bare witness of this oath and know of my sincerity. May you bear witness to this oath and know of my sincerity. Please accept this promise and know that I mean no harm.”

The bow was deep. The guard was bowing at his waist in an almost perfect right angle. His left fist was placed on his forehead. His right palm was over his heart. He maintained eye contact with Darin the entire time he spoke. It was clear that everyone in the room was waiting for something from Darin. She figured it was an acceptance of the oath, and she was willing to give it. She just wanted to do it right and she wasn’t 100 percent sure how to do that. She didn’t know what this bow meant, and she wasn’t she what the correct response bow was.

So, she found herself asking, “What is the meaning this bow?” The president started to speak only to be cut off with a swift look from Darin, “Mr. Armin?”

Mr. Armin took the request in stride, “It serves only one purpose Seed-Bearer. It is the bow that the Eluri use to show honor and respect to The Gardener. It is fitting that the honor is extended to his heir as well. The words are a modified version of the second highest oath an Eluri can give. Only swearing on The Tree is higher.”

Darin couldn’t help letting out the short cutting laugh that escaped her as she side-eyes Ridahne, “It would have been nice if Ravi had taught us useful things instead of causing fights.” She then turned her attention back to Guard Janeel, “Tell me Mr. Armin, what are the correct words and bow to accept such an oath.”

Mr. Armin shook his head, “There is no bow to give in response. But the words would be, ‘The stars and the trees bear witness. I bear witness. I will hold you to your word and honor. I accept this oath.”

Darin found herself modifying the words, “The Seed bears witness of this oath. I bear witness of this oath. Hold yourself to your word. Choose right over honor. I thank you Mrixze Janeel, for your oath, for your courage, for your heart. I accept this oath.”

When Darin was done the guard rose from his bow and other followed suit. The words the Eluri said only changed when they gave their name. Darin’s words held the same modifications. President Silen was second to make her oath, and she seemed slightly upset that the guard had beaten her to saying it first. No one was reluctant to make such heavy promises. The Seed and Darin could feel the goodness of the people in this room. They weren’t pure and Darin had a feeling that they had made some less than ideal choices in the past. Still their hearts were good, and Darin found herself willing to accept that.

Soon Darin had accepted the last oath and The Seed-Bearer turned to her Seed-Chained with a soft smile on her face, “Ridahne, my beautiful Seed-Chained.” She found herself reaching out to run a quick and gentle finger over the Azurei’s cheekbone before dropping her hand, “We cannot ask for what we will not give. I have asked for so much from you my marvelous warrior and I will ask for more yet that I will not ask from others. Now I ask for oath of silence as I have asked of them. Will you give it for me?”

The room was still only lit by uloia. The wind still blew though as all the trees of Lihaelin swayed lightly. Mitaja had come from somewhere and pressed against Darin’s legs with an arched back and a deep purr. The arm holding Taja was just about to start going numb as she hadn’t dropped once. That changed as the hawk hopped from Darin’s arm to Ridahne’s shoulder to run his beak though Ridahne’s hair. Darin wasn’t sure what message she was trying to convey. She thought she might be trying to tell the people here that she wouldn’t ask for what she couldn’t give. She thought she might be trying to say that no matter what The Seed-Chained had done in the past that The Seed-Bearer loved her and would defend her. Maybe it was both. Maybe it was neither. Darin still felt a peace like she had never known before. So did The Seed. Whatever she was doing it was right.
May I borrow Mitaja for my next post?
How dare he! How dare he! How dare he think that! How dare he think that Ridahne was, was, was a threat or something! How dare he evaluate her character based solely on the markings in her ojih! Who did he think he was? Darin felt her temper rising. She clenched her fist tightly in order to refrain from doing something she might regret. She was slightly surprised at herself. She wanted to hurt this man judging her Seed-Chained. That would draw attention to themselves that they didn't need. Besides it wasn't exactly fair of her to make such judgments. Just like this man didn't know Ridahne Darin did not know him. She needed to try to be fair.

It did not matter though. Outside of the building they were in the trees sensed The Seed-Bearer's anger. They didn't understand why she was angry; they just knew that she was. They began to sway ominously and sent the building was built right into the trees the building quaked as well. At first it was a soft shaking, but it wasn't surprising that soon everyone in the room noticed the movement. Sounds of shock and question escaped people as they moved closer today without thinking. There were people looking around, so Darin's hurried glances around did not seem out of place.

A Siren barely breathed, "What's going on?"

A Councilperson answered, "The trees are angry. I think. This has never happened before. That's part of why we are so concerned. It is possible that if things like this continue that Lihaelin could be destroyed. We are hoping that The Seed-Bearer would be able to tell us what is happening and why."

