Avatar of Rin


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10 mos ago
Knife of Evil is too great, prince of the robots meets his fate! Auchtertool no longer fight, killed by the wizard lord this night!
10 mos ago
Robot Prince of Aucthertool, over thy robot kingdom rule! Electronic lord of war, destined to reign forevermore!
1 yr ago
Happy Hogswatch!
1 yr ago
Still not sure why Guel Jeturk is getting isekai'd to the Paldea region though but I can roll with it I guess.
1 like
1 yr ago
The closest thing I can think of like that was that a scoop of ice cream in a glass of coke was a treat when I was a kid.


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Interest, and... Just going to reuse my character from last time you ran this because, like, why would you mess with something that's already, like, totes perf girlfriend?

  • Name: Saturday
  • Age: ??? Saturday has belonged to the Ar-Rynesarte family for countless generations, and no-one really remembers when exactly they came into possession of her.
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Saturday and Ennira
  • Personality: A terror on the battlefield, a truly grim reaper who mows down victims like wheat with an expressionless look on her face. Death is like second nature to her, and killing is her only reason to be. The only real meaning to her existence is to kill, to slay, to reap.

    ...At least, that's how she was before. Due to being given freedom and the chance of a regular life by Arinne, Saturday is... Not exactly sure what to do anymore. How does one act like a normal girl when their entire life has been so abnormal? With little idea what to do with her life now it is her own, Saturday mostly lives to serve Arinne as best she can. Arinne is the reason she is now free, and Arinne was the first to treat her like a human, so she wishes only to ensure no harm comes to her new mistress. Due to her inability to die, she has no sense of self-preservation, and doesn't seem to see anything wrong with sacrificing herself for Arinne's sake; in her mind, she is still simply a weapon to be used as her mistress sees fit. She comes off as expressionless, although on closer inspection she is not emotionless; a life of being nothing but a cold killer has left her with difficulties expressing herself and thus any emotional responses she may have are incredibly subtle. Due to living a life of nothing but death and ugliness beforehand, the discovery of things that are cute has rather notably affected her. As such, Saturday has developed somewhat of an obsession for small, cute things, and spends most of the allowance Arinne gives her on stuffed animals and other cutesy things for her room. Even her outfit was designed with cuteness in mind, as Arinne wasn't pleased with the rags she had been wearing when she emerged from the casket. Of all things, however, the one thing that is most important to her is Arinne herself, although it seems different from the previous sense of duty she had towards the Ar-Rynesarte family. Saturday is not entirely sure what these new feelings are, and has no idea how to properly process them.
  • Abilities:
    • Deathless: Saturday possesses the rather peculiar ability of being incapable of dying. No matter how much she is shot, stabbed, bludgeoned, torn, mutilated or otherwise mortally wounded, she will immediately get back up to her feet no worse for wear at the moment she "dies". Because of this, she has been classified with the Sorcery Trait "Deathless", although this is merely for simplicity's sake; it is unknown if it is truly a Sorcery Trait or if it is something different altogether.
    • Enhanced Physical Capabilities: Saturday possesses physical abilities far surpassing what her build might imply, although whilst her strength is somewhat greater than she would appear to have what is more impressive is her speed and agility. When she is fighting seriously Saturday moves at blinding speeds and is able to react faster than any regular human, and she is so agile that it almost seems like she can run up straight walls.
    • Mage: Although she possesses the ability to use magic, Saturday is not a very skilled mage due to never having been taught properly and thus is only capable of using the most basic of spells. Although it unknown even to her what her original affinity was, over time her nature as a deathless being has caused it to change to "Stillness"; the most notable usage of this affinity is that her supernatual agility is partially caused by her subconsciously enforcing the concept of "Stillness" on her surroundings.
  • Skills: Saturday was intended for the singular purpose of swiftly annihilating the enemies of the Ar-Rynesarte family, and thus she has little skills outside of combat. However, due to her newfound freedom she has decided (or at least been encouraged by Arinne) to try and branch out a bit and has taken an interest in cooking, art and music. She's still not very good at any of them, however.
  • Assets: The scythe Saturday wields is a conceptual weapon known as the King of Mercy, a blade that embodies the concept of "Severing." Whilst this means it is capable of slicing through almost any physical substance, its true purpose is the "severing" of metaphysical connections; spectral existences, things with no material form, even the flow of mana from one thing to another can be "severed" by its blade. Other than the King of Mercy, Saturday owns very little in terms of personal property. Her only notable assets are a growing collection of stuffed animals she keeps in the room Arinne provided her, and a stray cat she has been allowed to keep that she has named "Ennira".
  • Brief Backstory: The origins of the seemingly unkillable girl known only as "Saturday" are an enigma. She has belonged to the Ar-Rynesarte family for countless generations, to the point that no-one can quite remember when she first became their property, and was used by the more unscrupulous members of the family as a weapon against their enemies. Whenever her unique skills were needed, she was retrieved, pointed at her target and once the job was done was locked in a casket until the next time she was needed. For centuries, this was her entire life; she was nothing more than a tool of murder, and no-one considered her to be anything other than that. No-one, at least, until Arinne Velvet Ar-Rynesarte became head of the family. After finding out about this new "inheritence" of hers, she was shocked and disgusted at what her ancestors had done to the poor girl and immediately let her out of the casket in hope that she could pursue a less horrifying existence. However, as her life as a weapon was all Saturday had known, and due to Arinne being the first person to actually show her kindness, she decided to stay with her and act as her sword.
...Oh right should post this in the rebooted thread I guess.

