Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
4 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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4 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

present and accounted for
oh wow

We started

I'll probably get a thing up tomorrow.

"...Okay...!" Ceri did her best to give an enthusiastic reply to her teammates, but it was obvious she was still hesitating as a pale hand took the mirror from Mis. Visual and small items only, right. Well, she wouldn't need any help. Wasn't her first time sneaking into some place. Wouldn't be the last, either.

"I'll...be back soon...!" Turning towards the building, Ceri walked up to it, quickly taking in the outside of it. Three stories. Several windows, all looked locked. All would be difficult to get into without at least some noise. She could go in through the front door, but that was probably the bad choice. Guards probably were in the place, if it was indeed run by a dark guild or dark mages running some smuggling operation. That left the roof.

Inhaling, Ceri jumped. A small movement followed, a trail of smoke curling from the bottom of her foot from the ground where she had previously been standing as she launched herself into the air. She landed silently on the roof, quickly checking her surroundings and fighting an easy target - A skylight. Bah, pathetic. If they had a base for something, they shouldn't make entries so easily found. Get rid of windows, even. Served very little purposes, and were structural weaknesses.


Ceri moved over to the Skylight in a flash, quickly and silently pulling it open. Not big enough for a human to normally fit in, but she wasn't exactly barred by normal body limitations. Her body dissolved into a heavy, smoky substance and slipped easily through the opening in the skylight.

She hit the floor below silently, not making a single sound as she landed in a corridor. A quick look around - no one was present. All was silent, even, except the sounds of a conversation coming from the floor below. None of the five doors were open. All closed, and a cursory examination proved there didn't seem to be any sounds coming from them. No time to thoroughly clear them out. Too much time and too risky. That left the second floor.

Heading for the stairs, Ceri descended, keeping her ears out for any sort of movement ahead of her. If it sounded like someone was heading up the stairs or near her, it'd be easy enough to avoid them.

I'm curious as to how he'd drive Iva's people insane. They're all already on the fast track to it since well, they worship him. Heh.
Everyone talking divine politics

And Iva just wants his library and research into the void and the unknown.

Be more like Iva. Vaguely flirt with everyone and Create eldritch monstrosities to eat the humans
~Claire Blackwood~



Claire knew Pip wasn't likely to last long. That said, she at least expected her to dodge reasonably well. The ginormous Solar Beam hit the Chikorita, the small grass type taking the hit like a champ. The power form the blast caused her to be sent flying back, slamming right into Claire. The redhead caught her pokemon with a mild grimace. Now most pokemon would probably be upset at this...but Pip seemed perfectly happy. A large smile was plastered on the Chikorita's face, causing Claire to chuckle lightly.

"Remind me to buy you some more treats later. Or let you play with Ritz." She chuckled as Archie made his declaration. He was down to one, she was down to two. One of her best, and one of her worst. She was gonna...need to play it well here, but this is the exact sort of thing she craved. Excitement! Close battles! Trainer and Pokemon doing their best to overcome a seemingly impossible challenge! All that sorta stuff, heh! Despite the somewhat bad situation, she couldn't help but to get excited.

"Bellawesome...?" Claire echoed with a laughed. "Well I gotta admit at least one of 'em has a nifty nickname." Another big one, wasn't she? All of Archie's pokemon were pretty big. Expected at this point, what wasn't expected was that blade.

"Sorry." Claire grinned. "Fresh outta fighting types. I save the best for last, after all." Claire reached for the pokeball containing Lure. "Alright, Lure! Lets show this plant how we do things!"

"Combee." In a rather unenthusiastic flash of red light, Lure entered the battlefield.

"Alright, hit 'em with a gust!"

"Combee." In a mocking manner, Lure flapped its wings weakly in the direction of Bellawesome.

"...Lure, remember that talk we had about contests?"

"Com. Combee."

"Yes I know this isn't a contest." Placing a hand on her forehead, Claire sighed. "Look, just...try not to lose this for me please? I'll give you some more honey if you-"

Lure made a show of some honey it already had with it.

"Okay. Fine. You want to do a contest. Do your best and we'll go do one next."

"Combee~" Seemingly satisfied, Claire and Lure turned back to their opponents.

"Aha, sorry about that. Lure! Gust!"

With a little more effort this time, Combee turned to Bellawesome, using her wings to flap up a mighty gust.

