Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Myriah Targaryen

"I'm going mad aren't I? I can feel it...my mind slipping into darkness. My moments of clarity are becoming shorter. Why is this happening to me? Can no one help..."

"That girl has the Targaryen madness in her, I swear! I found her talking to herself yesterday." - Servant

"One minute she is perfectly sane, and the next she is throwing a fit, screaming, and braking things! I refuse to serve her anymore, the damn girl bit me." - Septa Odile

"You know she was born with a caul. Some people think that a child born with a caul has the gift of second sight, maybe its true...maybe that is what ails her...what brings on the madness. Seeing the ghosts of the Red Keep, and hearing voices would drive anyone insane." - Maester Clovis


Basic Information

Myriah Targaryen, The first of Her Name, Royal Princess of the Seven Kingdoms.

Myra, Princess, Mad Myriah, Dragonfly






King Daerys Targaryen

Queen Nymeria Targaryen nee Martell

Brother - Prince Aenar Targaryen, 13. Crown prince of the seven kingdoms, heir to the iron throne. He loves animals more then people. He is cool-headed, witty, blunt, and a tad sarcastic.

Brother - Prince Valerion Targaryen, 9. He is second in line for the Iron Throne. He wants to be the greatest knight in the world. He is very serious, hardworking, and stubborn. Older twin to the late Prince Daemon.

Brother - Prince Daemon Targaryen, deceased. He died eight years ago. He was twelve months old, and was very sickly. Pneumonia killed him. Younger twin of Valerion Targaryen.

Sister - Princess Shaena Targayen, 7. She is mischievous and very haughty. She is her mothers favorite child, and thus mollycoddled and very spoiled.

Sister - Princess Alysanne Targaryen, deceased. She died two years ago. She was almost four years old, when she died from Tuberculosis.

Half Sister - Illysia Blackfyre is her older half-sister. She is the King's bastard daughter.

Faith of the Seven



Myriah has an impeccable memory, and thus she has always been a very good student. She excels in the areas of mathematics, language, writing, and memorizing facts. She had also been raised bilingual and so she is fluent in High Valyrian as well as English. Even though she is a girl, her parents made sure to get her an education fit for a Targaryen Queen.

Always the creative one, Myriah loves to paint, and embroider. Much of her time is spent doing those activities. Otherwise she can be found riding her horse, walking in the garden, or reading in the library. She also keeps a journal, and writes in it often. Her hand writing is beautiful, albeit a little on the swirly side.

She has a very enchanting singing voice, and use to sing her little sister Alysanne to sleep. Her mother once told her that her voice was a blessing from the gods. Her old Tutor was a fan of botany and plants, so she knows quite a bit about them, and she is a fan of the flower language.

The most obvious weakness is that she is slowly loosing her mind, not that anyone knows this, as its only a rumor outside her family and sworn servants. Her fears of going crazy, and loosing it forever haunt her daily, though she does a good job most of the time maintaining her 'I'm Fine' facade. Along with the crazy spreading through her mind she also has nightmares and dreams of the prophetic variety. Though they hardly make any since to her.

Do to the terrible illness she suffered from last year, her health is not as it once was. Strenuous activities such as prolonged running, fast passed dancing, and most sports are not something she can really do. Unless she wan't to start coughing, and then faint. She also get sick easier then most, and is a tad anemic.

Interestingly enough she can not swim. Not that she never tried to learn, but almost drowding when she was six has made her steer clear of deep water since. She is also rather terrible at chess, even though its her father's favorite game. Her seven year old sister typically beats her at the game.

She knows a bit about poisons, and she carries a small dagger.



