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Long ago, the Gods faced an ancient enemy which they could not defeat, so the gods to ensure their survival bestowed upon humanity powers and blessings, that they may continue to live on and prosper. Nowadays the ancient evil is almost all gone, and the powers are mostly used for tournaments to settle issues between nations, families, and individuals.

The city-state of Rhea is currently the largest and most successful city-state in the world. In times gone by, it was one of the first cities to institute the arena method of solving issues, political or otherwise. Over time, an equal emphasis came to be placed by most other nations on this ritualized combat, leading to a new age without large scale wars. Now most arena training begins during high school, to help children master their powers and be prepared to defend themselves, or more important to the state, the state itself.

The city-state of Rhea's main tourist attractions are their tournaments. Every person's power is unique, themed after their divine benefactor's portfolio causing no end of special oddities and wacky abilities. Most major cities in any region of the world will have tournaments but none are as usually as grand as the city-state of Rhea's. Visitors from far and wide come to pit their might against the best the city has to offer.

Schools of Importance

There are four main schools which usually fill out the 'best' category. They are St. Laurel's School of Divine Excellence, Mephisto's School for the Wickedly Inclined, Sir Clausewitz' School for the Militarily Minded, and Lord Kiburi's school for the Truly Exceptional.

St. Laurel's School of Divine Excellence as you might be able to tell from the lofty sounding name is quite a high class school. It has an extremely large campus with top class facilities for just about everything you can think of. There's even an engineering section for those who've been blessed by the God of Smithing and aren't well suited to direct combat, for example. The school has a very good standard of education, so even if one doesn't succeed in the sphere of combat there's always more study options.

Mephisto's School for the Wickedly Inclined always shows up in every tournament but no one is quite sure where they happen to be located. Their physical location changes in the records just about every year. To have your school's location inaccurately listed is supposed to incur a fine, but the principal doesn't seem to have a problem paying it every year. He does also seem to spend a lot of time being suspected of tax fraud, however.

Sir Clausewitz' School for the Militarily Minded is the closest to a military school that exists in Rhea, built and sustained by strict codes of conduct and demands of excellence. Their demands are so high the school holds the highest expulsion rate in Rhea, as well with the highest rate of student injury. Those able to survive the exceptionally harsh conditions, and succeed in getting the grades demanded of them for arena participation have been some of the most dangerous arena fighters in Rhea.

Lord Kiburi's School for the Truly Exceptional is a school maintained by the current grand champion of the Arena, Lord Kiburi. This school reeks of decadence, pride and is truly steeped in unequaled self importance. Partially funded by Rhea itself, partially funded by Lord Kiburi's winnings in the arena, this school is a school with the most bare definitions of it. The stated rules of the school are as such.

One. Don't kill other students.

Two. Don't be a whimp.

Three: Don't skip school unless the reason is cool enough or good enough.

Four: You don't break the rules if you don't get caught.

As one can see, truly Lord Kaburi is one capable of running a high functioning place of learning.....

There's also been new faction that seems to have shown up recently. Tournament teams are usually school based, but there are various free tournaments in which all you have to do is form a team and register in order to fight. One such team has become very large within the two years it has been active, and that is the Vigilantes. They're not actual vigilantes, but amongst their members are various students from St. Laurel's, Mephisto's, Clauswitz's and Lord Kaburi's.

Their membership is now too large to be called just a normal group, and as such they are treated as an small organization of sorts. As long as they can pay the fee for entry, they can register in the larger school tournaments, like any other non-school organization. They do free-lance jobs for the money, stuff like finding stray cats, manual labor, exorcisms, fighting supernatural pests and the like. Besides that though, records of the group's membership and activities are scarce.

Most would dismiss such a group as nothing more than an oddity in the general order of the city, however they attracted much attention on their first entry into an official tournament because of their leader, King. He was strong enough to win every 1v1 battle the group had to fight by himself. Regardless of any complaints about how victory was achieved, they achieved victory and earned their rankings on Rhea's Ranking Board.

