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@Legion02 It's okay, I might work on a post tonight or tomorrow.
@Lmpkio Eh don't worry about it right now. I'm thinking of something to get Anu's attention away from the spire, probably another wave of Fear really hammering into her again, which will stop her from loosing Devilry. When I'm done with that, I will probably move her away from the area, but still have her there to figure out what's going on, if you want the two Angels to see her.
@Lmpkio So I noticed that I got a notification that I was tagged in your post, but I can't find any mention of Anu. Who exactly is Hyperion interacting with?
Hmmm alright. I shall have to remove Anu from this predicament, as I fancy the domain she has right now. If anyone feels like it, I will give permission for any God to forcibly remove her from the crater, otherwise I'll do it in my next post.
@A Lowly Wretch I feel I'm missing something here. I was under the impression God's could take multiple domains? You even have it as a rule, unless I am misreading something.

All beings imbued with Divine Cords are, amongst many things, granted everlasting life. Such beings can be killed but so long as their Divine Cords are safe their physical form will regrow around them. This period of regrowth takes a long time however and leaves the destroyed being vulnerable. Divine Cords cannot be destroyed but they can be fused with existing Divine Cords. In order for Cords to be fused the owner of the Divine Cords must have their physical form destroyed before someone else who is intact can fuse it with their own. Once fused the owner of the combined Divine Cords will possess both their own domain and the domains of those who's cords have been taken and fused to their own. Once a Divine Cord has been fused to someone else's the former owner will no longer regrow as they will have become part of the new owner of their Divine Cords.

Unless this only applies to killing other Gods? Still, I feel like this information is somewhat critical to know before going into it.


The Scarred One

Interacting with: Everyone @ the Spire

Anu grabbed the scroll as Dirka left. Blood magic, how very thoughtful and how useful it would be. She consumed the knowledge of the scroll, adding it to her vast powers in an instant. Who knew blood could be so useful, but Dirka was mistaken in one aspect, for Anu would have no human followers willingly. If any did pop up, if any began to worship her, they would become demons. Regardless of that fact, she would pass on this knowledge soon, but first, she had other matters to attend to. If Elaria was right, then this disturbance was of great importance. Anu also imagined her siblings would also be in attendance, if this object was anything special.

Next Anu spoke aloud, ”Elaria, you will stay here for the time being. My Succubi, do not harm her, but perhaps show her something new…?” Anu smiled wickedly, before standing up and opening a tear in the space before her. It was a portal, dark and chaotic in nature. She had found it be experimenting, she found humans to be good test subjects, but those who returned were anything but. As she walked into the shimmering mass of red and black, she heard her Succubi giggling, and Elaria’s whining, then nothing as she was engulfed.

She arrived in the night, her portal a red light in the darkness. It would be highly visible by all present, but Anu did not care. She walked through the portal with her head held high, her body clad with nothing but her scars. Her amber eyes glowed softly in the dark as the portal winked out of existence. Before her stood two strands of light, dancing in a rhythm that perplexed her. It was beautiful to behold, but the power they exerted did not go unnoticed by the Goddess. For she now stood before an area of inexplicable change. The very earth was running away from the spire, forming a black crater into nothingness around its base. The fear in the air was palpable, thick and changing everything it washed over.

Anu walked closer, noticing the grey plants that grew dread from them. There was no mistake about the potency of such power, Anu could feel it. She walked closer, taking her first step into the dwindling crater.

The Goddess of Devilry was assaulted by a wave of fear, a feeling so strange she thought for a moment she was but a mortal entering a God’s gaze. This thought melted away as she reclaimed her divine sense of self. Anu, ever determined, moved closer to the spire. She liked fear, it had so many uses, so much purpose in its uniform precision. It could drive the proud to little more than shivering wretches. It could bolster darker emotions to come forth and be preyed upon. It could cause a god to doubt…


Anu paused, she was very close to the edge of darkness now, but it stopped her. This fear, this overwhelming terror was perplexing. For the first time in her existence, Anu felt doubt in her ability to obtain her goals. Visions flashed before her eyes, she saw humanity growing like ants, always multiplying twice for every single one she killed. She saw the pit inside herself, always hungering for satisfaction and pleasure, never being filled. She saw herself in ways she had not thought possible, this doubt slowly turning to fear. Fear of never fulfilling any of her own purposes in life, always failing time and time again. The Great Game had been lost to her the moment of entry, she would never amount to anything but being the Lesser Sister to Greater Gods.

Anu looked down at her hands, her skin had become the same grey as the ground she walked upon. Anu began to laugh, softly at first, then louder and more crazed. Such fear, it was so intoxicating. To be able to drive her to doubt, a feat she once thought unthinkable. She loved the feeling, of being afraid, it made her sharper, more focused in her goals. She walked closer to the edge, her rational mind fighting the fear that seemed to cover her.

She would not let it consume her, she couldn’t.

