Avatar of LuckyBlackCat


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7 mos ago
Current To those I RP with, I haven't dropped off of the face of the earth, just had a mental health crash but am recovering. Now to catch up on posting.
7 mos ago
The worst thing about mental illness is you have to look after yourself a disgusting amount. I know it's the only way to actually be in a fit state to look out for others, but it still feels wrong.
8 mos ago
Emeth: Then I'll be that friend who's the opposite kind of annoying, whispering "Do it, you know you want to..."
8 mos ago
Judging by the Internet's definitions of introversion and extraversion, you'd think everyone's either an extreme hermit or a party animal with no in between.
8 mos ago
Krystal: All part and parcel of the job.


A frazzled British thirtysomething cat mum with something of a tea addiction.

I like a wide range of RP genres, but have two absolute favourites: Pokemon and magical girls. (If someone manages to combine the two, I'll be VERY happy!) I post fairly regularly, but sometimes shit mental health days crop up - if that causes any delays, I'll try to resume posting ASAP.

Most Recent Posts

Sophia Danvers

Mesalon Pokecentre

@Zanavy @fer1323

The moment Sophia hit the floor, Clarus floated down so she could grip on and pull herself into a sitting position. Squinting into the harsh lights, she huffed at the boy's fussing. "Look... Whether I did or not, I'm fine now," she insisted, trying to stand, sagging back to the ground.

Well this was nothing short of mortifying. Not only had she failed to impress this person with her psychic display, she'd pushed herself much too far, AGAIN. No way was she going to make this first impression even worse and admit she'd done the same thing the previous day.

Matters looked likely to get worse anyway as Oscar approached her, but thankfully, his response wasn't as overbearing as she'd expected. "Yeah... The issue here is we haven't been able to catch a freaking break since we set out," she explained to the new guy. "Maybe calling it a day isn't such a bad idea, but I have to wait here a while. Lacey, my Gothita, she's out helping someone."

It seemed not even Oscar's reassurance was enough, as the punkish guy let out a Pokemon. A round, plushie-like one with friendly red eyes - an Igglybuff. Although the last things Sophia wanted were pity and coddling, some of her frustration melted away as the little Pokemon tottered over and rested a hand on her head. Warmth spread over her like a blanket, the throbbing of a two day old bruise lessening.

Sophia propped herself up, finding that some of the fatigue had eased with it. Even the exhaustion headache had subsided a little. She ran her fingers just above one of her ponytails, feeling no bump on her scalp. As she sat up, limbs still trembling but less drained, a grin from the Igglybuff greeted her, followed by a short yet soothing tune.

The notes brought back memories, recent ones of the Clefairy video, and earlier ones.


"Come on. Focus," a voice, velvet soft yet cold, hissed.

Sophia tried, but her taut nerves threw off her senses. She raised her head, nodding and stumbling onwards. She couldn't see her mother through the blindfold, but she could feel that overwhelming presence masking the one she tried to find. Chimecho was somewhere in this room, and she should be more than capable of picking up on his aura. At almost eleven years of age, she should be further along in her training by now.

She hurried towards where she thought the Pokemon was, only to yelp as her leg struck the corner of a cabinet. Flailing, she kept her balance, but winced at the pain and her mother's tone.

"What do I keep telling you? You wouldn't do that if you'd get your head out of the clouds and find him." Her mom never shouted, but in a way, that calm voice was worse. "And sweetie, what's with that look on your face? That's hardly the look of a self-controlled young psychic."

Through the stinging, Sophia forced her expression into a stoic mask. "I'm sorry," she muttered. "I'll... I'll give it another try."

"Remember what I've taught you this time," came the firm reply. "And Chimecho, do please hold off on healing her until she reaches you. I know you want to help her. I do too, that's the point of this. It's just that sometimes, the hard way is the best way to learn."

It was after a training session fraught with tension that Sophia removed the blindfold and saw the wound. The cut closed up from the wind chime Pokemon's Heal Pulse, but the mottled red and purple bruise remained. As she skulked to her room and pressed a wrapped ice pack to her leg, the Chimecho drifted in, patting her shoulder with an apologetic look and humming a gentle tune.

