Avatar of Lmpkio


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4 yrs ago
You can find me on discord if you so wish~
4 yrs ago
Sorry about my lack of appearances. At this point Im taking a much needed hiatus from here after 5 long years. Not sure when I'll be back, but it won't be for awhile... sorry about that... : (
4 yrs ago
Revenge of the 5th has always been a thing tho...
4 yrs ago
Do not forget about the GOD DAMN bacon.
4 yrs ago
Once upon a time, I used to cheer for May the 4th... now I cry with disappointment. *Except Clone Wars S7 and the Mandalorian - they are awesome*


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As the rest of the allied forces were slowly pushing through the crowded rooms, Samus continued on her way to the bridge with little resistance. The only thing that tried to act against her was the entire set up of the labyrinth-like vent system, with various pipes sometimes intersecting in odd directions. There were some occasions where a pipe system would seem to go in the right direction, only to suddenly go the completely opposite way. It was already fairly difficult to navigate even with her visor continuously scanning the general area for the fastest route possible to the bridge and even then, judging by the sounds of battle, she was only barely a step ahead of the rest. If it wasn't for her ability to scan her surroundings, she'd be completely and utterly lost in the dark cramped halls. Not even the bounty hunter's superior sense of direction would've helped her in that predicament.

Thankfully, Samus was able to eventually figure out the direction she needed to be going and soon found herself ascending the Venator's right tower towards the bridge. She was getting closer to her target and so far hadn't been seen or detected by the enemy since she entered. The sounds of battle had also grown fainter, meaning that she seemed to be comfortably in the lead. Then suddenly, she felt the entire ship jolt as if it was suddenly hit by something. She could even feel the faint vibration that seemed to indicate something burying itself into the very hull itself. Still undeterred, the bounty hunter continued to make her way up until she found herself right on top of the bridge.

Her scans did indeed detect the Admiral's presence within the room, however he was guarded by a significantly sized defense group - 20 enemy clones to be exact - and were all armed. If Samus was to simply drop in, she would surely take a significant amount of damage for such a fool-hardy plan. And yet, there was neither a better alternative but to descend down from the vents. However, this didn't concern the bounty hunter much, for she already had a plan ready to be set into action...

As the battle was beginning to grow ever more heated by the second, the admiral and his guards seemed to be too busy assessing the situation and figuring out their next course of action. Everything seemed to be in chaos and completely against their favor but alas the crew is desperately trying to hold the line. But as they were preoccupied with the overall situation, the crew would suddenly notice a small spherical object - no bigger than a balloon - drop into the command bridge seemingly out of nowhere. The metal item rolled around slightly before stopping completely in place, as it blinked an ominous looking light while beeping furiously.

"Get down!" a clone shouted as he attempted to dive for cover.

Whatever the crews reaction would be, they would not be prepared for the fact that it released a thick cloud of smoke and steam that attempted to cover most of the command bridge. The cloud would be so dense that one could barely see their own hands, let alone each other. Taking advantage of the situation caused by her smoke bomb, Samus dropped from the vent and morphed back into her human form in mid-air, landing with a powerful clunk.

Without delay, the bounty hunter quickly proceeded to blast the nearest guard next to her as she attempted to eliminate the guards one by one in quick succession. As soon as she blasted the second guard, she swung her cannon arm to slam into the face of another before firing at a third guard nearby. If she played her cards right, she should be able to succeed without dying or taking severe injuries. She just had to be careful not to accidentally kill the admiral in the process...




Minutes seemed like hours as Samus and the other clones remained within the crowded LAAT. The air was still with pent up tension, with everyone preparing themselves for the conflict ahead. And then, came the moment they've all been waiting for.

