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6 yrs ago
Current Out $200+ thanks to government incompetence. Thank you, state of Pennsylvania!!
6 yrs ago
Don't listen to them. The Force is strong with this film.
7 yrs ago
@Rekaigan Some guy in a wheelchair stole mine. He can hide, but he can't run!


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What's the lair actually look like?
Ugh, the fourth estate. Somebody should just tell them to leave us the hell alone. Back in the good old days, the media's electronic equipment had a nasty habit of overloading or shorting out around Carrie. Not that she'd ever owned up to it. Twenty years down the road, her attitude towards reporters hadn't improved a bit. In fact, it seemed to have gotten worse with age.

"Listen, right now we're confused, scared out of our wits, and generally trying to figure out what the hell is going on. No warning signs whatsoever, and this was too coordinated to be an isolated incident. As to whether it's Dollmaster or something else..." she shrugged. "No clue. Now, let us get back to doing what we do, okay?"
It seemed the water monster had been dealt with, and not a moment too soon. Other monsters of all shapes and sizes were attacking the girls, but at least they had the numerical advantage now. Carrie wiped her brow, feeling a little tired. Maybe she was out of practice, or perhaps years of reality had beaten the Friendship out of her, but she wasn't able to keep up the magic the way she had all those years ago. Still, she wasn't about to go down without a fight; that just wasn't her style.

The electrified magical girl looked around for her next target. The furniture monsters were made of wood, and therefore probably resistant to her attacks. The air monster seemed to be a better option, so she went for that just as Lily's attack hit hard. A blast of lightning slammed into the creature from the other side, hopefully speeding up its demise. "Could somebody get Goldenrod some duct tape for her mouth? She could really use it."
Post will come sometime tomorrow.
It seemed everybody had converged, both magical girls and monsters alike. In some ways, that was a good thing- if Justice Heart could focus all their attacks on one monster, that would probably wipe it out and tilt the odds in their favor. Downside was, the monsters might well be thinking the same plan, only in reverse. Then, Carrie saw the water beast flowing out of the apartment building, and she gave a killer smile. She'd played enough Pokémon in her youth to know what to do.

Carrie considered her options. Wrath of the Storm would certainly fry her target into oblivion, and maybe even do some nasty collateral damage to another monster, but she wasn't sure she could channel so much electricity after being out of practice for twenty years, and some of her friends might well be caught in the blast. The latter problem was also in effect for Electric Explosion, and Thunder Breath was best used as a counterattack to charging enemies. With her choices reduced to a singularity, Carrie felt the power racing through her. How had she gone so long without this?

"Electric Pillar!" Carrie slammed her staff into the ground, and a bolt of lightning ripped through the monster's watery hide. Hopefully, that would do some significant damage.
The water monster's still there, right? That would probably be Carrie's first target.
Sorry, folks. Internet died, just got back.
I just had an idea: combination attacks that would enable team members to blend their powers together; for example, Yellow charging Goldenrod's guns for a massive lightning blast.
Carrie knew she was outgunned. One on one, her versus the snake was likely to be in her favor, but she'd never been good at getting her attacks to penetrate any sort of armor, and if that shadowy monstrosity got its hands on her, she was dead. Fortunately, Emily gave her an out.

Sliding onto Emily's ribbon of light, Carrie entered the car NASCAR-style. "Get us out of here!" she yelled. This serpent, the armored monster- she'd fought them before. Another piece of evidence that Dollmaster was back, and eager for revenge. The thought chilled her to the bone.

Lily was still hammered, and it wasn't pretty. The other girl was barely functional. Carrie looked at her friend, knowing that they'd need her help to survive this. "Lily, listen to me. We're being attacked. You need to heal yourself, whip up a cure for drunkenness or something like that." She made a mental note to make Lily promise to lay off the booze, at least until the current crisis was over.

Turning to Emily, Carrie asked, "Do we have any plans? Meet up with the other girls, try to get some numbers together? Anything's better than just running aimlessly."
If Carrie had been a normal woman, she would have been snake food. Fortunately for her, she wasn’t. A quick dip of her shoulder and a twist of her hips sent the serpent sailing past, though she did take a slicing wound to her shoulder. What was worse, she went into her maneuver right as Emily threw the car into a turn, causing Carrie to lose her balance and plummet to the asphalt.

Carrie was in a bad way. The armored monster was slowly advancing from behind, but she couldn’t deal with it until she took out the snake, which had sped out of the storm drain for another assault. This time, though, it came at her face… which was the one place you didn’t want to attack a magical girl with elemental breath powers..

“Thunder Breath!”

Carrie exhaled a blast of lightning, catching the snake full-on and sending it reeling. It didn’t finish the monster off, but it did give her a chance to get to her feet, staff at the ready. The snake circled her warily, not wanting a repeat of the previous rebuffed attack, and the armored monster was almost in range. She called out to Emily, “Yo! A little help would be nice here!”
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