"I'm ok. This is nothing," Sophia whispered. "But... Thanks. And I don't blame you. I've just gotta make sure it doesn't happen again." Despite the tough act, the song was welcome, more welcome than it should have been as she let herself relax.


"Nice little song there," Sophia told the Igglybuff, returning the slightest of smiles. "Just wondering..." She glanced up at Ty. "I know this is your Pokemon and all, but..." Pausing, she turned back to the Fairy type. "Would another song be ok? Uhh, just curious about what an Igglybuff's singing sounds like."

This guy had better buy into the excuse, she thought. She shouldn't need this. She shouldn't be such a big baby as to want a damn LULLABY. Yet as reluctant as she was to acknowledge it, the more comfort from Pokemon, the better.

Tama Miyara Angelite

The night that had devastated the city was over, but its aftereffects continued.

Tama did her best to lessen those aftereffects, to little avail. Grief and paranoia manifested in great swathes once evening fell, the kinds of Nightmares she was used to, but fending off that many was still no easy feat. The fact that the light girl team had lost yet another member didn't help matters.

For three days, there had been no sign of Alara. Not even during hunts. It wasn't like Alara to ignore Nightmares, but every time Tama held out hope of picking up on that familiar aura, she'd return home disappointed. That sick feeling of dread grew with every fruitless search. If anything had happened to her, a mascot would let us know, she'd tell herself, but even if Alara was still alive, her disappearance could only be due to something bad.

Worries whispered in Tama's mind, day and night, yet what she couldn't do was let them consume her. She had to hold on to enough light to stave off darkness, whether it took the form of shadow creatures or whether it threatened to take over from within. Soma was safe, for one, thanks to the timely intervention of the robotic magical girl. Then there was the other new girl, Honoka, accompanying the group during nocturnal battles, that relentless peppiness and determination bolstering their spirits. And of course, Tama and the others had to stay strong for somebody else. Luna. No longer near them, but no less someone to respect.

Tama traced the fraying cord bracelet under the fabric of her sleeve as she trailed beside Honoka towards the school building, her plodding steps contrasting with the redhead's springing gait. For the remaining light girls, it was a matter of clinging to their solidarity for as long as they could.

"Great way to help people affected by all this, pile school pressures on them early," she muttered to Honoka, catching sight of a certain dark-haired student and turning away. That last meeting with her former ally played through her mind.


Besides the newcomer in futuristic armour, Tama sensed another light presence, accompanied by one that felt all too familiar but wrong. She turned to see a scarlet haired girl in blue and white, the guitar strapped over her shoulder swinging as she stormed away from... Tama winced. She'd never get used to seeing her formed friend like that. Even if Ayumu had every reason to go that way.

"How can you just... just act like all this is no big deal?" the redhead yelled over her shoulder, fists clenched, visibly trembling all over. Various cuts and bruises peppered her skin, blood streaming down her side from claw marks.

Ayumu grinned, a twisted version of that uplifting smile. "Hey, I thought you light girls were all about positivity. Look on the bright side, it was a golden opportunity for me and Kiru to feed. And if anything like this happens again, it could be for you too. Things you can't do shit about won't bother you so much that way-Oww!" The new girl had whirled round, raised a hand and slapped Ayumu across the face. "Aw, c'mon!" the magician continued, putting on an exaggerated pout. "Don't diss it till you try it."

With a shaky breath and a steely glare, Tama advanced. "I think," she said, resting a hand on the newcomer's shoulder as she faced up to the dark girl, "she's made it clear enough this isn't what she needs right now."

Unfazed, Ayumu simply skipped over like in old times. "Ahh, Miyara, long time no see," she chirped. Up close, a hint of unease showed through the facade, face pallid, eyes haunted. "Look, I was just trying to help, is that such a crime? But since helping is the domain of you goody-goodies, I guess I'd better leave her to you." With that, she sauntered back to the ringblade-wielding girl.

Maybe it was the nature of bonds to break. Which meant new ones had to be treasured and nurtured while they lasted.