The Great Evil, a strange inky substance resembling the star spotted night sky is a thing from a time long passed, which is caustic to the gods themselves. This mysterious power assaulted known existence a long, long time ago and was the catalyst for the gods bestowing great power upon humanity. After the War for the Heavens, the Great Evil has been reduced to a infinitely small fraction of its previous power. Existing now in the greatest depths of caves, ancient dungeons, or the deepest nooks and crannies of the ocean, it is rare for one to encounter this force within their life times. However, there are those who seek out this horror to destroy it, and some other for more nefarious reasons...


1. Don't be rude to other players.

2. Metagaming will be fine in some cases, and I'll also be metagaming technically as the GM to bother people sometimes. The line for metagaming for me is when it's not about fun, and more about chasing an advantage you shouldn't have.

3. Being overpowered won't matter so much in most cases, but in the tournaments of course they will. I can make some exceptions for something like a good character weakness, or at the very least you can keep some kryptonite in your back pocket. Just ask if you're not quite sure what to do.

4.Auto-hitting is fine for pretty much anyone I'm controlling, but just to the point of confirming whether or not an attack has hit, and maybe some follow-up attacks. If I want something to live, then I'll find a way. No auto-hits against other players though, as always.

5. Don't god mod. You're all going to get plot armour, and there's no place I'd feasibly want to kill you in unless you act really stupid. I will warn you normally with a "Are you sure you wanna do that?". Ignore that warning at the peril of your character..


I won't place too much restriction on the nature of your powers, but as a personal recommendation, I'd say that the simpler your powers are to use, the easier it'll be to play. Each character can start with 1 central power, and up to 3 other abilities. You get more as the RP goes along, but you might not so choose wisely.

Your central power is the one you should base your character's core combat potential, and your three other abilities should help to facilitate your core power in some way. You can choose to do whatever you really want, though.

Anyhow, here's the basic CS skeleton.

Basic CS skeleton:

Feel free to include any nicknames or titles your character would have.

If your character is a student, it'll be 18 years at the maximum. You can be a lot younger though, say if you were a child genius or something similar.

Only applicable for students, the great schools are highschools, enter the school name followed by 1st year, 2nd year, or 3rd year.


Include some form of either personality or background here. It's optional, but there won't be much time to set up characters at the start of this RP, so having something is going to be better than having nothing.


Put your powers here. Do remember, 1 core power and up to 3 other abilities. If you'd like a guideline as to how far you should or shouldn't go, I'll have some example sheets later on.

Rivals and nemeses, reputations preceding, perhaps even some special feelings for a special person. This section is optional, but it's nice.
After nearly a month, I've reanimated

I'm thinking maybe a gangster who utilized martial arts training to overcome a traumatic injury, and who now is trying to become the most powerful criminal boss in the world. Like Tony Montana meets Mercenary Tao.

Either that, or a mystic who's trying to obtain magical power beyond any other person. Fights like Babidi rather than Roshi, if that makes any sort of sense. Potentially throw in a bit of a inferiority complex.
Hey, I see you're still taking characters, could I whip one up?
@AtomicNut @KillamriX88

""So you're leftover powers guy. Nice to meet you. But as senior in charge of healthcare of these lot, I must advise against deploying powers to flail people out of their flesh. It's awful. I mean, look at tin guy. He's dripping all over. I think I saw people fainting."

"You look good, a lot better since the last time I saw you." Vile replied as he moved, trying to plant himself between Celestine, Wolf and Meredith. "I hope you're not gonna get another nosebleed, and make terminal mistakes again."
"He has returned from the grave to pay you back, Tinman. If I were you, I'd be quaking in my boots." Marty replies with a wide smirk gracing his lips. "Not to mention state his cultured opinion on your comp-" Marty begins, before Luigi simply stepped back slightly, pressing the back of his new foot overtop Marty's.

