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3 hrs ago
Current Good luck, Night Diamond!
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17 days ago
People nap for 10 minutes?
19 days ago
Hope everyone is ok after the earthquakes
19 days ago
20 days ago
Alas, I only got 8 inches


About Me

Name: Ben
Username: The one and only. Dare I say?
Age: 30
Ethnicity: Mixed
Sex: Male
Religion: Christian (Nondenominational)
Languages: English, Japanese (Semi-fluent & learning), I also know some Scots Gaelic, Quenyan (Elvish), and Miccosukee (My tribal tongue)
Relationship Status: Single (Though generally unavailable unless I find I really enjoy someone).

Current Projects/Freelance work

  • I am a voice talent and script writer for Faerun History
  • I have a much smaller personal Youtube channel that I use to make videos on various subjects. Only been making videos for 2 years, but it's growing!
  • I'm the host of a Science Fiction & Fantasy Podcast where I interview authors of the genre.

Interests (Includes but is not limited to)

  • Writing/Reading (Love writing and I own too many books)
  • Video Games (Been a gamer for close to 23 years now)
  • Working Out/Martial Arts (Wing Chun/Oyama Karate mostly. Some historical swordplay as well.)
  • History (Military History is my specialty)
  • Zoology
  • Art (Mostly Illustrations. Used to be good. Am picking it back up)
  • Voice Acting/Singing
  • Tabletop Gaming (Started late in the game. Been at it for 3 years. I was the kid who bought the monster manuals and D&D books just for the lore for the longest time. I've played 3.5e, 5e, Star Wars D20, Edge of the Empire, PF, and PF2.)
  • Weaponry of all kinds
  • Anime (mostly action/shonen. DBZ & YYH being my favorites)
  • Movies (Action/War/Drama films being my go-to)
  • Music (Rock of all kinds, as well as historical folk songs, sea shanties, pub songs, a bit of classical music, etc)
  • Guitar (am learning to play, but being left handed makes it challenging)
  • There's more but if you care enough you can PM me :P

Roleplay F.A.Q.

  • Fantasy, Sci Fi, and Historical are my genres. Fantasy being my favorite and Sci Fi/Historical being close seconds.
  • Advanced / Nation / 1x1 / Casual (only in certain circumstances)
  • I generally write at the 'Advanced Level' meaning 4+ Paragraphs with good grammar.
  • I am usually busy with many projects and RPs, but if you wish to do a 1x1 with me, you'll need to present your case. Those I already do it with have my trust as a Roleplayer.
  • I love many, many fictional universes so me trying to list them all is an effort in futility!


Most Recent Posts

A fellow fan, I see. Welcome!
Elder Scrolls 6 plz
I know it'll probably be here in 2021 or something but God I need it.
The Promenade turned out to be far less prestigious than the name let on. Rust and dried blood coated the once pristine structures that crowded around the walkways and courtyards of the province. Bright lights and gaudy signs that promised low prices, fine drinks, or your dreams coming true were a distraction from the decaying urban landscape and the literal tons of pollution that undulated into the perpetual night sky. Province 8 was one of the many criminal 'verticle cities' that dotted Dioni III, but it was one of the most notoriously unscrupulous on the planet.

"Ah, home sweet home," Neil mused, though there was a hint of irony in his voice that was inescapable to a keen ear. He did seem to trail along and glance about roguishly as if he could predict where every business deal and thief hid in the vast maze of crowds and alleyways. Smaller structures made of plasteel or scrounged metal were made in certain areas, where less reputable but small time merchants tried to sell their wares. As they passed by an establishment of pleasures, a powerful thug that leaned upon a railing with his elbows eyed Sayeeda and Taya, and grinned. The grin did not stop, his mouth curling impossibly wide to the edges of his cheeks.

"You've been here before?" Taya asked, spooked beyond reckoning. She kept her hands at her sides and pockets, hoping to feel if any pickpocket that thought to try his luck on the young girl. Junebug kept her weapon at the ready and her eyes peeled, following Neil who walked far more casually. Though a trained glance showed he'd taken precautions, his gun within easy reach and the flack jacket under his shirt was strapped tightly to his torso.

"No, but a lot of places like it." He said. "Always wanted to come here, though. Seems like the next step on my list until I joined the Highlander."

A moss-green Xenos the size of a hauler trumped by them, a breathing sack under its neck enlarging every so often. The feelers on its stumpy hands looked as if they would stick upon contact. Even Neil had never seen such a creature before. If he was more of a biologist than a mechanical engineer, he would have been curious on how such a species not only evolved but grew sentience.

