
Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Having a puppy and trying to train it despite never ever raising a dog ever before and getting conflicting opinions sucks.
4 yrs ago
Alcohol helps numb the fact ive done nothing useful these last 7 months.
4 yrs ago
three day weekend. nothing to do but get drunk and hope something interesting happens for once in this boring town -.-
4 yrs ago
Oh boi, elf tiddies!
4 yrs ago
all this talk about warrior nostalgia hits hard in the gut.


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banned for being a heretic.

Hallo! I have a plot idea or two that I was wondering if you'd be interested in. Otherwise, I'd be up for some Human/ElfxWerebeast or perhaps a DemonxHuman/Elf if you still have a space available!
>Roleplays are slow
>"Kinda bored,why don't I go (write,play games,etc.)"
>Does X/Y/Z
>"Hm,this is boring,why don't I go hit up my roleplays?"
>Goes onto computer
>repeat ad infinitum

@Mae thee two scars would join just above her nose, with the smaller one going across her left eye and ending just above her cheek,and the other one going over the right eye and down to her jaw. I hope this clears it up for you and thank you very much for offering this again!
Thank you very much for offering your talents to a fine forum such as this. Some people can't really afford to pay for a commission all the time,and people like you can brighten someones day up quick!

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