Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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1 yr ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
1 yr ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
1 yr ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
1 yr ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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@CrystalApple: I'm trying to avoid a similar situation as the last iteration of this RP, where things got a bit messy due to people playing one character rather then a Servant and a Master.

Unfortunately, only one of you will be able to sign up, and since you seem willing to do both I'm leaning towards you. ^^;
@PaulHaynek: If you sign up a Master, you need to sign up a Caster as well.
Topic Here

We need one more Master and a Caster-class Servant! Please post in the OOC if you're interested!
So do to a little bit of a shift we have a spot for one more Servant and Master reopened!

Oh. He was going to fight back.

That was fine with her.

Smirking, Mordred raised her free hand. As she did, red light traveling from her fingertips up to her shoulder and cladding it in her armor. Placing her hand on the burning, crystalline blade, she gripped it tightly before shoving it aside, her smirk spreading into a vicious grin as she forced the sword down and away. Oh, she could feel the heat from the flames, even through her armor. And it certainly didn't feel good. But there was no way in hell she was going to let him talk to her like that. Calling her a man just made it worse.

"Oh, they didn't tell you my name?" Mordred asked, "Because your luck has run out, now that you've made an enemy of Mordred!"

Just as she was about to follow up on that by, ideally, carving his head open, the military girl from before, Minami, ran to their side, waving her hands.

"Wait wait! I know you're angry, Mordred, but if we wait too long innocent people could get hurt!" she cried, "I know a brave knight like you couldn't let that happen!"

For a few moments, Mordred was silent, still gripping that crystal sword in her hand even as it burned away, still glaring at the man who had insulted her. She wanted to run her sword through that bastard face of his, after beating him down and making him eat his words. But... Minami had a point, didn't she? Whatever was going on down there, if any civilians got involved it would probably be dangerous. They could even be killed.

No matter how angry she had become, Mordred couldn't let that happen.

"... Tch."

Mordred released the sword, allowing red sparks to flow up her body and cover her completely in her armor as she stepped back.

"You're lucky I didn't kick your ass anyway," she commented, "Thank her."

The red knight cocked her head briefly towards the private, before turning to face the foul-smelling hole. She paused at the edge, looking back over her shoulder.

"Try and order me around and I'll reconsider. Got it?"

With that, Mordred hopped into the hole. The armored girl landed with a clank, waving her free hand in a vain attempt to disperse the stench. Had something gone and died down her? It certainly smelled like it. The moth bastard was up ahead, and there was no way she was going to let him try and claim any glory. The rebellious knight swiftly proceeded ahead.


So the rocks Hinanawi had used seemed pretty useless. What were these things, anyway? They were almost like the product of some kind of Lost Logia, except that would have meant that there was a Lost Logia here. That didn't seem to likely. Vita wasn't going to waste any more time thinking about what these things were though. What she knew is they were the enemy, and she knew exactly what to do to enemies.


The armed device answered with an affirmative as it loaded a cartridge with a resounding clank. With that, Vita charged forward, as a pink light erupted beside her and tore through the numbers of the strange technicolor creatures. With a yell, the redheaded girl swiped with her mallet and sent the head slamming into the side of one of the creatures. With a strangely feminine sigh its side crumpled inwards and blackened as it erupted into chunks of ash. Was that the source of the ash they'd found...?


The next one was sliding along the ground, more like a slug. Vita swung Eisen in an arc downwards, crushing it into the ground and cratering the concrete. Another of the more human ones was sent flying, breaking apart into ash as it hurtled through the air from a strike from her hammer.

The next one was smashed into the wall so hard it knocked a hole through it as it broke down.

"... Th-that's... you... and I'm..."

Vanyra's shoulders sagged. This was too much to take in. How did you deal with something like this? Even if it was the setup for plenty of media that she'd read or watched, it was still something she'd never even begun to believe was real. And that was even without having to deal with the fact that she'd turned into a little girl vampire. From male college student to little girl vampire. That wasn't exactly the progression of her life that Vanyra had expected at all. It was really out of the blue in that respect. Looking down at herself once more, the white-haired girl ran her hands down her sides before taking a deep breath.

