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The pouch flew to the unconscious Blizzard, and hit the Vulpo at the her torso.


Nothing happened.

The Operators waited, with bated breath, for something to happen. But nothing did, and they relaxed knowing that there were no illusions here nor were there traps of any kind. That still begged the question, "If this is all real, then how did Blizzard get here?" Ibon said. "The last time I saw her, she was carried into the forest by Rex, another teammate of ours. Did he take her here?"

Before Ibon's question was answered, Wu took the initiative to approach the sleeping Blizzard personally. He slowly went up to her and placed a hand on her still shoulder. "Blizzard...?"

Suddenly, the Vulpo shot upwards, startling everyone. "There's someone outside!" Blizzard yelled before hopping out of her bed, pushing aside Wu and the other Operators and bolting out of the room. Presumably, rushing to exit out of the radio facility.

"Guys, we have to follow her!" Ibon was the next to move, following her team leader.

The Operators all go out and find Blizzard just outside of the radio tower's main entrance. She stared far into the dark forest that surrounded the facility and paid no heed to her fellow Haynek Institute Operators. At first, it seemed like she was looking at an empty forestline. But when the other Operators looked, they would see a figure obscured by the cursed woods. A humanoid stood at the forestline, his dirty attire of a brown trenchcoat and a very worn hat proved to be effective camouflage with the woodland background.

It slowly emerged out of the forest with a simple wooden staff. He raised his hands and staff outward and exclaimed. "Outsiders! Do you wish to survive this dark land? Do you wish to see another day within this forest ruled by the Cursed Rock?"

The voice was male and he awaited a response. Blizzard still stared while Wu and Ibon were too dumbfounded to answer.
Hey guys! Unfortunately, I need time to organize the next quests as well as other stuff so the update will come next week. In the meantime, a question for y'all.

Do you think there's enough NPCs in the guild or do you think it could use more? If so, are there any character types you'd like to be added?
I'm having trouble tracking the NPCs. Let me know if I made a mistake somewhere.
The Journey Begins

~ Dawn ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist, @Guy0fV4lor

"We're here tah save this place from a god gone mad. Aye shoulda told ye th' details on the way-- but aye think weh just found our first lead. Aye'll explain when we get a quiet minute and ain't in the open-- c'mon lad."
Donovan MacConaill

"A god gone mad, huh?" Nick was already intimidated. "I'm sure this'll be easy..."

Donovan then met with a beautiful and effeminate, fair-skinned man with long and flowing hair. Apparently, he and Donovan knew each other. From what Nick could infer, it appeared they had been together not too long ago and were in trouble of some kind. The beautiful man's name was not revealed to Nick and he appeared to be in a hurry, offering Donovan and Nick rest with rather flamboyant language. He then took off and Nick noticed he had a bow in his hands.

"I take it you know that Fabio-looking dude back there?" Nick asked Donovan. "He looks giddy with that bow of his."

Nick was following Donovan the entire time and it appeared they were following the girl they saw earlier, but then they were stopped when a voice spoke to them from behind.

“...Dawn. T-the name of the village, that is. Forgive my impudence for speaking out of turn, but you seemed curious so I thought to be of help. And if I have not offended then perhaps I can be of service in some manner?”

It was the horned woman and now that she was up close, Nick could discern the details of her appearance. She wore what appeared to be feminized samurai armor complete with a pair of those Japanese katanas on her hips. She also had one of those Japanese demon masks, completely hiding her face. But not her very noticeable reddish horns that protruded from her forehead. "Thanks. Dawn, huh? That's a nice name. Although, this village might not be seeing one very soon."

"I'm Nick, and this is Donovan." He introduced the two of them before explainig anything. "We heard from a deer that this place is about to go belly up. Know anything about that?"

"Nice horns, by the way. My little sister has them too, although only I could see it." Nick could not take his eyes off the woman's horns. It was enchanting for him, to say the least. They looked so natural, and Nick knew they were. But at the same time, he was not used to seeing horns on humanoids since there were none back in Earth.
@Raineh Daze

Thanks. Let me edit Jarde's answer then.
~ Candaeln ~

Interacted with: @VitaVitaAR, @Raineh Daze

After the main event, the battle against the necromantic conspirators and the rescue of Tili's sister, the night seemed to pass quickly. The remaining conspirator as well as Tili, who had after all attempted to assassinate the Princess, were taken away to be interrogated and to serve their sentence, respectively. The Iron Rose Knights went back to Candaeln to rest. Jarde had ruined the armor that he had borrowed but surely, circumstances excused it right?