"All ships, you are free to engage."
Jason Erthos

The bounty hunter could hear the hangar doors opening outside as the gunship's engines began to roar. She gripped onto the ceiling hangars as the ship began to ascend and quickly escape the Resurgence's hangar bay. While the clones were busy listening to their lieutenant's speech, Samus would remain silent on the way towards the enemy capital ship vessel, only brooding silently to herself. A vague wave of repressed nostalgia had enticed her inner-consciousness, something which she hadn't felt for a very long time

It's been many years since Samus had partaken in a full-blown assault with other troops by her side, not since her days during the galactic federation as a young recruit under the orders of one Commander Adam Malkovich. Frankly, she had since adapted nicely to the life of a lone wolf - being how she in fact prefers this life over anything else - yet she'd forgotten how much of a rush it felt to be within the collaborative efforts of others. For a moment she began to remember her times as a unit for the Federation Army, with various memories flooding through her mind reminding her of how far she had gone since those days.

But she wouldn't have much time to reminisce as she could feel the gunship proceeding to land in the enemy ship. Snapping out of her empty gaze, Samus proceeded to ready her arm cannon as a greenish hue began emanating from her barrel, growing rapidly as she pointed it towards the door. And once they opened, the bounty hunter released her shot into a very unlucky imperial clone, knocking him back several meters into a wall. With that, the rest of the clones began rushing out of the LAAT and opened fire upon the enemy forces. The armored bounty hunter - so out of place amongst her comrades - would proceed to fire upon several other enemy clones with her plasma cannon, killing several more units in her wake. The intense combination of firepower would force the enemy back as they began retreating into the halls. As she scanned the local area for any stragglers, the lieutenant would issue an order as more gunships began to land alongside her's.

"All units, push for the bridge! We're taking their admiral prisoner!"
Lieutenant "Chopper"

It was already starting to feel like the battle of Mallus XI all over again, only this time she's going after a petty officer instead of a giant, space pterodactyl. And all within the span of an hour or two. What did she do to deserve this? Regardless, Samus proceeded to enter the closest hall towards her, which seemed to also house the most amount of conflict. Charging up another shot, the bounty hunter ran over towards the sliding door. Her green visor gleamed through the thick smoke and debris as she let out another blast straight down the hallway. At least a few imperial clones would find themselves launched backwards, while the rest should've jumped out of the way.

Several other enemy clones began to fire back at Samus, with the armored woman being able to swiftly dodge pass them while she ran towards them at surprising speed. She hugged the edge of the wall, firing several plasma shots before leaping off of it and smashed a trooper's helmet with her cannon while uppercutting the other before blasting him as well. As the enemy began to retreat deeper into the Venator, the bounty hunter took a quick moment to breathe as she assessed where the bridge was. Her suit was quickly able to map out the general area of the vessel, enough for the bounty hunter to figure out where it is.

And she had a unique idea in how to get there...

Heading into the horizontal hall, the armored warrior began searching for something on the walls. After a few seconds of looking, as well as blasting several enemy troopers, she found exactly what she was looking for; a large ventilation shaft. At first glance, it would seem that Samus's power-arm was too bulky to have her fit inside, but luckily she had a little trick up her sleeve. First she quickly shoots the vent's cover off, and then within seconds, the bounty hunter's armor suddenly began to transform, morphing Samus into a completely different form:

That being a 0.8 meter high ball.

At that height, she would be perfectly able to fit through the ventilation shaft and thus she proceeded to climb up the wall using her ball's surprisingly sticky gripping abilities and entered the shaft. Now out of sight from the enemy, Samus proceeded to map out the local vent network and quietly made her way towards the bridge unseen by the oblivious enemy clones...




Bold as her response may be, Samus had to admit that Jerus was right. Or right in the tense that he knows more about his own universe compared to her. If her chozo armor wasn't going to fit in this universe without a proper explanation, then she'll have to improvise her suit's origins. She'll have come back to that.