She had to introduce herself.

"... I'm Vanyra," she began, feeling somewhat silly making that introduction, "... And you're Takoyaki Princess... and now... we're in Emerald Odyssey, aren't we...?"
Takehito, or perhaps more appropriately Vanyra, silently ran her hands over her body in mute shock. This absolutely was the body of her character. That small, childish frame, the soft, pale skin, that gothic lolita outfit, the incredibly long, soft, white hair... this was unmistakable. Except it was real. It was totally real. Her initial outburst had receded into dead silence. She was no longer male. She was no longer an adult(or was she? Vanyra was written to be eight hundred years old, so wasn't she older now then she was before? It was hard to think about), and... well, she could feel her fangs with her tongue. She was no longer human.

For a few moments this fact was so overwhelming she couldn't even start to try and think about what was happening, But a number of things brought the vampire into the present. To begin with, this wasn't an unfamiliar setup. Hadn't she read plenty of light novels like this? there were anime too... secondly, she heard someone next to her. After a moment, Vanyra slowly turned and...

Most of the party was gone, but that figure...

"... Takoyaki Princess...?"
Konpaku Youmu

The girl she had rescued seemed fine, and also revealed her had abilities of her own. It wasn't surprising to Youmu, given she was used to such things, but did that mean that people in the outside world could possess abilities as well? Regardless of what was going on, there wasn't any time to worry about something like that. Right now, she had to take down those wyverns. Conveniently, both of the hulking creatures had been sent to the ground, and the white-haired girl immediately targeted the more distant one that had crashed. Once again, Leonardo had used the power in his eyes to stun both of them...!

She had to act quickly, she didn't know how long that the dragons would be stunned!

The air erupted around Youmu as she suddenly burst forward, both hands now firmly on Roukanken's hilt as she sheath Hakuroken. After all, this was no time to consider non-lethal options. She had to stop the dragon as quickly as she possibly could...

As she advanced on the creature she raised Roukanken and brought the long blade down in a flash, aiming squarely for the top of its head in a bid to divide its entire head in half!

@PKMNB0Y@TheUnknowable@Crusader Lord@TheFake@KoL@Raineh Daze
The son of the Earl of Brennan averted his eyes in silence for a few moments. It was clear the subject of his father was making him grow increasingly uncomfortable, but why? What had happened? Fanilly frowned to herself. This wasn't normal. She had once met the Lord of Brennan, when she was younger. Edoric Achter was a large, serious man, highly intelligent and knowledgeable about military history, but also kind and fond of relaying said military history in the form of interesting stories to children. Well, until he partook of her father's finest spirits a little too much, and then his speech became rather slurred and he'd eventually nodded off in his seat. But Fanilly knew he was not the sort of man to balk at the defense of his own town, and at the same time he was in good health. The last she had heard of the Lord of Brennan was that he was well enough to lead the guards of the town in training exercises, and that had only been a few months ago. What had changed so quickly that it was only now anyone outside of the town had heard of it.

"Is your father well, Lord Achter?" she asked, stepping towards the young man. Once again, however, he averted his eyes uncomfortably.

"... Please, come with me, he will speak to you personally," he replied, turning to lead the knights into town. Concerned about the state of the Earl of Brennan, Fanilly swiftly followed.

Within the town, there were a fair number of injured men in the care of the local healers, both those with magical capabilities and those without. As they progressed further, it was soon clear that the townsfolk were leaving their homes, a number of them cheering as the knights proceeded past.

An assortment of children were following them through the town excitedly, but the fact that some of the townsfolk were showing such support...

There were some who did not. Some turning towards the walls of the town.

'If they had gotten here earlier, then...'

The blonde knight couldn't hear their thoughts, but her mind created its own assumptions.

Soon enough, however, the knights had arrived at the home of the Earl of Brennan. Castle Achter was a stately structure, respectable and tall and made of dark stone. The great, dark wooden doors swung slowly open to permit their entrance, and what Fanilly saw ahead...

