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Location: Camlann City, Ellington Plaza Theatre

As sudden as the fight started, it ended with all the banshees dispatched. Kosara stood still for a moment, having finished wiping out the blood from her lips, the injury had already healed. The tiny injury was gone, but the embarassement of having done it was not as easy to get rid of. It's been a while since she faked a fall like this and honestly it was her own mistake to begin with. Since she was listneing to music, she wasn't singing, but she was moving her mouth without actually making sounds. Because of it when she faked her fall, she bit her tongue.

"Well... at least there wasn't anyone to witness it and the ones who did are all dead." She concluded as she settled her weapons and with a sword in hand hopped over to where the warg head was. It hadn't moved from where she dropped it earlier. With a happy whistle, she picked it up and with the new path opened in front of her, she did a few jumps over to the hole in the wall and jumped through it, appearing on the outside of the Theatre on a alley. It seemed to be leading deeper into the city, but she couldn't help it and noticed that there was not really destruction here. It wasn't normal, but no senseless destruction like on the other side of the theatre. This was weird to her, why weren't demons and other beasts causing a mass destruction here? They normally cared not what they break or damage, unless a big demon gave the others, the lesser demons would just damage anything.

"Hmmm..." She mumbled as she looked left and right. Where to now? SHe could return to the front of the theatre, but the other option was to directly continue forward deeper into the city. Finally she decided to continue down the alleyway and go to the main streets. The bus station should be somewhere close too. Not that she needed a bus ride right now, but it was important to see if it was working right now or have the people ran away or the like. Additionally she was getting hungry, if the bus station was working, maybe there was fast food working aroudn it somewhere. Thus she continued forward.
Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/a
Hit Points: 4

Progress had been made on getting out of the attic confinement room, but Rave wasn't sure it was any more better idea than it was prior when the lights were still on. Chances were good that if they got caught downstairs, the people of the manor would attempt to at best confine them again at worst try to kill them outright. Sadly there wasn't much of a choice in the current situation. Suddenly she heard a voice, a female voice seemingly speaking at her, and not quite right. Nothing malicious was being said, but it confused her with that intonation of a perfectly decent question.. Still Rave didn't see a reason why she shouldn't reply to the honestly asked question.

"Ideally, we could have decided on the goals before the door got opened." She replied calmly." Now there's not much point in staying and waiting. Waiting only means getting found by the people of the Manor that we broke down the door, thank you for asking though." Was the end of her reply. She was honestly thankful for Walnut's concern about her opinion, but it was really alright." Guess we can decide on what we do from now on too. Just hoping that we don't stumble onto a bunch of armed people right away or something. No other choice than to plan on the go." Prima Rave said calmly.

With that said, Rave calmly patted her pockets, confirmed her good old paw the ferret was in her pocket. Carefully she touched the stabbed wound and confirmed that it in fact still hurts, shocking. Now it was all a matter of moving at the direction of the opened door. Light wasn't here to help either, so she was going to have to be really careful." Should I wait for you all to leave the room first? I'm moving slower than you all, so it might be better if I'm last?" She asked the others, she was going to move to the side of the doorway and wait there for the moment. No need to fight for the doorway with the others. Bumping into people wasn't nice. This is also why she was planning on moving by following the wall. That way she could also help herself by using it for support and put less pressure on her injured leg.

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

"Just think fighting it outside on the vide would be better, hard to move in here." Constantin replied, but nodded at Vlad and evenutally Veta's words of not retreating. He readied his sword in full attention at the creature. What manner of unearlthy abomination was this!? He really didn't like the fact it showed up here and now. This was just continuing the trend of yet another weird soulless appear around Veta. Her safety was becoming harder to ensure, but it was his duty non the less." As per your vishes!" He said resolutely. If the Bazhooli and Veta said to fight it here, god was his witness, he was going to fight the thing here in the church dammit!.

"It be my eternal joy and honor!" Constantin replied to Veta's request for his protection while Vlad was busy focusing. He knew how it worked, for the time he was going to be her shield and dammit he was going to protect her like a man possessed if he had to. With a step he moved to take sure stance in front of the Grand Duchess. There was only a small thing he wasn't pleased with. They were the closest to the being after all. It was like the world and all the soulless in specific were targetting the woman behind him. Also this thing had a really damn penchant for drama and theatrical entrance, didn't it?" Of all places for it to go dovn at, it had to be the altar." He spoke lightly aloud, eyes narrowing at the thing." At least it's got a sense to make a decent entrance." He added.