Now with the bounty hunter gone, Samus was now on her own once more. The next thing to do now is to check on her ship's repair status, which had been active as soon as she docked onto the Resurgence. As she made her way to the hangar, she could see the bustling hangar filled with clones patrolling the area, while the engineers were working on the docked starships. Samus noted the different kinds of fighter vessels, from the triangular-looking red-and-grey vessels to larger red-and-white multi-seated fighters, and all alongside yellow y-wing-shaped ships of some kind. At least this ship looks to be rather prepared for any future engagements, but there weren't too terribly many of them. Looks like the Resurgence will have to reserve their ships until they can find a way to make more or steal ships from the enemy.

After she looked around, the bounty hunter quickly made her way to her docked ship. A repair group were still working on the gunship's engines, with sparks splattering from the blowtorches alongside the sound of mechanical adjustments. Samus would approach one of the engineers and announce her presence.

"Status report?" she asked directly towards the closet clone to her.

The scruffy-looking man opened his visor and lifted his gaze to see the hulking armored figure standing over him.

"Your engines had been banged up pretty hard, mam." he sighed, "Obviously we don't have the exact parts from where you came from, but we'll install the closest things to them. They're close enough anyways."

"And when will she be ready?" Samus asked again.

"Uhh, give us another hour." the engineer replied as he flipped his visor back on again, "We'll notify ya when she's ready - we're working as fast as we can."

Suddenly, the whole hangar was glowing bright red as alarms proceeded to blare through the vessel. Samus could hear Commander Jason over the comms alerting everyone about the incoming threat.

"All ships, this is a code red. Imperial ships are inbound right now. I strongly suggest elevating to combat-ready status."

Samus growled to herself as she looks on at her unfinished baby. Looks like the enemy has indeed found them first, and whats worse, her ship isn't ready to go into combat. She cursed to herself as she watched the rest of the clones getting ready to man the defenses. As she walked around, a squad of clones ran straight across her as one of the lieutenant barked at them to get going.

"Move it troops! On the double!" the sergeant barked as he pointed to the hangar bays.

As the last of his squad made it through, he turned around to see Samus just idly standing in the midst of the chaos. He gave a frustrated sigh before turning towards the armored figure.

"Sir!" the lieutenant called out as he approached Samus, "What are you doing just idling around?! Prepare for combat now!"

Samus glared towards the trooper before pointing to her unfinished ship. The lieutenant, already being annoyed enough, looked back and called up for further orders.

"Then you're coming with me to the gunships, soldier!" the clone barked again as he threw his thumb over his shoulder, "We'll be issuing a boarding raid on the enemy ships. And YOU look like the perfect unit for the job! Now follow me!"

Now forced to join the republic boarding party, Samus was forced to follow the clone lieutenant to his LAAT. As they boarded, the 6'3" bounty hunter could be seen sticking out like a sore thumb in front of the shorter, black-and-red, clone troopers. As soon as they boarded, another announcement could be heard from the comms.

"Wait for us to fire before engaging, it will buy you time to get shots lined up for maximum damage."

With that, she was forced to wait alongside the rest of the troopers as they ready to start the boarding protocol...




"Truth be told, the only expensive thing we face is keeping your out of universe identity a secret. Someone's going to ask where you got such a suit of armor eventually. Got a cover story for that yet?"

Samus cocked her cannon as it issued a low-sounding hum. "It's not their business to know." she bluntly replied as she checked her weapon's stats, "As long as it gets the job done, they shouldn't have the need to care. All I care is for me to profit. If it's worth it, I'll do it."




Samus was somewhat surprised that this Jerus was indeed a bounty hunter of some kind. He looked rather unassuming of that role, however she's learned not to underestimate those within that profession.

"I'm glad to hear that so long as you're paid, you'll do the work. Hutts can be nasty bastards when they want to be. Slugs are known to throw those who displease them into their arenas with their favorite pets."

The armored figure simply scoffed at that notion.

"Then they've certainly not met someone like me. They'd not be disappointed." she replied as she glanced at her cannon. She'd then look back at the man, "Which one of these 'Hutts' do you recommend?"




"So you're a bounty hunter, right?

