Avatar of Yankee


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
It's so fun to make random OCs for an RP I will probably never run
9 mos ago
"As usual, I've been doing online roleplay, and having a blast with women in their 30's exhausted from working too much."
9 mos ago
Went to an fan convention yesterday after a three year break from them. I forgot how much I love seeing people's creativity, and how fun making even a simple costume is!
10 mos ago
Worse: partner into a mahjong gacha game
10 mos ago
Being bullied into learning how to play mahjong
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If you're here on my profile, check out World of Light
21+ | UTC-5 | Casual Roleplayer | 1x1's: Closed


Hello! I'm Yankee.
I'm usually down for pretty much anything: action, adventure, romance, horror, taboo, comedy, smut, gore, slice-of-life, etc.
I like cute, fun stories just as much as dark, gross, problematic ones. I enjoy creating original characters for RP,
but I get as much enjoyment writing as canon characters in fandom-based games!
On that note I like comic books, cartoons, and videogames. I'm also very into cosplay and art!

I am a very slow writer, so my preferred posting pace is once per week or less. I usually post on weekends.
I like to have fun while writing, so I prefer relaxed partners who don't take things too seriously.
Remember: fiction =/= reality.

Feel free to PM me to chat!
However I do not check PMs immediately. Might take me a day or two to get back to you.

Forward all complaints to @stone

and remember,

Most Recent Posts

Not particularly. I usually prefer discord for OOC so my embarrassing OOC talk isn't so public but I'm fine with just the thread. Then again, Friends United Courageous Kingdom could be a(nother) reality...
Friends United Courageous Kingdom

Make that into a discord server and see what server symbol you end up woth.

That's pretty good. My super secret private sever is just called "fuck" and the symbol is just a lowercase f which is pretty funny. I feel like my character would be all for "Friends United Courageous Kingdom" then notice the icon later and be like "what the hell guys."

Amelia couldn't say that Horogi was her first choice, but it's the starting area the rest of her group had decided on. She hadn't known many of them for very long, it seemed their little corners of the internet overlapped and the group came together kind of haphazardly. Still, between trading game recommendations and memes - my God they sent so many memes - it was nice to have some sort of party from the get go. Between one blink and the next, Amelia (under her less than creative alias of Ames) found herself in a beautifully vibrant city.

"Oh wow," she laughed, gazing around at the lanterns, streamers, all of the people gathered in the area, and the huge decorated stone in the center of it all. Moments ago Amelia had settled her graphics display to fantastic, and even while the city had certain glow to it, a certain charm that could only be found in that disconnect between fantasy and reality, it still looked so life-like. Needless to say, the girl was excited.

"This is so awesome!" Amelia thrust her fists into the air in delight, chattering to herself as she spun in a circle to take in as much of the view in the busy area as she could. "Is it festival time or something? Everything looks soooo good! And! And... aaaaand where's my avatar?"

She blinked and looked around at all the fantastic player and NPC models, then opened up the game settings again. After a few moments of silence the menu closed and the red headed avatar she was currently in the guise of facepalmed hard. "Oooooh my God I'm an idiot," she mumbled, noticing her deeper voice for the first time. She'd been so caught up in making her character and getting used to the city that she'd forgotten it was a VR game, as in Virtual Reality, as in first person. "Fuck."

Oh well, nothing could be done about it now. Minerva said everything was final pretty much, barring "realistic" methods to change one's appearance. She'd have to find a mirror ASAP. Well, maybe finding a mirror was step two. Step one should be finding the rest of the group...

"Snakes have no arms and that bothers me!"

...good timing! That was the code phrase, right? Or something like that. She turned to spot where the voice had come from, seeing a few new accounts and - someone on the ground?!

Amelia rushed over to the ailing player, passing Ari and Lugh by with a quick "Hi Lew Hi Theresa you look really cute" and stood a bit animatedly by Raime and Kriz, eyes looking back and forth between the two.

"Are you okay? Do you still need a healer? Not that I am one but - " she paused, getting a good look at these two and their usernames. They seemed kind of familiar... " - um. This'll be embarrassing if I'm wrong but aren't you guys part of [-our discord-]...?"
What's our group's discord server called? This is relevant for a very small insignificant part of my post (that I can just edit in later). I need your cringiest suggestions.

The makeshift wooden barrier wouldn't have lasted long against the hail of bullets, but the sudden appearance of what could only be the enemy's stand ended it's usefulness pretty quickly. It bought them a moment of safety, but looked like the soldiers were already gearing up for round two. The agents were surrounded and even worse: subjected to the very annoying, tiresome speech of the enemy. Those Germans' heads were so far up their own asses it was a wonder they could still talk.

...but the fact was, the Allied stand users were in quite the predicament and no amount of internal insults would get them out of it. It was time for action. Unlike before in the forest, Taras' own stand would be much less helpful on the offensive front. It was small, weak, and vulnerable to attacks from other stands - which there were a lot of. Even though they seemed simplistic and identical, any wound they could land on「Bad Case」itself would severely limit Taras himself. So, he didn't summon it. Instead, the Russian happily let Yonaka take on「The Reaper」, getting out of her way and diving behind another patron's table. While he moved, he drew his own gun from his coat - a proud pistol of Russian make. As soon as he switched the safety off Taras took aim at the pianist and fired. If the man was that gangly stand's user, then hopefully his focus would be split between Yonaka and himself, leaving either stand or user open for an attack.
Doing god's work @Searat
CaCo is catching on

I second a group discord or similar for after everyone meets proper in game, variously brought in by others?

For Amelia, her main media accounts would probably be FB, Reddit and Instagram. Definitely frequents r/RelationshipAdvice.

Gaming interests:

  • RPGs & JRPGs
  • Adventure Games
  • Puzzle Games
  • Action Games
  • Visual Novels
  • Dating Sims
  • Lifestyle Sims
  • Mobile Games including Gacha

Non-gaming Interests:

  • Food
  • Fashion
  • Cosmetics
  • Those groups that post about sales and discounts all the time
  • Cheer & Sports
  • Cute Animals
Amelia and Katherine can be online buddies~ maybe not the horribly depressing one which I am going to take a face value and assume is a section for straight up depressing stuff. I think Amelia would probably frequent the more popular/easily accessible sites to talk about game series she likes and branch out from there. Disclaimer I have no idea how reddit works but if you can make a friend through it I'm down

I think Amelia, Katherine, and Raymond (and Theresa?) are the most "normie" so it might be easier to connect those few, and harder to connect them to others. For example the hardcore MMO players and our resident esportsman, at least for me Amelia didn't really have an interest in those before CaCo (yes I'm gonna call it that). However the MMO players might have run into each other once or twice in other games. If there are two or three "groups" then we'd just need a bridge to connect them.

And for someone like Lew, because of his large interest in P***mon, and that franchise being what it is... if he is active in fandom groups for it it's easy to connect him, I could easily see Amelia being delighted by his love of the cutesy monsters in video games (with his "other" desires unknown of course).

It's a bit hard to connect everyone but, well, this is my two cents. Form a venn diagram of friend groups.
What are the "security systems put in place to prevent distasteful actions between players" in that case? Rather, what is a distasteful action that doesn't fall into above categories?

As for player relations, I'm gonna do some brainstorming (most of you know this amounts to a light rain shower at best), but I still think the easiest way to have everyone connected ahead of time is through some online forum or chatroom. However it's also possible that the party could know each other like a chain? For example Character A is friends with B and C. B is not friends with C but knows D and E, etc. from there...? So it wouldn't be necessary for everyone to know one another as long as there is a string of acquaintances...?
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