They turned the corner and found themselves in another courtyard, a bit larger than the previous ones they had stalked through, with a fountain in the center that only trickled water. Neil had to guess the water was somewhat clean, for a lot of bedraggled and down-on-their-luck people seemed to have made shop and small homes in the area. Though mostly it was smaller businesses and loneshark deals. Neil was going to head to the center and ask around before he spotted someone he knew. They spotted him first, however.

A tall man approached, his cloak brown and stained. He had a long blonde, braided beard that reached down to his chest, and hair to nearly match it. The man was somewhat aged, but younger than Ranald, with a strong nose and blue eyes. Neil saw him approaching, and he grinned, his arms out wide. "Sven! What in the universe are you doing here?" He said, obviously trying to draw attention to himself, probably for various reasons.

"Thought you were dead," Sven said, his voice deathly calm and with an intimidating amount of cunning. He didn't seem to be a comrade of Neil's, but the younger man didn't seem too wary around him. Obviously they had worked together in the past. Neil spoke next. "Well that's what you were supposed to think, so I guess it worked out. How have you been? Business good?"

"Who are they?" Sven asked, his cold, calculating eyes switching to Sayeeda and Taya. Small structured lights flared within his left eye, as if it was a miniature computer terminal. Neil patted him on the shoulder, trying to ignore the question. "Come on now, I have something to sel-" The pilot was gripped by the collar roughly, Sven's face inches from his own. "If business was good, do you believe I would be here?" He asked. "No games."
@Lemons We shall miss you, sir. Thanks for the heads up!
@POOHEAD189 Similarly, I think she would know Al too. They studied the same degrees so may have crossed paths at some point at related events etc for their work. Might even work that she recognises and knows him but he doesn't know her - at all haha

"Oh hi...uh...do I know you?"

I can see it already. Love it.
I know you guys are probably memeing but let's tone it down. This is a thread for discussions.
By the Emperor
Neil's jaw dropped like an anvil, dumbfounded for once. But after he collected himself, he found he couldn't even be mad. She tricked him. He shook his head and smirked. "How dare you," he said jokingly, and smiled when she squeezed his hand. He squeezed back, and as she walked away, Taya leaped out of her cover and it did not surprise Neil in the slightest.

“What…” she began, brining a spoonful of pudding to her mouth with a sour expression, “A fucking tease.”

"And yet it just fucking, makes her sexier." Neil replied wistfully, and decided to just lounge for a bit next to the monitor. She was the Captain, and he'd take first watch.

3 days later.

"Are you insane?" Taya asked seriously, glaring at Neil and looking at Junebug for support. "We can't go to Dioni III. It's an entire planet of smugglers and cutthroats."

"We're already here," Neil replied, waving her off. "Look, we can't go to the authorities to sell a stolen fortune. We need a buyer of ill repute and this is the best place to look for one. As long as we're discreet and keep our wits and weapons about us, we'll be fine. I've had a few buddies come this way before. They left with their lives and some even got lucky at gambling."

The moon hung before them, seemingly stationary in motion. It was an ecuminopolis; an orbital body covered in city. It relied entirely on imports from other worlds to survive, and since most of the galaxies underworld activities were done on, or were connected to Dioni III, there was never any shortage of patronage and tribute. If gave off the look of a chromatic green planet with rings of fire, the many lights on the planet, blazing in the darkness. Behind it was the true planet it orbited, Bracchus Prime. A planet of dense bogs and endless wetlands, where many of the criminal overlords held fiefs and criminals fought for bloodsport.

There were no laws or regulations against drugs, violence, or immigrants (Xenos or otherwise) here. At least in a planetary sense. Each crime boss had different rules. The only universal rule was keep to the contracts you sign, but even then, it wasn't exactly enforced by any law enforcement. The Terran Imperials would have invaded and perhaps destroyed the moon years ago, if not for the fact it was a good way to keep the most unsavory criminal occupied, and that the Terran Imperials also conducted some business in its lower depths, off the record.

"Might be able to find some more parts to fix up my mech too," Neil said aloud, flipping the switches to turn the planetary thrusters on and enabling the ship's signal to go unguarded so they could be hailed to land. Neil just needed to find a frequency that would match the one he sent out.

Rare mineral: Looking for buyer.

They were redirected to sector 8, titled 'Traders Promenade.' Neil knew it by another name from reputation alone. 'Smugglers Den.'
"Is this like the underway?" Cyrdic asked. Skaldi looked at him as if he were the biggest fool the Dwarf had ever seen. "Are ye daft, lad? The Ungdrin Ankor is not a..." he sighed. "If ye were ever in it, you would know."

