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Current Well... after years of being away, I'm... sort of back. Kinda wonder where should I start, though.


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Tristan Kingsley Parter

Location: 666 Mystic Lane, MA

Interactions: Xan (@Randomness), Ashe (@Timemaster), Alora and The Benefactor (@MagratheanWhale)

Drinks floated towards Tristan and the others who were the last to arrive. He'd seen too many "accidents" involving these drinks whenever he was around, so he opened it carefully. Once opened, he began to drink the soda calmly, while still paying attention to the room.

“Oh, yeah?” said Xan as he walked next to Tristan, “Could still be the house, given what we’ve just witnessed. Though, it doesn’t look like you guys were the meal, yeah? At least, not yet.”

"Meal...? What do you even mean?" Tristan asked Xan, as he was one of the few who had missed the timing on the house "eating" people to bring them inside.

" Chill down princess. It's magic. Haven't you seen any movies? Someone is flexing their magic muscles to show us they're the boss. Think about it, if they wanted us dead, we would be already. Have a drink and wait for it. Worst case scenario, hold tight to the couch. I can't promise where we'll end up but it'll be better than here. " said Ashe to Alora as she shouted.

(She's already starting to nickname people... This can't be good.) Tristan thought, looking at Ashe. He already felt that she and him would definitely end up in trouble if somehow they were paired together.

"First, don't call me princess ever again," she paused as she flashed a finger. "Second, I haven't had magic long and I could not find even the smallest bit of information online about this magic. Forgive me if I seem amiss." Pausing again as she flashed two fingers. "Third, if wanted to hear your advice I would ask you for it." The third finger flew up as a dull thud could be heard. The noise was soft, almost rhythmic, and seemed to be coming from a far corner of the house. Anora paused as she turned her head back to the center of the room, back to the man, and back to the center of the room. "And fourth, and finally, why did the ghost stop sweeping?"

"... There was a *THUD* sound just now. I guess the host arrives to greet us." Tristan said to Alora.

With the house going bonkers as the *THUD* sounds grew closer and louder, he could only stand in anticipation. His prediction could be right in the money and the man... woman... whoever it was that summoned them was arriving just now. Normally, these sorts of events could be blamed on Tristan and his power, seemingly as if the curses that were being spread around were making this horror scene. But this time it wasn't. No curse was affecting the house. And then, just as he wondered...

BGM: The Forbidden Advent Garden: Salem (Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant)

"Welcome," the man's voice bellowed. It was deep, and his accent sounded almost English but mixed with something older. "We have much to discuss. You may call me the benefactor."

It didn't take long for the Benefactor to finally show himself to the group. Tristan looked at him and felt a shiver running down his spine as if the cold wind from the outside had extinguished all of the house's warmth. The man standing right in his front was no mere joke: he may look like a senior from a retirement house, but he had power enough to make the once moving objects stop and tremble. And not just the objects, the group was also paralyzed in fear. However, Tristan knew it was better than to be the first one to suggest running away. There was no escape, he was sure of it. Even if he tried to move away from that place, the Benefactor could bring him back in a blink of an eye. That was how much power he had in store, and it felt almost as if it wasn't even the beginning of it.

"..." Tristan breathed, grabbing his drink.

The second thing that Tristan felt from the Benefactor was related to his power: an absence of malevolent energy. Or, if not absent, it was very well hidden, to the point that he couldn't feel it. Whatever energy he had was nowhere near a curse. If it was, though, he wasn't able to absorb it. This sort of situation came as naturally as day and night, and yet... this was the first time and the first person in which Tristan's power wasn't working.

(Should I... feel safe around him? No, the fact he carries no malevolence can't be a good omen... or is he hiding it from me? I... this is so confusing. He's the first person I cannot feel anything. But why?) Tristan thought, in a mix of stupor and fright.

"You all must have questions that demand answers," the benefactor spoke with gravitas, "I intend to answer them in kind." The benefactor finished as he shifted his weight onto his cane.

His deep voice seemed to echo deeply inside his mind, enough to awaken him back to reality. He didn't know if the others had questions of their own, but he wasn't going to lose this opportunity to actually ask.