"Another word, I shift my weight." Vile growls, and Marty, unable to free his foot decides its best to be very, very quiet. "Mer, lovely, could you patch up what's happened to Wolf quickly." Luigi instructs, never taking his eyes off of Cel. "I feel maybe a walk is in order, to go enjoy the cool dusk air."
Also, you set up a discord for this thread, right? I tried to click the link you posted, but it gave me an error.

I know I haven't been around for much, but, when should I have my guy pop in.
I don't wanna cause a narrative snafu.


"I hope she likes this..." Luigi said to himself silently as he began walking back towards the ball, unable to sprint as he had to take care not to jostle the takeout he had picked up for Merdith. He had grabbed her some tacos from a food truck that he had ran across on his way, and figured it'd be faster to grab food from there. He cut through an alley to save time, he had figured this was a much nicer part of town and that he'd be fine to. He even began to whistle as he walked, for despite all the stress and misery he felt like he was dragging behind him, today was nice. Not even Marty and his date being nasty could manage to ruin this so far nice night.

Until he heard the buzzing. He looked behind him to find Marty hovering above the ground, a cloak of flies carrying him. "Why're you h-" Vile began, before Marty leaned, and a projectile came crashing into Vile's face, lifting him off of his feet. It was a stop sign that had been ripped out of the ground, but was now buried firmly in Luigi's skull, though one of his eye sockets. He began to shutter, the damage to his brain disrupting his ability to move as the swarm descended upon him, and began to rip the flesh off of him. He tried to scream, but as he opened his mouth flies flooded inwards, and began to destroy him from the inside. It didn't take long, no more than three minutes before a pile of cleaned bones and metal collapsed where Luigi Vile once had stood. With a flick of his hands, Marty directed the pile be dumped in the street, where it would be found. "Ahh, easier than I thought it would be. Goodbye Luigi, you died unloved, and unceremoniously. Just as you should have." Marty says, before he begins to head back to the party. He didn't have long to maintain his alibi, and the body would be found soon when people began to leave.

From a near by rooftop, a hooded figure watched in horror as one of his allies were rapidly taken apart, and reduced to nothing. Norrix slowly made his way over to Vile's body, and frowned. "Your story does not end like this." He whispered, as he begins to paint a circle around the body, through a cut on his finger. He begins his quiet chant as he begins to make markings within the circle.

"Come on, get up."

"Your father needs you."

"Your friends need you...."

"Mer needs you...."

The robotic eyes in Luigi's skull flared to life, giving off two small points of dark red light.

"Sssssssssssscccraaaaaaaaaaap yaaaaaarrrrrrrdddddd...." Luigi's damaged voice box hissed, as it rattled around the pile.

The Cultist nodded, and picked up the heap as he took flight, two wings bursting from his back.....

An hour later, back at the ball.


The ball was coming to a close, and people had begun to leave, groups had split off to talk before going home and it seemed like things were all but over. As things wound down Marty would appear from the crowd, a wide smirk plastered across his face. "Looks like Vile blew you off....Figures." He began, cleaning his nails as he spoke using a toothpick. "Although, maybe he finally figured out he couldn't put together such a broken wretch."

Thump, thump, thump.

"Or maybe he found a nice refrigerator, that seems more this pace..."

thump, thump, thump...


"Is he bothering you Mer?" Luigi's voice asks from this new body, its jaws unmoving as it spoke. Marty's eyes begin to widen, and he began to sweat, like he had just heard a ghost speak. The figure reached into his cloak, and pulled out a small metal box, which it opened to reveal some home-made tacos, fries, and a burger. "Sorry that took so long, ran into a little problem." Vile says, before letting out a wheeze like laugh, his new lipless mouth actually moving as he laughed.
I'm tempted to join in. I've a super OC from a Marvel game. Bacterion: The Geneticist Mutant.
Also known as the guy who kept getting kidnapped by super villains and becoming friends with him.
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