Looking up at the building instead, Tama sighed. On the surface, this all seemed so normal. The early start could be to settle people back into routine, give them something to focus on, as well as for protection. Yet after this Christmas break, things could never go back to how they'd been.

Honoka Takahide Allegra


Despite her parents' increased protectiveness, Honoka had been just as busy as the others, sneaking out at night to join them. She could still barely believe it, so many magical girls in one place - Maybe this was what gave her hope after such a disastrous event. As eagerness to prevent further tragedy spurred her onwards, she did her utmost to spread that positivity to the team, all the while keeping her own fears and doubts to herself.

What if she wasn't strong enough? What if she wasn't a help to her new friends, but a hindrance?

No. She couldn't think like that. They could train her, after all - provided the early end to the holidays left them enough spare time.

Bouncing alongside Tama, she leaned and whispered in her ear. "Think about it this way. These people all around... students, teachers... You could be the reason many of them are still here. The reason they're able to go to school as usual. You, Soma and Yui, you did more than you think."

This earned the slightest hint of a smile from the teal-haired girl, but something about her still seemed doubtful. Honoka hadn't expected such pessimism from a fellow light girl - was it due to the massacre she'd witnessed, or had she been like that for a long time, for other reasons? Either way, all Honoka could do was be as uplifting as possible, even if thinking back to that night made her ribs clench the breath out of her.

"Well, gotta get to class, so later!" she called, heading into the building. "I'll go check on Yui."

She hurried down the hallway a little too fast, wincing and clutching her side. The jolt of pain, the bandage she could feel through her shirt, reminded her why she needed to get stronger. She wouldn't be too much of a nuisance if she asked Yui and the others for a training session... would she?

Spotting Yui standing by the classroom, she put on a brave face, bounding over and clapping her on the shoulder. "Hey! You'll do fine, I know you will," she said, with what she hoped was a reassuring smile. "Let me know how it goes!"

As she left for class, she thought over the New Year's resolution she'd make - be a valuable team member.

Ayumu Harasawa Phantasmagoria

@SimpleWriter @TheWindel @floodtalon

Typical. Just as the fun had started, Miso City High had to go and ruin it all, Ayumu thought as she woke up that morning. Fun. That was how she had to think of the mutant Nightmare incident. If she viewed it any other way... She shook her head, shuddering. That was exactly why she couldn't. No point in self-inflicted torment. She needed to make the best of bad situations, quit dwelling on things she couldn't change, live for herself.

"I promise," she whispered.

On the way to school, she reminded herself the cancelled break didn't necessarily spoil everything. Surely the Detention Club would have plans for a New Year celebration. She suppressed a smirk as she made her way along the snowy path to the building, sending a quick text to Touka. "So!" she tapped. "What shenanigans are we going to be up to later on?"

It was when she put her phone away that she spotted two people who sent an unexpected pang through her. Turning her head, she inwardly chided herself for being silly. Why should a glimpse of Tama or that wannabe rock star even affect her? If that killjoy wanted to deal with shit every night and drag the newcomer through the mire with her, that was her choice. They just couldn't expect to come out of it squeaky clean. Nobody did. Hopefully these two and the other light girls would learn this with minimal drama, willingly cast off their ideals instead of having them ripped away.

She might have to talk some sense into them later, but not right now, she decided. Being late would tarnish her good girl act. She headed inside, towards the classroom - then stopped.

"Huh. Can't say I expected to run into you here," she commented, strolling over to the little green-haired nuisance, noting her awkward pose. "No need to be so nervous, it's not like you don't already know some of your classmates. Who knows, if you wanted, you could fit right in with us."

To any ordinary student, she'd sound friendly, encouraging. Only Gaia would pick up on the underlying taunt - and piece of advice. Advice she probably wouldn't listen to. Yet.

Taking a seat, she raised her head as the teacher strode in, exuding cringe-worthy cheer. Ayumu resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Sure, she was partial to theatrics herself, but she pulled them off much better. Of course, to make matters worse, the first thing Miss Too-Much-Caffeine did was stick her and Ami into a group activity with that Murata girl of all people.

