Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
2 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within.

I run a Star Wars based Meme Page on Facebook (Migs Mayfield - Core), and live my best life right now.

Active Roleplays:

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

@Master Bruce once you've made a decision on what's happening let us know. We must know more. We are the Borg now apparently
So tomorrow I aim to get some Reverse Flashing done, and by that I mean Zoom is going to go around dressing people.
Kresst didn't even defend her, all he said was that she had her place in all of this. She let out a frustrated grunt before turning around and storming out of the command centre. Machs helmet shifted between Kresst and the door Mevenn left out of before he decided that if Mevenn was gone that his duty was to remain with Kresst. Mevenn just couldn't stand to be in that room any longer, it was ridiculous. She got sent on this stupid mission while there was a war going on, and then got insulted by someone who felt he was a big deal because he had shot at a couple of idiotic droids.

Mevenn could feel the cold still, at first she believed it was the darkside emanating from the object but this was something else. Something different. Something was coming. "Hotshot, you picking up anything?" She didn't let him respond to the call before she started talking. This was important, whatever it was.

Meanwhile the Captain smirked as Mevenn walked out of the room. He grabbed a flask of something and handed it to the small being, its scent decidedly alcoholic. "Women. You know as well as I do that they don't have a place in the theater of war. Too hot headed." He took a swig from his own flask. "I'll show you to the ruins. You and that-" he pointed at the trooper as he clipped one of the lightsaber to his belt "-droid thing of yours at least." Mach shifted uncomfortably but didn't move from where he stood, didn't say anything. Instead he just stood there, still and watching.

The Captain signalled to Kresst as he turned and took a stride out of the opposite exit that Mevenn had used, hopping into a nearby speeder and looking over at the Jedi and Clone. "You coming?"
Also, a question for everyone in the game:

I've been mulling it over a bit, and while I know a second MME is due towards the end of this season, does anybody actually want that or would they rather foxus on their own stuff and have the MMEs reserved for next season, to give a little more breathing room?

Reason that I ask is because I don't want to pigeonhole anyone who feels like they absolutely must contribute after missing out on the last, potentially leaving their characters in an awkward phase of a rushed wrap-up if we begin another event. The thing I learned with the first Surfer event is that we can't really control how long it lasts or what happens when there are multiple moving parts, so I wonder if that'd be the case with another, given we're on a time crunch.

Plus, it's our Freshman season. Exploring our characters in lieu of a ton of interaction isn't entirely without merit.

I'll leave it up to majority rule. Personally, I could go either way.

I think the best idea is to end the season on a MME but maybe, as an idea, have the 25th of September not be the end of Season 1, but the start of the second Multiplayer event that will end Season 1. It still keeps to the deadline, then I imagine the event will go on for two/three weeks before ending on a big high five and someone saying "We should team up more often." Obviously not everyone would be required to take part in the event, but there'd be the knowledge that once the event ended it was over.

On a side note in terms of progression for the event, whoever the big bad is I'd say maybe one of the GMs should write him/her just so things progress more smoothly. Though I assume some of us would be fighting minions. I just feel like Iris had to do the same thing several times, and one second it looked like the story was progressing and then another test randomly appeared when it was the 'final' test.

This is just my two cents.

The captain chuckled, and his whole body seemed to shake with the effort. Meanwhile Mevenn was already bored of negotiations. She wanted something to happen, something interesting. Why she needed to be here, she didn't know. It seemed like a pretty straightforward negotiation to her. She shifted her head slightly as she felt something cold calling towards her. She turned to look at Mach, who seemed unfazed by whatever it was she was sensing. Shrugging it off she turned back to the negotiation just as a door at the back of the room opened to reveal a large block of rock with a metallic sheen to the outside of it. Carbon scoring littered the outside of it, where it had been shot and where they had apparently attempted to cut it open.