He was ready, stance was taken, weapon was steadied and eyes were focused on the beast. He could hear Veta's voice behind himself. All that was needed from now on was a really simple thing: To protect her with his life if he had to! They finally found her again, alive and well. She wasn't going to be anything else while he still drew breath and was near her.

Priscilla Harker

Location: Boat(Sun deck)
Skills: Great observation

While she was in mid talk with the doctor, Mosi felt something off, or rather she didn't feel something off. She followed the doctor's gaze and sure enough her eyes locked onto the places on her arms that were stung by the bees! She rose an eyebrow as she sensed and watched the damage lessen and eventually seemingly heal into nothingness as if she was brand new. It wasn't limited to only the arms too. She could feel it across the rest of her body as well. For whatever mystical reason, her entire body seems to have healed from the damages caused by the bees in matter of moments. Before she could speak out to the man and even look at him, there was a heavy thud as the man simply fell down on the ground again." What. For real?" She mumbled out, with raised eyebrow, wondering if the doctor had a medical problem or something to be falling unconscious all the time or maybe it was a occult issue, given the situation.

Never the less as she stood up from the chair, so she could try to help the man, the next odd thing happened. She saw something shiny from her torso. It was shiny through the shirt, a shirt she in rather hurry unbuttoned all the way, to get a better view of it. Sure enough... the brand was GLOWING, but it wasn't burning in any way. Mosi blinked, rose an eyebrow, thought about it for a moment and looked about the haze around." This's new." She mumbled out, as there didn't seem to be anything around. If it wasn't for the fact the thing was glowing and she healed so rapidly, she would have thought nothing had changed. The haze remained the same. She now wondered if the rest of the crew had fallen unconscious as well.

Still not finding anything happening quite yet, she crouched down by the doctor as she patted him carefully on the shoulder." Doc, Doc! Wake up!" She called him, still nudging him, trying to get him to come about. Great, the doctor was out cold, there was no one from the crew about and if he didn't wake up, she was going to have to venture out in search for someone. Given how unexpectedly he just fell over, she suspected something was up and looked about for anything that might suggest a reason.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Room 2->Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

The night passed and come morning it was time to get up and have breakfast. Amelia opened her eyes, at first gazing at the other side of the bed, searching for Riley. With that done, she slowly rose up and rubbed her face for a moment in a sleepy manner before a hand ran to her head almost by habbit. No hair, her expression froze for a moment, but it didn't last too much now. She just sighed as she pulled her legs over the side of the bed and looked about." Guess it's breakfast time. Today's the last day... Let's do our best, Riley." She spoke out as she stood up and moved in to quickly get dressed for the day. In her mind there were many things that could go wrong, but she didn't think that eitehr of them would be thrown out. Well maybe herself, she didn't feel like she was very useful overall, but who knew. Given they spent quite a bit of resources on them over hte last week, she was hopeful that they planned to take in most of them. Once she was dressed up, she washed her face and afterwards waited for Riley to be done also, so they could head for the Conference room together.

Over at the conference room, things seemed to be mostly the usual, if it wasn't for the fact there was paperwork there. Wayne even commented on it. Amelia didn't pay too deep attention to it, she just thought it was stuff like the interview results and so on. Anyway she just walked over to get her breakfast and then took herself a seat somewhere to the side. There was something off and it didn't take much to spot it. The armed people were more than usual. Today being the last day of the quarantine when some people would be thrown out, probably meant that passions might get high here. On this front Amelia wasn't too worried. She wasn't going to cause a scene... well wasn't planning to. She would however protect Riley, in the case something does happen. Who knew if someone from the others, might attempt something if they weren't approved. Her money was on the dog guy Hunter.