Ayumu bowed her head. Best to get this over with. "I'll go first," she offered, pretending to have enjoyed Christmas time more than she actually had. "Winter break was a great chance to hang out with friends, and to put on magic shows at parties." Like at the Detention Club get-together, and during the regular 'parties' the dark girls had every night... just not the kinds of magic shows most students would have in mind. "I got to try out some new tricks. I'll bet nobody expected me to pull off this fully mechanised Drill of Death illusion! Nahhh, just kidding." Or so the ordinary people would think. That Nightmare had made a most amusing assistant for that little display.

She turned to the other two, eyes flicking between her friend and her enemy. "Ok, which of you wants to go next?"
Sophia Danvers

Mesalon Pokecentre

@Zanavy @fer1323

"Wha...?" Sophia and the Pokemon surrounding her pulled back at a loud buzz. Dizziness set in at her sudden motion, and she only just glimpsed the green blur before it made the most unceremonious landing. The insectoid beast steadied itself, thankfully appearing to mean no harm, judging by the way it leaned against the counter. Even so, Sophia's scowl returned. That was yet something else she could have done without.

She rolled her eyes as a grungy looking man followed the bug, scolded him and apologised to the nurse. There was no point in starting an argument with the guy. She didn't have the energy for it, and Oscar would all too likely intervene, try to put things to rights. Instead, she turned to Clarus, Skoll and Nomia.

"Some people really need to brush up on this training thing," she muttered under her breath, trying not to think about Grimalkin and the trashed room in Windshire.

Of course, for all her efforts to ignore him and others, it wasn't long until the guy approached to pet the Growlithe. "He isn't mine," Sophia explained, "but sure, his friendliness is why he's over here." Once again, she refrained from antagonising the newcomer. For one, Skoll seemed to enjoy the attention. The other reason was, as she'd always been told, wasn't it better to draw people in than drive them away?

"You see, I'm mostly a Psychic type trainer," she continued. "After all..." Hiding strain behind a smirk, she made the Bronzor's empty Pokeball rise into the air. "Like attracts like." She'd keep things simple, she told herself as the weight seemed to grow. Even in her current state, she wouldn't mess up this time. She'd make a better impression than she had on Rachel. It was just one Pokeball. That shouldn't be too much...

Yet it was. The room felt and looked to be tilting as she slid from the chair. Clarus reacted right away. With a cry of "Zor!", the mirror Pokemon used its own telekinetic ability to grasp hold of Sophia. Being a low level Pokemon, Clarus could only slow her fall rather than stop it, yet it meant the impact she'd braced herself for didn't happen. Instead, she settled like a marionette lowered into a heap, the Pokeball rolling past her.

"Ugh..." The mentally and physically exhausted girl couldn't bring herself to look at anyone. She'd avoided injury to her body, but her pride was a different matter. She could picture the disappointment in her mother's eyes if she were here.

Amber Pine

Out and about in Mesalon


Amber craned her neck, peering in the direction Lacey stared. The area looked ordinary enough, the dirt patch clear of items, to her disappointment. At least this means we're closer to it, the researcher told herself.

"Ita!" Lacey called, pointing in the general direction the feeling emanated from. She turned her head from side to side, but the signals were faint and fuzzy. If a Pokemon was involved... Maybe it was of a certain type that was notoriously hard to read.

Decus, possibly owing to his Ghost typing, had fewer difficulties. Lacey drew back as the sword Pokemon leapt up and carved patterns in the dirt. Before long, a pawprint shape had formed.

In an instant, Amber had her Pokedex out. "Hmm, seems like some kind of rodent," she said, scrolling through an extensive list of Pokemon. The discovery of a clue didn't reassure her, quite the opposite in fact. If Lacey and Decus had uncovered a footprint while focused on this task, then it was connected to the missing parcel, meaning it hadn't been an accident. "A Sandshrew? No, they're smaller..."

Tacita swooped over to the shrub by the pawprint, plucking something from a branch and dropping it at Amber's feet. "Row! Rowlet!"