The monster flailed, their attacks reaching it, ripping and tearing its flesh. Rina watched from the sidelines. Avoiding its counter attack was child's play, its slow hulking body no match for her agility. She leaped over them, their attempts to crush her thwarted as the machine girl rammed the Earth Bastion into its side - the creature shuddered, its foul mouths unleashing a foul miasma around it, cloaking it and obscuring movement.

It was trying to escape?! Unfortunately for it, they weren't going to let it escape so easily. The boy, whoever he was made a barrier to stop it from moving forward. Amaryllis' chains were holding it down. They seemed to have it handled, but one could never be too careful around monsters like this. She ran after the monster, leaping into the air after Amaryllis took reprieve on the Bastion. She climbed atop, using the extra height to leap off of it over the creature.

"Futile." Rina narrowed her eyes, and with a swift, dexterous hand, took aim at the creatures hide. It wouldn't get any further. Summoning all of the magic power she had, her bow enlarged as the metal of her blade formed the largest blade she had ever made - it was the size of a small building. While she was less firing it, and more letting it fall, its goal was still the same.


The massive sword fell, sinking into the creatures flesh and hopefully the earth beneath. If it worked, then the thing wouldn't be going anywhere else without nearly cleaving its own body in half. Flipping in the air, she angled herself so her feet hit the blade as it fell. Leaping off of it, she landed next to Amaryllis.

"Aside from you talking like a weird middle schooler, we make a pretty good team."
okay! Wow that was a long one.

TL;DR, Iva scares the entirety of White Dawn, gives the Kadisht exactly what he wished for and has put himself as their current ruler.

Iva sent a letter to Ferron since he wants to make a deal of some sort, and he seems like the best one for what he wants. Feel free to say he gets it at some point, if you want and we can get started on that.

@Lord Zee
And Iva is currently heading to Osairon as requested. How you wanna go about that?

~~The Illuminator~~

White Dawn

La-Zha stared

The only grey colored eye visible from her disheveled, messy hair stared at him with malign curiosity. The human knew what he had done, but he could not accept it.

"Egru! Hunters!" The Kadisht shouted. A plea for help. A cry for assistance. To save him from the fate he has reaped. Some leaped, others who had more sense decided they better not get involved. They grabbed their spears, quickly converging on her position.

"You're sweating, aren't you? Curious." The flesh under La-Zha's left arm began to writhe and shift. The bandages on her arm doing little to conceal the moving flesh. "Nervous. Increased heart rate. Fear. Ah, how we hate that. Why are you afraid, Kadisht?" She completely ignore the hunters. They were of little consequence to her now. They posed no threat, but that didn't mean they couldn't be annoying.

"...Ah." A small prick of pain, like something pressing into her back with a sharp point. The unpleasant feeling ran through her body, sinking into the flesh of her back until it reached her chest. The stone tip broke the flesh, and her robe, silvery blood oozing from the wound around the spear. It ran black as it left her body, thick and slow, congealing into a mass of black ooze. "I've been stabbed." La-Zha's head turned to face her assailant, unnaturally twisting 180 degrees.

Egru's eyes were wide with obvious bewilderment as she didn't seem injured in the slightest.

"You know Egru, you always had such a nice spear." Her left hand grabbed the other end of it, the side that had impaled her. The skin on her left arm cracked, splitting apart. The wet sound of flesh splitting filled the area, as grotesque tentacles made of countless dark spheres covered in a slimy black film pierced her skin. "I think I'll keep it." The tentacles grabbed the side of the spear, pulling it completely through her, and yanking it out of Egru's hands with inhuman strength.

"Demon! Monster!" The Kadisht shouted, the rest of those present overcome with bewilderment and shock.

"My my, Kadisht. Demon? How cruel. To some I might be...but to you? I'm an angel." Egru had stumbled backwards, his grip on his spear lost as La-Zha's body turned to correctly orient itself with her head. "You don't recognize it, but that's okay. The Library forgives...but first," La-Zha turned once more, the mass of writhing appendages that made up her left arm slamming into Egru, knocking him completely off his feet as she turned to the Kadisht. "Lets invite the other guests."

Raising her open right palm to the sky, La-Zha began.