Subtle features began to change on Anu as she stepped closer, her hair began to streak with grey as it grew longer, while her horns twisted and sharpened. Her once amber eyes, turned a dark shade of crimson, glowing with renewed intensity. Large wings seemingly made from grey smoke erupted from her back, outstretching to twice her height.

If Anu had noticed any of these changes, she paid no attention, for her eyes were fixated upon a greater prize. So was close to the dark crater now, a couple of steps and she would enter it.


The Scarred One

Interacting with: @Dealdric

Anu’s face was impassive as Dirka spoke. Her Succubus giggled when Dirka began to float around the throne. She shot them one glare and they quieted down, occasionally holding their hands over their mouths to stop themselves from giggling out loud. Dirka offered a tantalizing deal, but she only wanted the dragon and an alliance in return? To Anu this seemed odd, even for a Goddess as Mad as Dirka. Try as she might however, Anu could not see if there was some nefarious scheme to Dirka’s plan. She knew not how the Goddess was going to go about such an ambitious scheme, for Anu foresaw others to be more difficult to talk to and persuade. Not that Anu was persuaded in the slightest, but her own wheels were turning. She could see that an alliance between magic and devilry to be most… Useful for her. If Dirka wanted a war, just like Anu did, then she would use that to her advantage in the end. It was how she worked after all, making deals with the devil seldom worked out for anyone but her. It was just her nature.

She spoke when Dirka outstretched her hand, ”I do love Sins, sister. I shall accept your terms. To be honest, the dragon’s wails were getting old anyways. But come now, Dirka,” Anu whispered as she stood up, ”That’s not how I accept a deal.” The Goddess of Devilry walked towards Dirka, ignoring her outstretched hand. Anu slowly brought her right hand to Dirka’s chin and lifted it up so that their eyes met.

”Do you really think me childish Dirka? Did you really think I’m pure?” Came the Mother of Succubi’s lovely voice. Anu then moved to Dirka’s lips, a slow but powerful kiss followed. She could feel her sister’s every desire, but before Anu took things too far, she pulled away from Dirka and sat back down upon her throne.

There was a devilish smile upon her lips as she spoke, ”That is how I accept deals, sister. I do hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into. Now, take thy prize.” Anu then pointed to dragon, the cage around it melting back into the floor.

Suddenly, and most unexpected again, a red and black portal broke through reality in front of her throne. Emerging from it was Elaria, the Devil of Whispers. Anu’s avatar of sorts. She had her task, turning humans into lesser devils and was not to be expected back anytime soon. The Devil girl bowed while her Succubi began to taunt her. They didn't get along with Elaria that well.

”F'rgive me mine own mistress. I bringeth news, something yond shall int'rest thee!”

Anu sighed, ”Elaria, speak properly or I shall have the Succubi torture you.”

Elaria looked up at her Goddess, and if her cheeks were capable of turning red, Anu imagined they would be. She coughed, ”Forgive me my lady, I was just excited. While on my way to the northern parts of the world, a large object seemingly disrupted my travel. As I am a faithful servant, I ventured to the object to see what is was, or if could be any use to you. When I arrived, I noticed the very trees running from the black spire that had erupted from the earth. Everything was running, but I got closer, until… the fear hit me. It was overwhelming, I felt as if my very body was being consumed, so I ran from it. Now here I am.”

Anu thought for a moment, then turned to Dirka, ”I believe this warrants my full attention sister. If you have anything else to say, speak now.”

The Fate of the Bear

Solveig sang loudly, with fellow Earthican's next to him, in a very busy and loud Exodus tavern. They sang many tunes, their boisterous display being eyed by many different people, some even joining in. They drank and drank Exodus beer, and even though it tasted like piss, it was the only thing that could be afforded in quantity, and that little group was surrounded by empty glasses. Next to the bear of a man were other fighters who had been eliminated from the tournament, but it didn't phase them, for Earthica had won!

The large man stood up, laughing as he almost tripped. With a glass in his hand, he shouted, "For Ultfic!" he tilted back his head and chugged the beer down in one sitting, "At least one of us can fight!" he proclaimed, and the Earthican's in the tavern erupted into a chorus of laughter and mirth. Solveig sat back down, grabbing another beer to drink slowly. His little bout in the arena had not gone as planned, but at least his friend had won. It was all good fun the tournament, but he had been eliminated quiet early by a couple of Primfira's with lances. Despite his brute strength and power, they had tired him out and finished him. The man smirked however, he could have won if it was for real, but there was no need to loose himself in a frenzy over a game. So he took it like anyone could, and left with his head held high.

He hadn't needed any medical attention, but instead chose to nurse his pride with beer, so he gathered the other fighters who weren't seriously hurt and hunted for a tavern. He would congratulate Ultfic in the morning, he imagined his friend was very busy being a champion and all. He would also find out what happened with Laurel, for he had heard some strange rumors about fighting with a Luthran. Other then that, his day had been most uneventful besides the tournament, and he had missed the grand party or whatever it was, not that he cared! Bunch of politicians and royalty had a way of ruining fun.

