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Of course just mentioning this RP prompts my group to have a sudden intense interest in running the module over video calls. For the sake of not ruining that for myself, I'mma bow out here before this gets swamped in Forge Cleric memes.
Woooooot. I had a Lizardman cleric whose campaign got derailed by Covid who'd have a grand old time here.
Kanbaru Otoko

Caprice's capacity to rub salt in the wound was something of a power in and of itself, Kanbaru thought sourly as her ice sphere rolled outside her control courtesy of the magician's acrobatics. Really was it too much to ask for a moment of dignity in this school? Perhaps this was karmic justice for actually being interested in lessons they would now never receive courtesy of a nightmarish demon having eaten the school.

The moment they were clear upon solid ground the sphere shattering, Kanbaru shakily landing upon her feet being more a matter of luck then any display of skill like Caprice. Somehow by the time she turned about the girl had sequestered a chair and popcorn, still sizzling from the butter dripped upon the hot kernels. She met this offer with a glower and turned aside, unwilling to look at Caprice as her hand shot out and came away with a handful of greased perfection.

"I'm not a delinquent!" The bluenette barked reflexively, not even realizing who she was shouting at till she saw the Student President standing atop a cloud, perfectly at ease in spite of being close enough to feel the breath of the demon pull upon his scarf with each rise and fall of its chest. That nonchalance roused a scream of frustration from the Head Mistress that had the Final Boss of the floor swing a fist of such size that the friction upon the air wreathed it in ghostly flames.

It's skyscraper of an arm still managed to miss the 'Student' before it cleanly, the blow thrown astray by an airship fusillade pummeling it all of the sudden. Neither summoner nor demon expected interference from a party beside the two content to watch from the ground, but the Head Mistress wasn't of the mind to forgive fools picking fights beyond their means and raised a finger to the approaching vessel. The Demon mirrored her motion, and a pinprick of eldritch light formed at the tip of its claw, ominously pulsing as it charged for a few seconds before firing off a roaring gout of flame in their direction.

Lorelai De Windt

Pummeling steel didn't have the same appeal as crushing enemies of flesh and blood, but Lorelai faithfully took the vault door to task with every blow. It wasn't the work of mere moments, more minutes if she were to be honest, but she had faith that with time it would yield to Akiko its riches in full. Yet Akiko seemed to have another method in mind as she bodily slammed into Lorelai, throwing them both clear of the vault...and the flaming motorcycle that had blown the battered barrier clear off its hinges into the vault proper.

The knight blinked, astonished briefly by the visual and auditory assault it made on her senses before reaching back to pat Akiko's head lightly. "Your instincts are worthy of the ears upon your head. Well done, indeed."

She followed Akiko inside, mindful to stand guard while Durgan amused himself with the sudden mass of looters shambling into the bank to pilfer their own well earned gains. It was truly curious why they thought to try and fight a monster of his size with only teeth and nails, but if they wanted to be smashed under his paws then far be it from Lorelai to dissuade them. It struck her odd they were already so rotted that maggots crawled upon them, but it only took a roar from the great beast's maw to pop them like balloons, minuscule organs pulverized and dropping several of the looters as well.

When Akiko had her fill of....Bees, they returned to Durgan and Akiko took to his back with an ease that had the knight smiling a she joined her. It wouldn't have taken much effort on Durgan's part to blast them out of there, but she bayed him to remain still as Akiko drew forth the Crimson Relic. It was a matter of import that Akiko grow comfortable in using her power, as Lorelai had doubts that her might alone would carry Akiko through every trial.

