Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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1 yr ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
1 yr ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
1 yr ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
1 yr ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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Everything was suddenly happening very fast. The dragon child had transitioned into her draconic form, unexpectedly for someone so young, and thrown herself into the attacking goblins. The man, as well, had used his strange instrument to induce some sort of magical effect on the goblins as well. There was no real time to contemplate what this meant, or what it would cause. What Ange knew was simply that the horde had been disrupted.

"Knights, attack at will!" she declared, drawing her sword, as the contingent behind her drew their weapons as well. The thin, silvery blade of her weapon gleamed in the sunlight as she raised the tip towards the green-skinned beasts.

There was a ringing sound, as what looked almost like a miniature star traveled up the length of her sword. She shut her eyes and focused for a moment, her mind centered squarely on her duty to protect the people of this land and destroy evil.

When she opened her eyes, to observes it would seem like she suddenly vanished, only to reappear just before the goblin swarm. Seconds later, the backdraft from her sudden movement struck, a burst of air rushing through the grass. Her blade thrust forward in a flash, skewering one goblin and slicing it apart before she moved to the next, cutting it in half. Her movements, to anyone watching, were made with blinding speed. Goblins were hewn apart left and right, or skewered on the tip of her blade in a flash.

This was what it meant to be in training to become a Sword Saint.

"... That..." Arturia sighed. Why was the matters of... body shape even being discussed? It wasn't important at all. It meant nothing to their capabilities. More concerning, however, was the look that Lancer gave towards the youths nearby... Needless to say, that was something that needed to swiftly be addressed.

"We... should get a meal, indeed," she said, gesturing towards the stands in the middle of the town. After all, there were a variety of different foods on display. From fresh fish to what looked like freshly-hunted deer... surely, if they were offered enough, the people behind the stands would be willing to prepare something for them, would they not? It made sense to the blonde knight, at the very least... and she didn't trust that look that Lancer had in her eyes when she was looking at the those people... She paused for a few moments before approaching them. "Perhaps we should focus on that?"

Lancer seemed like she wanted to be helpful, at least, Saber couldn't be certain how to handle her...

"Very well, Master."

It was easy to understand what her Lord's ploy was. To depart quickly, and lead the enemy out of the restaurant and to a location where they could conduct battle. As a result, when Isabelle rose to her feet, so to did Saber, stretching as she did. Of course, she didn't actually need to. Rather, it was cover for her to cast a very brief glance around the room without moving her head, her crimson eyes briefly flicking around the room to see if she could see anything suspicious. She had to avoid being too obvious, or else her Master's plan would become apparent. Regardless, she was soon following the nun.

The white-haired girl was prepared to draw her blade and protect her Master at a moment's notice, certainly. If the enemy tried to attack them as soon as possible, she felt confident enough in her ability to react before any harm came to Isabelle.

@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas@KoL

"Haaah, that meeting was a drag," complained Mordred, hands in her pockets as she strolled down the street. At the moment, she was in the need for some breakfast. Something that didn't include talking to some shorty with a marshmallow floating behind her and a lady who had way too much in common with a cow. If anything important came of that meeting, she knew she'd hear about it later. So there was no reason for her to hang around and be bored out of her skull, now, was there?

There really wasn't.

Scanning the streets, she noticed a convenience store ahead, and strolled in to push the door open. Yeah... the blonde knight needed some breakfast. After a moment, she snatched a candy bar off the shelves and walked up to the counter, slamming the required yen down. Before the clerk could say anything, Mordred had opened the candy bar and walked out, chowing down. Yeah... this was an easy breakfast, right? She left the surprised clerk long behind as she headed back out onto the street.

Haah... what was she going to do today, then?

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze

Konpaku Youmu

The entire meeting after one of the people on the other end had insulted her and more importantly Yuyuko-sama and stormed out had felt sour to the small half-phantom. Still, she couldn't deny that going out to eat sounded appealing... though she was more then a little worried about what Yuyuko-sama would be ordering. And indeed, Youmu's concerns were almost immediately brought into reality when they sat down and looked at the menus.

"Eh-heh, Yuyuko-sama..." Youmu sighed. All of them? Yuyuko-sama wanted to order one of everything? ... It wasn't even surprising, really... it was nice getting eat with her regardless. "I guess I'm not surprised at all."