"How did you find all of us at once? What sort of... being are you to pull such a thing?" He asked.
Kurogane Ookami

Location: Park of Rhea
Interactions: None

BGM: Cassete Tape Dream by しゃろう

It was a beautiful day in the park. The sun was shining brilliantly throughout the sky. Classes were already happening, but he just simply wasn't feeling like it, so he just skipped the morning and decided to take a stroll out in town. It's not like he was totally forbidden from doing it so, considering no superior from the school ever came to actually stop him from just bailing out. And he wasn't in the mood to study but to just rest under a beautiful tree and enjoy a tranquil morning under a tree's shade. The crickets sang as the wolf boy just started to hum a tune by himself.

"Aaaaah~... nothin' like a good snooze under a tree to make the night, eh?" He spoke to himself.

Kurogane Ookami, a 2nd-year student of Lord Kiburi's School for the Truly Exceptional. He's considered to be a "delinquent" by some other students, but his records are clear as a freshly cleaned window... though, not exactly. While he hasn't committed any actions that would sully his school registry, he's not off the hook. He was a street thug, now going through reformation in order to clean his record. He still keeps the memory in his heart regarding how it all went.

(It's been three years since I've been under Master's tutelage, eh? Can't say it has been all flowers, but it's fun. Though the way we met was utter bullshit.) He thought, remembering the day he met the one who "saved him" in the past.

Kurogane looked at his clothes and then at the park. He never imagined having this sort of freedom before in his life. Now, he was a student at Lord Kiburi's, and his parole was going better than ever since he was keeping himself on the line. He didn't want to return back to prison or disappoint his master. Though missing the Midnight Tournament will have to require some explanation from him, he felt as if everything was going to be fine, and that he may have avoided a big bullet for not going with the others.

"Hnngh! Alright, I'm rested up and enjoyed a good night. Time to head back." He spoke, getting up.

He got up and left the park, going down the streets. He looked at the beautiful sky while walking down the path back to the school. He had to get back to the dorm otherwise he would be lost in the middle of the town, and that would end up becoming another explanation, one he actually didn't want to give. He may be used to live in the streets, but he certainly wouldn't want to be found by any officer who would even suggest that he was doing something bad. The cops weren't exactly friendly, so it was better to dodge them than to provoke them, especially in the middle of the day.

Zephyr Regrard

Location: Sir Clausewitz's School for the Militarily Minded, Corridor
Interactions: None

BGM: Fortress of Lies (NieR: Automata)

Morning came, and so started another day for the students. The most rigid school in all of Rhea had its students all awake and risen up in the first hour of the morning. Whether this was a way to separate the strong from the weak-willed was unknown, but they were already used to it. The bustling students still had some moments to make use of before heading off to their classes.

(It's that annoying day of the week. Again. What a pain...) He thought to himself.

Zephyr Regrard. One of the most popular, yet dangerous students in Sir Clausewitz's School for the Militarily Minded. Many students admired his strength, others hated his attitude. The same thing could be said about the teachers. Zephyr wasn't their cup of tea, since he was one of the most problematic students in the school. He has good grades to compensate for the number of disciplinary problems he carries on his record. But this was something that didn't matter to him. Something so fickle as "reputation" could be easily twisted around if he ever had the interest to bother with such a thing.

"Zeeeeeeephyyyyyyyr~!!" A voice called for him.

When he looked behind, a female student was going in his direction. Her friends were looking all from a distance, no one wanting to get even close to him. He looked at her with his deadpan visage, as she spoke to him.

"W-Wow... I can't believe that I'm actually able to talk to you! This is such a miracle!" The girl spoke, excited.

"... What do you want?" He asked.

"Well, my friends are going to hang out after school, so I thought that maybe you could come along with us!" She spoke, excited.

"Pass. Now go bother someone else." He answered.

"Oh really? Then... maybe you and I can have some fun together? Just the two of us?" The girl asked.

"Huh? Why?" He questioned.

"I mean, you're one of the coolest guys in school, so maybe a date between you and me will be a hit for the ages! I mean, I'm pretty cute myself, so we totally match!" She answered.

"I don't want to. Now get lost." He spoke, turning his back on her and leaving.

"Whaaaaat?! Awww, come on Zeeeeeeephyyyyr~!! Just one daaaaaate, pleeeeease!!" She spoke, grabbing his arm.

"... Let go of me, you bitch." He ordered, looking at her coldly.

"You don't have to be that mean, you know?! It's just one date, it's not going to hurt you, right?! After that, I'll leave you alone, but please, please let me just have this chance! I swear, it's going to be lots of fun and we can have a nice coffee, or tea, or even some beers to make it account..."