Words of praise would have meant little to the feline girl for her act of violence, so she settled for wrapping an arm around Akiko's stomach in a partial hug, reassuring her through contact. A language the knight was fluent in, if no other but her mother's tongue. So when she stiffened in alarm at her summoner offering the imposter 'Kanbaru' a ride upon Durgan, she easily conveyed her thoughts on the matter. That a carved stone a vibrant shade of Violet appeared in her other hand, gleaming with unspoken menace would tell 'Kanbaru' the blood price for striking Akiko was more than she could ever hope to afford.
For all their preparation, the actual engagements upon Goomie's island was the affair of just minutes, yet in such a short span of time had the MFF achieves such monumental victories even McNair would confess to feeling as though she were walking upon air. In twenty four hours, they had captured three GMGs, two of which were alive and intact, perfect for behavioral studies and the such to make their operations even more effective. She had men repairing Terrorkeat's cage immediately after the invisible feline was incapacitated and now both were shipped back to base under heavy guard.

That said, their victory wasn't clean by any stretch, as they had to deal with the sheer number of captives Goomie had taken. The pinkette had thought there would only be a few remaining alive, the rest eaten over the time of Goomie's raiding, but everyone she'd ever taken was there and in surprisingly good health. So much so they weren't in the least bit grateful for their rescue. An imperious and violent part of her wanted to discipline these treacherous people for sympathizing with their captor, but they hadn't resisted liberation much either. Civilians were little more than lambs before figures of authority, she mused idly, all the while passing orders to have all the captives kept in quarantine after their stint in cages.

It would mar their victory to have these people released so soon and spread word of their pleasant stay with Goomie. Better to keep them under observation and make sure the slime didn't have some undue effect on their mental health. For all they knew it rendered them passive and easily suggestible!

"She never left the island?!"

Days later, and McNair was snarling with fury over a corporal who didn't deserve it, but bore the dubious honor of delivering bad news. That being that the hero of the hour, Akari, had never reported in after clean up operations in Goomie's caves. Somehow despite an entire naval blockade around the island, one of their own was plucked from the caves and whisked away. Naturally she had her suspicions much earlier then the present hour, but with the many moving parts, some things were bound to slip through the cracks in the midst of such upheaval. Only now that she'd sent a team to search the caves and island proper could they definitively say Akari was well and truly Missing in Action.

Realizing she was still terrifying the poor enlisted, she dismissed him with a strict order not to speak of the contents of his report till the command staff could make an official announcement, but she had her suspicions the word would be out before lunch regardless. Too many people involved with the search and her recent promotion made it impossible to hide for any length of time within the MFF ranks. Instead McNair turned her mind to the likely perpetrators as her heels clicked upon the halls towards Kusanagi's labs. A place that was frantic with excitement given their recent acquisitions.

She found the Commander where she always was when not engaged in supporting an operation, slumped over her desk looking like she hadn't known the touch of a pillow since she got her doctorate. Wasting no time she set the folder with the search team's reports beside the Commander and stated bluntly, "Either there was a fourth Monster Girl on that island who could fit into those caves like Goomie could, or our mysterious friends with a cloaked airship have paid us back for taking Terrorkeat. Either way, we can't abide hostile human actions getting in the way of our mission, and I'm not going to abide one of my officers being a prisoner to an extremist group."
Lorelai De Windt

"Oh, ah, I'll see you later, Ramyu!" Lorelai hastily called out towards the departing feline, her words loud but muted in their exuberance by Ramyu's reasoning for attending. Her hand hung weakly in the air as though wanting to wave and the moment passed, leaving her to return to her seat as Edward and Rodrick discussed plans to tour the school grounds. It was a good idea and Lorelai's fondness for the campus had her brightening at the idea of taking a walk with such company.

"You two are as well? Wow, I would have thought you were a noble dignitary with how you carry yourself, Hel. That's marvelous!" The blonde beamed to her female counter part, the ire directed towards her going so far over there head it was lost amidst the stars. She reached across the table, actually showing a rare moment of mindfulness in not burying her chest into their food, and clasped both hands to Helena's. "Maybe we could even train together one day. It's so much easier when your targets aren't imagined or made of wood, right?"

There was a stickiness to her hands that now translated to the backs of the noble's own, but Lorelai was too busy radiating happiness like a sunflower to notice such things, giving Helena a squeeze before pulling back to scarf down her remaining order in short order. It would have been silly to carry left overs around for a tour of the school!
Lorelai De Windt

The strangers that Edward returned with were like those out of a story book, refined and elegant in a manner that had Lorelai flush with awe. I never knew you could be so neat eating cake. Who would have thought to use a fork?

