Avatar of Lord Wraith


Recent Statuses

13 days ago
Current When a group of players click and the posts keep roling in, that's what GM dreams are made of.
1 mo ago
We're roleplayers, of course we're going to make a third option the GM didn't present.
1 mo ago
I aim to misbehave.
1 like
1 mo ago
The GM should know exactly why each character was or wasn't accepted and be willing to state such. But the reality is that sometimes other characters/players just synergize better
1 mo ago
Limited slots and character applications exist as a way for the GM to manage their cast, maintain consistency and try to achieve mutual enjoyment for those involved.



Lord Wraith
February 21st | 31 | Caucasian
Married | | Heterosexual
Ontario | Canada

All systems go. Back to writing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.

Most Recent Posts

we have a discord?

The link is on the OP of every tab.

@Lord Wraith - Any coming updates on the Bonfire in the Woods episode?

I can make an update for this.
@FantasyChic I've spoke to several players on the Discord channel, so I know there's a couple posts in the works.
@Ruby, I think that's about all I'm going to get done tonight. But I think I'm going to do some major rewrites on the sheet tomorrow. I really like how concise your Helena sheet feels without being overly drawn out and I want to see if I can find a balance between that and my the state of my current sheet.

R I C H A R D J O H N ' D I C K ' G R A Y S O N ◼ M A R C H 2 1 , 1 9 9 3 ( 2 4 ) ◼ M A L E ◼ H E T E R O S E X U A L

"You'll never know if you can fly unless you take the risk of falling."
▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I know it's hard, but try to stay whelmed."

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The criminals, the monster, the ones who dedicate themselves doing wrong need to think he can't die. They need to think he's still out there. Batman lives, always."

▼ A B I L I T I E S & S K I L L S:

"The Batman taught me, guided me, trained me. What I am, I owe to him."

S E B A S T I A N S C O T T:

Monday September 26TH - 2:13 PM | Mather Memorial High School

He should just leave.

Sebastian's face was anything but happy as it turned out that thus far, Kit Renard had been honest. He was in fact, not the Draoi that was hunting them. That however didn't mean he was telling the truth, nor did it mean he actually had the power to back up what he was saying. Perhaps he was another enemy entirely. Jonas could be in danger at this very moment, captured by some giggling arrogant stick of a man while the class was taken down to the cafeteria of all places for who knows what?

Maybe this punk-ass ate teenagers.

Looking at the other members of the Social Conscience class, Sebastian's thoughts turned rapidly as he weighed the pros and cons of staying with the group versus leaving them to Kit. The problem was, Kit seemed to think he was in charge here and Sebastian just couldn't live with that.

"You know what." Sebastian stopped as he turned to Kit. "Fuck you, fuck your lame coat and fuck your attempt at taking this class over. You're not Jonas, you'll never be Jonas and no one will ever respect you like they do Jonas." Sebastian roared, the beast inside stirring again before he turned towards the cafeteria doors. "I'm out, like you, I don't have time for time wasters."

Slamming the cafeteria doors open, the force of Sebastian's arms derailed the sliding doors as they sat in a loop of stuck motion trying to close until the components gave out and the motors quit. With his outburst echoing behind him, Sebastian excited Mather Memorial.

It was time to find Jonas.

Looking back to see if anyone had followed him, Sebastian ran straight into Elroy, the two teenagers tumbling down the remainder of the steps as they came to a halt.

"YOU!" Sebastian roared as he lunged for the other boy, Elroy scrambling to get out of the enraged teenager's path to no avail as the much faster Hyperhuman caught him by the collar.

"Why'd you accuse Jonas of kidnapping?" Sebastian snarled, his eyes full of rage as the nails on his fingers curled into his skin, his teeth growing longer and sharper by the second.

"B-b-because he locked me up!" Elroy stammered as Sebastian looked at him unconvinced.

"No!" He roared, swinging Elroy around wildly like a rag doll, slamming him against the nearby half wall. "You're lying!"

"Hey, Quickshot." A familiar voice called out as Sebastian loosened his grip on Elroy. "Pick on someone your own strength." A hand gripped the back of Sebastian's collar as Sebastian found himself carried through the air before impacting with the ground. Winded, Sebastian barely had time to react as he found himself in the air again, flung to the other side of his assailant before once again hitting the ground.

"Rita..." He managed to spit out as the girl stood over him smiling.

"New and improved." She grinned back before leaning down and gripping Sebastian with both hands. "Bye, bye!" She smiled wickedly as Sebastian was hurled through the air, hitting the brick wall of the school's exterior with a sickening thud before slumping to the ground motionless.

"Now then, where's the rest of those assholes." Rita muttered as she headed inside the school.