Crouching down, Amber studied the tuft of black fur. "Well that narrows it down..." After a few more button presses, an image popped up on the screen. A bipedal, dark-furred mammal, a red feather on its left ear, sharp claws jutting from its hands and feet. Amber held up the Pokedex, showing Aedre the picture of the Sneasel. "Could it be this one?"

@Zanavy Accepted! As for items, he'd still likely have three empty Pokeballs left over, and maybe a few potions and berries.

And feel free to join either group, whichever one's easiest for you. We'll probably all be meeting up fairly soon anyway if there's going to be a timeskip.

Edit: When Ty gets his Pokemon back, this might be a good time to bring out that Igglybuff. Also, Sophia has cuts and bruises from a vehicle crash the Aerodactyl caused a few IC days ago. As does Alexis who's nearby, although Otomos is busy right now.
@Zanavy Hehe well, I don't think we're actually going to get any shadow Pokemon, these ones are clones of high level Pokemon and were essentially created as weapons of mass destruction, so getting them to listen to us would be difficult, let alone purification. We'll have quite a few run-ins with them though...

And yep, Amber and Aedre are out and about, and there are a few people in the Pokemon centre.
Yeah, same, been busy over the holidays and things will stay that way over the next week, but don't worry I'm still here!

Now to think of a way to get Fuyuko involved in all this.
@Zanavy Glad to have you on board! Ok, what's happened so far is everyone went from Windshire to Mesalon, but for some there was a hiccup along the way, namely a shadow Aerodactyl attack by Team Noble (yes, this RP has shadow Pokemon). The Normal type gym leader saved us, we're still currently in Mesalon, and one by one people are getting their first badge.

Also, some ancient ruins were discovered in a cave. Haunted ruins nobody wanted to stay in for too long.

If you have any more questions, ask away! Given the point we're at, your character can have up to six Pokemon, maximum level 16 although average level is around 12. The GM has left me in charge for now, so once you're done, run the character past me.

Speaking of which...

@fer1323 @OtomostheCrazy @Noxx @Dusksong

As you're aware, Heckno12 hasn't been on in a while. This is because he's busy and dealing with stuff right now. Don't worry, he's going to be ok and I'm sure he'll come back to this RP eventually, but for now he's letting me take over.

Since I'm sole GM for the time being, I'm going to take responsibility and move us along with a timeskip to the next morning soon. Waiting for Heckno will just bring the RP to a standstill, and I don't want to rush him, real life comes first. Just making sure everyone's alright with moving forward.

If any of you need a summary, we're all out of the cave, Deneb and Oscar have gotten gym badges, and Rachel is about to ask Lan about the ruins. Heckno was going to write that scene, but I'll just have to try to do it justice, and might include it in my next post.

This year has been slow, but I'll do my best to pick up the pace. Here's hoping for a good 2019, in terms of both RP and real life.
Sophia Danvers

Mesalon Pokecentre

@OtomostheCrazy @fer1323

As she flopped into a chair, Sophia half expected Oscar to start fussing over her as usual. If not for the wait for Lacey, she'd have locked herself in her Pokecentre room. She'd been patronised quite enough for one day. Thankfully, neither he nor Alexis seemed to notice her.

"Zor!" Taking note of her concern, Clarus floated in front of her, as if shielding her from anything or anyone likely to cause distress.

Sophia's hand still shook as she patted the Bronzor. "It's ok," she whispered. "I won't always be this much of a burden. I'll get stronger."

At a pattering sound, she looked down. Her face lit up with a smile. Oscar hadn't approached her, but two of his Pokemon had, Nomia presenting her a note while Skoll followed close behind. Taking the note, she read over it. So Oscar was just as set on helping her as always... This time, though, she couldn't get annoyed, not with the two puppy Pokemon nuzzling her ankles. She leaned over, slowly to avoid sudden head pain, and let the dogs lick her hand.

"Awww..." She wouldn't admit it, but this was the kind of gesture she needed, even if she'd done nothing to earn it. Skoll and Nomia knew how to cheer others up, as they'd proven earlier with Kushala.