  • Flowers
  • Pearls
  • Animals
  • Her Family
  • Archery
  • Perfume & Fragrant Oils
  • Fruit
  • Charity

  • Barbarians
  • Winter
  • Toads
  • Sitting for portraits
  • Stupidity
  • Wearing Shoes
  • Coffee
  • Gambling

  • Ambidextrous
  • Always has coins in her purse to give to beggars and peasants
  • Bites her bottom lip when she is nervous

  • Painting
  • Needlework
  • Playing the Harp
  • Weaving
  • Painting
  • Reading
  • Calligraphy
  • Writing

  • Hurting Someone She Loves
  • Giving Birth
  • Disappointing her Parents
  • Loosing Her Mind
  • Thunder Storms


Digging Deeper

Once upon a time Myriah had been a confident, creative, outgoing, and exuberant young girl. The apple of her fathers eye, and a loving older sister to her younger siblings. But that was all before the madness got its claws in her, back when she was nine years old. Now a young woman of 16, she is a insecure, anxiety ridden mess of nerves, and paranoia most days. Though over the last two years she has learned to appear untroubled in public.

At heart she is a still the sensitive and gentle girl she once was, but the erratic, unstable, and irritable behaviors have become more and more apparent lately, and she is on the verge of cracking. She is scared for herself, and fearful that she might harm others during one of her breaks with reality. She has become rather hesitant, and vulnerable compared to her old self. Her natural empathetic heart does not help, as other peoples emotions can influence her own rather easily. She is desperate for help, and understanding. The fits of madness happen more often then ever now, and she can't stop the visions, or voices in her head.

To the court Myriah is known for her beauty, charitable works, intelligence, and gentleness. But rumors of her strange behavior and violet out burst have not gone unheard. Everyone is wondering when she'll loose it.

Myriah is the first born and oldest child of King Daerys and Queen Nymeria. She is third in line for the throne, behind her younger brothers Prince Aenar, and Prince Valerion. As a child Myriah was bright and energetic. She was a happy little princess with a golden future ahead of her. She spent her time among the dragons, playing dolls with her younger siblings, reading books to the horses in the stables, and following her father around the castle. She would run around the gardens playing tag, and hide and go seek. Her mother would braid her hair and tell her stories of Dorne, and far off lands. Little Myriah excelled in her studies, especially in mathematics.

Unfortunately that all changed around the time she turned nine years old. That when she began having the nightmares, and hearing whispers when no one was there. She would wake up to her own screams, covered in a cold sweat. At first the Maester though it was a childish phase, and then he concluded that she was ill. She was given sleeping droughts, tonics, and other remedies, and though some dulled the nightmare, and muffled the illusions, she slowly got worse and worse.

By the time she was twelve the fits of madness had begun, and her good days became less. The fits were hardly anything at first, they seemed more like tantrums, but things only got worse with time. Biting her nails till they bleed, headaches, and shaky hands accompanied her new anxious self. She way always afraid to go to sleep, would she wake up completely crazy in the morning, or would she be ok for another day? Seeing things that weren't there, and lapses with reality became a monthly if not weekly occurrence. She focused most of her time on her studies, and keeping herself sane.

When she was fourteen she came down with a terrible fever, and that was the turning point, there was no fixing it according to the Maester. Once she recovered from the fever her health was never the same, as her lungs became weak, and the dark circles around her eyes never seemed to fade no matter how much sleep she got. Her bad days started to outweigh the good ones, and she spent more and more of her time withdrawing into herself.

When she was fifteen she was betrothed to Jon Royce's youngest brother Olyver, but the engagement quickly dissolved as Myriah's mental health worsened, and she refused to burden anyone else. She is trying her best to stay sane, but the voices seem to be winning, and her nightmares seem to becoming true.

Theme Song
King – Lauren Aquilina
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crown
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your head


Extra Stuff
Dogs tend to hate her for some reason.
She has a horse named Lysithea, and a white cat named Bergelmir.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Samantha Juliet Knoll "Sam"

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Mutation: Omnilingualism and invisibility.