Still it was almost over with. She threw a look around the room. It probably wouldn't be too long before the 'results' are given out. Who stays and who leaves, Amelia's only hoped the most best for Riley and after her the best for the rest of Newnan crew.
Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/a
Hit Points: 4

Rave could only sight at the disregard that she was seemingly receiving over her desire to get at least some basic idea what to do after they leave the room. It's not like she was asking them to spot getting out of the room or anything like that, right? All she asked was if the others had any actual idea as of what they wanted or proposed for all of them to do when they escaped, but they didn't seem to even want to plan things out. The way they were acting made is clear as bright day that there was no planning they wanted to do, they all sounded like they just wanted to run amok. If she wasn't pressed by the fact that she'd also freeze to death, she wouldn't be following them out of the room really, she still wanted to live and highly doubted the few of them could escape from this manor.

As she asked if they could use her knife, not a single reply to that came. At first they were being annoyed that she wasn't trying to help in any way, but when she actually tried to be helpful and ask if they could use it, they didn't even take any notice of the sentence being said? What did that mean? Did they don't really need her to help out, or were they just acting out that way as some form of punishment? In the end she decided to just keep quiet on this point after all. It didn't seem like they cared much anyways. Maybe if they find some of the staff, she could just ask if there's a place on the ground floor she could stay down even if she's tied up whatever.

While she was thinking about this, someone actually went ahead and somehow got the door open. There was noise and then after the noise there was a opened door that wasn't too visible admittedly. Voice sounded like Penance, probably. That said Rave had no idea how actually the door got opened." Good job." Rave added her humble congratulations and works of approval, though she was wondering if they might prefer her to keep quiet actually. So the door was opened, now the only thing they could need was a source of light.

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

It's been some time since Constantin last had seen an execution of the Ostanavlivat'sya. He looked at Veta who was performing her skill, his expression still serious as he stood not too far away from her, waiting to jump in at a moment's notice. The skill in action did not surprise him, after all he had seen it before, but he didn't have much time to spare to observe the reactions of hte others. He knew where his enemy was after all. With a huge piece of his attention spend on Veta and the rest on protecting her from the bastard in the rafters, he had no free to spare to anyone else right now. Still he felt better, having drawn Vlad's attention to the enemy as well. Two protectors were better than one.

As the ritual concluded, Veta appeared to be very fatigued from it. At the slightest signs that her legs were about to give out, Constantin dived in for her. He moved over to her and helped her out to not fall over, taking a protective position between her and the thing in the rafters, thing that began acting ever more loud right now. It was growling like a common beast, but the firewalker knew that it certainly was not. The fact it made a sound, meant it was preparing to make it's move. He wasn't the only one who knew of it's existance now. As for his intial thought that the church might be a place to hold up and defend, it went away right now. This thing had entered the church in advance presumably. Maybe outside was actually safer than it was here right now. In either case it was his duty now to protect her with his life! Holding onto her, his eyes darted for the exit of the church for a moment.

It all depended on what happens now. He suspected the thing would probably attack soon or at the moment one of them attempts to run away or show a weakness. Currently out of all around, he was hte only one holding onto a fatigued woman who nearly fell over. This put both Veta in grave danger. He was resolute though." Ve should leave church... nov." Constantin said out with low, but serious voice, completely ready to try to defend Veta whom he was now helping. Still he had utmost trust in Vlad and his ability to provide them with assistance should the thing attacks him and Veta. He himself was ready to block any attack with his body until his life gave away, should no other option was present.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room->Room 2)
Skills: N/A

Amelia smiled to Riley and nodded at her comment and suggestion that they should speak about the important stuff later when they are in their room alone again. Following the surprise chemical warefare deployed by the tiny survivor, to Amelia there didn't seem to be much of anything special happening before the Major woman called for them that it was time to get back to the rooms and call it a night. Amelia was a little bit confused at first, but then realized that time must have slipped a lot faster than she had expected it to. In a blink of an eye it was already time to go to bed and tomorrow it was going to be the big scary day." Guess it's time to head back to the room." She said softly to Riley and threw her a glance, waiting for a moment, before standing up and slowly heading towards the room, making sure to not separate from her lover too much. This was great for her, especially since she wanted to return to the room for a little while now.