She was rather captivated trying to emulate this Hel woman, even if she found the smaller bites far less satisfying. Her long braid was bouncing from the effort to cut away at a delectably over-glazed confection when Rod turned the questioning back upon them, easily taking her attention from the fruitless task. All his charms and suave sophistication...went right over her head, leaving her to answer him with the same earnestness she had addressed Ramyu.

"I'm going to be a great and virtuous knight! I'll save leaves, reform villians, and make the worlds a better place through hard work!" The blonde beamed happily, curling a bicep proudly and smacking the flexed muscle to release a hearty sound that would have emasculated less fit patrons nearby, only to undercut the statement by smearing glaze over her uniform's sleeve. It was clear she wanted to lick it off, only to eye her present company in a moment of rare self awareness and opt to rub at it with a napkin furiously. Now it was a sleeve both glazed and littered with shreds of paper product. Giving up in a huff she choose to forget the mess existed at all and smiled to the table.

"Besides, it's not like I could have a normal life. The De Windt's are fated for this life, I've just got a brighter view on it then most...so, Ed and Ramyu, what are you looking forward to? Adventure?"
Lorelai De Windt

Lorelai had never considered robbing a bank, much less considered using one, but if Akiko thought it was a good idea she wasn't going to argue. Especially when both students and police alike seemed to have wised up and weren't going to stand still for her to bludgeon them. With a hand upon Durgan's mane she channeled her powers into his imposing frame and the lion shot forward, pulverizing the bank storefront into powdered masonry. The Serei sprung off her chosen partner and slammed her standard into the metal vault door beyond while the lion suitable menaced any foolish bank teller still working today.

"This door shall be the work of moments, Akiko!" Lorelai chirped, seeming quite happy to repeatedly slam herself into it, denting the foot thick slab of tempered metal with each blow.

What was an enclosed stairwell soon gained a skylight over Caprice and Kanbaru's heads, a hulking mass of demon launching straight through to hand upon the sky, borne aloft by a disc of turbulent flames. The Head Master's gaze swept upon a seen of pandamonioun in the streets. Now there were police in her city and students pillaging their own city instead of harassing Solar University like tradition and common sense demanded. No power ran wild through the halls as demons and warlocks strove for excellence, but tired lectures and pitiful prattle that would only see her students wallow in destitution. The sight of it sickened the vertically challenged woman and she snarled curses so profane the skein of reality quivered at their vocalization.

"No more. Not a moment longer shall I tolerate usurpers and charlatans in my academy! Umbra Academy exists to promote excellence in Evil."

Her tome left her hands, born aloft by ethereal currents spilling from the vellum bound text, pages fluttering open before splayed hands. If her vitriol alone could misalign the world, then her hatred given direction would reshape it. Power surged from the arcane tome and the Academy resonated in kind, buildings shaking as avenues hissed and boiled. One by one like stones upon water, the hole of the academy sank into the ground and stained it in the likeness of tar, a lake of featureless pitch marred only by a sphere of ice tumbling off its surface, a bluenette rather frantically getting clear of the sudden and violent change to the Academy.

The Head Mistress snatched the tome and slashed with it upwards, beckoning the lake to pull itself heavenward, stretching itself into a collosal shadow that elongated the farther it rose. Two segments pulled outwards into rippling arms of shadow, while a further pair unfurled from the back into imposing, leathery wings.

She alighted upon the shoulder of the horror she summoned and bellowed her words through its titanic mouth, "Come before me, you rakish scoundrel, and know your death shall only be a prelude to eternal suffering for your crimes! You and your damned Angel shall rue the day you locked me in a broom closet!"

