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2 yrs ago
Current Well... after years of being away, I'm... sort of back. Kinda wonder where should I start, though.


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Location: ???

It was really dense and the more they ran, the less they saw anything else except the mist. It was almost like as if they were running in the same place. After a while, Marina and Xaizor stopped running.

Marina: This is no good... the fog is too dense, I am unable to see our way...

Xaizor: I lost track of the way when she disappeared... we might be lost.

Marina: L-Lost?! N-No, that cannot be!!

Xaizor: ... Someone's coming!

Both looked at the direction of the steps. When they saw it, a large group of silhouettes were coming. Once the fog let them be clear, it was a large group composed of Rayla, Tiane, Ted, Kaori, Auror and Lucent.

Auror: Xaizor?! Marina?!

Marina: Mister Auror?! And everyone else is here too!

Lucent: Did you... also saw the shadow again?

Xaizor: We did. We followed it, but seems like we're totally lost...

Marina: The world has gone into stillness. I am unable to understand why...

Auror: It's not just the world stopping. People had vanished too.

Xaizor: Vanished?!

Lucent: We were with Kaito and Andorina, but... they disappeared out of a sudden...

Auror: Not just that, but Kaori's house was filled with police officers and they vanished too.

Lucent: Once we saw the figure... we gave chase...

Xaizor: I don't comprehend this. What the hell is going on? And who is the person who's behind this?

Marina: I wish we could discover whether this woman is our ally or our foe...

Then, more steps could be heard. When they looked at it, another silhouette appeared. When the fog made it clear, it was Lilina. She, like them, was surprised to see them.

Lilina: You all!

Auror: Wait, you heard it too?!

Lilina: The song? Yes, I did it too. Then I saw a shadow of a woman and followed her until... well, here am I.

Auror: Huh... who would've thought...

Lucent: I wonder if this fog will vanish soon...

Marina: I do wonder as well... and I have a strange feeling. It is as if were are not in Unitia anymore...

Auror: World travelling, like you two did?

Marina: It feels familiar... though I cannot comprehend it well...

Xaizor: Anyway, do you guys have any idea of who this could be...

Auror: We pretty much can assure that, whoever this is, is nothing short of powerful. To send the world in stillness and make the people vanish like that isn't something less than grand.

Lilina: I don't know why, but this feels like a miracle actually.

Lucent: (A miracle... through a song... then, my guess was correct...)
Location: Spring Zone - Kaori's House

Auror: Oof, sorry to hear that. Never wanted to be a gossip on school, but what can I do?

Kaito: Why don't you just tell them to stop?

Auror: Eh, it'll still go on, even if I say anything.

They walked forward accompanying the rest. Lucent, who returned to read. However, when he looked at his front again, something strange happened.

Lucent: Huh? Kaito?

Auror: Hmm? What is it, Lucent?
Lucent: W-Wasn't he just... here right now?

Auror: Eh, but he's right-

When Auror finally paid attention, Kaito wasn't there anymore. And not just him...

Auror: OK, he isn't. Where the hell did he went to?

Lucent: A-Andorina's not here either...

Auror: What is this... why did the two of them vanished?

He immediately ran outside to see if something else happened and it did. More people vanished and the rain had stopped.

Auror: Even the cops aren't around! Only the cars...

Lucent: Look! The rain is...

What Lucent pointed out is that the rain was supposed to fall, but the raindrops were frozen in time. These chain of mysteries rose worries on their mind.

Auror: What is going on...?

Lucent: ...!! T-The song...!!

Auror: Again?! Darn it, what the hell?!

Location: Spring Zone - Alegretto Residence

After a good walk, Lilina and the others finally reached her home.

Lilina: How good it is to finally be at home.

Masaru: True. It's really cold outside.

Lilina: Maybe we can light the fireplace today.

Masaru: That sounds like a good idea. I'll pick the marshmallows as well.

Lilina: Well, I'm heading for the bath first.

Lilina went to her room to get her clothes and towel. Once she did, she left her room, only to find no one at the kitchen.

Lilina: Masaru? Sir Kail? Officers?

She went to see if they were somewhere else inside the house, but there was no one. They simply vanished.

Lilina: (This bodes ill... why are they gone like this? I didn't hear the door open again, so they couldn't have just left... and I searched everywhere...)

Another thing she noticed is that the sounds of the rain were no more. Instead, the song from earlier reflected on her ears.