Working on an idea!
Before anyone could even react, there was a sudden flash, a rush of wind... And in the blink of an eye Saturday was on the other side of the now bisected doll, scythe in hand. With a heavy thunk, the two halves of the mannequin dropped lifelessly to the ground. Silently, she turned back to face her mistress with a blank expression as her weapon disappeared in another flash. Strangely, despite her target seeming to be made of metal, her clothes and face were dotted with splatters of its blood...

"Please be careful, Mistress."

Still... The strange metal doll had seemed to appear out of nowhere. It was her duty to protect Arinne, so if it happened again... Where had it even came from? Something like that was clearly not designed with stealth in mind, and yet...

@Raineh Daze
"What's that, Saturday? You think it's a bit cramped back here? Maybe... Maybe I should just sit on your lap then, hmmm~? Then there'd be more room for everyone else~"

Ah... Why had Mistress Arinne had to say something like that? Saturday's had to hold her head down for the entire car ride, since... She wasn't sure why, but what Arinne had said made her feel strange and... Not exactly uncomfortable but...

Her cheeks felt rather warm as she stepped out of the car, sticking close to Arinne as her mistress obfuscated the minds of the police. She wasn't especially skilled at forensics (really, she was more skilled at what came before such investigations) so she really couldn't offer much help aside from her usual duties... Although thankfully others wer already taking care of the work for her. Saturday's head tilted as she watched Lillia work with her flowers, watching them as the stems twirled to point in different directions. Hmmm, why would they be pointing so close though? Was the killer really that sloppy?

@Raineh Daze
Thinking about it, this so-called "Jack the Ripper" had been rather... Inefficient. The way their victims were killed, hollowed out of all organs and left as an empty husk, clearly would've taken far more time than was really necessary. It wasn't clean or methodical, and with how slowly it would take it seemed like the killer was some kind of sadist. That was-

Once again, Saturday's trail of thought was interrupted by her mistress's teasing. Wh-what was that about... About her getting squishy? And Arinne using her as a... As a...

Reluctantly, Saturday put down her latest biscuit. And as the investigation teams were listed off, she curtly nodded and spoke for the first time since entering the room, although her voice was so soft and quiet that it was barely audible.

"Assignment confirmed, Mistress Arinne."

...And just for a moment, just long enough so that he would notice, her eyes focused sharply on the uncoath young man who had called her mistress a child. Even if it was in jest... For some reason, hearing him tease her like that made her feel something in her chest. Something hot, prickly and uncomfortable, something... Unfamiliar, but most unpleasant. Whatever it was, she'd have time to ruminate about it later.

Seems interesting, so I might try and figure out an idea. But we'll see how that turns out.
Saturday couldn't help but tremble slightly as she felt Arinne's hand on her head. How could she be so... So... So like that in front of all these people? She wouldn't mind it nearly as much if it wasn't for all of them... And the things she said! Saturday definitely wasn't like a kitten! Kittens weren't... Kittens weren't like her, and she wasn't like a kitten. Even if it felt nice to have Arinne pet her like this...

But no, no she definitely wasn't like a kitten. And there was no way anyone else would... She belonged to the Ar-Rynesarte family. She belonged to... No-one else. That was that and that was all there ever would be. Her life belonged to Mistress Arinne, and no-one else was allowed to... To f-f-fall... For her...

The poor girl was so overwhelmed in her thoughts tht she could barely pay attention to what Arinne was even saying right now. Really, it was probably for the best that she'd went over it with her earlier this morning. Anxiously, she began nibbling on another biscuit, and another, and one more... Really, she just hoped this would all be over soon.
Arinne entered the room, and Saturday followed behind her.

...Even though she'd met some of these people before, she still felt awkward around them. Really, "met" was about all she'd done with them. She'd never really talked to them, after all. Even if she'd tried to, she wouldn't have really gotten far. Arinne was the only person she could talk at length with, and with anyone else the most she could really get out were a few mumbles before she had to make herself scarce. People were just... Not her strong point.

It was so much easier to deal with dead people, really.

Silently, she took a seat as close to Arinne's as possible and hunched down in her chair, shoulders sunk and head lowered as she quietly took a jammy dodger and began munching on it like a mouse. Really, she already knew everything Arinne was going to say... Why was she even here? Couldn't she just... Get to work already? It would be far less awkward than having to deal with all this...
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