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Current Nine years seems a lot longer than it feels.
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Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
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Biting Spider Writing
7 yrs ago
They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...
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<Snipped quote by Lemons>

I dislike it in general since I don't see the point of it most times. I always see dialogue being coloured when it's in a block of text, but if you just paragraphed stuff out like you're supposed to (new speaker=new paragraph etc.) then you wouldn't need to use colours.

But yeah, if you're going to use colour, please make sure it can be read without having to highlight the text.

I generally use it for thoughts and dialogue. It doesn't so much make it more legible as just make it a bit more presentable; makes it pop, you might say. I don't have a problem as long as you can actually read it.
Can I bitch about people using coloured text because 90% of the time that shit is completely unreadable.

Thank you. I hate it when people use dark colored text. Use the top row of the provided color pallete or something equivalent, or GTFO.
Hey guys! Just seeing if any of you guys are interested in coming back. Just waiting for a couple more people to bring this back to life. Hope you can join us again!
@Ayemdar, @PM, @ElfLordElphias, @LordofthePies, @Americore, @DeathXtheXTree, @jaybreezy, @User, @CloseEnough


(But I mean would it kill someone who's currently active to post as it would only draw more attention + I'm bored of waiting and a terribly impatient person)
@RedGentleman Down boy.
@kagethekiller Pfft, it's your room.

When the boy spoke, emanating an aura of embarrassment, she chuckled. "It's the eyes, mostly. His are a little more silvery, but they're still pretty rainbow. Like an aurora. The hair too. You got a lot going for you."

After she released him and vice versa, Jackie grasped the girl's hand and was immediately surprised by just how warm it was. Not even warm; hot. Real hot, to the point that if Jackie had been a normal person, it would've been really uncomfortable. She thought. She couldn't really tell, but she definitely had a hunch. I wonder, maybe she has to do with a god of fire? Or a sun god! Either way, she grinned wider, gripping the hand tighter and heating her own up to match it. She inclined her head to the girl, beaming the full force of her smile straight at her. That hesitation between greetings, that sort of calculating stare, had confirmed her suspicions; this was a girl that needed someone to talk to her. She thought back to when she'd first moved in, and across from her had been a son of Phobos. He'd been on his guard, all the time. This girl kinda reminded Jackie of him.

"It's not a big deal. I had plenty of nerves when I first came here, don't worry about it. You'll get used to it!" She was encouraged by Hayley's returning smile. "I wanted to meet the other person staying in this room. Honestly, if this is where you're staying, I'm surprised the three of you all made it here in one piece. This place is like a maze when you first get here!"

With a single calculated maneuver, doing her best to ignore the feeling of dread that threatened to blunt her smile—Yeah, she reminds me of that Phobos kid, alright—she gave Hayley a brief, affectionate-but-not-overly-so pat on the head. "Glowing door's mine if you ever want to talk. No roomies, so privacy I got."

While kind and social, Jackie had never been patient. Immediately afterwards, she rapped on the door again, this time a bit harder, mumbling under her breath.
@medalliah Those damn ninjas! I told them to stay out of my cornflakes!
Shoot, my post got ninja'd. Hold on, gotta do some edits!

Jackie spun on her heel, mouth spreading into an enormous grin. "Oh, cool! I think your roomy's in there, I saw her on the balcony!" Her grin faded just a tad before returning at full force, though she could still feel sunlight peeling away from her. It would only be a few minutes before she had to retreat to her room and recover. "Wish I could have roommates, but eh, there's a charm to living in a single, I guess. I get nothing if not quality alone time!" She held out a hand to the boy. He looked about the same age as herself. Maybe a year younger, older? She couldn't quite tell. She giggled a bit as she beheld his opalescent eyes and long, glossy black hair. "You look like my uncle Máni!" Okay, so she'd only actually seen him once and she was very little, but from the mythology she'd read, they were pretty close.

She stuck out her hand, clearly offering a handshake. She put a little bit of sun—a very little bit—into her hand, hoping that the warmth would help him open up to her. It was a ploy she'd used many times. It's amazing what a warm handshake will do, she reflected. She had a feeling, just because of how awkwardly he was acting, that not only was he experiencing the inevitable jitters of moving into an unfamiliar place, but he was also definitely an introvert. He probably wasn't all that thrilled to interact socially. She knew it instinctively, with a knowledge born of long socialization with everybody she could find. Then and there, Jackie made it her mission to become his friend, maybe ease his transition into such a different place.

"I'm Jacqueline Brake, but you can just call me Jackie. Everyone does! Nice to meet some new people!"

She made her smile as genuine as possible, but couldn't resist playing a little trick. She never could. Lowering her voice to a loud stage whisper, she added, "By the way, that voice crack was adorable." She laughed lightheartedly. "Just come get me if you need any help getting settled in. I'm just down that way." She motioned down the hall. "You can't miss my room. It's the one that's blindingly bright at all times of the day and night. Office hours are officially open, and I hope we can get to know each other!"

With that, she resumed waiting. This time, for the door to open and for her handshake. She was aware that she might've made him uncomfortable, but she was old hat at this kind of thing. As long as the discomfort was worked out quick, it usually didn't last long.

She suddenly became very belatedly aware that she'd seen someone when she'd motioned down the hall. Grinning as wide as she could—whoops, I'm starting to shed light again—she turned again, this time seeing another girl. Crimson-orange eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly as she peered into the other girl's. Not this one; she's not the kind I can get by being outgoing. She looks like she's in pain, not anxious. Even though just being near the girl put Jackie on edge for some reason—she couldn't think of why, but she felt like something bad was about to happen—she softened the exuberant edge on her smile as she greeted the other girl in a bit more of a straightforward fashion.

"Hey, I'm Jackie. What's your name?"
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