Avatar of LadyRunic


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Current What lies in the hearts of the drae if not madness? - Ma'doc
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Replies will be coming out in a few days. Been down sick.
4 yrs ago
"Fly you fools!"
5 yrs ago
To everyone waiting on replies. They most likely will be out tomorrow or Saterday. I need to get a part for my computer!
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5 yrs ago
Sorry if replies are a bit slow. Dealing with a headache.


Hello! I'm LadyRunic! But you knew that...

I love most types of Role Play, but by far my favorites are those that are well thought out and worked with. Especially when you can find a group you can work well with. I love books- So many books. It's a running bet that I will become buried under a pile of said objects one day... I'm a tad busy, and when an Rp really catches my interest I'm inpatient for posts. It's like reading a good book and getting stuck on a cliff hanger.

You can generally expect posts regularly once a week if not more.

I've RP'd for the better part of fourteen years, so I can honestly say I have some experience and I've developed the understanding of what I expect of a partner in a one-on-one or a group. I'm also the sort who will speak up and point out something if it looks off or forms a problem to me. I spent most of a year once stuck in a Voice Chat Rp that was hell on Earth, so I'm straight forward when I need to say something. I expect this in return from my Rpers and DMs. I want to improve my writing and love constructive criticism.

Most Recent Posts

Alice reeled sideways into the balcony as Liam shoved her out onto the darkened platform. Gripping the railing, the tailor whipped her head around as the vampire strode forward. Looking far too keep and pleased for Alice's comfort. Fear tingled down Alice's spine as she bared her fangs at the bastard across from her. Her own eyes gleaming red coals behind the mask of green and black. "Pleasant would be our meeting if you hadn't taken my life from me." The tailor hissed, her gaze darting around for escape. She was in over her hear and Alice knew it.

But that kernel of anger snarled and roared for what had been lost. She wanted to rage and snarl and rip his head from his shoulders. Something Alice wouldn't normally even consider. But Liam had that effect on people, or so the tailor was starting to piece together. But still, why not give him what he wanted? Why not lure him into giving her what she desired for attaining what he wanted? Darting a step back, Alice glowered at the one who had ruined her life. "I don't care so much about you turning me." Alice noted with a sorrowful note in her voice. It was a lie, she did care. But there was more at stake. "But you took my living, my shop from me! You made the police and hospital think I was mad!" Her voice was a whisper only her kind could hear, after all humans over hearing this would cause problems. "I. Want. My. Shop. Back." Each word was a forceful sentence. Her eyes burning with rage over that particular fact. "You say we have a relationship? That you wish to pick up where we left off? Then I want to be able to return to my shop. Without the police or hospital looking for me. Without them thinking I'm mad or insane or pulling my name through the mud with this scandal that you caused. It's put quiet a damper on things." Alice noted with a sour note in her voice.

"You've seen what I can do with cloth. You want more of that, you want more of this." Raising her finger to her mouth she bit down on the flesh letting the scent of more blood float on the wind. "I won't give you a single drop unless you give me what you took. It wouldn't do for there to be hard feelings between us, would it?" Another lie, but Alice doubted she could kill him. Hurting him was on the menu however. She would never help him willingly, but she did desire her beloved Timeless back and her in her proper seat on a old stool behind a counter or at a sewing machine. For that she would bargain with this devil.
More towards Ahirom.
Rys followed Ahirom's instructions, finding the task harder than one would expect. Though her ear turned towards the deck and snippets of conversation that was coming from the captain and the older man. Her frustration grew at the words she was hearing. Damn them! Egypt was her destination and every voyage she spent with these pirates was putting her into more and more danger. Crete was south slightly, but it was not south enough. Sliding down the mast after the work was finished the deck felt oddly comforting beneath her feet. As comforting as the sway of the ocean could be.

Listening to the slaves about her sigh with relief that they would not have to push themselves so hard for the current time, Rys had to agree. Their lives were hard, but Rome's outlook on Amen's little 'service' would have called the pirate captain weak. It was one of the reasons Ryssa had turned to the ship. For all he was a pirate, he was a good pirate. Not good, but well funded and reasonable for his ilk. Looking to Ahirom as the boy who was far closer to her own age than the men about her, she gave a nonchalant shrug. "I do not like to sit about idle and I am eager to be gone from this port." And eager to return to her mother's people. For while she had been born and raised in Rome, she had learned Egyptian ways first. Perching in the shade of one of the crates, Rys pulled up her hood against the spray of the salt as to not get the irritating in her eyes as she kept a keen eye on the waves. Her ears sharp as she listened to the goings on about the ship. "Where do we head now?"

Ayita Dyrkin & Richard Laine

Location Blackbird
{"You. Did. WHAT?"}

Ayita laid a hand on Allison's arm only half listening to the bickering of the others. Her dark head resting against her friend's shoulder, something she would have never done a year ago. It was soothing to her animalistic instincts. Though her eyes gleamed with worry for her brother. If she lost Richard, if that bastard got himself hurt for something stupid! Ayita wouldn't forgive him, or herself for that matter. The amber gaze of the woman kept flickering towards the entrances. Her nerves were on high alert and she was more than irritated at the entire situation. Sharp footsteps sounded the entrance of a dishelved man. His dark hair damp with sweat as long finger raked through it. "Brother." Ayita gave a cry of sheer relief as she bolted from Allison to latch onto Richard Laine.

The Adder stumbled slightly as his sister slammed him into the side of the Blackbird. Wrapping on arm around the smaller shifter, Richard gave a halfhearted shove. Pushing and guiding them both to seats next to Allison. Putting Ayita next to the slightly terrifying cheerleader. For all she looked innocent Richard had seen her in action and those powers were not playthings. "I'm fine, cher. I'm fine, see? Not a scratch." Except to his pride, but Richard was smart enough to not say anything about that. They did not need more fights breaking out. However, scarred fingers gripped his hand as Ayita peered at the slight smear of blood on his cuff, raising a skeptical brow. "Not a scratch. More of a blow to the jaw." He admitted carefully. For all that he wasn't the sort to sick his sister on people, Richard knew better than to lie to Ayita. She would not forgive him for that, not after everything else.

Ayita's amber eyes narrowed as she gave a rumbling growl. Far deeper than a mere human would be able to produce. "I hoped you killed them." No one touched her brother but her! No one had more of a claim upon his life! Ayita saw his eyes flicker to Guin, his jaw tightening. Turning with a slow and calculating look in her amber eyes. So it was Guin Stark who had punched him? Her brother gripped the back of the shirt she wore. A deeper growl coming from his own throat, "Not right now. We have bigger issues." Richard couldn't keep her from growling, but he sure as hell could keep her from throwing a punch at the Stark. Ayita grumbled and shrugged off Richard's grip. Wrapping an arm about Allison's shoulder, she pulled her into a one armed hug. "Rest, Allison. I will bite Brother if it makes you feel better." A amused and slightly malicious glint in her amber eyes.

"You'll get bitten if you try, Ay, and I'm venomous." The response was tired, and there was a edge of temper to it.
@BlueSky44 Posting tonight or tommorrow.
Perhaps! I was halfways joking, but now I have a little bit of an idea.
True enough! I mean I'll probably have Rysse seduce the current Pharaoh for fun!
Probably not a bad idea there!

And you had me worried for a minute!
Wait, what? Serious? Huh? I'm confused!

Dude, I need caffine!
Lol! And she does listen! And not early at all or anything!
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