The girl kept speaking... until she couldn't. Zephyr used his powers to mute her "volume" and make him unable to hear her. As he did that, he turned his back on her and kept walking, ignoring her as if she didn't exist while she kept talking and even start to bawl in sadness and humiliation after being rejected. He didn't care for her feelings. All he wanted right now was silence. Especially from her annoying voice.

(Ending her with my power is a waste of my time. I bet she wouldn't be able to wake up for the next week, which would do me a huge favor... but I'm not going to. I'll just go to the faculty office as I was instructed.) He thought.

That's when another student, this time a male, stopped him in his tracks. He looked pissed at Zephyr, who didn't change his own face as they stared each other in the face.

"What the hell's your problem?! How can you leave a girl like that after she invited you out, dude?! You got no heart or something?!" He asked.

"If you're interested in her, go ahead and pick her up. Now let me go before I make you." Zephyr said.

"You think you're some super bigshot that can just order us around like some minions, huh? People like you need to learn a lesson." The student retorted, getting angrier.

"... Let me go and get out of my sight, you worm." Zephyr demanded.


*BGM stops*

The student tried to punch Zephyr, who evaded him. Without any second thought, Zephyr put his headphones in his ears, used his power, and released a disturbing and loud noise in the area. All the students around them instantly blocked their ears as the cacophonic sound invaded the inside of their heads. The student crouched as he was the closest one to Zephyr and the noise was ridiculously high where he stood. Taking advantage of that, Zephyr hit him with a roundhouse kick in the head.
The student fell down and tried to get up, but Zephyr stomped on his head before he could even move.

BGM: You Want It (Resident Evil: Code Veronica)

"UGH!!" The student groaned.

"Pathetic little whelp. Should I finish your life right now?" Zephyr asked.

"Y-You wouldn't dare...!!" The student spoke, in pain.

"Then you'd do well to think twice before confronting me again. I'll let you live today, but there won't be a second time." Zephyr said.

He then kicked the student's head as if it was a football. The strength was enough to cause the student to bleed and fall unconscious. The other students watched the scene agape, while a few of them decided to go to help. The girl who was bawling changed her expression to a horrified face as she looked at him. She quickly got up and ran away back to her friends.

(Utterly boring. It's really not worth ending this bastard more than what I already did.) Zephyr thought.

He put on his headphones and walked away towards the faculty office, as he initially intended to. Some students picked up the injured one and ran to the infirmary. The others who stood there, still shocked at the coldhearted colleague, all took their phones out and began to warn everyone. The message began to spread around the school, as quickly as spam to an e-mail. And the warning was very clear:

"Don't mess with the Maestro... or else he'll kill you."

*BGM ends*

Location: Lingayen Beach, Municipality of Lingayen, Lingayen Gulf
Interactions: None

The brilliant light that covered the whole area was enough to engulf the ground in blazes and raze the sand to cinders. The horrific scene was only visible after this cruel sunlight dissipated at last. If it wasn't for the barrier, they'd be dead on the spot.

BGM: Into the Dark Clouds (Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt)

When Regil opened his eyes, he saw the scene. The horror took his eyes completely, the scene was imprinted on his mind.

"Holy Mother Mary, what the..." One of Regina's soldiers commented.

"W-What the hell was that?!" Another one questioned.

"... Figures. The enemy brought its big guns. If we have ours, then they have some of their own too." Regina commented.

"It's one of those blasted Arm thingies those tech nerds at home kept speaking about. Fucking hell..." A third soldier complained.

(This... is this war? To just destroy the ground like it was nothing... and for what?) Regil thought, horrified.

"Specialist Meitner, how are we going to do this? Should we retreat and regroup?" The pilot asked.

*BGM ends*

"Retreat? Go do it yourself if you want." She answered.

"S-Specialist Meitner?" The pilot questioned her.

"So what if the enemy has one of these Noble Arms? So what if this was some possible new nuclear weapon these bastards made? If they're going to play the heavy guns, then so am I." Regina said.

Regina's Battle Theme: Old Fear

She unsheathed her dagger, her Noble Arm. Darkness started to envelop Regina, taking the form of a black cape. From it, blood-red eyes began to open and look at the field, unhinged, crazy, demented, and hungry. Two gigantic hands revealed themselves from the cape as if they were part of it. A strange laugh echoed among the field if only momentarily, sounding like a child giggling yet a monstrous intent could be felt from it.

