Avatar of SouffleGirl123


Recent Statuses

11 mos ago
Cheers to 3000 days on the guild. I love you all 3000
11 mos ago
Y'all ever write something and just be shook about what you wrote? Cus damn it turns out I can write sometimes
1 yr ago
I drink water now, like lots of water. The only reason it hasn't made me too powerful is because I always have to pee now and idk if that payoff is fair tbh
2 yrs ago
No one remembers when corn kid said 'not everyone has to love it for it to be the best' and that quote hits deep
5 yrs ago
Never did I think I'd be avoiding my roommates to avoid getting asked why there was a fake wedding in the lounge room but here we are, thanks DnD


Most Recent Posts

Wait, when did I say to drink bleach@HaleyTheRandom 0.0
@Altered Tundra
Hey Tundy! I'd love a banner. It's for my bio so if it fits I'm happy :)
Here's the photo- i.imgur.com/LOjT9rQ.jpg
I'd like it to say. 'Friends' come and go but your chosen family are a gift. They will be with you forever, even if only in your hearts and your thoughts
Not the most but still a lot
@POOHEAD189 XD Coolies
@POOHEAD189 someone mentioned hiding they are female to avoid complications. I was gonna make a female character but would you prefer a male one?
I'll shoot for captain but I'll wait til I've started before I can say what they'll be
@POOHEAD189 I can do captain :)
@POOHEAD189 I was leaning more toward healer/surgeon if that's alright but if you're in desperate need of a captain I can do that too
@POOHEAD189 I'm not innocent? Shush, shush. No one else can know what I did ;P XD

Oh man, I forgot about that XD wowzer. Ye, I'm looking forward to getting back to the world of fantasy and adventure :D
@POOHEAD189 Dude, you take me to be lighter than I am
I love dark, gritty, backstabby, adventurey stuff.
My hobby when I was younger was writing stories and torturing my characters in them 😈
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