Suddenly Suparna's zombie apocalypse didn't look so bad when a demon that cast half the city in its shadow now loomed over head, swirling currents of energy racing about it like the galloping of spectral calvary.
Lorelai De Windt

If Edward wasn't dragging people through the streets like a madwoman, Lorelai didn't see how helping people could be a mark against Edward. Maybe they were always late to events because he helped old ladies across the street? If Ramyu had driven back her dour mood with an offered olive branch she'd have miserably sulked and ruminated on how good could be bad, but the prospect of accepting the catgirl's hand was too appealing to forsake. She shakilly straightened herself, dabbing at her eyes with a tissue that had more glaze then paper product still usable and she giggled almost hysterically at the mess she must have looked when, of course, Edward came over with the aristocratic pair.

Rather then be mortified she laughed some more, too far around the bend to return to embarrasment so soon, and rubbed vigorously at her cheeks before forsaking the endeavor as being 'good enough'. "I can sweat it off exercising later. After ending the day on those magic classes I really have some pent up energy to work out, but hey, at least the farms are always ready to take on volunteers! Though they tend to not like when you work outside the lines."

"How was I supposed to know that was a sports field..." She murmured lowly, trying to hide behind her cup as she recalled a creative scolding for tilling the outfield of a baseball field. Lorelai had the feeling it was a mercy the team never learned who was responsible. "So, umm, you two are new here, but do you have any plans for Golden Week? It's a good time to catch up on the landmarks and take in the sights."
From the perspective of Commander McNair, the operation was going smoothly. Knowing their adversary, however, she had concerns that would turn upon their heads if the MFF regulars didn't keep on their toes. As much as she praised their accomplishments as of late, it was hard to blindly place her faith in soldiers she hadn't trained or worked alongside as of yet. She stilled her tongue, opting to watch them act rather then direct on a tactical level, a decision she could make easier knowing the highest authority in the MFF was directly supervising.

Thus she found herself immersed in the MFF beachhead upon the island, confidant that the triage center already established would be sufficient for handling the no doubt malnourished and tormented captives of a depraved slime. She had their requisitioned fleet blockading the island with depth charges aplenty if the slime had any notion of slinking away again, she'd find that there were very few things that could survive a bomb detonating underwater. Or in this case, several hundred very large bombs.

Yet while she thought of her humanitarian efforts, it was far too easy to direct her gaze to the cage where they kept their prize, Terrorkeat herself appearing rather more active and alert out here. "I'm unable to tell if this is a reaction to being outdoors or if she's simply acclimated to captivity. Then again, this could be a reaction to another GMG. We'll need to run more tests to eliminate the extrenuous possibilities, but if the latter is correct we could have a means of detection."

While the pink tyrant openly mused on the nature of titanic lifeforms, the one in question was trying her utmost not to shatter ear drums by screaming her alarm. There was no hiding the unconscious mannerisms, such as her puffed up plumage and the expression on her face, for there was indeed a GMG in the area and it wasn't goomie. Surrounded by MFF as she was, it took a great deal of concentration to curl the air in such a way as to carry her voice in a narrow cone. "Setsu?"

The rattling against Terrorkeat's cage paused briefly as the wind carried a frequency only GMGs could distinguish. Then it began again, a creature unseen as more rattling was carefully emphasized upon the steel holding the bird. It grated, low enough to remain hidden in plain sight as if something was trying to saw through the metal. Evidently, the owner couldn't much say anything without revealing herself and so she continued to work in silence despite the bird's concerns. Even now she worked just beyond McNair's sight and vision, a slight distortion against the air and backdrop, but otherwise completely invisible to the eye.

"What are you doing? If the cage falls apart they'll blast us before we can take off. Setsu, you can't...you were supposed to be enjoying your nap..." The bird whispered, expression seeming to fall as she settled her eyes on the distortion, knowing it for what it was. She ached to reach out for her, but the MFF weren't exactly being subtle around her about their plans and she couldn't stand the idea of this invisible GMG being hurt for her.