Jarde had a good night's rest, exhausted from the previous night's ordeal. He was about to his usual routine of training when he was suddenly asked to come to a lecture by Paladin Tyaethe. Jarde dutifully followed and soon found himself in a classroom with the Paladin drawing stick figures on a blackboard. The stickmen had labels: 'Alive', 'Sapient undead' and 'Vampire'. The fourth one had no label, but was a drawing of an obvious skeleton.

A circle was drawn around the stickmen 'Alive', 'Sapient undead' and 'Vampire'. Another circle was drawn, this time covering the skeleton, 'Vampire' and 'Sapient undead'.

"Can anyone tell me what these groups represent and why something would be in it?"
Tyaethe Radistirin

Jarde raised his hand, eager to answer the question. "Ahh, the first circle are living beings and the second one are..." His earlier enthusiasm faltered as he could not make heads or tails of what the second circle meant. "...dead?"

I'll be writing my post soon but I don't mind if you go first.
The next update would probably move the RP to the next day but it will still have the responses of the NPCs to the players' inputs.

It's back to work for the Guild.
~@Rezod92, @Restalaan (YNG)~

"Ozzy and I were just...talking. Calming me down, really. Nothing to worry about."
Kira Gigas

"Oh. Well, I hope it worked. I've heard that what happened at the port was pretty heavy, so I hope you're alright." Bart seemed to buy Kira's lie. "They had a fireworks display this night, you know? It's a shame that you missed it. Err, not like I could talk since me and Yang went home pretty early too. We caught some of the lights going off on the way. I bet it would've been prettier if we were actually there."

"Well, little we could do about it now. At least, the other members got to enjoy it." Nothing more but idle chat followed during the small dinner. It would take a while before the other Guild members came back but Bart retired early to sort out what he gathered during the festival, leaving Kira and Yang to do what they wished.

(It's all good)

The Operators entered through the back door and found themselves in the facility's kitchen area. There were a couple of tables and several steel chairs. There was a large refrigerator on a corner and about four microwaves sitting on a counter to the side alongside a sink, a few plastic utensils and some coffee makers. Below the counter were some drawers and cabinets. Should the Operators check the fridge and open the drawers, they would find nothing. Although, the kitchen looked pristine despite being abandoned for a long time.

Besides the door they entered in, there was also a pair of double doors in the kitchen. Wu immediately went to open them and he saw the familiar sight of the hallway, just from the other side. "Looks like this is all it. Pretty simple complex, but radio towers built in remote areas are made to be as small as possible. Wanna check the doors on the hallway now?"

One of the two doors on one side of the hallway lead to the generator room. A room that contained only the electric generator that powered the station. Meanwhile, the other door lead to the communications room, the main room of this facility. It contained aged computers and radioes as well as machines that picked up transmissions and signals. Despite being out-of-use for what could be several years, not much dust has settled on the place. "I know some technical stuff about radioes so I can probably set things up. I would need power, though." Ibon said.

"And I know a thing or two about generators. I can handle that." Wu spoke with confidence. "But let's explore the entire facility first before we get to work."

The Operators inspected the last door. Opening it, they found a staircase that lead down. "This probably leads to the bunker." Wu guessed. Having no other choice but to investigate, the group descended the stairs where another door waited for them. Getting past that, they soon found themselves in a wide stone hallway with several doors to the side. On the far end of the hallway was an engraved emblem of the country of Kazimierz. Evidence of this place belonging to Kazimierz military.

Wu and Ibon opened the doors to the sides, revealing rooms with beds and small bathroom areas. These were the living quarters for the crew manning this radio station. Like the area above, this small underground bunker was empty too. Until Ibon found someone. "Guys! Guys, look!" She called everyone over.

On the last room to the left, on the bed tucked in neatly was one of the leaders of this operation. Lying unconscious was Blizzard, seemingly unharmed and no worse for wear. "Blizzard--"

Wu stopped Ibon from getting closer. "Stop! It could be a trap." The Liberi Medic looked at him incredulously. "I-It could be the forest playing with us. This could be an illusion or something."
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