Some small part of her had always wondered if certain features of Yuyuko were influenced by the amount of food that she ate. The rest of Youmu blushed whenever that thought came to her mind and tried not to think about that any longer. As she looked over the menu, however, the small white-haired girl was quickly overwhelmed. There were... many options. And she didn't recognize any of them. Some of them looked a little like foods she was more familiar with... except they had many ingredients she didn't know much about, and names she didn't recognize.

"... E-er..."

Finally, she pointed at something creamy, with a poached egg and pieces of what she guessed were some kind of pork-based product in it.

"... This?"

@KoL@Crusader Lord@PKMNB0Y@TheFake@Raineh Daze
  • Name: Tachibana Miyako
  • Age: 14
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Miko Magus
  • Personality: A reserved and serious girl, Miyako is dedicated both to the advancement of her family's craft as well as her duties to the Tachibana shrine. This isn't to say that she's without any drives of her own, but she tends to consider her duties before her own desires. She is a fairly polite girl, and is friendly, as well. Miyako generally tries to treat others with kindess, something some magi may not consider as particularly valuable. But this is due to her nature as a shrine maiden as well as a magus. Receiving others with politeness is simply a part of her duty. Of course, if pushed enough, she can sometimes before exasperated and confused, but generally speaking she remains polite and friendly towards others.
  • Skills: In terms of skills, Miyako posseses nothing particularly notable beyond the average person.
  • Abilities: Miyako's affinity is for air, and her magecraft combines many traits of onmyodo as well as the western variants of the practice. As a result, one of her specialties is in the exorcism of evil spirits, the removal of dark entities. While her skill in this area is far beyond her years, naturally there is nothing that can be done when it comes to a Servant. Additionally, she is highly capable when it comes to the deployment of bounded fields. One particular field she deploys is one designed to hinder movement by use of incredibly powerful air pressure, slamming her enemies against the ground. By affixing ofuda to a surface, she can also cause it to produce a jet of air. This can be used as a trap, or to push objectss around.
  • Brief Backstory: The child of a magus family with its origins traced back to onmyouji prior to the Meiji Restoration, Miyako's brand of magecraft is clearly heavily influenced by these origins. In spite of her young age, her dedication to her family's duties and her current status as the only able-bodied member of the Tachibana family remaining alive lead her to become the representative of her bloodline in the Tohsaka faction of this Holy Grail War.
  • Name: Tachibana Miyako
  • Age: 14
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Miko Magus
  • Personality: A reserved and serious girl, Miyako is dedicated both to the advancement of her family's craft as well as her duties to the Tachibana shrine. This isn't to say that she's without any drives of her own, but she tends to consider her duties before her own desires. She is a fairly polite girl, and is friendly, as well. Miyako generally tries to treat others with kindess, something some magi may not consider as particularly valuable. But this is due to her nature as a shrine maiden as well as a magus. Receiving others with politeness is simply a part of her duty. Of course, if pushed enough, she can sometimes before exasperated and confused, but generally speaking she remains polite and friendly towards others.
  • Skills: In terms of skills, Miyako posseses nothing particularly notable beyond the average person.
  • Abilities: Miyako's affinity is for air, and her magecraft combines many traits of onmyodo as well as the western variants of the practice. As a result, one of her specialties is in the exorcism of evil spirits, the removal of dark entities. While her skill in this area is far beyond her years, naturally there is nothing that can be done when it comes to a Servant. Additionally, she is highly capable when it comes to the deployment of bounded fields. One particular field she deploys is one designed to hinder movement by use of incredibly powerful air pressure, slamming her enemies against the ground. By affixing ofuda to a surface, she can also cause it to produce a jet of air. This can be used as a trap, or to push objectss around.
  • Brief Backstory: The child of a magus family with its origins traced back to onmyouji prior to the Meiji Restoration, Miyako's brand of magecraft is clearly heavily influenced by these origins. In spite of her young age, her dedication to her family's duties and her current status as the only able-bodied member of the Tachibana family remaining alive lead her to become the representative of her bloodline in the Tohsaka faction of this Holy Grail War.
@Zeeb Blade: Er, no, you kind of need to start as part of the order or in the process of joining it or else you're just some random person. ^^;

He also has to be a knight, barring circumstances like magi attached to the order.
@Zeeb Blade: It's not just an adventuring order. It's a proper knightly order. You kind of need more then that to actually be part of it.
@Zeeb Blade: These are things you need to include in your bio.

You also need to explain how and why he's attached to the Iron Roses, as the RP centers on the order. I'd suggest taking another look at the OP.
@Zeeb Blade: This is not enough information on his skills. This isn't D&D, I don't have a book I can use to look up what you mean.
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