Okay, that was a fair point. It wasn't like any one was truly equipped to deal with an entire forest worth of trees suddenly moving. Darin forced herself to take several deep breathes in an effort to calm down. She was fairly certain that the trees were responding to what she was feeling. She couldn't let her emotions get the better of her. The Councilperson had pointed out that people didn't know what was going. It wouldn't do to cause them unnecessary worry. Soon, after several deep breathes, Darin managed to calm down. As she got her emotions under control the trees calmed down as well, and the shaking ceased.

A human male breathed a sigh of relief, "It's over. Thank The Tree."

A quiet fell over the group only to be broken by a small voice speaking in heavily accented common, "Papa, I'm tired."

Practically every head in the room whipped around to see a small Siren child rubbing their eyes. It was clear that the little girl was truly exhausted. It was also apparent that the child's guardian, who was holding the child no older than eight, had instructed her to speak in common in a voice loud enough to be heard. Darin felt her anger rising again. This time it was directed towards the Council of the Seven Winds. They had pulled a child from their sleep to hold this meeting. How dare they! Darin forced herself to breathe deeply. She didn't need to upset the trees again.

The guardian told his charge, "I know Marinia. Give me just a moment." He looked at the Council with fire in his eyes, "If you have no more need of us, we will be going back to bed."

President Silen shook her head, "No. We have plenty to discuss. You are dismissed."

The Siren scoffed as he turned on his heel. After he had left another discussion filled the air. This one became heated as people started to say that they wanted to leave. Some did not wait for permission. Some just left. It almost seemed like there would be a riot. Guards looked confused. Aides looked lost. Darin thought that might be a good thing. They might get to leave with the rest of the crowd. Darin bit her tongue to keep from speaking up. She didn't need to draw any more attention to the two of them tonight. She really wasn't looking for trouble.

President Silen clapped her hands once and silence fell, "You may all leave!" Then her eyes landed on Ridahne, "Save you and your companion Azurei criminal. You say you are not here to assassinate anyone. Let us see why you here." Then, once every was out of the room save the Council, their aides, and a few guards the president fell back into her chair with a tired sigh, "Enough games." She rubbed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger, "Please stop exciting the trees Darin Seed-Bearer."

Darin couldn't stop the small noise of alarm that escaped her. Without even thinking about it she ducked behind Ridahne. They did know! Why didn't they say something earlier? Could she deny it? Would there be any point in denying it? Did she want to deny it? She wasn't sure what to say. They weren't like farmers. She had no idea how to talk to people with power. It wasn't like she had anything in common with them. Hadn't Ridahne once been a part of the Azurei court? Was it wrong of her to want to leave this to Ridahne to solve? She wasn't sure. Currently all Darin could think to do was make herself as small as possible behind the warrior.
Well that was not information that Darin particularly wanted to know. She supposed that it was good that she now knew. Though she had to wonder if that meant that Councilman Malane’s friendless was because he already knew who she was or if he was friendly to everyone that was new to Lihaelin. She wasn’t sure there was a way to be sure. She had to wonder the same thing about Mr. Armin. Was there another reason why he taught her all the bows? She wasn’t sure that she wanted to wonder. She wanted to have faith in the goodness of people’s nature. That seemed a bit naive, but it seemed better than being automatically suspicious of everybody.

Speaking of Mr. Armin, he led them to a building and through to an open room with a glass ceiling. There were seven people sitting in chairs on an elevated dais. They were in various states of dress that implied that they had rushed here straight from their beds. Darin recognized Councilman Malane and it wasn’t hard to figure out they were the other Council members. Other people were joining them being led by people Darin figured were aides like Mr. Armin. There was a good mix of humans, Elves, and Sirens. There weren’t a small number of them, but there were enough to fill the room.

A tall woman stood up from the center chair, “I am President Lilain Silen. We have reasons to believe that one of you is The Seed-Bearer of Astra. We would like to know which one of you it is. Seed-Bearer Darin, please step forward.”

Darin forced herself to remain still. She didn’t know what to say. If they really knew who she was they weren’t acting like it. She supposed that meant the next move was hers. She wasn’t sure she knew what the next move should be. There were so many options and unless someone else stepped forward to claim the title suspicion would always be on the people in the room, save the Council of the Seven Winds and their aides. Though it would not be good if someone else tried to claim the title. Darin wasn’t sure she knew what Astra would do to someone that claimed to be The Seed-Bearer. There were too many choices and possibilities.

Before Darin could decide what to do a male Siren stepped forward with fire in his eyes, “This is ridiculous! The Seed-Bearer is here, there is no doubt of that. That does not mean he wants to be known. There are a multitude of reasons for him to come to Lihaelin, your hospitality to outsiders, the busy market, the archives. I do sincerely doubt that he wants to be known. If he did all of Astra would know this Darin by now.”

