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Current The wheel of time turned once more as bombs burst in the sky and the world rose anew.
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It's an illusion of life. All the same. One and all. All in one. One and all.
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Caught between the angels and demons. Pulled apart by heaven and hell.
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Always in the process of becoming.
3 yrs ago
The dead have risen. The dead can dance.


Chosen Undead.

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Guards eye the approaching waiter with stern scowls. Half of their job is in their appearance, taking on the aspect of a grizzled and dangerous man that would deliver punishment if tested. Bags of meat to intimidate guests.

The guard Montag approached is a tall man, over six feet with broad shoulders and a shaved head. He waited after the waiter’s request, glancing at his fellow guard beside him. The opposite man looked Montag over, and then gave a quick nod. The third one is motionless like a statue.

“Make it quick and don’t linger.”

He reached over with an arm to yank the door open, the detective gaining entry. He’d be under close watch, and there would no doubt be further guards inside, but this is a start.

As the detective began to enter, someone appeared from within the villa to rush out past him. It is a tall male in a dirty trench coat. Obscured by the brown and baggy fedora on his face, a large face tattoo is etched onto his right cheek. It is that of a large snake swallowing what appeared to be a sun, though the sun in this case is the man’s right eye. He glanced a quick side eye at Montag, a deathly look that felt he was gazing right through Montag’s very being. Before anything can be discovered, the stranger is quickly off and on his way through the party. The guards paid him no mind as if he had not even been there.

All of the detective’s instincts demanded he tail and investigate that strange man, but the opportunity is lost for now. Instead he is now inside the villa kitchen, packed full of panicked kitchen staff struggling to deal with the unprecedented amount of guests the mayor’s party received. Waitresses brush past the dark haired boy shouting out orders at the pressured chefs in the back. Hot steam wafted throughout the kitchen, spreading out to other rooms. Animated and eye catching movement distracted any thought to the environment Montag had just stepped into.

This whole place felt like a pressure cooker with the lid barely latched on.


Silence fell over the standoff as the police processed Abigail’s words. Some muttering from the brass in charge as they huddled together and whispered plans. Tension remained steady, and time crawled like a snail. One of Abigail’s more impoverished protestors is fidgeting. He wanted his opium fix.

The priestess cannot understand much of what is happening on the other end. It is quiet as hard decisions are thought through. Abigail's brain screams at her, warning her. They will draw their guns and batons and that will be the last noise you ever hear! You will get them all killed!

Instead of the crack of a gunshot, there is instead a new voice on the loudspeaker. Much more friendly and warm than the harsh baritone of the police chief.

“Hey, hello? Test test! Ah, yes! Okay! Hello! This is your mayor speaking! You requested an audience with me? I’d be happy to have you! I care about the people of New Haven and being a religious man myself, I can never turn down a chat with a priest!” The politician broadcasted in the recently taken megaphone.

The police give away for the mayor to come to the forefront of their line. Thomas wore a navy blue three piece suit with dark slacks that were getting dirtied by the rough grass he was currently standing in. He had a loud voice like a showman but a fine pronunciation like a school teacher. He always seemed to smile, showing two big sets of white teeth that are radiantly bright.

“Now I really don’t like how this has been handled, fellas. In fact, to make amends. I’ll have the serving boys give ya all some meals, and a few drinks. All on me. How does that sound?”

His offer immediately got some of the more desperate among Abigail’s crew to come around to his side. Thomas knew the crowd he was appealing to.

The mayor confidently struts forward, a complete contrast to the exhausted and anguished before him. He’d extend a hand to Abigail, ignoring some of the dark stares he got from more riled up members. With no megaphone now, he used his raw voice.

“This is one helluva way to get a meeting, my dear. Care to introduce yourself? We can talk more in depth about your grievances in my office, once your people are taken care of.”

He had a youthful charasmia about him, regardless of his age and it is easy to get swept up in his energy. He already had Abigail pulled aside as the police line is broken up by his words alone.

The tensions vanish up into the wind, Thomas Arnault spoke and mountains moved.

Name: Rema Tiberius

Title: Gladiator

Species: Android

Age: 98 years since her manufacturing date.


Developed as a entertainment droid for an advanced race from the milky way, she served in the arena as a gladiator. She was designed deliberately to reference Roman history and culture, a throwback to draw attention as the ancient warrior went up against all the power of current technology. Her stint in the arena involved chariot racing, which she showed great talent with. Surprisingly she became one of the best fighters and racers in the known galaxy, and was only prevented from becoming a racing champion by the destruction of the race that created her by it's enemies. Tiberius fought in the war in defense of her civilization and was an able warrior, but the numerous enemies ensured her creator's defeat.

As a lone survivor of a long gone people both ancient and current, Rema wandered around for fame and fortune, determined to write her name across the stars in the honor of her old Roman gods. Rema is determined to destroy the assumption that the future is any more advanced than the past that came before it. Rema proudly enjoys her anachronism, and insists her war chariot style racing is still eternally unmatched by anything present racers can throw at her.

