Avatar of Tortoise


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Sad to say I'm currently experiencing Writer's Block. Luckily I learned Writer's Kung Fu and I can chop the block in half with my hands like Bruce Lee
4 mos ago
Why is the sun like bread? It rises in the yeast, and sets in the waist. Haha! Isn't that so cute? Join my RP or more puns will come.
5 mos ago
What's the difference between a Hollywood actor and a piece of driftwood? One is Justin Timberlake. The other is timber, just in a lake. Hahathisiswhati'mdoinginsteadofwriting
6 mos ago
Hey, folks: I've just kicked off an RP, a fantasy where you can worldbuild as much as you can adventure. So if, like me, you like worldbuilding nearly as much as writing, check out Pilgrim's Caravan
1 like
3 yrs ago
That moment when losing a character in a rougelike makes you want to shed tears. No backup. It's gone.


Current RP I want you to join: roleplayerguild.com/topics/191461-car…

Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 10 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to play around with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.

(I'm also trying to slowly break into writing as a profession, but apparently that's not enough work for me, so I'm here too. I'm starting to think this place is just where I get out all my bad ideas)

Most Recent Posts

Nick nodded along to his crew's suggestions.

"I think Astrid may be right," the Captain affirmed. "Or half-right. We have obviously upset Vei, and I don't believe she's really that open to alien contacts."

As for D'Artagan and Korax's suggestions, Nick was more skeptical. "Unfortunately, I don't think we have the time to open up a dialogue or launch an investigation."

A holo-display flickered to life on the desk in front of him, showing a large Havi spacecraft. "This vessel arrived a few moments before I called the meeting. You'll notice that it is either the ship that escorted us here, or the exact same model. For the record- that means we can outrun it." He cleared his throat, catching himself. "If we have to, that is."

"Either way," he concluded, "it's demanding an answer immediately. We need to decide now whether to send T'ri to them or grant his asylum."
<Snipped quote by Tortoise>
Wow! That is remarkable! It kind of sounds like this...

Excuse you! Turtles and tortoises are distinct groups.

We sound like this:

@Tortoise By the end of the week, I'll put you in the game.

[Excited noises]
Hey y'all, update: it's not dead. I just had it really rough these last couple of weeks
<Snipped quote by Tortoise>
Yes! Go ahead and switch her over. You'll need to wait a bit before I can add her in, however.

No problemo. The hobbit's burrowhob's journey can wait until you have a chance.

@Tortoise Sorry it took me so long to go over your sheet.

She seems perfect for this sort of roleplay. Though please add a bit more to her personality, if you would.

Personality updated. I also tweaked her skills super slightly (removed intuition, upped appraisal). Good to drop in the Characters tab?

Well, that's enough for me. Small post incoming.
I was waiting for Zanavy, but then school started, and I was a bit busy with that. I can post if that will help. Assuming we're still alive.

We are as far as I'm concerned.

I hadn't posted any myself because I wasn't sure it was a good idea for me to force things along if folks weren't interested. But I never really abandon any of my projects, so if there's still interest, I can have a post up within a day or two.
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