"Cover me with your guns and make sure to defend Regil. The enemy might already know that his power's giving us the advantage, so that's why they decided to raze the ground to cinders." Regina ordered her soldiers.

"W-What are you going to do, Regina?" Regil asked.

"I'm stepping in. I'll wipe these Chinese smirks off just because some attack almost ended us all." She answered.

"An attack at that power and density could only mean that it's a Noble Arm at work! We don't know if it's safe to go in the frontlines right now-" Regil tried to suggest, but she cut him off.

"And since when all of this was safe, to begin with?" She retorted.

"Well, that's just because... I..." But he lost his words.

"... This is war, not a playground. If you don’t have the guts to spill blood, leave this place to those with the actual courage to do it. We don't need weaklings, we need soldiers. People who'll grab a weapon and are ready to defend their lives at all cost. We don't give a shit to ethics and morals if we want to live another day." Regina said, coldly.

Regil had to bite his tongue before answering her. This wasn't the same Regina he once knew. She changed. She saw the tragedy of war, blood being spilled, and lives being destroyed. Something he could only see and hear from afar. The soldiers questioned themselves why Regina would say that to her own brother, whom she called here in the first place, only to speak so dismissively to her own kindred. But this was a wake-up call. She wanted him to understand what he needed to do.

"Snipers, remember your orders and give me cover! Launchers, keep attacking the aerial units! Pilot, grab a gun and stand close to Regil! And you, brother..." Regina reminded them.

"..." He looked at her in utter silence.

"Wake up." She ordered him.

Regina ran towards the frontlines, with her snipers already covering her from afar. The launchers still shot at the aerial stragglers left behind. Regil could only look at his sister, as she left the area and was almost crossing the shield placed by Ari.

"Young Sir Regil!" The pilot called him.

"A-Ah, right... sorry. I need to check on something first." Regil said.

"Then let's fall back to the helicopter. It'll give you some time to think." The pilot answered.

"Alright then, let's go." Regil said, backing off towards the helicopter, being followed by the pilot.

Regil and the pilot went back to the helicopter, accompanied by the Queen. As for Regina, she ran without looking back a second time. There were no more second thoughts: she had to use her power. Otherwise, it would be game over. The Witch was already delighted to be unleashed, at last, ready to devour its enemies and its vessel at the same time.

"Those were some brave words back there, for someone who wouldn't give a second thought to sacrificing her allies to survive. Hey, how long are you going to keep secrets from your crew and your brother about what actually happened back on the day we met?" The Witch provoked her.

"Shut the hell up and just fight! I'm giving you what you want, so do your part of the deal already!" Regina retorted.

"Okaaay~! Let the bloodbath begin... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" The Witch laughed.

@supertinyking, I'll be moving Kurogane and Zephyr for now, but I had to edit Lambda a little after discussing it with everyone else in the Discord server, so he's resubmitted for a new evaluation.
Thanks @Dezuel. And I'm sure I will enjoy, the premise is pretty interesting and enjoyable.

About the Discord, can I join in even if I'm not approved? If yes, I'll gladly jump in.
<Snipped quote by MagusDream>

Perhaps ping the GMs?

No, that's not necessary. I can wait for the approval, it's just to see if someone else has a personal input about them.

<Snipped quote by MagusDream>

I don't think there is, actually, but that's just my gut feeling. The GMs have yet to chime in, but I'm fairly sure these sheets will get accepted. Just a matter of when they get looked over fully, as the GMs are busy for various reasons currently. So definitely don't drop them in the CS tab yet though.

Sure thing. IRL can be difficult sometimes, so I can wait.
So, is there anything that I need to explain, fix, or delete about Lambda, Kurogane and Zephyr? If not, can I move them to the CS tab or not yet?
OK, I'm willing to try this again, after giving it much thought based on @Lewascan2 told about my first try, and after gathering the info needed to understand the lore in general. I have some more to show today, so I want to see if these three work now.

Location: Lingayen Beach, Municipality of Lingayen, Lingayen Gulf
Interactions: None

BGM: Bipolar Nightmare (NieR: Automata), remixed by FalKKonE still playing

The Meitners were both driving the battlefield in their own ways. Regil, the youngest, held his position behind everyone as much as he could muster, trying to protect himself and the Queen from the Chinese Army's attacks. After all, her aura was bringing the Noble Arms a chance of victory. As for Regina, her continuous and offensive carnage in the skies was proving itself to be effective, even if she was leading one rogue aerial unit against many of them. Despite the risk of being an easy target to hit stacked against her and her soldiers, they braved the incoming assault as much as they could ever muster.