"Vulgtlagln syha'h kadishtuagl!" An otherworldly, guttural voice, eerily echoing from nothingness. "Ymg'ahe nyth'drnn uln!" The air crackled with divine energy, splitting the air as voids began tearing open, gates drawing the beings of the Library to the mortal plane. A scream. The mortals didn't understand but that was fine.

Those who were afraid, were not the ones the Library desired.

From the gates poured the Aho'Nohg, dozens of faceless black creatures, oily black wings beating, bringing the sound of silence with them as their curious visage suggested inhuman thoughts and utterances. Curiously, an oily black blob with dozens of eyes fell from the gate. The B'thkor known as Zhavitri. Had it answered the call itself? It plopped onto the ground next to La-Zha before scurrying off to find a meal of its own.

"Ch'nglui'ahog n'ghft'drn, ymg' mgah'n'ghft mgn'ghftog!" A final prayer, a final show of dedication as the Aho'Nohg went to their duties. The Lloi's would not escape. Hunted down, one by one. The red snow glistened in the crackling light of the bonfire. Egru, made an attempt to tackle La-Zha to stop her, but not even he, was a match for the Aho'Nohg protecting their master. His name would not be remembered in history.

The ground began to tremble.

"He comes!" La-Zha laughed, spinning in place. "He comes! He comes! Enlightenment! Open your mind! Accept the light!" But people were fickle creatures, easily swayed by emotions. Unneeded. Useless. The lesser minds were terrified, running to their huts or out of the village altogether. They shall be rectified soon.

The ground heaved once more, knocking some pathetic humans to their knees.

In the distance, the wall began to crack and split. A pillar of white light forcefully shot into the air, illuminating the night sky brightly with a pale, pure light. The light permeated everything, the walls, the air, the sea, their minds. Scratching, clawing, at the edges of their consciousness. Those still alive could only fall to their knees.

A massive, white hand grabbed the edges of the wall from the inside of it, causing the wall to crack and splinter as shards of ice and rock fell to the ground. Slowly, the light began to shift as Iva's crown crest the top of the wall, an orb of bright light, pure and knowing was floated between his horns. They could not look away.

The earth shook once more as Iva stood, the pale light enveloping the entirety of White Dawn and its residence. La-Zha simply laughed, bathing herself in it as the others could only look in awe as the towering God seemed to rise from the earth itself. A long, sinuous white arm reached down, bracing itself on the beach right next to the Kadisht. Iva seemed to laugh, a loud and eerie thing as another arm reached beneath the waves of the sea.

The earth trembled once more as the God pulled stone from the sea. A massive, old stone covered in sea life and plant, easily dwarfing any human. The stone fell from his grasp, slamming into the ground and crushing a human beneath it, sinking firmly into the shoreline. Light began engraving runes and words upon the stone. Rules. Laws, that the humans were soon to follow.

Ignorance Shall Be Met with Death

Fear Shall Be Met With Death

Knowledge Above All Else

Knowledge is Power

Four, simple tenets. Ignorance shall be met with death. Fear, Shall be met with death. Knowledge above all else. Knowledge is power. Simple enough even the humans would not mess it up. With the task done, the sphere of light upon the gods crown flashed, blinding all, and knocking the weaker over as their minds were assaulted.

When it receded, the god was standing among them in his natural form.

"L-Lord!" The Kadisht was the first to speak, but it would be the last words he ever uttered.

"Ah, Kadisht." La-Zha let the god pass, his calm demeanor a facade to hide the boiling, seething rage. "How quaint. I was hoping your head would explode, but perhaps you do have some value." The god ignored whatever reply he attempted to make. A single, swift, wave of the hand and he lost all feeling in his body, sending him crumpling to the floor. "Ah, my poor little Kadisht. So bright, yet so putrid. Selfish. Vain. What does the rock say, hmm? Did you forget what I told your father's father?" La-Zha handed him Egru's spear. "What was the basic thing I told you all to do?" Iva raised the haft of the spear, slamming the end of it down upon the Kadisht's body. "Of course you didn't." Each sentence that followed was punctuated by another painful beating. "You just didn't care. Or perhaps you thought this was the correct way? Humorous! See? I'm laughing!" Indeed, the god was laughing. "Oh you humans are just so funny! So funny! it INFURIATES ME. I give you knowledge, and you squander it! SQUANDER." Suddenly, the beating stopped. Iva pulled the spear just before it reached the humans head. "...it matters not." Seemingly calming down, Iva knelt down next to the human, grabbing him by the back of the head. "You want the Library to yourself? Its secrets, its knowledge?" He placed his faceless visage next to the humans ear, a low, amused otherworldly giggle followed. "You can have it."