"Father, the Iron Rose knights have come to speak with you," the son of the Earl began.

Edoric Achter had changed little since Fanilly had last seen him. His hair had grayed, his face perhaps become more lined, but he still appeared in excellent health. And yet... something about his expression...

"... Ah, good!" the Earl said, "I wished to thank them for... for..."

His son averted his eyes.

"The town was under attack, Father. They helped repel the raiders."

"... Was it?" the Earl asked, confused, "No, it couldn't have been."

He chuckled.

"I know you are proud of your armor, my son, but there is no way you could have cleaned it so swiftly after a battle! And had there been such a threat, I would not simply be sitting here!"

Fanilly stared. But there were still specs of orcish blood splattered across the younger Achter's armor. There still was on her own armor. How could it be possible that the Earl of Brennan had no idea a battle had taken place?

"Ah, I... yes, Sir Radistirin," Lyrie replied, swiftly, before returning her focus to the man's wounded leg. By now she had begun to wrap it, force the bone back into place. She had already cast a spell to dull feeling further, so Sir Avlin wouldn't feel anything from the realignment of the bone. She knew, of course, that such a sensation would undoubtedly be unpleasant if nothing else. As soon as the bone was realigned, she could begin mending it. Of course, the knight would still need some rest, ideally, but he would be able to walk again.

That was what was important.

"Ah? She did bad things to your friends?!" cried Feeree.

"I knew she was bad, Feeree!" the other fairy said, folding her arms and nodding sagely, "I could just feel it!"

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you, Kopuro..." Feeree said, sagging, "It felt weird being around her but she didn't seem too bad! She didn't hurt anyone, did she? She didn't get anybody right?! She didn't-"

Feeree was cut off when Kopuro rapidly prodded her in the side with two of her figures.

"Uwaaaah! Waaah!" the fairy squirmed, nearly falling out of the air for a moment before catching herself. "Kopuroooo, why?!"

"They were asking you questions! If you feel bad for anything you should answer them!" responded the lighter-haired of the two.

"Um... um... Right! The dark lady had this black dress and really long hair and she was talking to one of those ugly orcs!" Feeree said, "And I thought that was weird and bad but then she saw me and I got a little scared! But she just smiled and asked me if I knew where a good view of the human town nearby was, so I told her right here!"

"Yeah yeah, temporary Master," Mordred commented with a dismissive wave of her hand as the little blonde vampire girl decided not to go down into the sewer, instead opting to walk away. It's not like she didn't sort of understand why someone like that would opt out, even if she didn't like it too much and it wasn't anything she'd consider doing herself. But regardless of that, the Saber-Class Servant didn't need her temporary Master around. As long as the contract was in place, Evangeline could have just sat under a kotatsu(those things were awesome, Mordred had to admit) the whole time and it wouldn't have mattered. "Go on your little clothes shopping trip or whatever."

Naturally not wanting to take it into the sewer, Mordred chowed down on the rest of her popsicle, tossing the stick away when she was done. It had been pretty good, and the shorts-clad girl took note to buy some more when she got the chance. Maybe they all had different flavors or whatever. Anyway, whatever it was down there seemed pretty powerfully magical, that was for sure. Some kind of monster or something, maybe.

And then, Alberich spoke.

It didn't take long. Not only was he asserting he was the best one to lead, ignoring anyone else there, but he'd done it. He'd gone and done it. Immediately the anger boiled to the surface, and the blonde knight reached out with one hand and called a shower of red sparks and what seemed to be crackling electricity. They condensed and revealed Clarent, the blade summoned to her as she rounded on the man and raised it in one incredibly swift motion, pointing the sword's tip directly at his throat.

"Call me a woman again and I'll turn you into my new scabbard," Mordred practically growled. A woman? Is that all he thought of her, huh? She was a knight. She was a knight before anything else! She wouldn't accept anyone treating her like a girl! She remembered how girls were treated back then, she remembered what she was, and she wouldn't let anyone call her that!

She wouldn't accept it.

@Dezuel@Raineh Daze@PKMNB0Y
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