Pitch Withdrawn due to lack of interest.
Posts will be coming Monday most likely. Weekends tend to suck for me and as I didn't end up posting on Thursday, everything gets pushed back.
A R C H I B A L D S H E R I D A N: M O N S T E R

Friday, April 07, 2017 - 11:31 PM | City Dionysia - Larissa

A tap on Archie’s shoulder nearly caused him to jump out of his skin in surprise. Quickly regaining a grip on his cellphone, the young man panicked as he realized the suddenly jerk had sent his drone on a collision course with the nearby alleyway. Correcting its path of flight, Archie let out his held breath as he engaged the device’s hover, turning to respond to the beautiful woman who had stopped to talk to him.

But she was already gone.

Or rather, moving into action. Archie watched with wide eyes as the woman assaulted the police before completely disappearing from sight. The word ‘Hyperhuman’ was tossed out like a slur as the police continued to fall despite the woman being nowhere in sight. Suddenly shots rang out as the crowd hurried to disperse, the woman now reappeared standing in the middle of the crime scene.

I think I'm in love.

“What was that about help...?” Archie asked timidly as he brushed his long hair back behind his ear, before pushing his large round glasses up his nose.

"Get over here and take a look!" The woman insisted as Archie checked their surroundings before he too, ducked under the police tape and made his way towards the crime scene.

"Won't have long until more cops get here, so be quick about it. I'm Claire, by the way."

“Archie.” He replied extending a hand before realizing that Claire probably wasn’t interested in formalities. Reaching into his satchel, Archie removed a pair of black latex gloves, pulling them on as he carefully bent down over the body. Tracing the wounds on the neck, Archie put his satchel down as he began to remove several tools to collect evidence.

“Just like the other victims.” He muttered. “Neck tore open, body drained of blood.” He continued before reaching into his bag again. This time, Archie didn’t retrieve a piece of forensic equipment, instead what came back in his hand was a large tome. An ancient book wrapped in leather, metal casings on its corners and sides. The front and back were both bare, save for the aged leather. As he opened the book, its pages were dotted with deep descriptions, languages ranging from Greek to Latin to Sanskrit before changing to more modern tongues, the Romance Languages, Germanic and even Old English. Pages bore deep illustrations, some full anatomical sketches while others were only a profile. But every page was consistent in one fact, this was a book of creatures not of this Earth and while Archie only believed they were real, a true Venari would instantly recognize the book as a Scribe’s Bestiary.

“Here.” Archie suddenly stated as he paused on a page covered in Korean. The illustration stared up at the pair, a twisted visage with coals for eyes and a long tongue which hung down to the beast’s navel. “There’s not much I can go on, I’m not overly fluent in Korean yet, but a previous owner did do some translations.” He explain pointing to the newer writing. “It’s in French, but I recognize enough words to figure out the rest from the context. It says the creature rips open the victim’s throat before draining it of blood with its tongue.” Archie closed the book and quickly slid it back into his bag. “What a horrific way to die.” He looked up sheepishly at the girl, his feet shifting awkwardly.

“I mean if you believe in that kind of stuff anyways, otherwise what we have here is the calling card of a serial killer, and if you want more on that you probably shouldn’t have punched out the police.”
C H A R L E S M I C H A E L S:

Monday, April 10, 2017 - 10:04 PM | Faulkner Estate - Lilith

“He did, what?” The rage filled roar of Charles Michaels filled the room as he sat up from the four poster bed to face Destiny’s projection as she awoke him from his slumber.

“Infiltrated the Beacon and took one of your old suits.”

“Remotely shut him down then.” Charles replied, coughing as he reached for a glass of water beside his bed. Taking a swig, he pulled the drawer out before reaching instead as he removed several pills. Crushing them between his teeth, Charles took another swig of water as he awaited Destiny’s reply.

“He took the Mark One, there’s nothing I can do remotely except observe.”

Charles raised an inquisitive eyebrow as he asked for clarification. “What do you mean, observe? The Mark One doesn’t have a heads up display.”

“He took the Mark Three Prototype Cowl, not the Mark One’s bandanna.” Destiny stated as Charles stood up from the bed. Removing his pajamas, the man’s aged but toned body didn’t phase the hologram as he quickly dressed himself, covering the old scars and closed wounds from numerous hard nights on the streets of Crescent City.

“Where are you going Charles?” Destiny asked, her holographic form moving to block the olderman, only for him to walk through the projection as he began speaking.

“Have Serenity prepare a car. If we can watch, then we can communicate and I want to see what the boy has to offer.”

“But sir your…”

“Doesn’t matter Destiny. The boy has something to prove and he’s more determined than I thought. If he wants the Mavericks’ help, let him prove it.” Charles pressed a button on the nearby wooden column as an elevator to the garage opened. “He’s far more resourceful than I originally credited him for. To not only remember the pass-code but also bypass the DNA scanner is impressive. Let alone having the guts to steal from the Mavericks, the kid might be exactly what I’ve been looking for.”

“Sir which car were you thinking?” Serenity’s voice interrupted as the elevator came to a halt.

“The Predator.” Charles stated flatly as there was a pause in the AI’s response.

“Very well then Sir.” Serenity replied as the floor of the garage rose up to reveal a heavily modified car that had been stored out of sight. The car’s appearance was incredible unique, only the most subtle of details were left of its original model. A dark blue and black colour scheme coated it while a single red badge at the base of the hood, a brazen and stylized ‘IA’.