It was becoming difficult not to speak up and tell the bird to shut up. The scraping along the cage was clearly unfettered nor saw any reason to stop. After all, it wasn't like the new GMG had no plans in mind as soon as the cage was open. Though the bird brought up a point; even from the island's interior any present GMG could see the island was surrounded, be it by soldiers or decisive traps in place. Their only advantage was the fact no one detected the new monster yet. However, if Terrorkeat could easily fly them out of proximity...indeed, it was enough assurance for the scraping to keep going before some of the bars began to wear down and cut loose gingerly.

Down below the titanic girls, the Commander recieved a curious message from her own superior and turned to look towards the tents, finding not so much as a soft breeze to move those light canvas sheets. If it came from anyone in the general ranks she'd have taken it for idle chatter, but Kusanagi had immediately struck her as a painfully practical woman.

A snap of her crop had a serviceman at her side and she relied the orders under the guise of banal chatter between a bored officer and their put upon subordinate. It would pass as quickly as gossip does, an infection that had weapons armed with non-lethal measures and the seaward vassals ready to rain down quick drying foam canisters to carpet bomb an area in breathable containment foam. An invention she rather adored, but the MFF hadn't seen fit to stock given the sheer size of their foes.

Yeshua, on the other hand, was beginning to openly panic as the invisible kaiju ignored her warnings and continued cutting. It was a slow cut but it wouldn't take much progress for the humans to be alerted. Her heart dropped like a stone as the first bars cut and it would only be a matter of time before they fell entirely. "Guh! I'm sorry, Setsu, but this is for your own good!"

The covert wind tunnel dispersed and Terrorkeat began living up to her name, screeching and thrashing against her cage as she threw herself about, denting the metal with ease but not pushing hard enough to break free yet. More importantly she hurled herself forward, masking the invisible kaiju's work with her own body and making a wall of wind slam forward, upturning tents and toppling humans. "Get out of here before they catch you!"

"You idiot!" If the humans didn't discover her before, they certainly would now. However, not all of Terrorkeat's panic was misgiven and indeed, the invisible Kaiju narrowed her sights. With the bird already squawking and moving about, it would have been easy now to fully commit. Commit she did, the flash of sharpened claws slicing effortlessly through the metal now that it had no electricity running through its bars. Large chunks of shrapnel fell to the earth with low thuds while the same glint was aimed at the bonds holding Terrorkeat now. "As soon as you get out, fly us out of here," was the new GMG's response, making no effort to be subtle as she slashed. To the MFF, it was as if the air itself was tearing into Terrorkeat's restraints.

"What the- Fire at the cage!" The commander barked sharply, burying her amazement towards Kusanagi's instincts with the cold resolve of active combat, directing the MFF being buffeted by winds and having their eardrums burst to rally and strike back. Being prepared had helped, but a sudden blow was a sucker punch regardless once it hit you. Worse still was with the cage in the center of their encampment, they couldn't drop any heavy ordinance on Terrorkeat, or even use their most experienced operators as they were already out chasing down Goomie's hiding place.

Which just meant McNair herself would take all the satisfaction of bolting into the command tent and re-activating the electricity to the entire cage on it's highest setting. There was an immediate reaction and the screech turned into a strangled sound as more volts then would come out of a wind farm pumped into a giant bird...and oddly enough seemed to jump out towards something unseen latched onto the cage.

Indeed, Terrorkeat's screech was joined by another, the ground shaking as something was thrown back and landed away from the cage. Smoke emanated and rose from a large figure that shimmered against the air itself as if melted with it. But the camoflauge wore off soon enough, revealing to the MFF a newfound GMG, one that was still groaning along the island's beach front and shaking her head to clear the daze. "Ah crap, now you've gone and done it Yeshua," the feline GMG growled, though to the MFF it sounded more feral than it was. No one on the field was more excited about the prospect of a newly discovered monster than the one ironically not on it.

"Very fascinating," Professor Kusanagi mused from her position. Despite her nearly dead tone, anyone could see the shine of scientific inquiry in her gaze. "A cat who can cloak itself. I can imagine the advantages that might have for you, no named cat, misdirecting attention, almost appearing in two places at once. I dub you Schrödinger." Kusanagi opened comm links with McNair once more. "You know what to do. Stop standing around marveling at the thing; you can do so later up close, after you collar it," she reminded the commander.

