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3 yrs ago
Current The World Record 72 Hour, 100% No Sin, 100% Redemption Destruction of Death and Sin Speedrun- Jesus Christ, circa 33 AD.
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7 yrs ago
@RumikoOhara That one's in like five months.
8 yrs ago
I beg to differ.


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September 9th, 2XXX

Scott's head was buzzing and flickering. Well, that was new. The base of his palm pressed against the point where the bridge of his nose and his brow met. Rising from the remnants of toast upon a paper towel, he balled up said paper towel and tossed it into the garbage. Taking a moment to look around the familiar, modern looking apartment with white walls, Scott let out a sigh. He had seen the news report earlier. Now it was around nine, and he began making his way out.
"G'morning Scott," a somewhat older man in a suit with frilled epaulets waved as he stood by the door.
"Morning George," Scott replied to the doorman, giving a slight wave.

While walking down the street, smelling the scent of baking pizza and hearing the sounds of old washers and dryers running- a combination of sensations so familiar that it was lost on Scott how bizarre a pair it really was- he suddenly froze. He felt a sense of danger, concrete cracking and falling from under his feet. But wait, everything was fine. Scott's heart stopped for half a moment as he looked around. Despite everything being fine, he was sure he had sensed a threat of falling from a ceiling while climbing, despite being on the ground. Then again, only minor. He saw, well, someone falling, much more slender than himself, landing safely beside some scruffy looking dark-haired girl, then nothing.
Scott took in a breath, then let it out. He was a little confused, well, more than a little. Continuing to walk, Scott began to look around. He hadn't actually heard anything, nor seen any plume of dust. It was barely even visual. He idly flicked himself in the head. Was his super-power malfunctioning?
A few minutes later, as he approached the crowd- hotdog. 'What?' He shifted his gaze. There wasn't even a hotdog stand in sight, nor did he have one. But he could have sworn that he detected an attempt to take food from his hand. He let out a sigh, then continued to approach the stage, falling in line with the crowd.
He expected to see someone with whom he was familiar, so he was keeping an idle eye out for someone he knew. Suddenly, he heard the sharp clacking of dress shoes behind him. Despite the crowd, the cadence of the gait was rather distinctive.
"Oh, Mr Yi, so glad you're alright," a voice spoke.
Scott turned around to see ESU's mathematics department head, Curt Connors.
"Professor Connors, I'm glad to see you're okay," Scott remarked, extending his hand.
In response, the man's shoulder rolled, the suit shifting with an odd sound. The sleeve began to extend, only for it to fall in front of him. There was a look of something akin to remorse on the professor's face, shock spreading on Scott's visage.
"I'm... I'm so sorry," he remarked, sheepishly offering his left hand instead, which the professor then took, giving a welcoming shake.
No, you really couldn't. I already told you that you weren't a good fit for this RP. But it was spiraling into argument, which is not helpful to anyone.
Welcome, adventurers, to a world of Medieval Fantasy. Welcome to Ciral.
Formed from an idea for a fantasy setting on a "real" planet (as opposed to X plane,) with "weird sky" elements, this is my own little setting that I've been percolating for the past couple months or so. Using unique (I hope) variations on common fantasy races, Ciral isn't your typical fantasy setting.
Magical Items won't be common for purchase, as the average citizen doesn't really have an understanding of magic. As a result, magic is generally distrusted as a whole, be it from a wizard, a witch, a druid, or a cleric. Players have been, will be, or can be sent the majority of non-spoiler world related information. Dice Rolls will be performed on a Roll20 table for players, and as I see fit for myself as a DM. There are a limited number of Third Party Publishing elements in play, as well as some home-brewed tweaks to make the setting flow and have its own feel.
So, let's get on with the show, shall we?

Questions or comments? Just ask!
@Reflection Still up for this?
I don't feel this is as productive as it could be.
GM pants, activated.
The discs are the least of your issues regarding this character. You've only altered the minor issues and not the fundamental problem with the character submission.
This is an RP. Things are going to be different than what you've experienced with Bionicle in the past. You have to understand that not everything you know as a player is going to apply.
And to be honest I believe I have answered your questions to the best of my ability to avoid spoiling what I have planned.
Kongero Nui hasn't had any Toa before. You want to explore anything significant? Roleplay it out. You want to talk to NPC's? Write and roleplay it out.
I don't think you're right for this RP.
You're missing the point again.
@Sedjwick Kongero Nui isn't Metru Nui.
Still open for about 3 more players/characters.
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