Personality: Don't let her sweet face fool you. Sam is stubborn, strong willed, and intelligent. She is a cynical badass, and doesn't put up with shit. She does not warm to strangers easily, and appears afraid of nothing. She controls her emotions within herself, and in some ways she is slightly detached from her emotions. Sam appears even tempered, controlled, and emotionally distant, until she lets you truly get to know her. She is a secret bleeding heart, and takes the suffering of innocents personally. If one pays special attention they can see that side of her throughout many of her actions. Sam is very smart, and is particularly tuned into numbers. She loves books, and movies, a way to escape into her mind to a fantasy world. She is the protector of people she loves, extremely loyal, and always has their back. She is organized and has an excellent attention span. Over the years since her powers manifested she has become more sly, blunt, and uncompromising.

Bio: Samantha was adopted by the Knoll family when she was three years old. The story before her adoption goes like this. She was born in Boston to a stripper named Crystal Byrne. Her father was Crystal's on and off again boyfriend Daniel Uccello. He was an abusive drunk, who made money dealing drugs. She also had an older half-brother named Marcus, who was seven years old at the time she was born. Nine month after she was born, Daniel got busted selling drugs and was haled off to prison, where he would later die after being stabbed to death for pissing off the wrong people. Crystal turned to prostitution to pay the ever growing pile of bills.

By the time Sam was two years old, her brother was the only one caring for her. Crystal would disappear for days at a time leaving Marcus and Sam alone to fend for themselves in the roach infested apartment they called home. Crystal had became addicted to drugs, and her primary goal in life was how to get her next fix. Marcus went to school dirty, and hungry. The free school lunch was the only place he could get a hot meal, and everyday he would stuff his pockets with food from his tray to bring home to Sam. Unfortunately the school turned a blind eye to the blatant neglect. A few weeks before Samantha's third birthday, Crystal had left and never came back. Marcus and Sam lived off saltine crackers, beer, old Halloween candy, stale fruit loops, tap water, and whatever he brought home from school. It went in like this for the next two weeks.

The landlord came knocking since the rent was late, and found to dirty malnourished kids living in squalor. The authorities were called and Marcus and Sam were put into a foster home. After a few weeks of investigation, they matched the body of a Jane Doe to Crystal. She had died of a heroin overdose in an alley only three blocks away from the apartment. Marcus's biological father flew back from his tour in Iraq to get custody of Marcus. Sam on the other hand was left in foster care, as both of her parents where dead and she had no relatives to speak of. Fortunately she was quickly adopted by the Knoll family a few months later. And they changed her name from Mercedes Aleeah Byrne to Samantha Juliet Knoll.

Being only three years old when she was adopted, she does not really remember anything from her first few years of life. And so Samantha grew up in Providence RI, living a simple happy life. Richard her new father was a mixed martial artist who ran his own gym, and Lucy her new mother was a music teacher at the local high school. She even gained two new older brothers named Jake and Lucas who was her protectors, and best friends. They all lived happily in a three story town home. Her bedroom was her favorite place with its powder blue walls, a canopy bed, and huge doll house her father built for her. Her parents sent her to the private catholic school, her summers were spent in Michigan at the cottage on the lakes, and Christmas was always at the Plaza in Manhattan. Her Omnilingualism was apparent early on, as she was found speaking fluent french with the next door neighbors grandkids who where visiting from Paris. She could read the Chinese symbols on the takeout menus, and became good friends with the new girl at school, who could only speak Spanish. No one ever linked this to being a mutant. Her parents just assumed she was a little genius.

When she was eleven years old her family was in a car crash. Her parents died instantly and Jake was left a vegetable in a coma. Lucas blamed himself as he had been the one driving, and committed suicide a few weeks after the accident. Her happy life was seemingly over. The death of her parents led to a whole life change for Sam. Her father's parents became her legal guardians, but they lived in Germany. Her Grandparents only came to stay with her until the house was sold, Jake was taken off life support, and the funerals were held. They quickly decided that it was best that Sam staid in America, so she was sent to live with her Mother's younger sister Diana in Las Vegas Nevada.

Living in a cluttered 5th floor walk up in Vegas, above a bar, with her hipster Aunt Diana was very different from the life she had been living. Going to public school was nothing like her old school, she missed her friends, her old house, her city, and most of all her family. Diana was an aspiring musician, who worked as a maid, and bartender to pay the bills, so she was not home much to take care of Sam. When Diana was home she was ether sleeping or playing music with her band in the living room until late into the morning hours. Diana was a nice to Sam, but responsibility for anyone other then herself seemed impossible for the woman.

