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4 mos ago
4 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
4 mos ago
5 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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5 mos ago
Men of the Internet! TRIPLE N IS OVER! The month was long and the challenge hard. To those who faltered, I wish you better luck next year. And to those who stayed strong, I say... enjoy your freedom!


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

When Durwith had summoned reinforcements, he thought there'd be a full on tavern brawl going on by the time other watchmen arrived. But instead of wading into a roiling mass of violent drunkards, Durwith and his backup walked in on little more than the aftermath of a minor scuffle. Needless to say, Durwith felt rather sheepish about jumping the gun like that. After being lightly needled over his mistake by the other watchmen, Durwith soon had a free flagon of mead in his hand, courtesy of a bartender who took pity on the dwarf.

Just as he finished his drink, Durwith noticed a familiar face approaching. Durwith prepared himself for a rant as Inga began talking about the recent goblin attack and the captain's lack of action. "You know why that is, Inga" Durwith replied "The city needs us here. If we sallied forth into the wilderness everytime a caravan gets jumped, who'd be left to keep the peace in the city? Besides, if the goblins took a child then the adventurers will be on them like flies on crap before the week is out". The moment he finished speaking, Durwith's point was proven by the arrival of an adventurer. "Like I said. Flies on crap" Durwith told Inga once she finished speaking "I'm going to finish my rounds. See you at the watch house". With that said, Durwith made to leave the Tavern and resume his patrol.
Angus MacAlister

With the troglodytes dead, Angus took a breath and sheathed his claymore. "That went well" Angus said "Now let's get out o' this soddin' rain before any more o' those buggers show up". With that said, Angus walked over to the temple's entrance, opened the door, and stepped inside.

It was the last patrol of the night. The last time he passed the Tavern while on duty. The last time he had to resist the call of the mead that lay within. But for the past several hours of his shift, Durwith Bronzebeard had been passing by the tavern over and over and over and over again. Needless to say, his will had been seriously tested. And now that he was so close to the finish line, Durwith's will was stretched to the breaking point. This always happened when his patrol route took him past any of the city's drinking establishments. Sometimes he'd be able to resist. Other times though, he would cave in and risk getting himself in trouble by stopping for a drink. This time, it seemed like Durwith was going to cave. "I'll only go in for a moment" Durwith said to himself "Just to make sure nothing bad is happening in there. Not to buy a flagon of mead". With that said, Durwith made his way towards the Tavern's door and opened it. Upon witnessing the scene inside the tavern, all thoughts of mead promptly vanished. Durwith knew the initial embers of a bar fight when he saw them. He quickly closed the door and ran 15 feet in the opposite direction. He then pulled out his horn and sounded the call for reinforcements.
Brawl at the Tavern
Durwith Initiative: 20
@Lucius Cypher

In hindsight I should have asked you this before making my latest IC post, but can we post freely now that the fight's over or are we still supposed to be in initiative order.
@Lucius Cypher

I think it's the trogs' turn now.
"That went well" Graham said once Artimeres had vanished into the night "We're both still alive and now we have an opportunity to make some gold. Welp, now's not the time to stand around idly. If we're leaving tomorrow we'll need to find my guy before we retire for the night. He's usually made his way to Coria's Inn around this time, so we'll have to hurry if we want to see him before he buries himself under a mountain of women". With that said, Graham made his way out of the alley and set a course for Coria's Inn.
"If you want more people than just the two of us, I can help with that" Graham said once Artimeres had finished speaking "I know a guy. With a word to him, he can make it known to the more trust worthy side of the Teresian underworld there's treasure to be had".
"My flail went through him like he wasn't even there and then he turned invisible" Graham said in response to Mel's words "Negating attacks and turning invisible is some pretty advanced stuff. And since he said making us this offer rather than killing us, I'm pretty sure we'll have a fight we won't be able to win on our hands of we say no".
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