Thanks to them, and thanks to his new trainer, was the dragon settling in? Sophia looked across the room, only getting a glimpse of Kushala before he disappeared into his Pokeball, yet the sight brought her reassurance. It seemed Kushala fully acknowledged Oscar as his trainer. That guy had the most grating tendency to act like he had all the answers, but when it came to his Pokemon, he was doing something right.

Sophia gave a tender glance towards Skoll and Nomia, then the two other Pokemon who looked to be bonding, judging by the way Aurora admired Roadrunner's evolved form. So different, yet growing so close, in both cases... For just a second, her gaze drifted from the Pokemon to Oscar.

Shifting her attention away, Sophia petted the two dogs. This was going to be such an ego boost for their trainer, she was sure of it, but she couldn't help doing what he'd asked of her and enjoying this.

Amber Pine

Out and about in Mesalon


"Well," Amber replied, gesturing towards the group of Pokemon, "the more pairs of eyes, the better. Particularly ones that can see things we can't." She wasn't just talking about the sharp vision of bugs and birds. She glanced down at the Gothita, who'd already started staring from side to side. "Makes you wonder what it's like, the way some perceive the world... I'll have to ask Sophia some time."

In practice, though, it occurred to her that this might not be a good idea. As much as Sophia loved to flaunt her abilities, the insecurities about her limits were clear by now, and the wrong words could hit a sore spot. Amber could only hope there was some way to truly improve the psychic's confidence, as well as that of her fellow researcher.

"And there's no need to be so harsh on yourself," she told Aedre as they made their way back. Beside them, Aeshna darted this way and that, stopping to hover in place for a few seconds at a time. Tacita glided behind, seemingly assisting, but taking every opportunity she could to prank her trainer.

"Hmm..." Amber looked out for anything that may be on the ground or on a bench, oblivious to the Rowlet tucking twigs and leaves into her hair. "Aedre, what did this parcel look like?" Before the other researcher could answer, Amber heard a giggle from Lacey. A second later, Aeshna joined in with a chuckle of "Yan-ma-ahaha!"

Amber furrowed her eyebrows, only realising what they found so funny when a leaf drifted onto her shoulder. Reaching up and sweeping away the makeshift hair accessories, she turned and shook her head at Tacita. "Well, I guess the mood does need lightening," she said, "though maybe that should wait until after the search."

At her feet, Lacey couldn't help laughing again - then stopped as an uneasy feeling settled over her. She advanced, her steps cautious. It was difficult to pinpoint, the sensation much more subtle than the warning signals in the cave, but if she focused, she could be almost sure something wasn't right.

"Huh?" Amber followed the Gothita, who'd cast aside all playfulness for now. "Lacey, what did you find?"

@LukasVolkov Well Sophia is Wretch's character, not mine, but is dying and is in this for a chance at survival.

@A Lowly Wretch Would she make it clear she wants people to go all out (for the reason Ammokkx mentioned)?
❅❄ Fuyuko Yamazaki ❄❅

Reading the messages, Fuyuko shuddered. Some people spoke so casually about maiming, even killing... Although she knew about the strict no killing rule, smaugslittlemonster had a point. Just how ruthless were the competitors going to be tonight? And was she really prepared for this kind of fighting? The only magical girl she'd ever 'fought' was her sister during training sessions, but there was a big difference between a friendly sparring match and an all-out showdown.

This was the real reason she'd insisted she should be the one to take part, instead of Noriko.

In an attempt to lift the mood a little, she continued typing.

[snowfairy]: If it helps...
[snowfairy]: Just a reminder that I'm a healer, so I can patch people up if anything goes wrong

She cringed as she read over what she'd wrote. Would people overestimate her healing skills? What if she let down somebody in need of help? What if that somebody was in need of help because she'd done more damage than intended?

Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself to get a grip. The purpose of the Hex Night was to prevent needless casualties, protect civilians and magical girls alike. Besides, if it was as well organised as people said, there'd probably be healers around anyway, or somebody to intervene if a battle got too intense. She repeated this in her head over and over, yet it didn't quell the ever-growing trepidation.
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