They headed up the incline, against the small current as it were. Cyrdic's strong hand held Camilla's comfortingly, his offhand holding his runic sword. Despite the normalcy of the rock, there could easily be Trolls or Goblins in the depths, along with ratmen or any other foul creatures unknown to man. He recalled vividly his and Camilla's first danger together in the middle mountains. He wondered to himself what had possessed him to fly into the middle of the Skaven nest to save the acrobatic Camilla from being sacrificed. Maybe he had a thing for her even then.

Skaldi halted up front, sniffing the air much like Cyrdic often did. Though the Ostlander tried to hide the act. He wasn't about to be burned at the stake for being influenced by Ulric from the sword he carried. The Dwarf grinned through his thick beard, and turned around. "Move quietly. There's an opening ahead." He whispered, and then advanced as silent as if he was walking on soft grass. It only took a few minutes before the lantern was no longer needed, and light poured in from above. Unfortunately, the opening was as far above them as the wide tunnel they had just traversed through.

"I say we climb it." The rugged leader said, placing a hand over his eyes to shield from the light as he gazed toward the sky.

"Climb it!?" Dietrichia scoffed, looking very unimperious at the moment, as if the very thought was damnable. The Greatsword Konrad shook his head, nearly as superstitious and annoyed by the sorceress as the Kislevites. He was a Nordlander, after all. The only magic they saw was often the corrupted sorcery of Chaos.

"I'll help you up, my lady." Yantz reminded her. He opened his arms a bit as if to present himself. She still looked skeptical, but the rest of the party ignored her after her small outburst.

"Ah, Ceedrick," Ivan said, walking forward and wrapping his big arm around the mercenary's neck, jovial and boisterous as ever. Cyrdic laughed but kept a strong hand on Ivan's arm incase the Kislevite got too excited and squeezed a bit too much. "Af' you been to a propur Kislevite tavern? I vil show you and little dove the viskey that iz so famous of my land. We vil drink together, da?"

Cyrdic wriggled his mouth out of the massive forearm, grinning despite the friendly struggle. "Yeah Ivan," he coughed. "First we got to make it there, though."

"I'm going first," Skaldi said, and without any delay he grabbed the first rock, hauling his considerable bulk and climbing up as if he were walking. The entire party watched, dumbfounded as Skaldi ascended up as if he were an ape from the Southland jungles. Despite his squat form, his fingers were strong and dextrous and he seemed to have a sixth sense on where the best places to grab were within the rockface.

Cyrdic let go of Camilla's hand and sheathed his sword, looking back to her. "See you at the top," he breathed, and began climbing up. He knew Camilla would have no problem. She was far more acrobatic and flexible than he. Cyrdic only paused once or twice during the ascent, making sure to move slow and positioning his body so his pack would be what he landed on if he were to fall. Konrad and Boris climbed well enough, though Konrad had some difficulties. Cyrdic needed to help him once the mercenary was up. Dietrichia stayed at the bottom, and they had to toss a rope down to tie her to after they had all climbed up.

On the surface, it was breathtakingly, horrifyingly beautiful.

Snowcapped peaks filled their vision to west, though curiously, they tops of the peaks were only marginally higher than the companions were. They found themselves on an endless plateau, covered in coarse grass that swayed from the cold wind that billowed from the north, lone mountains standing vigil behind them, back from where they had come. Ivan cursed in his native tongue, and Skaldi's nostrils flared. It seemed they weren't out of trouble yet.

"What?" Cyrdic asked as he helped pull Dietrichia up to the top one tug at a time. He knew there could still be any manner of monster this far north, but surely they were not cursing the obvious.

"Chaos horsemen live here," Skaldi informed him. "Steppe riders. Distant kin of the Kislev manlings." Ivan grunted and Boris scowled, unwilling to confirm the suspicion, but unable to deny it.

"How do you know this?" Konrad asked, and Yantz seemed to wish for the Dwarf to be discredited, even if it meant they were lost. Skaldi glanced Konrad's way. "Because the mountains over there I recognize. They border the Zorn Uzkul. We must make for the Highpass and hope we are unnoticed from both the eastern horseman and the western threat. Thank Grungni we only need sneak by the fortress of Uzkulak."

"Zorn Uzkul?" Cyrdic asked.

Skaldi seemed to hesitate, as if the very existence of what he was about to say vexed him to no end. "Land of the Chaos Dwarfs. My dark kin."
No worries, duder!
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