A raven-haired human snapped at the Siren, “We don’t even know that they are male! They could be a she. No in Astra knows anything about them except perhaps the Workers at The Farm. Now we know that their name is Darin, but other than that everything about them is still a mystery.”

An Azurei Elf stepped joined the discussion, “Do we have a right to know? Doesn’t all of Astra have a right to know? The Seed-Bearer is important to all of Astra. Secrets will do us no good. We should us this opportunity to discover more about them.”

Darin found herself stepping forward to speak, “Does it matter if the Children of Astra want to know? The Seed-Bearer has chosen to remain anonymous. We should respect that.”

A different Siren from the first one scoffed. “The Azurei is right. We have a right to know.”

Another Elf that Darin thought might be an Orosi scoffed, “And what would we do with said knowledge? Welcome them into our cities? Provide them with traveling trains? We don’t even know what The Seed-Bearer’s plans are planting The Seed. Can we guarantee that we won’t get in the way?”

Things were about to get out of hand, but President Silen raised her voice, “Enough! There will order in the Council room.” She eyed the visitors with hard eyes, “Does anyone have any thing to add in a peaceable manner?”
Pax Triston was not eager to be attending Estermere Academy. It was a military school, and they had no desire to be part of any military. That did not change the fact that they were currently on their way to the academy. They didn’t have much of a choice. Their father, Lord Markus Triston of Coastal Cliffs, wanted to send Pax away. Pax couldn’t really fault the man for that decision. There was a constant tension in the air while Pax was residing at Triston Keep. Pax gave their head a shake. There was no reason to dwell on the past. They had to keep heading up the mountain.

Pax looked up from the book that they had been studying about older languages from across the world to look out the window as the carriage maneuvered pass another turn in the road. They could finally see the Academy. It certainly looked impressive. Pax knew that it was still a fair distance away. It would only grow more impressive as they got closer. Pax turned back towards their book. They had basically stolen the book from Triston Keep. Thankfully, along with the other books on almost forgotten languages, it wouldn’t be missed. If they were it would a simple matter to return them.

The carriage eventually stopped as a voice called out, “We have arrived Mr. Triston.”

Pax placed their book back in their personal satchel as they exited the carriage, “Thank you Gabriel.” They faintly smiled up at the coachman, “Please be careful on your way home.”

Gabriel nodded in respect, “I’ll be on my way as soon as I’m soon sure your things have been put away properly Mr. Triston.”

Pax turned to get a better look at Estermere Academy, “Thank you Gabriel.”

With as close to goodbyes as Pax was going to get with as close to a friend as they had been done they headed into the building. It was easy enough to ask a few of the guards where new students in the officer program were supposed to go. With that information gathered. The new student headed towards the dining hall. There were already students gathering. Absently Pax wonder what the time was. They knew that there was a time every new student was supposed to be here by. They just didn’t know when that time was. They didn’t think that it was any time soon. There weren’t enough students here yet.

Pax scanned the room to find a rather empty place in which to sit. Once a suitable spot was located, they made their way there. As they walked, they passed a few people taking to each other as well as others looking to avoid social interactions. There were people from all over the world. Pax was astounded by the sheer number of different type of people. Maybe being here wouldn’t be bad. It would certainly be a learning experience.

Pax arrived at the place they had pick and sat down with a surprising amount of grace. They pulled out their book to return to their studies. Pax wondered if there were language classes here. That would be another reason this ordeal could be bearable. The truth was, even though Pax knew they didn’t really want to be here, this wasn’t that bad a place to be. It certainly wasn’t ideal, but it did get them away from Coastal Cliffs and it would certainly teach them things they couldn’t learn in Rockveil. They might not want to be a part of any military in the future, but it would give them a chance to make future they didn’t think they could have if they hadn’t been sent here. Pax supposed they could be tentatively optimistic.
I apologize, but I will not be able to get you a response until the weekend. Thank you for understanding.
Darin wasn’t sure what to tell Ridahne. It wouldn’t be fair to her to expect her to reveal her secret when Darin was averse to revealing hers. Besides what good would it really do? Even though it meant people would avoid them attention would still be on them. Besides who knew? They might be asked to leave Lihaelen. That would not be good. Darin didn’t want to even think about what the trees would do if she left before staying for at least a little bit. She didn’t think that they would be happy with that. They might not let her leave. She didn’t want that to happen. She couldn’t let that happen.

She whispered back hoarsely, “They are alive Ridahne. They think, not like us, not like animals, but they do feel. They have lives. Astra is their home too.”

Darin had not been surprised that the trees had spoken to her. Then again, she had always known that plants were living things. She had known that long before she had taking over the work at her farm. As small children all of her peers had been taking out into the fields to sit and watch and listen at various times of the year. They had been taught to respect all things that grew in Astra. She was willing to bet that Ridahne and the people of Lihaelen had similar understandings even if they were slightly different. All the living things in Astra, people, animals, plants, lived in a sort of balance. Good people knew that. She wasn’t sure bad people did.