Lilina: That song again... but from where does it come?

Location: Spring Zone Streets

Xaizor and Marina parted ways with Sayaka and the rest, going towards the shrine. However, it all got quiet...

Marina: The rain... has it quelled?

Xaizor: I don't know. Let's check it out and-

As they looked up, the clouds were still there, but the raindrops were locked in stillness.

Xaizor: What the hell is this?!

Marina: The raindrops... Xaizor, they are frozen in time!

Xaizor: Yeah, I can see that! But... why?!

Marina: Ah!! Xaizor, listen!

The mysterious song from lunch has began to play in their minds again. As soothing as it sounded, they were actually worried about the circumstances.

Xaizor: It's that song from earlier!

Marina: I am not liking this... maybe we should hurry up and go back!

Xaizor: Fine then, let's go!

Xaizor ran, with Marina following him. However, the path seemed to never end. Additionally, fog began to appear, blurring their vision.

Marina: Ugh... this fog is absurd! Where did it came from?

Xaizor: I don't know but this is the way so we need to keep it up!

"Prince Xaizor Arcadia and Princess Marina Arcadia... the time has come..."

Marina: H-Huh?! What is that voice?!

Xaizor: I don't know! But what I do know is... that thing returned!

The shadow of the woman returned. It "stared" right at them before turning back and walking away, vanishing in the mist.

Xaizor: Like hell you're getting away from me this time, you goddamn freakish shadow!!

Marina: P-Please wait! Xaizor!

Both followed the shadow, disappearing in the mist as well.
Interacting with: @Frettzo, @Eklispe and @FSM

He noticed that Lea was actually a little nervous so he decided to stay quiet. Agni also noticed that Samson seemed a little bothered by the way he spoke. Even if he wanted to change, there was nothing to be actually done right now. By the time he noticed, another person came in. He seemed a little confused as he seemed a little confused. "I think this is his room as well." Agni spoke.

BGM: Elegant Summer (Melty Blood: Actress Again)

"Master, I've finished your unpacking." Another voice spoke. When Agni turned to look at his side, a sort of demonic creature appeared right next to him. It was Cerberus, his very own familiar from the World of Nightmares. "All of your clothing are folded and safely put in the second right drawer under your bed. Your books are being preserved in the first right drawer. The left drawers aren't being used right now, but we can put your bag there, if you'd like." He spoke, beaming a proud smile and expecting praise. But what he received from his master was a bonk on the head with a book Agni was carrying.

"O-Oww!! Master, why did you do that?!" Cerberus complained. "I didn't order you to come. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate your help with my things, but there's an issue you forgot." Agni said. "W-What issue? I don't see any problem in myself helping you like this." He spoke. Agni turned his face back at the others with Cerberus following along and soon realizing he hadn't given any previous warning about his arrival. "Oh... I, uh, forgot there were other people here... hehe, my bad...?" He said, trying to apologize. "... We'll discuss this at a later time. Present yourself to them." Agni spoke. "*gulp* Y-Yes, Master..."

Cerberus got up and stood proud. "My name's Cerberus. I'm Master Agni Blackheart's very own familiar." He spoke. "I'll make sure Cerberus will be useful and not a bother, as well as myself since I'm even worse than him, I guess." Agni said. "W-What?! Master, don't speak of yourself like that! Y-You're emotionless, true, but you're not a bad guy!" Cerberus tried to cheer him up. "Says you. The rest of the school will soon beg to differ, you know." Agni said, while sitting on his bed.
Eltrino waved at Morgan's quiet arrival, but once Charles and Koharu demonstrated negative and conflicted answers, he sighed once again, this time completely expressing how he wasn't liking the situation with both teams. He had planned to keep himself quiet about his personal thoughts, but the situation seemed to be the actual inverse. "I just wanted to know if there was any problem here. It's just that... you two doesn't seem actually interested in this and I can only wonder why." He asked, gently. This was bothering him a little.
Interacting with: @Frettzo, @Eklispe

Soon, Agni discovered who were the other owners of the room, alongside him. The first one to enter was the chirpy, highly energetic leaf girl. Her name was Lea, as long as he remembers it. It didn't bother him... he didn't even knew how to be bothered anymore. She had presented herself once again and curiously asked if he was a robot. I mean, who could blame her? She was talking to a living puppet. Agni turned himself to her. "I'm Agni. And no, I'm not a robot. Feel free to consider me one, though. I don't feel anything anyway, so I won't be angered, bothered or anything of the sort." He said, in his dead tone always present on his voice.

