Avatar of Verdaux


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Oh Christ it's Christmas.
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6 yrs ago
Finals! Finals? Finals... *drools*
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7 yrs ago
Dippling crepression? Posteo-orosis?
7 yrs ago
The definition of insanity? Finals.
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7 yrs ago
When your crush takes months to get over their own, but they only give you three days to go back to the friend zone. MLK Jr. help me.


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Most Recent Posts

anyone who hasn't already expressed interest in the RP, i'll have to deny until space opens up.

Did my post on the interest thread count? o.o
Contemplating putting in a healthy dose of communism into this RP...
Two paragraphs shouldn't be too hard to do...I think.

Color me interested.

Finished my app.

only because Sinon was the exception to the whole Sword Art affair (the games [AKA Hollow Fragment, Hollow Realization, etc.] have Sinon as one of the SAO survivors instead of her starting out as a GGO player).


Fairly certain bows were a thing, but only because Sinon was the exception to the whole Sword Art affair (the games have Sinon as one of the SAO survivors instead of her starting out as a GGO player).

Anywho...APP TIME!

Jack Cunningham


25 Years Old
Physical Description

6'1 | 175 lbs. | Green Eyes | Light Brown Hair | Olive Skin Tone


Unfortunately, this RP's already filled up with for a mystery / drama / slice-of-life / romance sort of plot.

World-building is in progress right now with me and @alexakeehl; bear with it until I can make a setting.

In the meantime, here's a character sheet (make sure to View Raw in order to understand how to make your own texts a little fancier than normal. You can color your text, strike through it, post images, links, and so on and so forth. Have fun!):

Insert Name Here


Physical Description


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