Avatar of Nobodyman123


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3 yrs ago
Current Started back to work this week, so I'm exhausted. I'll get some posts done tonight.
3 yrs ago
Holy back injury, Batman! I'll try and post tomorrow.
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4 yrs ago
Feeling burnt out. Medication isn't working like it should. I'm gonna try to keep writing, but it might take a while.
4 yrs ago
Sottu got making people wait. My wife is getting ready to run her own DnD campaign soon, and I'm helping her.
4 yrs ago
My PS4 save date got deleted. I'm actually quite upset.


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@LostDestinyI just stick with bounty hunting and the story missions.
Ive been playing RDO quite a bit, but I hate all the griefers.
I'll try to post a few more times before this next weekend. I'll be taking a vacation and I'll be gone for a few days.
Posted. Finally getting to see Pete in action.

I look forward to seeing everyone else's posts!
With Elijah and Ben riding with him, Pete spurred his horse forward. He was almost out of earshot of the wagon when he heard Annabelle wish the trio good luck. He gave a nod in her direction and continued onward, towards the sound of gunfire.

The further they rode, the louder and more pronounced the gun shots became. It definitely sounded like a firefight, with two parties exchanging fire with one another. At that thought, Pete gripped his rifle tighter. He remembered that John Blackthorne was out here, along with a few of his fellow gang members, headed up this way. Did the law catch them? he thought to himself.

When Pete reckoned they were close enough to the fighting, he drew up his horse next to a mound of stones. It wasn't much in terms of cover, but it could provide a good sightline for his rifle. "I'll cover you from here." Pete told Elijah and Ben. "Watch your backs out there!" he said as he dismounted Kaiser, rifle in hand.

The rock pile gave Pete a good view at the chaos laid out before him. Sure enough, John Blackthorne was there, giving hell to the men that came his way. From what Pete could tell, the outlaw was in pretty rough shape. If Seth and Jamie were nearby, he couldn't see them from where he was.

Pete's rifle, a Remington Rolling Block, was as efficient as it was simple. A bit of a rifle nut, Pete spent a good deal of money to customize his weapon with a good scope to ensure his shots would be accurate. As the former soldier put the crosshairs of his scope over the first man he could see shooting at John, he exhaled and pulled the trigger.


The enemy gunslinger fell backwards, clutching his throat with blood pulsing from between his fingers. "Good start." Pete said to himself before loading another round. Hopefully Ben and Elijah could take care of themselves while he kept these guys busy.
Good round of posting. I'll post tomorrow, as I spent all night playing Call of Juarez.
Glad were all still here. I was afraid I ruined everything with my crappy post.
Been thinking about making a second character. An antagonist Bounty Hunter. Thoughts?
Sorry for the wait. Best post I could do after an 11 hour work day.
When invited, Pete was all too happy to saddle up Kaiser and join everyone on their trip into town. He even shrugged as Ben gave him a slight ribbing, though he decided to keep his retort about how no amount of beauty sleep would do Ben any favors to himself.

Kaiser stayed still while Pete set him up with saddle and bit. After a quick once over of his saddlebags, Pete slung his rifle over his shoulder and mounted his horse. When the call went out to get going, Pete gently touched his spurs to Kaiser to get him going.

Pete liked to ride a few yards ahead of the wagon whenever they went out like this. There was something about a view of open country and big blue sky that made him glad to be alive. Not that he didn't like spending time with his fellow gang members, especially Annabelle.

Annabelle Lockhart. He had been casually flirting with her for some time, but he had zero clue if this was even serious. Was she even interested? Maybe she was already spoken for?

Either way, he decided to ask Ben about it later. Pete knew that he had much more experience with women.

As he enjoyed the gorgeous vista laid out before the gang, Pete heard a loud pop, far in the distance. He thought he was imagining things at first, but soon the sound was followed by many, many more.

"Boss." he said, turning back towards Elijah. "Sounds like gunfire." Pete was already bringing his rifle off his shoulder. "Want me to check it out?"
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