Avatar of LadyRunic


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4 yrs ago
Current What lies in the hearts of the drae if not madness? - Ma'doc
4 yrs ago
Replies will be coming out in a few days. Been down sick.
4 yrs ago
"Fly you fools!"
5 yrs ago
To everyone waiting on replies. They most likely will be out tomorrow or Saterday. I need to get a part for my computer!
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5 yrs ago
Sorry if replies are a bit slow. Dealing with a headache.


Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Samhain Intrigues

-Location: Under the Mountain/ Lower Quarter-

Erin would hear the sound a voice behind the lamia. A voice which sent the old goblin scrambling to sieze her by the arm and drag the human with strength born of terror towards a bookshelf. A small and narrow door tucked behind it. The lamia as well looked terrified as she turned with smooth movements within her coils. A artful motion that let her remain blocking Thymund's view and reveal her hooded eyes and pretty smile to the fellow fair folk. "My Lord Thymond..." Her greeting was slick with feigned pleasure, not that she tried to hide her disgust at this interruption. "A pleasssure to sssee you asss well. Though you'll forgive me if I remark that I sssee no human mortal here." She purred, artful answering with the truth. As she did see no mortal with Thymund. The goblin behind her shoving at the ancient twisted door as it opened.

-Location: Under the Mountain/ The High Road-

The Fae on the bridge turned their heads towards the commotion. Often humans arrived here too scared or broken to be so amusing. Slowly however a crowd was gathering, watching the kitsune deal with such a problem was a interesting little viewing for them. More so than the entertainment down stairs. The little boy giggled and perched on the railing of the bridge. One group poured tea between them as the watched. Not far ahead was the large double doors to the Court of Nightmares stood closed. Pictured on them was a dragon's skull, it's talons prying itself out of the seemingly garden of roses that surrounded the figure. To either side of the bridge between the last lamp and that great door were rows of black statues of armor. But their eyes gleamed and glowed with eerie dark lights.

It was sudden that the wind came however. A screaming and howling torment of icy fingers that gripped Bodil and yanked her into the shadowing rush it flew over. The group would see a shadow envelope the woman and whip her away. Yin would know this for what it was- and know that this particular human was no longer his concern. For now anyways. For Bodil, she would see slices of the dark stone of the cavern as she was spirited away. The faces of fae both fair and foul. The icy mountains gripping the sky as the wind rushed down towards emerald forests. Flashes and glimpses of men and women toiling upon the earth. Some bearing wings, others with a horses body, others far more human like. Still the shadowy wing whirled and kept the woman tightly in it's grasp.

-Location: Falk's Hall-

But then it was gone. Warm and pleasantly hot water hit the woman, or rather she hit it as she was dropped into some form of pool. The chamber was not large, but suited for it's purpose. Water bubbling from some underground spring to fill the high tub, which in turn drained to fill the lower. Small globes of light barely lit the room. The soft ringing of water hitting crystal, bronze and silver bells filled the air every so often. It was a rather peaceful place- normally. A voice filtered through the steam. "Wash. You reek after a month." The man leaning the door way was very much a figure she had seen once before and very much in merely a tight set of pants. Watching the woman with disapproving stormy eyes. His hair already wet and falling down his back and chest in waves. Tall, he was fit. There was not a ounce on the Fae King that wasn't muscle or perfect. For his chest was marred with scars. Old scars. Not waiting for a reply he turned on his heels and footsteps sounded down the hall as the King of UnSeelie left the girl in the bathing chamber.
@Belle Never! You are the cinnamon roll of this Rp.
@Belle @LovelyAnastasia

Oh and to clarify that... I meant between Yin and Bodil. Not like a actual cat fight between you two if anyone thought that's what I was implying.
@LovelyAnastasia I have something special for Bodil... She's proved enough of an annoyance.

*Smirks evilly*
Oh dear... My Rp has a cat fight developing.

Ayita Dyrkin

Location Xavier's Institue - Outskirts of New York
{"Down to the Deep."}

A nudge to her shoulder, jolted the shifter from her thoughts and nearly sent her jumping out of her skin. Blinking with a wary surprise at Daemon who had for some strange human reason decided she needed a literally nudge. With a huff of breathe to blow some of the wild brown hair from her face, she eased back from leaning away from the Host. Of course he was worried about her going feral. A slight flicker of hurt flared in her eyes before she smothered it. A monster under a human guise. Not human nor beast. Ayita suppose it was to be expected. "I do have some control." She said just as quietly, her voice bitter. Oh it was true, she had been thinking of just rushing off to tide, wind, or woods. It wasn't like she was suddenly going to attack people. Bird or beast avoided man best they could generally. She was much the same- flee over the fight.

Yet for some strange reason, this situation called her to fight and she fought first and fled second. Turning her attention to Marygold and Quicksliver, she listened to the names Pietro listed off. Sabertooth- a heavey but one she hoped wouldn't be there. The good news was that she had something to better combat him. Pietro's sister= who hopefully was out of actions. If she wasn't... Ayita fully expected the girl to want her blood. Magneto= she did not fear him. He may control metal but she merely had a knife that was metal. That they were in the city was his advantage however. Her head leaned back in her seat as she sighed. A toad? Easy prey from the sounds of it. The others all unknown. Especially these two missing ones. They were outnumbered and from the power plant- out classed. "Don't do something foolish and get hurt." She muttered to the annoyance who tried to press the button earlier. Though her eyes were on Allison, as she looked concerned. The Seer had so very few defense... She planned to fix that no matter what Allison said.

Hard to argue with a tiger or wolf after all.
Posting tomorrow.
@Belle It didn't suck! You're awesome.
@Belle you've posted belle. XD

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