Before she could answer Ridahne in regard to telling the Azurei’s story to the people another voice rang out, “Warrior Torenzi,” Darin’s head flipped around to see Mr. Armin, “If you wouldn’t mind the Council of the Seven Winds has asked that every outsider that has entered Lihaelen in the last day or so attend to them immediately. So, if you and your apprentice would come with me.” He eyed the blades warily, “I’m sure that this could be settled peaceably.”

Darin wasn’t so sure about that, but the man that had been advancing stopped dead in his tracks as the aide appeared. There were no bows. It was clear that this Council had reacted pretty much instantly to either the trees moving or the message that was carried on the wind. Darin looked around the room and realized that the instant reaction provided some level of calm. People weren’t so wary. They relaxed as they realized that their government had things under control. Going with Mr. Armin might prove that they were willing to cooperate if people were advancing with scowls on their faces. Darin knew they couldn’t stay her without a fight. They couldn’t get back inside without a fight. The only way to get out of this without a fight was to go with Mr. Armin. She just wasn’t sure what Ridahne would think of that.

Darin hissed lightly, “Ridahne. We should go.” She switched to Eluri, “We don’t want trouble, do we?”
Darin found herself pressing close to Ridahne with wide eyes. People were looking at them with stunned expressions. They knew that they didn’t belong. She and Ridahne were outsiders, and Ridahne wasn’t helping with her defensive position and her knifes out ready for an attack. They were drawing more attention to themselves then Darin wanted to. A burly looking man narrowed his eyes shrewdly as he took half a step towards them. Darin instinctively pressed closer to the warrior. She wasn’t sure what she should do. Maybe they could play this off. Maybe there was a way to hold on to the lie. Should she even try to hold on to the lie. There might not be any point.

Darin’s whisper was tense as she spoke in an obscure dialect of Azurei that she could only hope Ridahne knew, “The trees. They know who I am the same way the animals do. They were trying to make me feel at home. I got them to stop. I think they are excited that I’m here. I don’t think they understand subterfuge. Even if they did, they are just glad I’m here to visit.” Her accent was terrible, “Please put the knifes away. I don’t think they are helping.”

The burly man called out in Eluri, “I saw you yesterday human, learning the bows, and being polite. Who are you?”

Darin swallowed as she shakily replied, “Martin. Martin Lively.”

The burly man advanced as Darin let out a squeak and hid between Ridahne and Mitaja, “You know it’s rude to lie don’t you human? Why are you here in Lihaelen?”

Darin was terrified and didn’t know why. Everyone in this strange city had been perfectly polite. They had given no indication that they would treat her badly if they found out she was The Seed-Bearer. That might even honor her the way the Workers at The Farm had. She just wasn’t sure it would be worth losing her anonymity. One person could keep a secret. Two might could keep a secret. When more people knew the secret there were more chances for it to come out. Darin wasn’t sure all of Astra needed to know who she was just yet. She had just started her journey after all. She was hoping to get to Azurei before her identity became widely known.


The emergency council meeting was the fastest the Council of the Seven Winds had gathered. Most were still in their night clothes. All were in disarray. Not a single one of them had been aware that the trees of the forest were aware enough to know what was going on, much less speak to the people of Lihaelen like they had just done. There were so many questions that this event alone raised. Almost none of these questions had answers. Why had the trees done this? What would The Seed-Bearer think of this? Would it be possible to keep The Seed-Bearer’s identity under wraps? Should they seek The Seed-Bearer to honor her? Had The Seed-Bearer caused this? What had even happened? What was the best course of action for the Elves of Eluri? Was damage control possible? What even was damage control at this point?

President Lilain asked, “As anyone meet her yet? Or even seen her?”

Goran was quick to answer, “I have.”

Hosh quickly asked, “What was she like?”

Goran shrugged, “She looked like farmboy in over her head. She had no knowledge of our customs because she clumsily matched my bow of noble to farmer.”

Mayling jumped in, “Are you sure she didn’t know?”

Goran pointed to Isaac, “Mr. Armin reported that she was eager to learn the bows and was a passable student. She’s going by the name Martin Lively.”

Juliana commented, “So she’s not looking to be known.”

Goran shook his head, “I don’t think so. I think she wants to learn and know; not be honored and praised. She’s young, even for a human.”

There was silence for a moment before the president spoke again, “Mr. Armin. Go see if you can fetch her. Other aides will go fetch any other visitors to Lihaelen that arrived yesterday. Let’s see what we can discover.”
Thank you! As for their power it's suppose to be more of a hindrance than a help. They aren't going to have visions every post and even when they do the odds of it being helpful are low. I will let you know for sure when I would like Pax to receive a vision.
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