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4 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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4 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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“If we sacrifice the Lich, even temporarily, we gain the trust of the Lord, and can stab him in the back, and leave while claiming to search for the real culprit. You think too small. Once we kill the Lord, shit is gonna get real tight in the town, and a few friends in the court will make it a lot easier to escape.” He explained. “Unless you want to end up in Prison again.” He added for Henri. Turning to the Lich. “What makes you think it was a request? It wasn’t a question, you will hand over your phylactery.”
“Clearly none of you have ever run a coup in your lives. Increased threat now, means laxer security in a few days. Political sabotage is a long game. We can’t just kill him from afar, we need to groom his heir into the leader we want him to be.” Nikulas said straightening himself up. “So...” He turned to Henri, “We knuckle down and lie.” Turning to the Lich. “And put on a little show.” He smiled. “The King’s army has enough archers and mages that if he wanted an assassination completed, he would have already done so. He picked us because we are supposed to be better than that. So, if you can all stop thinking with your dicks and swords, you’d either learn to adapt, or come up with a new plan instead of criticising my, quite frankly, excellent plan.”
Turning to Henri. “And they don’t actually know who we are. As far as they know, we are just a merry band of monster hunters.” Turning to the Lich. “So, I’m gonna need your phylactery, than for you to go on a contained rampage. Enough to get yourself known, but not enough that the Town calls for more outside help.”
Nikulas rode into their camp coming from the town. “I have a plan.” He said as he dismounted. “I spent the night in a tavern. Claimed to be a monster hunter. Started spreading rumours of a Lich.” He flashed a smile to the Lich. “Word reached the guard, and then the Lord.” He turned to the rest of the party. “I told the Lord, me and my merry band of monster hunters would hunt the Lich.” He leaned against his horse. “Figured it’d be a fun way to earn the Lord’s trust.”

Gator checked the hologram on his wrist communicator. Another thief. Gator was a mercenary. One that was good enough to get a galactic pardon after an incident where he saved a Senator on Vyria YL3. Now he was offered jobs to assist local law enforcement. A development that put him at odds with some of his friends who still prefered to work for the various criminal enterprises around the galaxy, but Gator assured he was only working for the highest bidder, and right now, the government were paying a pretty penny to keep order on some of these outer worlds.

Walking over to an atmospheric shuttle being used by law enforcement, he held up his wrist communicator and flashed his credentials. The officers stood aside to show Gator the data they had acquired. "What's an Efferus, like you doing out this way, Bounty Hunter?" An officer asked, his voice snide and condescending. Gator just smirked. "I was on vacation, but decided to help you boys out." Gator knew better than to antagonise Law Enforcement. "Anyway, I want a lift to this roof." He pointed at a building on the holo-map. "And what makes you think he's there? We already checked there," The other officer remarked. Gator shook his head. "I know. I don't think he's there-" He gestured to the slightly shorter building next to it. "- He's there, but landing a shuttle on that building will spook him." A troubled sigh. "You see, your not coming up with anything new spreading out, and the orbital platform didn't pick up any shuttles, so you should focus in. The only building without a full rooftop scan is that one there, so we can deduce that's where he is." A few grumbles from the two officers, as they readied the transport to take Gator to his desired building.

Landing on the building, Gator exited the craft and walked over to the edge. Looking down, he could see his prey sitting there. Gator leapt from his building and landed with a loud thud behind his prey. "Voze. I'm here to take you in or offer you a deal. You give me half from what you make selling that, and I'll leave an opening for your escape when I hand you over to the authorities."
“Ignore him. Clearly his common sense died when he did.” Nikulas said as he trotted his horse past Henri.
Nikulas chuckled at the Human trying to gain control of the situation. “And saying you don’t want to be locked up again, makes it sound like you want someone to ask what you did to land in prison.”
The Aasimar mounted his horse. “So, shall we get going?”
Just one more question before I begin work on my CS.
Are there other sentient species like Elves or Dwarves, or is it just humans?
So would I be correct in thinking this is a low magic RP, so magic is rare/doesn’t really exist(like Game of Thrones or LOTR)?
He didn’t say “Secret Business” out loud.
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