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8 yrs ago
Current All work and no play, makes these old bones dry.


Work, work, work. Rain, work, work.

Giant mutant chicken-sandwich.

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Plus they are Christians also...
Weird Talk-Show Man

Question here being. Am I allowed to have had some portions of my nation survive? (Aka UK/Ireland)

Although only some city-states would hold any stability left in them? The rest of the land fallen into anarchy?

Also. Did all of the ice melt away?

All hail Holy Britannian Empire.

I'ma go Code Geass on yo asses.

Well flags and people. Kind of hard to find such images, that might make me feel - 'this person is both from the future'.

Sweet. I can claim it into my Celtic Nation.

Hmm. When we are using pictures are we allowed anything?

ROFL. Is that tiny piece of land from France - Britanny? That hadn't sunk?

I think by this point, people know the dangers of democracy.
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