"Affirmative." Samus confidently replied as he listened to the rest of what the man had to say.

He talked about how they were needing a second bounty hunter to help them retrieve credits and info about the Empire. However, Samus would have to primarily rely in getting such jobs from the criminal organization known as the Hutt Cartel, which apparently was the largest in this galaxy. The bounty hunter had primarily gained her services towards the Galactic Federation back in her universe, however she occasionally took up the offer from smaller organizations or even several criminal gangs of her choosing so this was nothing new.

"As long as I'd get payment afterwards," she answered, "Then they'll do."

Samus would then quickly proceed to ask the man a simple question.

"And if I may ask," the bounty hunter began, "Who might you be? I believe you are part with those onboard this vessel, but you definitely do not look like the other soldiers on board."



@Zarkun, @EliteCommander

"You may begin by demonstrating some measure of patience, mercenary. I do not have a task for you, but if this problem of returning to our home universes requires more than we have aboard our ships, that may change. Should I have need of you, then I would pay you as I pay my Kig-Yar: weapons and technology. If it is true that we are from different universes, then what I offer is technology entirely alien to your reality. I am sure you can find some value to that."

The bounty hunter simply nodded at the alien's response.

"I've seen many unique species back in my universe," Samus responded as she fiddled with her arm-cannon, "But as far as I know, I've not seen anyone like you. If I had, I'd have already known who you are. Thus, I know little about what tech you have in your possession, but I suppose whatever you have will at least compliment my own. I'll be around."

With that Samus turned her back towards the entrance and gave a small confirming wave as she began heading to the door. However, before she could exit, she'd be called out by someone else.

"Mind if I have a word?"

Samus turned towards the figure in question, a person she vaguely recognized from during the debriefing. It appeared he too was a crew member of the Resurgence of some kind.

"Yes, what is it?" she'd simply ask.



@Zarkun, @EliteCommander, @Sep

With the grew of the Daedalus wrapping up their conversation with Falul, it seemed like the appropriate time for the bounty hunter to speak with him. Slowly she began walking towards the tall alien, her cannon still holstered to her side and looked up at him as her shiny green visor reflected the harsh white lights above. If one could look closely, they may be able to faintly see the faint reflection of the bounty hunter's bluish-green eyes hidden through the artificial-green tinge of her helmet.

"And how exactly do I prove to you my worth, alien?" Samus bluntly asked as if she was just responding his initial comment, "And if I do match or heighten your expectations, what will I receive in return?"



@Zarkun, @EliteCommander, @Sep

"Unfortunately, we might not have the credits to restock our own reserves without allies. I apologize for that lack of work, but then, the Galaxy will ALWAYS have someone with a bounty on their head, you just have to decide where your moral compass points."

The bounty hunter simply shrugged at Commander Jason's response. After all, he did have a point regarding their current monetary situation.

"I understand," Samus responded, "In desperate times, we must reserve as much as we can. However, we can negotiate on other forms of payment. New tech, weapons, armor, enhancements, info, and repair compensation will also do just fine, so as long as I find the rewards as beneficial."

Her reply would be intercepted by another figure - the main four-jawed alien captain of the Immaculate Aegis.

"Not all trust purchased loyalty, but I am used to dealing with your kind, mercenary. If you can actually prove yourself worth hiring, you may yet have your... employer."

The armored bounty hunter turned to face the large alien beast. She caught a glance of him sitting down when she was entering the briefing room, however now that she's standing toe-to-toe, she quickly realize how abnormally large he actually was. It wasn't the fact that she felt intimidated by him - which she wasn't in any sense seeing how she fight way bigger and badder opponents - but it simply took her off guard.

Samus was about to respond to the alien's question before he was interrupted by other characters. Seeing that they were deep into their conversation, she was unwilling to interrupt them. All she could do was listen into their conversation and wait for the right time to talk to this "potential employer".
@MarshiestMallow Well, well, well - look what we have here. :D

Hiiiiii friend!
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