By middle school she had learned to how to cook, clean, shop, use the public bus, and she could basically take care of herself. She even had a part time job at the flower shop down the street from her school. Living on the bad side of town in a dangerous neighborhood Samantha was lucky to know a thing or to about fighting. When she was fourteen Aunt Diana was diagnosed with breast cancer, and Sam became her caretaker for the next two years until she died. Samantha felt alone in the world, and a few days after her aunt's funeral her invisibility powers manifested. She was only sixteen, so the state placed her into a foster care group home for girls. The place was like a prison, and most of the girls there where what some would label politely as troubled, but more correctly put they were violent delinquents, with major issues.

Four months into her stay and Sunshine Home for teen girls, Sam was pretty sure she was going nuts, as small parts of her would randomly turn invisible. One of the group home staff explained to her that she was a mutant, and that it was best to not tell or show anyone what she could do. After some intense googleing she was even more freaked out. One day three girls decided to teach Samantha a lesson by ganging up on her in the bathroom to kick her ass, all because Sam narked on them after she heard them talking about their plan to burn the place down. She did the best she could defending herself, but she was quickly knocked to the ground and the girl proceeded savagely to kicked her. Survival skills kicked in and for the first time she went completely invisible including her clothes, and then she high tailed it out of the place.

She spent two years living on the street in LA. Once she was 18, and legally an adult she was able take the GED. She passed it with flying colors, and then got a job as a waitress at a diner. She rents a tiny cheap studio apartment, and has no idea what to do with her life.

Other: She is a vegetarian.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Trust is not a privilege, it is something you earn."

Name: Yara Catalina Loras
Age: 23
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair Color: Silky Black
Eye Color: Olive Green

Crew Position: Medic - Surgeon

Physical Appearance:
Yara has straight raven black hair that reaches just past her mid back. Her skin is an copper color, with warm olive undertones. She has dark green eyes with golden flecks, and is considered average high for a woman. Though she does has a small frame, she is fit and as tough as any other pirate. She has tattoo on her upper left arm (as pictured).

Yara's wardrobe consists of quite a bit of lace, ruffles, corset belts, and black fabrics. Needless to say she dresses like a typical pirate, though on the more modest side of the the spectrum. Showing off massive amounts of cleavage, and wearing tiny short skirts is not her cup of tea. She hates wearing stocking and shoes, so most of the time she goes barefoot. When she is not wearing pants, her go to dresses and skirts are usually knee length.

Most of the time Yara can come off as dispassionate. Do to her history she has learned to put up a wall between people, and her true self. She puts on a confident, and uncaring attitude as a way of making sure no one can hurt her. She has also become a tad more cynical then your average girl, do to the many betrayals, and hardships in her past. Her wall comes down when inebriated, but otherwise she tries to remain as stoical, and relaxed as possible. She is capable of being utterly ruthless against those who mess with her or her loved ones. She is truthfully the most loyal person you'll ever meet...as long as she considers you a friend. Yara is someone who is suspicious of others, and unforgiving towards those who wrong her. By unforgiving I also mean vengeful, so basically you don't want to mess with her...then again it's actually kind of hard to get on her bad side. She takes peoples bullshit in stride, and basically ignores idiots. Count yourself lucky if Yara chooses to be her genuine self around you.

Weapons & Equipment:
Daggers - A pair made of white iron

Medical Kit
-- Surgical Tools
-- Bone Saw
-- Tourniquet
-- Bandage Rolls
-- Hydrogen Peroxide
-- Tweezers
-- Scissors
-- Sutures/Needle
-- Gauze

Shard Ability:
Electrokinesis- She can generate raw electric energy, which she can with proper training, control at will for various purposes. At the moment she is basically a human taser.