As they got to the room, she changed into what she was going to sleep with and just laid down on the bed without moving for a moment. She was tired both physically and mentally to a degree. While it wasn't the most stressful or the most filled with surprises days of her life, it still carried a lot of punch, especially with all the more negative experiences resurfacing. She closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. Then there was the fact about the big day tomorrow. Hell she felt like it was the first day of highschool all over again, only like 50 times worse.

Finally she gave Riley a good night kiss and then laid back down on the bed, relaxing, looking at her lover with a content smile." Good night, Riley." They were going to be fine... they had to be fine. She was going to be happy as long Riley was alive and well though, no matter what her own situation was. With those thoughts in mind she drifted off to sleep. Long day it had been and by the sounds of it tomorro was going to be even longer.

Priscilla Harker

Location: Boat(Sun deck)
Skills: N/A

"Hmmm? Above? Yes... ehh..." Mosi made a sound of confusion, following by a sudden realization as her head tilted backwards and she looked up at the sky. She continued to look at it for a good few moments, incapable of saying out anything as she blinked and looked down again, moving one hand to cover her face as she sighed heavily." Sorry." She apologized, before relaxing the hand down again and looked at the doctor." Guess I must be more tired and affected by this than I suspected. For a moment there I got confused that we were down on the open air launge instead up here." She mumbled out and closed her eyes in slight embarrassement. Maybe for the moment she should be thinking things through a lot more before she spoke out, least something like this happened again." Yes... ahm... awkward..." She cought slightly." Room's on the Second deck..." Mosi said the location properly this time somewhat pretending she didn't fail in quite a sectacular way just a moment earlier.

As the man explained his preference for gas over supernatural about the current state of events, Mosi couldn't help it and nodded at his arguments. He did make sense, after all, what you knew was less scary than what you didn't. Fear of the unknown and all that, the all manner of ghosties, ghoulies and long leggedy beasties that were fumbling around in the darkness were the stuff of nightamres, that they were all fed up form the moment they were born. 'Be good or *add scary monster name here* will come take you at night.' She just sighed slightly at the thought of it. Recalling all hte times her parents were trying to scare her into doing their bidding while growing up or trying to get her to turn out the way they wanted.

"That is true, but..." Mosi began saying as she looked at hte man in the eyes." The possibilities lie in the unknown, you know." The woman stated somewhat resolutely." What you call medicine now, once upon a time would have been seen as magic to the people. Who knows what other wonders are hiding out there, waiting to be discovered." She looked the parts of herself that she could, finding no more stingers. The feeling was absolutely divine.

"Thank you, doctor." She finally thanked the man from the bottom of her soul." Had it been not for you, who knows what might have happened." Mosi stated and took a really long deep breath of relief." Will also thank the captain properly later for helping me out, despite the fact I lost my ticket." She promised and looked at hte doctor." I'm in your debt for this, if you ever need help about something, I will surely try to help you out to the best of my abilities!"
Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Wisdom
Hit Points: 4

Alright, Rave was more or less sensing that the comments at her were qutie hostile at this point. She frowned in the darkness and felt a little bit offended at the suggestions that she was just sitting around and not doing anything, basically just because and asking stupid questions. She didn't think those were stupid questions, acting without thinking was always a bad plan and she had a valid reasons not to be out there trying to play the rogue and break through doors or try to break furniture in complete darkness. She grid her teeth as she put some weight on her leg, only to feel the pain stab at her.

"Look, I'm not against getting out of the room." Rave stated and sighed." But just getting out of the room doesn't solve anything, does it? Once out it's going to be a lot of danger, we should decide what we are going to do while we are in the process of going out of the room." Rave explained her reasoning." As for why I'm standing around, it's because I can't really help with anything physical right now. I can't really put weight into a freshly stabbed leg and me wobbling around and bumping into someone seems like the least helpful thing." She added an additional explanation. She was starting to dislike these people more and more. Some more so than others, but to her mind they either didn't care for the consequences of their action, or were acting out on their own plans with little regard for the rest.

Still she thought about it a little as Penance asked Blush about the lock. Still somewhat displeased about being blamed for nothing she decided she might as well try to help as much as she could, given her situation." Look, if you need something for the lock, I've got my knife with me. It might be sturdy enough to help you pry a lock on a door. Will that help you?" Rave asked in the darkness.
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