Then, the door opened and a cough was heard. When he looked at it, Samson was standing there. He quickly presented himself and began to unpack his things, while speaking about eventual issues with the room. "I've no issues about the room, though I can't say the same thing for her. Is there any problem you would like to point out?" Agni asked Lea.
Location: Spring Zone - Kaori's House

BGM: Lakeside (BlazBlue)

Auror: Nice to meet you, Kaori. I'm Auror Dias Intermezzo. If you ever heard of my name before at school, it's probably because of my sister Veronica.

Auror: She wanted to come too, but she had some... issues. Not so serious ones, but still issues. (Like a empty-brained, casanova failure of a cousin.)

Kaito: I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! I'm not that known, but I hope we'll be good friends as well.

Auror: By the way, he's a lunatic, so don't mind if he starts blabbering nonsense out of nowhere.

Kaito: Would it hurt for you to stop calling me a lunatic already, Auror?!

Auror: What? I'm just warning Kaori beforehand, as a friend would do.

Kaito: I'm not a lunatic, though!

Auror: Says you.

As Auror and Kaito finished their intros, one person lasted. However, he was too focused on the book to pay attention to anything. Kaito lowered the book a bit and Lucent's sight saw they were at their destination already with Kaori standing there.

Lucent: Eh? Ah...!

Kaito: And this here is Lucent Vermillion. He's really shy, so don't worry if he's too silent.

Auror: I was going to say "adverse to social relationships" but you already put it mild.

Lucent: ...

Kaito: C'mon, Lucent. You know what we say to people once we meet them.

Lucent: S-Stop... treating me like a kid for once...

Lucent closed the book, yet grasping it firmly. He was nervous, but still tried his best, with the greeting coming in an audible, soft spoken voice.

Lucent: I-It's... uh, a p-pleasure to... m-meet you...

Kaito: Nice, you did it! In the next time, we'll see if you can speak it a little louder.

Lucent: ...

Auror: There's no need for you to get all red. Kaori won't bite you.

Lucent: That's... not the... issue here.

Auror: (Worried about your powers again, huh? I'm sure nothing will happen, you dork. You're keeping yourself under control, duh.)
Location: Spring Zone Streets

As Lucent kept reading the book, he remembered about the fact that Tiane wasn't alongside them in the lunch yesterday. Since she was one of them, he decided to raise the topic.

Auror: Now that I remember, you weren't with us at lunch yesterday, were you Tiane?

Kaito: She wasn't... oh!

Auror: This might sound repetitive, but I guess it's necessary. After all, she needs to know as well about those two. Our explanation might not be the same thing as the real deal coming from Xaizor and Marina, but let's try to pick it up and end this topic.

Kaito: True. Lucent, help us out with the book, got it?

Lucent: I'll try...

Auror: Alright then. I'll begin.

The topic of the conversation became the origins of the Arcadia brothers once again. Auror explained the best of what he could so that Tiane could understand, with Lucent giving him back up from the book. They did a quick explanation, as it seems that she didn't like long ones.

Auror: ... And to sum it up, other worlds outside of ours exist, with Xaizor and Marina being proof of it.

Lucent: We... did the best to tell you everything.

Auror: This might put Lacrima as a finished topic just so we won't drag ourselves too much on it... yet. You got it all?

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Entrance Gate

Sayaka: Oh, Miss Rosa. I hope I haven't left you waiting too long for it.

Xaizor: And who are they?

Sayaka: Those officers have been watching over me ever since the incident happened.

Marina: I see. Well, shall we go then? We are heading the same way, so I suppose we can still go with you until our ways part.

Sayaka nodded and started to walk, with Marina following her. Xaizor, however, was thinking about something.

Xaizor: ...

Marina: Is something wrong, Xaizor?

Xaizor: It's those things that have been happening... the singing, the shadow... and the fact that they heard it as well...

Xaizor: I can get about them, but why us? We're just outsiders in this.

Marina: This wondering has been on my head too... it is actually leaving me nervous about this...

Xaizor: Yeah. Can't believe this, but I'm nervous as well... not in a good sense.

Marina: I wonder if our fate will truly connect with this world...