Brief History:
Her mother, Olinda, was the pretty young lady from Verdante, who worked as a silk weaver. Yara's father, Jiminy, was a pirate for the lesser known captain Rockwell of the ship 'Drakon'. Yara was born in the middle of the Kiryan, only six months after the young couple married. She was a sweet little baby, with her mothers green eyes, and her fathers black hair.

The first few years of her life were spent in Rexa, a small Wandering Island. Her father became a dock worker for a short time after she was born, trying to be a family man and good husband. But once a pirate always a pirate, so when Yara was two years old her father went back to his swashbuckling ways. Every few months he would come home with stories about his adventures, and he would bring home presents for her.

Unfortunately when Yara was five years old, her mother died giving birth to a stillborn, and Yara was left in the care of the local midwife, until her father sailed home. A month later he arrived, distraught about his wife's death, and having no idea what to do with little Yara. No one was willing to take her in, and Jiminy refused to sell her off or place her into an orphanage. Thankfully with a little negotiating and a few bribes his captain agreed that Yara could come aboard and stay on the ship.

It quickly became apparent that a pirate ship was no place to raise a little girl. Though the crew had grown fond of her, it was extremely unsafe for a child. To many close calls with bullets buzzing by and steel swords hacking away. Four months later Jiminy left Yara in the care of an old friend, none other then Immortal Archivist Cagen.

Cagen was already raising a young boy named Fletcher, so one more child couldn't hurt. Yara excelled under his guidance, and Fletcher became like an older brother to her. Anytime she was scared during a thunder storm she would sneak into Fletcher's room, and he would let her crawl into his bed. Two years past and sadly when she was eight years old Fletcher left to see the world, and shortly after news of her fathers death came.

Five months later her aunt Zendra showed up looking to claim Yara, and take her home with her. Cagen had tried to reason with the woman, but in the end the stubborn witch would not take no as and answer. Yara left with Zendra, and cried herself to sleep every night the whole journey to her aunts place in The Broken Spires.

Life was very different for the eight year old Yara. Her aunt was the madam of a brothel, and Yara spent most of her day cleaning, and cooking, for the prostitutes that lived there. Nights where spent handing out drinks to clients, and keeping the illegitimate toddlers occupied in the basement. She was ten years old when her aunt sold her virginity off to the highest bidder. Yara had hit, kick, and scratched hard enough to draw blood, but the real kicker was she had bitten the bastards ear off. Afterwards Zendra had her flogged for injuring the customer who purchased her for the night. Then she told Yara that she was old enough to earn her keep, and expected her to smile from now on.

Yara ran away two weeks later, and at the age of 10 she was on her own. She stowed away on a ship that was heading to New Haven. Three days into the voyage she was caught. Half the crew wanted to though her off the ship into the ocean, and the other half had no opinion on the matter. Benji, the ships medic came to Yara's defense, saying he needed an assistant anyway, and that tossing her overboard would be a waist of free labor. The captain reluctantly agreed, and Yara spent the rest of the voyage swabbing the deck, doing laundry, and peeling potatoes. By the end of the three month trip across the sea, she had become the little mascot of the ship.

After docking in New Haven, Yara didn't really know what to do with herself. Benji took her under his wing as a assistant, and she joined him on board a sky ship he had contracted with. She learned how to fight with daggers, and how to handle a gun. Benji taught her how to get bullets out of people, amputate limbs, and sew up wounds. She was thirteen when Benji's drinking got out of hand, and she spent more nights cleaning up his vomit then anything else. He got fired multiple times, and no one would higher him since he became a drunken liability...nobody but pirates anyway.

Yara was able to find Benji a position on a rickety old ship. Little did she know the crew was not made up of the most loyal and friendly people. Two weeks into the journey, there was a mutiny and the captain was killed. Dwaine the cook took over as acting captain, and anyone who went against him ended up dead or locked in the brig. Benji unfortunately couldn't keep his drunk mouth shut, and Dwaine shot him in the head. Thus Yara ended up in the brig, and was told she that she was to be sold off somewhere. Weeks later, they finally docked, and Dwaine sent his goons to sell Yara on the black market in the city. It was at this point in time that she started building walls between people, and not giving her trust out willy-nilly.