"We found it in some form of pyramid temple underground. The reason you were called was because we found a couple of lightsabers littering the area." He moved some papers on the table, revealing some extremely rusted lightsabers, they looked ancient. Ornate hilts and long lost designs. She almost wanted to move over and try one of them, her own lightsaber was an older design. Dual-Phase, two crystals. With a flip of a switch she could change the length and girth of her blade in the middle of a fight. She hadn't fought against anyone with a saber, and merely a handful of melee combatants but it was useful in a pinch.

"What did you try? Blowing it open?" The being turned it's gargantuan head towards her and eyed her with disdain before turning back to Kresst.

"Do you always let this female child ask questions? Or do you usually have her in check?" Her hand clenched into a fist. Big man, felt he was the best thing to enter the Galaxy because he took out a couple of droids. She'd seen war, and he doubted her skill?
Don't really need nuthin' here

Though I don't like "0 ooc"
So, this morning I wake up and hop on my laptop. I open up Chrome, head to RPG, and...

... I think Wraith is catching up.

He was further behind on your posts than mine. I feel speshul.

All through the Galaxy Shadowports existed. Places where criminals from all over the Galaxy could group together, safe from the governing body of the Galaxy. They were a dime a dozen back in the days of the Republic, since the Empire had come into power their number had decreased significantly. The Empire adopted a 'No Tolerance' policy on the concept of Star Ports. There was no money to be made from them by the corrupt governors, and they were seen as potential breeding grounds of Rebellion and Rebel Activity. What the Empire didn't know is the Ports tended to kick Rebel Cells of them as soon as they formed, they attracted the wrath of the Empire like you wouldn't believe.

On one such station an old Separatist Agent, turned pirate hurried through the corridors, trailed by two droids. Chaos spread throughout the station, word was that the Empire was coming for the station and he had to find a way off. Turns out his crew had decided to take his ship and leave without him the second word spread that the Empire was on it's way. He had been good to his crew, to his people. They held to a code and always made a profit, but others in his crew felt that he wasn't violent enough and they could make more money.

They were fools, the lot of them. Violence would lead them to being noticed, being noticed would lead the Empire to coming down hard on them and when you had an Imperial Taskforce after you it wasn't going to end terribly well. Sighing as some form of station 'security' stood barring a door he pulled one of his DL-44s out of it's holster and shot the man in the temple, a shocked expression on his face as he fell backwards onto the ground. Smoke raising from the hole now squarely in the centre of his temple. Once upon a time there was talk of him becoming a Jedi, till he failed the Initiate Trials, cast out and then recruited by the Separatists. What his old tutors would have thought to see him shoot someone in the head.

It wasn't murder however, it was self preservation. This idiot felt that it was his duty to stop them from causing chaos, hop on their ships and leave. Maybe he had some hope that if they held people hostage that the ships would be more willing to help defend the station. After all in orbit around the station there were some larger vessels, pirate cruisers and the like. Not that he believed that the Devils Horn was still out there, it had probably jumped to hyperspace already under the guidance of it's new Captain. Now, there was only one way off this station and to get his ship back. Only one person he'd even consider to be able to help him, in a hanger somewhere around here was a ship far older than anyother. Owned by a man in Mandalorian, with a penchance for loving women and running his mouth.

It was often said that if he could fly the same way he ran his mouth he'd be the best smuggler in the Galaxy.
@Superboy why'd you laugh at me? :'(

I'm being serious, I love the idea of interacting with other characters, and am willing to do so just if I don't limit myself I'm going to end up knowing everyone and carrying RF into Season 2.
@Lord Wraith thanks for the likes dad

<Snipped quote by Superboy>

Just catching up on the IC as much as I can today.

Yeah it's not that he likes it, just bookmarking his place. He doesn't really love us.

So I know I've talked to a couple of people about prospective crossovers, and I got one coming up... I will say though that with us nearing Mid-August and ending in Late September I need to work on my main story, as a couple of you know there's a lot that's going to happen in Central City. So I'd say if you wanna do something with me, shoot me a PM shortly as other than that I'll maybe have time for a conversation max, not an actual full on crossover (Barring the Multiplayer events, assuming I'm invited to the party).
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