However, they weren't invincible, only human beings at the end of the day. Whether they were wielding Noble Arms or not, it didn't change the fact that we aren't talking about superheroes. Sure, the Arms themselves managed to make a very powerful impact on their natural aptitudes, but it didn't make them invincible. And what's worse, the Chinese Army kept coming at them without any sign of stopping. More and more reinforcements came over the sea, and it wasn't exactly possible for them to keep firm control of the battlefield without taking account of the next waves coming at them. It was almost as if their efforts were all to naught. But even so, both siblings were determined to win this.

(I can't shake the feeling this is all just the beginning of the fight. We're not even close to diminishing their forces, even though we're standing up just fine. But my focus can't waver, not right now.) Regil thought.

(I'll keep shooting, and shooting, and shooting. It doesn't matter who comes in my way. I am Regina Meitner, Specialist of the England Military Army. I'm not letting these Chinese bastards get the best of me.) Regina thought.

The arrival of another aerial squad allied to them from the clouds gave them a chance to breathe, though. It was a close call, but the aircrafts were being bombarded from left, right, up, down, back, and front. If these were fireworks, it'd definitely be a show to behold. However, it wasn't a celebration, so the explosions weren't beautiful, but ugly.

"Good, reinforcements! Now we can do some damage to those aircrafts!" Regil spoke, happy. The Queen kept shooting its lasers at the aircrafts, exploding them.

Regina's unit followed through as she and her soldiers kept firing rockets and hitting some of the aircrafts. The sudden stupor caused by the arrival of the aerial reinforcements made it better for them to keep on the offensive since the enemy now had something else to worry about.

"Specialist, more aerial reinforcements! Shall we join them?" The pilot asked.

"Of course not. Now those bastards will have another thing coming. But I'm not stupid enough to go into a jet fight with a helicopter." Regina answered.

"So we're landing to help Lord Regil, who's down there on the field?" Another soldier quickly pointed.

"... Yes. I think I need to give instructions to him since he's not following my words." She said.

The pilot obeyed, descending the copter from the airfield and landing it directly towards Regil's position.

"H-Huh? Is that...?" He spoke.

All of her squad got down from the copter, already armed. They stood right in front of Regil as Regina came to meet him.

*BGM fades away*

"S-Sister?!" Regil questioned, surprised.

"I told you to brace yourself, not to be lenient on the enemy. You're a Meitner, act like one." Regina spoke, coldly.

"The enemy's aerial unit is close to invading the city. If I didn't stop them now, they would've-" Regil tried to argue.

"Leave the air to me, my squad and to this other unit that just arrived. Focus on the ground, stat." Regina ordered.

"B-But if I stop attacking the air, they will-" Regil, once again, tried to argue.

"Regil, I didn't ask for your intel. Do as I tell you." Regina gave her final word.

"H-Hold on!! Regina, let me finish-" He tried to speak, but she already ended the transmission.

BGM: Grandma -Destruction- (NieR: Automata), remixed by FalKKonE and Rena

"Specialist, we await your orders!" The pilot spoke.

"We're taking advantage of the moment, because we're going to engage the enemy in all directions from down here!" She ordered.

"Roger that, Specialist!!" The pilot responded.

"Launchers, keep bombarding those bastards down! Snipers, I'm rejoining you! Kill the falling stragglers, aim for their vitals! And if you get the opportunity, pierce the windows with our bullets and kill them directly from inside the plane!" Regina ordered.

"Affirmative, sir!!" The soldiers responded in unison.

Regina once again grabbed a rifle and joined the snipers. She shot the falling stragglers in their heads, neck, lungs or heart, whatever was quicker to hit. With her attack, it wasn't just gunpowder raining down, but bodies started to fall from the sky too, at a faster rate than before.

Regil watched with horror as he finally got a glimpse of his sister as she invaded the air. But it wasn't just because of her seemingly merciless slaughter, but the war itself was taking a scheme that he couldn't believe. Even though it was the enemy, the soldiers were also humans losing their lives. Even though it was either him or them, this was a scenario that he always avoided to think.

(... I-I can't falter now. Regina's orders were sound. I have to help the others down here too.) He thought, still shocked.

He shifted his attention to the ground and ordered the Queen to shoot her lasers at the tanks instead.
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