The Kadisht screamed, but he could do nothing. His body was enveloped in a bright, white light before he disappeared entirely.

"You can have this back." He handed the spear back to La-Zha, spinning around. The Aho'Nohg had already rounded up everyone who had tried to leave. The Kadisht got his wish, and the Lloi's were all dead. As it should be. He no longer had use for them. No, it was time for a change. A different experiment, as one might say. Walking away from the dwindling bonfire, Iva began.

"Well now that was a party, hee!" The god laughed. La-Zha had taken to sitting cross-legged on the Kadisht's former rug again, blackened tentacles idly reaching for the remaining food. "Now, I'm sure you funny little humans have many questions...but the only thing you need to know is thus. I am Iva'Krorh. The White Star. The Illuminator. They who bring knowledge and enlightenment." With a whimsical bow, Iva continued. "But you should know this, do you not?"

There was silence over the gathered humans. Those who were recovering from Iva's earlier mental assault were slowly regaining their senses and sight, but they would never be quite right again.

"Ah, saying nothing? Hee, that is fine. I'm not in the mood for conversation anyways. The only thing that matters to you humans...is that I have returned." He made a swift motion towards the massive boulder he had dug up from the sea. "And I now rule all of you...and we're going to have such a lovely, wonderful party together."

"Well that went well." La-Zha giggled, sitting on a table next to Iva, having finally managed to get her inhuman appendages back under control once more so she could reasonably pass as human.

"Heee, certainly! Even little Zhavitri found itself a nice little meal, heh! It grew quite nicely!" Iva comically splayed himself out on the throne the residents had provided him with. Honestly, he was in a good mood. A far better mood than he had been in nearly a hundred years! Yes, he should have done this earlier, shouldn't he? Humans were clever, but they needed to be herded at times, as much as he really didn't want to do such a thing. "Oh I can barely contain my excitement!" He held the sides of his face as he giggled. "Oh this is wonderful! It shall take some time, but I will turn this place into my new library." Hopping up from his throne, he exited the hut that was now going to be his residence for some time.

"You," Turning to one of the Aho'Nohg as he left, he handed them a scroll. "Deliver this to Ferron. I desire a meeting." With a screech, it flapped its wings and left as La-Zha followed her master out. "You. Take some others and dismantle all but one of the portals for now. I shall...make another when I am more rested."

"Cutting off the library?" La-Zha questioned.

"For now. I shall focus my efforts into this project until it can run by itself. Little Gammy gave me quite the help, hee!"

"Lord Illuminate!" A human interrupted them, kneeling before the both of them. "Lady La-Zha."

"Oh, how quaint. Have they finished already?"

"Yes, the...Aho'Nohg were able to handle most of the construction work." The human messenger replied. "...is it really...able to cross the sea? To the Mainland?"

"You doubt me?" A twist of Iva's head.

"O-Of course not, Lord!"

"Ah, no need to be afraid of me just yet, hee! Doubt is good! Makes one curious of their world! La-Zha!" Swiftly turning to the former human, Iva gave what was to be her mission. "Travel to the mainland. Find the other gods, other settlements...and enlighten them. For a price, of course. Knowledge is not free. It must be acquired."

"I wonder if I can find the place that has those sweets..." She mused idly.

"A word of caution though...only use the Libraries gifts if you must. Be clever. Resourceful. Use what you have, and only the Library should you be in immediate danger of harm." He chuckled. "But I gave you a good body. You should be fine, unless against other divine creatures, but try to avoid fighting."

"On it." La-Zha grinned. "Uh...how do I...control the uh, 'boat' was it?"

"Who knows, figure it out yourself!" Another Aho'Nohg landed next to him, and before La-Zha could get another word out of the Lord of Knowledge, he quickly climbed on its back. "Toodles darling! I have a date with Anu!"

Narrowing her eyes in thought as he left, La-Zha rubbed her chin.

Well, controlling something that has never existed in the history of humanity before couldn't be too hard, now could it?
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