He was deep in a beer when a man ran in screaming, his face contorted in fear. The room died down as people helped him sit down, someone even shoved a beer in his hand and he spoke in a haunting voice. He told of a creature, something large and terrifying, ripping through guards down in the lower city. He had been outside to piss when he heard the shouting and screaming, and when he looked, well he broke into sobs then.

This sounded like a challenge, perhaps another opportunity to show off prowess of the Earthicans! Without even waiting to discuss what to do, he grabbed Bloodforge and shouted for his men to follow. Though he was slightly intoxicated, he almost slipped on the wet stones then, he was a bit trashed honestly, but his duty demanded that he check out if the man's tale was true.

Adrenaline began to pump into Solveig, as he heard men screaming. They were deep in Exodus now, close to the outer wall. They rounded corners and ran through streets, the shouting and blood curdling screams getting closer. They began to see Exodus guards running in the direction they were coming from, some bloodied and others so frightened that they dared not stop to talk. The only few words they could get out was, 'monster' and 'voice stealer' but Solveig shrugged it off, whatever it was couldn't be too terrible. Right?

His little group at last rounded the final corner, coming face to face with a creature he could only describe as a demon bear. The ones he heard stories about as a child. It's skull was coated in wet blood and viscera, as well as it's fur. Multiple cuts and arrows stuck out from its hide, a thick red blood poured from its wounds. The ground was littered with bodies, limps, and more blood. It was a gruesome display of violence, and he could hear several of his men vomiting at the sight. He fought the very same urge to do so. The Exodus guards still standing were not doing well, and as one slipped upon the water mixed blood, the man was mauled. There was no more time for waiting!

"Come men! For glory!" and he charged at the bear, Bloodforge held high. About halfway there, the bear snapped to look at their direction, letting open it's mouth to roar. Solveig, ran to meet the enemy, the bear charged him but Solveig sidestepped the beast, then plunged his ax into it's mighty flesh, upon the right shoulder. The bear opened it's mouth to roar again, but this time the thing screamed like a man, a desperate final wail he had heard before. This made Solveig pause, fear gripping his heart, but the bear stood suddenly, forcing Solveig to let go of his ax. He tried to roll away from the bear, but he was too slow, and he felt a mighty paw smack him on his right side. Bone crunched, giving away at the force of the blow. He felt his body fly for a few seconds, then land with a terrible splash in puddle of blood and water.

He desperately tried to breath, but his body was in shock. He could only gasp for air, each moment seemed to last a lifetime. Then he breathed, quick gulps of air. He groaned, looking down at his body where there was a large gash, his own blood now mixing with those that had come before. He also knew that a couple of his ribs had broken. Solveig's troubles were far from over, as one of his men screamed for help, and he turned to look just in time to see the man get his face caved in by a paw. He had tripped on a corpse. Solveig cursed, getting up slowly. Another Earthican fell, his throat being ripped out. He watched, as the man grabbed his throat, squirming on the ground, trying to breath. Solveig did not have time to watch him die, he couldn't look.

He shouted at the others, "Get away from it! We need range!" But his voice fell on deaf ears as an Exodus man was thrown to the side. It was killing so indiscriminately, caring not who it ended. At the sight of another Earthican dead, Solveig broke into a rage, grabbing a fallen spear, the Bear of Fortunheim, would not let it kill another soul! He began to jog, pain ripping through his side, but as his rage set in, the pain was only a reminder of that the foe had done to him. The giant man, soaked with rain and blood, ran at the bear.

He screamed at it, and the bear turned around only to meet a spear tip, stabbing right into it's head. The bear wailed horribly, flailing about before it fell slowly and moved no more. Solveig breathed a sigh of relief, removing the spear with a sickening sound and then put his right foot on the creatures head. He then held his spear high above his head. Exodus and Earthican alike began to cheer. The bear was dead, it's terror over! He had won his pride back! Oh this was going to put Ultfic to sha-

Lightning flashed, and the bear jolted awake, biting down upon his left leg. Solveig fell backwards, hitting his head upon the stone. He lost the spear as the men's shouts turned to yells of horror. The beast had him, it would not let go now. It bit down further and Solveig screamed. As men began to pelt it with arrows and spears, the bear let go of Solveig's leg, and for a brief moment the entire world seemed to calm down.

He looked at the bear, and the bear looked at him.

The bear then lunged for his neck, tearing it open with one painful bite. He gurgled blood, flailing about while clutching his neck. The world began to go dark, his vision failing. The last thing he heard, was his own screams.
I think Fear fits a lot of gods really. Shall be interesting to see who claims it.
Anu will be getting involved as well. Fear goes quite well with Devilry.
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