Ark Gear:

Her war chariot is fashioned and named after a roman goddess of war, Belladona. Two android horses named Castor and Pollux man the machine, painted in old bronze and with bright red eyes. Each horse is equipped with highly illegal nitro thrusters that can easily get thousands of miles clocked if the safety restraints are turned off. Being machines they do not want for any need and adjust themselves to any situation with advanced neural AIs. The war chariot's looks can be deceiving, as it's fitted with much of the latest hardware. Titanium steel to hit hard and take little damage, anti gravity pulse generators on the bottom to adjust and lift for any rough terrain. Tiers that are made with hard compact treads that can bear the brunt of any rough surface known to exist. The chariot is designed to be nimble, quick and aggressive. Spikes on either sides of the wheels that could puncture a spaceship hull with Rema herself able to use her javelin, spears, and sword and ancient weaponry to attack from each side of the driver's seat. It's bold, reckless, and created to decimate her opponents without mercy.

Sample Post:

Name: Rema Tiberius

Title: Gladiator

Species: Android

Age: 98 years since her manufacturing date.


Developed as a entertainment droid for an advanced race from the milky way, she served in the arena as a gladiator. She was designed deliberately to reference Roman history and culture, a throwback to draw attention as the ancient warrior went up against all the power of current technology. Her stint in the arena involved chariot racing, which she showed great talent with. Surprisingly she became one of the best fighters and racers in the known galaxy, and was only prevented from becoming a racing champion by the destruction of the race that created her by it's enemies. Tiberius fought in the war in defense of her civilization and was an able warrior, but the numerous enemies ensured her creator's defeat.

As a lone survivor of a long gone people both ancient and current, Rema wandered around for fame and fortune, determined to write her name across the stars in the honor of her old Roman gods. Rema is determined to destroy the assumption that the future is any more advanced than the past that came before it. Rema proudly enjoys her anachronism, and insists her war chariot style racing is still eternally unmatched by anything present racers can throw at her.

Ark Gear:

Her war chariot is fashioned and named after a roman goddess of war, Belladona. Two android horses named Castor and Pollux man the machine, painted in old bronze and with bright red eyes. Each horse is equipped with highly illegal nitro thrusters that can easily get thousands of miles clocked if the safety restraints are turned off. Being machines they do not want for any need and adjust themselves to any situation with advanced neural AIs. The war chariot's looks can be deceiving, as it's fitted with much of the latest hardware. Titanium steel to hit hard and take little damage, anti gravity pulse generators on the bottom to adjust and lift for any rough terrain. Tiers that are made with hard compact treads that can bear the brunt of any rough surface known to exist. The chariot is designed to be nimble, quick and aggressive. Spikes on either sides of the wheels that could puncture a spaceship hull with Rema herself able to use her javelin, spears, and sword and ancient weaponry to attack from each side of the driver's seat. It's bold, reckless, and created to decimate her opponents without mercy.

Sample Post:

Tensions build as Clancy and his police officers meet eye to eye with Abigail and her protestors. Morale for the mob was firm earlier, but continues to slip. The sight of batons, police dogs and revolvers at the hips of the officers was intense. It was easy to imagine how quickly this situation could deteriorate into them being used.

Abigail’s speech is powerful, and reached out beyond the material danger presented to them and to the spiritual malaise they had all been suffering under. Though some still deserted, Abigail could quickly tell who she was left with. The young and jobless, with everything to gain and nothing to lose. No families behind them for the youths to worry about. Then there were the old and weary, veterans of similar protests. They were used to the danger, and perhaps even invigorated by it. They’d stay by Abigail’s side, even as her numbers dwindled to only a dozen now against the over twenty heads of policemen she spotted by eyeball.

The pleading for the suffering of the poor goes unheeded and ignored by the officers largely. Since the depression had begun, the everyday suffering of the impoverished had become so widespread that the common man felt no longer moved by their plight. They just saw more sunken faces and exposed ribs, more signs of the need for an order according to them. The police seem steadfast, and unmoved.

“God’s mercy is not for one lone preacher to decide, miss. You’re putting at risk innocent bystanders for a very misguided crusade.” Clancy announced over his microphone, trying to drag down the heightened mood.

With a blow of the whistle, the police began to march forward roughly in a battle line. Since there were more of them, they began to envelop the protestors and put the squeeze on them. Batons out and ready, it was clear a move would be made to disperse them.

“On my order, I am going to detain and arrest anyone who has not left this gathering. This is your last chance to leave peacefully.” The large man would finish, putting aside his megaphone. The time for talk was over, as he had decided.

Abigail had her last moment here for action. Disperse peacefully? Stand her ground? Was this all worth it for a mere distraction? People’s lives could be at risk.


Tensions are much quieter in Thomas’s situation. The roar of the band and the promise of free drinks gave new life to the party. It was just as Thomas had arranged. The confrontation outside was out of sight and out of mind, and the guests were distracted with leisure and luxury with loud music to blare out noise.