“Will we be taking the highway Sir?”

“Not exactly subtle, Serenity.” Charlies replied as the roof slid back with a hiss, while the Lambo-styled doors swung forward and up. “We’re take the underway.” Charles stated referring to the network of tunnels beneath the city, relics of mines and long forgotten railcar passages. Tunnels that he had converted for the Mavericks to safely and stealthily traverse the city.

“Very well then Sir.”

“Atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed.” Charles muttered, as he felt the car’s engine engage before it was lowered below ground once again into the darkness. Suddenly the tunnel before the vehicle was illuminated as the car shot forward.

A flood of emotions and memories washed over Charles as he looked towards the empty passenger seat. It was a cold reminder that he was the last Mavericks.

But perhaps, that wouldn’t be for long.

J O S E P H T H O R E A U: T H I S I S W A R

Monday, April 10, 2017 - 06:48 PM | Apartment 204, La Maison Noir - Milk Street, Pointe Bordeaux

There had been gunshots reported outside the Circus Maximus. No doubt connected to Veronica, the Maximus was owned by her father and it would stand to reason they he viewed the casino as a safe place.

Except no where in this damned city was safe.

Nature itself had turned on the city, and Joseph was feeling the full force of it as the motorcycle raced through the streets. Rain drops felt like bullets and despite the suits armored weaving, it didn’t stop Joseph from still feeling the impact against his chest and arms.

“Rommie, are you able to update me on the shooting behind the Maximus?” Joseph asked, speaking into the cowl before it was responded.

“Due to the Blackout in the area, information is scarce. I have a few Tweets, several Facebook statuses and one YouTube video. A vehicle departed the scene in a hurry. Black sedan, similar vehicle was just tagged near La Petit Mort.”

“I can be there in two.” Joseph replied as he veered the motorcycle into an alleyway, dodging a stray cat and several downed trashcans, Joseph emerged from the alleyway in time to see a man downed by another. The man who hit the asphalt was well dressed, obviously De Vitis, the man who attacked him however was a hoodrat. As the hoodie garbed man pulled a gun on the other, Joseph slammed the brakes on the motorcycle, launching over the handlebars into the air.


The gun had already fired as Joseph tackled the shooter to the ground.

“Electrifying right glove, user identified as right handed.” Andromeda’s voice echoed through the cowl as Joseph felt the knuckles across his left gauntlet vibrate slightly. “Swing now, Joseph.” The A.I. ordered as Joseph complied bringing a tazer laden fist in Jacob’s face. Veronica’s screams took Joseph’s attention next as he looked up to see the girl being dragged towards the backseat of the black sedan.

“Shurikens, front pocket, second from the left.” Andromeda sat as the heads up display identified the probable targets. Fumbling for the pocket, Joseph reached inside as the dart shaped throwing weapons slipped easily between his fingers.

“Space your fingers evenly, swing with left, chest height in a level arc.” The A.I. stated, walking Joseph through the attack. Doing as Andromeda had instructed, Joseph followed through with the strike, the darts flying through the air although only one hit its mark. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to free Veronica as the girl turned and ran back towards the brothel.

“I’m more of a punching type of guy.” Joseph muttered only for a fist to meet the center of his chest. The impact winded the would-be vigilante as he stumbled backwards, his balanced comprised as two feet came up and knocked him flat on his back.

“Then you’ll love what happens next.” The voice belonged to the shooter who had recovered from the electrified shock, a slight burn now maring his cut visage. Lunging forward, he pushed Joseph down, swinging wildly as he tried to break through the mask.

“Rommie!” Joseph cried out. He tried to struggle against the assailant but failed to remove the man. “Rommie! Advice would be great about now! Anytime now really.”

“Tap your middle fingers to your gloves, both hands, simultaneously.” The voice of an older man filled the cowl as Joseph quickly recognized the voice of Charles Michaels. Not questioning the man’s orders, Joseph quickly complied as the suit created an electrical charge that ejected Jacob from atop his chest. The sudden electrical discharge throwing Jacob into the air.

“We’ll talk later about how you stole the suit. For now, let’s ensure the girl survives the night.”

Nodding before realizing that Charles couldn’t see his head move, Joseph opened his mouth to acknowledge the orders.

“I saw your vision shift as you nodded, no need to talk.”

“Then let’s do this.” Joseph said raising his fists.
@Lord Wraith Yeah? If that's the case, I'll add Buffy to my watchlist.

Glad to hear it!

Meh, Angel wasn't my cup of tea. Buffy however is my jam. Supernatural too (but mainly for the hot brothers. mmm mmm..) And I never saw Grimm, but I heard good things

Honestly, I find it hard to get into Buffy on two accounts, the female lead and it feels aged. Angel on the other hand I find much easier to get into and overall I enjoyed the concept more. Of the two, Angel is my preferred but I know I'm in the minority on that.
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