Both brothers wondered if this situation was normal or not. However, their train of thought was suddenly interrupted by Sayaka's voice.

Sayaka: Aren't you two coming?

Xaizor: Ah, our bad! We're going!
Location: Spring Zone Streets

As soon as Auror, Kaito and Lucent got inside the car, its engines started and it began to run. They haven't heard the talk between, Rayla, Ted and Tiane about Miolina.

Kaito: Hey Auror, what's with the glass lid between us and the front row?

Auror: That's a soundproof glass. It's so the driver and the front passenger can't hear us unless I turn the mic on.

Kaito: I see...

Auror: It's good for a reunion, actually. We can talk about things we wouldn't be able to with specific persons around.


While they were chatting, Lucent was already immersing himself inside the book about the Kingdom of Lacrima, homeland to Marina and Xaizor.

Kaito: Well, someone seems really focused on a book.

Lucent: Pegasi... wyverns...!

Auror: Wait, what? Let me check it.

When Auror checked the book for himself, he saw more than just pegasi and wyverns. Lacrima had even airships. It was a land that seemed out of a fairy tale.

Auror: OK, what sort of crazy- even airships?!

Lucent: Y-Yes...!

Auror: The more I know about their home, the less I want to be there...

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Entrance Gate

After some small talk, Sayaka and Xaizor finally reached the school gate, where Marina was waiting.

Xaizor: Are you actually calm now?

Marina: Yes, yes, I am calm. I did slapped a boy before he left.

Sayaka: Were you angry at Bloo's sudden appearance?

Xaizor: Angry is an understatement.

Marina: Yet this is something I do not regret.

Sayaka: Marina, you're a pretty cool girl. You'll soon become very popular at this rate.

Marina: O-Oh no, that is far from what I desire!

Xaizor: Dugging your own grave, eh?
Location: Fleeting Memories School - Corridor

Auror: Let's go with the limo. And talking bout it...

Auror looked outside and the car was already there.

Auror: It arrived! Well, off we go. Andorina, you can go in the front with the driver and give him the directions.

Meanwhile, as he walked through the corridor, Xaizor found Sayaka.

Xaizor: Oi, Sayaka!

Sayaka: Oh, Mister Xaizor. Were you looking for me?

Xaizor: Yeah, I was. Now c'mon, we'll drop you back home with safety.

Sayaka: Won't it bother you? I can ask another friend to drop me...

Xaizor: Don't sweat it. It'll be fine.

Sayaka: OK, I'll come with you then. Where's Marina?

Xaizor: Catching a breath outside. She finished a guy just now.

Sayaka: A guy?

Xaizor: Yeah. He had blue hair and talked all corteous and stuff...

Sayaka: Oh... it's Bloo. Well, if he was beaten up, we should actually thank Marina for doing us this favor.

Xaizor: You girls hate him that much, huh?

Sayaka: Totally! You see, in the last year...

Location: Fleeting Memories School - Entrance Gate

As Lilina and Masaru came by, they went towards Kail.

Masaru: Good afternoon, officer Kail. We're ready to go.

Lilina: Did you stood out here without an umbrella? You'll catch a cold! Here, come under mine.
As Eltrino left Adam and Noru alone to think, he felt as if everything he said resulted into nothing. Of course, instigating someone into doing what they never wished to was wrong, but he didn't want people who would easily give up and be negative at the first obstacle thrown at them. As much as I have tried with those two, I'm dealing with an absent-minded and with a lone wolf. It seems like it'll be hard to convince them into trying alternatives, so I might as well check the other duo. I don't want them giving up before the real Hero life begins. He thought.

Soon, the hero duo of this round reached his sight and Eltrino got immediately disappointed. Koharu looked as if she wanted to give up and Charles wasn't giving the least of importance to this. He sighed from the distance. An absent-minded and a lone wolf against two people who doesn't seemed willed enough to win...? What is this...? He thought once again. If those people aimed to be like All Might or Deku, his successor, they need to show a spirit to actually fight. Eltrino decided to try and instigate them into taking this seriously. It could convince Adam and Noru to do the same thing.

"Sorry to bother the two of you, but I noticed you're somewhat thoughtful about the situation. I'm willing to listen and aid you whenever I can. My name is Eltrino Atlas. I'm your classmate this year."

To: @olcharlieboi and @LemonZest1337
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