"Understood." Was her clipped response, aware she was under a microscope here. So were the troops who took the reprieve from Terrorkeat to aim for the new and still unbound GMG, all so very eager to share in Akari's acclaim and capture a GMG themselves. Cable guns fired, launching barbed hooks that passed over Setsuna's groaning form and speared the ground or trees while the soldier anchored the weapon itself to the ground. On it's own? It had no chance of tripping a GMG up. Two dozen of them, thought? Four dozen? That got McNair's heart racing, especially when the troops with liquid nitrogen got within range and began hosing down Shrodinger's body. "It was meant for Goomie, but few beasts can handle such extreme cold without succumbing. Now men, bring her down now!"

"You couldn't have picked a better vacation spot," Schrödinger continued to snark, glaring up at the bird that was usually the cause of their troubles and misfortune. Such was also the case now as the humans began firing upon her. What she expected to be bullets and explosives were instead tools of capture. The cat's eyes flickered immediately, body going limp for a split moment before the cables began passing over her and pinning her to the ground. Only Terrorkeat saw the illusion; an invisible force passed out of the cat's back like water, gathering up behind her, before reforming back into Schrödinger, albeit invisible once again. As the MFF continued their work handling and freezing the cat clone, the real Schrödinger slunk off to give herself distance, already moving about and settling in position to pounce like the predator she was. Her sights narrowed on McNair, hidden in plain sight, as her claws flashed. Unlike the bird, she had no qualms with ending human lives when need be.

The MFF worked efficiently and zealously to pin Schrodinger and, miraculously, that seemed enough to bring the feline down as she flopped back under the weight of cables of frozen aerosol. McNair was surprised, as it had been humanities experience that it wasn't this easy, even with the sudden shock from the cage to stun her. Even Terrorkeat had taken something of a beating over the day before succumbing.

Fitting then that Terrorkeat herself would save McNair as a rueful groan from the singed, quivering bird had her look to it, only to find it incredibly bizarre it's attention was not towards the downed Schrodinger, but another point of open air entirely. "She could see the other GMG all along...All troops, we're targetting a decoy. The real GMG is over there!"

She pivoted on her heel, crop snapped out in Setsuna's direction with a commanding presence that had troops snap to it and fire heavily without restraint in that direction. Even then McNair was glaring boldly at the space as she raised her comms to the naval blockade."Request saturation fire around the beachhead. Full encirclement with a narrow gap for inland ingress and seabound eggress. Fire!"

The roar of thunder answered her call, distant streaks whistling to meet the pink tyrant's demands.

Schrödinger cursed, which sounded more like a monstrous roar instead to the humans. Regardless, Terrorkeat's movement proved to be too valuable for the MFF, especially when their command was suddenly more competent than what she expected or what was told. Her paw now lashed forward in efforts to swipe McNair dead on the point, either by slicing her apart or batting her away to be tossed like a ragdoll. But she didn't get to feel the human's corpse beneath her paws when she was suddenly lurched back, the MFF under McNair's command reacting in kind to her orders and opening all fire on Schrödinger. Gasping, the cat had little time to react and pull out another decoy before the cables were shot and sprung out. At once her attention was focused less on McNair and more on cutting herself loose and slicing apart the cables that were still being fired on it. The addition of the liquid nitrogen and now open fire from the sea was doing well in making her panic rise and attention disorientated.

There was a sudden gust of wind that tore the hat from Commander McNair's head and it didn't take a genius to know she just had a brush with death that wasn't even visible to her. Her arm snapped back, snatching the headwear by the brim and firmly re-affixing it, secure in the knowledge her troops would fight all the hard seeing their commanding officer in the thick of it with them. Morale was important, especially so when facing such an imposing foe. "This new GMG has made her last appearence as my enemy. Soldiers, stand clear and you! I need your cable gun!"