As the mayor of New Haven, he’s had to use this tactic a few odd times in his career.

The two relaxed staff members give Eduard a simple look over before returning to their cigarettes. They were young and just here for a paycheck, not looking to rock the boat.

“Heh, buddy the bossman has new staff for each gathering he’s got about every new event. He don’t give anyone steady work but the secretaries who got cute faces.” A tall auburn haired boy who looked no older than 18 took another drag on his smoke.

“He says his uncle works for him. He must think he’s a big guy.” His companion, a black haired boy with an angular face jested.

“If you’re such a big guy then where’s your waistcoat then, eh?”

The association with Mr. Arnault did Montag more harm than good, as he didn’t seem very popular with the lower level staff.

“Whatever man. I’ll take your fucking cigs if that’s what you’re offering. I don’t give a damn anymore. My dad lost his job yesterday and our family is good as dead at this point.”

With a cynical flair and pure apathy, Auburn slung his waistcloth right at Montag’s face, colliding with it. The pair douse their cigarettes into the ground and rub them out into the finely cut grass with their shoes. Uncaring of the damage done to the furbished lawn.

“C’mon let’s go check outside and see if there’s a scrap. I wanna see someone get their fuckin skull kicked in.” Black suggested with a laugh, and the two part off without even listening to a word Montag had to offer.

There was the sound of steel cutting flesh. A scream of pure agony after. Distorted sound that seemed to come from a world away, a blur of colors that was once Victorie's manor.

Her vision slipped through the veil, as the old familiar feeling of cold death washed over her like a blanket. She'd disappear from this world, again.


"So you've died again."

A hovering skull with reflective diamonds for eyes would hang over the princess's shoulder. His name is Piry, and he is a denizen of the Deathsphere.

The princess sat on the stairs of a great mausoleum. The girl is the only bright color among this lifeless world of dull greys and the deepest blacks. It is a world between worlds, the eternal home of the abyss and void. Where gods, mortals, creatures of all shapes and sizes are inevitably drawn to as entropy claims each and everyone.

Riku is more melancholic than depressed. Upset at herself for getting killed so easily, wondering why she took such risky actions when she very well knew the consequences.

"Is it finally time? Will you embrace us, chosen one? You will never fear death again, my dear." Piry would tempt her like a snake. "Embrace this wonderful power you have. Become our chosen. Our sav-"

"I'm not doing that. Ever." Riku would refuse, and give the floating skull a stern look.

"Hehhehe. Okay Miss Reaper." He'd laugh. It was more like his teeth would chatter and shiver. He noted the scythe she held against her chest, standing tall above her.

"You'd need some of our power to continue. You won't make it on your own out there. The void can give you strength. Dark matter that cannot be beat."

The princess is silent, seriously now more than other times considering his offer.

Piry noticed her interest, and would gesture her down the large steps floating in the desolated wasteland. A single dead tree. A sycamore, sprouting up from the cobblestone. On one of it's limp and twisted branches, a bright shining apple hung. It's appearance is hard to look away from.

"I don't like your illusions, Piry." Riku scoffed, finding it tasteless.

"Just a bite of the apple to return to the world of the living. Can't you see how chosen you are with this incredible gift? Your mother was so kind to you."

The princess felt a strong urge to cut Piry apart, but she knew he'd just come back once again. Nothing dies here.

"The world of the living beckons for you. The first voidwalker, our princess. Go again and seize your destiny." Piry would say, with a chuckle once again. It is hard to tell if he is ever serious about anything he says.

After concluding her moment of brooding, the girl would step up. She'd stride past the annoying skull and approach the pale tree, observing it a moment before plucking the apple from it's branch. She'd pause and take a deep breath, and look up to the endless gray sky. Though on closer inspection, it is no sky.

It is a mass of undead bodies. Squirming and gnawing at one another in a giant throng of ghostly human shapes. They are groaning with pain, fear and hunger. The unwanted and forgotten undead, lost of identity and purpose. They cling and draw onto Riku, wanting her to be their vessel and their savior, their avatar for all their angry envy of the living flesh world.

She rejected them with the bite of her apple.


Back in Victorie's mansion, the princess's body shook with a strange energy. It was something the tower had never felt before. This black and purple glow radiated from Riku's corpse, which would convulse and shake with it's shocks running through it's body before laying still once again.

There is then a gasp of air, like a first breath when one has nearly drowned. Life has returned to Riku, and she gasped and clutched herself, panting and clutching her pained wound. She slowly came back to her senses, blinking several times and feeling out with her limbs like they had been in a deep sleep. She'd cough and sputter, her wound still aching her. The deathsphere never fully healed her, it always wanted her to come back.

With great effort, she'd slowly come to sit on her bottom, leaning against a pillar. The world is a stew of colors that are slowly taking shape.

Again the princess has rejoined the world of the living, and cheated death.

kicks lightcomposer off a cliff

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