The trooper threw the weapon without even considering her rank, but she had no issue catching the cable gun. Her crop was held between her arm and her side as she aligned it with the invisible lump now enmeshed in wire and frost before firing directly over it. The barb fell short of Schrodinger's full bulk and struck it somewhere in the back but Mcnair was already tossing the cable gun behind her.

It made contact with the electrified cage and the current jumped from the one cable to the GMG and all the cables in contact with her, an electrified net to pin her in place for the bombardment to bury her with ease. "Don't underestimate the human spirit!"

Between being caught in a literal web of cables and her own panic, Schrödinger had little time or attention for McNair. Thus, she hardly felt the pinprick of a new cable strike her backside, latching onto her while the other was shot elsewhere. However, it also became clear she couldn't ignore McNair forever. Indeed, a sudden jolt of electricty, the same volts as before in fact, suddenly halted all her movement and cleared her mind of anything else but the striking pain. The cat cried out, her cloned double flickering out completely as the real GMG was revealed once more to human eyes. She spasmed and writhed about her wired net, the same electricity from the cage now surrounding her on all sides thanks to the wire. Never one for stamina, it wasn't long before she was left groaning and smoking anew, only this time with an exhausted finality about her voice. Then the cold came creeping up her legs, holding her in place further as something soft but sticky began to rain. If Schrödinger could think straight, she could have sworn she was being fired on by foam of all things.

McNair called the blockade, providing the exact coordinates for Schrodinger now that she was revealed in full. Quickly the feline disappeared, buried under a mountain of foam that deprived her of any and all leverage. Strength and size meant nothing without the leverage to use it, something that amused McNair to no end and brought a cheer of victory to the gathered troops. There was still the operation to secure Goomie's captives and eliminate that slimy threat but for the sake of keeping up the sky high morale, she raised her crop in a closed fist and joined the shouted cheer.


@Flood@The 42nd Gecko

The allusion to nuns went over the Headmaster's head and her face twisted, concerned at the horrors the dark angel had visited upon her academy if nuns were present. "If they have brought prayer into this academy I swear to the Goetia..."

The demon lowered a hand to the floor, it's palm raised for the dimunitive woman to step up and be placed upon its shoulder. She seemed a proud sort, immediately settling upon it with an upwards turn of her nose and a smirk of unfettered confidence. "I'd offer the other shoulder, but the only reason I do not burn is because I summoned him. You'll have to follow at your own pace if you which to see anything of those fools before I reduce them to ash."

"Honestly, a student council president? This is a college level academy!" Her words came with a roar from the hunched demon before it sprang vertically, bounding off the walls with the scraping of stone to herald its ascent upwards. There was something of a cataclysmis sounded crash as it had to tear open a larger entrance then what the bookcase concealed before she was free to reclaim her rightful property. Yet before Caprice would consider the wisdom of following or not, down fluttered a blank card on a breeze, a drifting Serei lazily falling towards her with all the infinite potential therein.

Most Serei were allowed a cool entrance and time to introduce themselves, or were perhaps summoned to crush a vicious enemy and display their talents in a memorable fashion.

Suparna got a half filled sack and a request to rob a city by a girl who didn't seem aware she had bed head so severe there was a cowlick sticking two inches into the air. If nothing else, the knight would remember this with a healthy dose of incredulity before her summoner sped off to steal an airship.

"....'know what? I'mma just pretend this is all Victoire's castle and do it right this time." Suparna said, twisting the hilt ofher thrusting sword to cause the segments to expand, releasing an elongating tendril of carrion and larva that she slashed across the street. Whether they struck student or police robot, worms would burrow in through open orifices, ears, and exhaust ports to infest and corrupt, twisting them into her puppets with a few nibbles to the brain/CPU.

"Alright, half you lot start stealing everything that isn't nailed down and bring it here in a nice pile. The other half, go barf on your friends and make me more drones. I want the city on a platter within the hour! Start from the slums and work inwards and upwards till we can all meet up at those academy gates. They can surrender our earned reward or admit my awesomeness once I eat the fight-or-flight centers of their noggins."
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