As she was being dragged to the market in the middle of the night, by some miracle she was able to slid the mans gun out of his holster as shoot him in the arm. She shot a bullet at the other goon, and missed the first shot, but the second got him in the knee. She ran, as fast and far as she could. A few days later she sold the gun, and used the money to by passage to the City of Shoel. The voyage was safe and uneventful.

She was able to obtain a job working as a courier for a small pharmacy. Most of her meager pay was spent on renting a room, and keeping herself fed. Life seemed to move at a slow pace for awhile, she was alone more often then not. She slowly made friends with an old retire navy surgeon named Boris, and his wife Cleo. She brought them their medications every Pashiphsday, and would end up playing chess for hours, and staying for dinner. Two years later Cleo passed away, and Boris was left on his own, in a big old house. He had explained that Yara was like a daughter to him and Cleo, and that is how she came to stay with him.

He taught her everything she knows about surgery, and medicine over the next three years, until he passed away at the age of 89. He left everything he had to her. She sold the house, and most of the furniture. Other thing were donated to the local orphanage. She would never forget Boris and Cleo who had been some of the most genuine caring people she'd ever met. During her short time with them she had almost forgotten about her list of people she wanted to off.

She wanted to live a simple life, just as Boris had wished for her. So now that she was eighteen, and she had enough money, she decided to enroll in the medical university to become a surgeon in honor of Boris. It only lasted a year, as one night walking home she witnessed a woman being beaten in an alley. In a surge of something unnatural within her, she electrocuted the assailant to death, and unfortunately the girl too. She never thought she would be a murderer, and she was rather freaked out by what she did.

Shortly after Fletcher, the big brother figure from before her life went to shit appeared. Telling her about his ship, the shards, and his crew. It has been three years since she joined him as a medic on his ship.


Fletcher Gulliver Payne - Friend. Closest thing she has to family.
Petros Avakian -
Aloysius Poole -
Carlos Cunningham - Friend
Fergus Gallagher -
Maria Siddiqui - Friend
Silver Kingsly -
Gitanjani Mariposa -
Alcides Demophon - Amiable
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Isadora Evanthe

"Real love means giving someone the power to hurt you."

Isadora Tallis Evanthe




Diovire Desert

Corevial Castle

Exuberant Incorrigible Thoughtful Unforgiving

Isadora is very headstrong and determined young lady. She has a outgoing and altruistic nature. Her main goal in life is to be happy and have fun. She is intelligent, but at times can be a bit spacey. Izza is a considerate person, and if something happens that would aggravate an average person, she commonly just smiles and moves on. Though when it comes to betrayal, disloyalty, and abuse she is completely unforgiving, and can be vengeful.

Role & Career:
Handmaiden to Princess Madeline

Hobbies & Interests:
- Needlework
- Playing Card Games
- Swimming
- Charity
- Reading
- Playing the Harp
- Astronomy
- Painting
- Horseback Riding

Likes & Dislikes:

- Flowers
- Perfume & Fragrant Oils
- Animals
- Crystals & Gems
- Sweets & Pastries
- Desert Monsoons
- Music

- Snakes
- Gambling
- Stupidity
- Barbarians
- Winter
- Bugs
- Sitting for portraits

Family Members:
Biological Father - Emerin Hyland +
Biological Mother - Olinda Pemberly +
Adoptive Father - Raymond Evanthe +
Adoptive Mother - Scylla Evanthe +
Adoptive Sister - Magdalene Evanthe +
Cousins - Hyland Family
& Several Half Siblings

Isadora was born to woman named Olinda Pemberly, who worked as a maidservant for the noble family Evanthe of Diovire. On the same night Izza was born, Lord Evanthe's wife was also giving birth. Lady Scylla was a pitiful woman. After five miscarriages, and six still born babies, she was stuck in a loveless marriage, and ridiculed for not being able to produce a heir. It was no wonder she snapped after giving birth to yet another stillborn that night.

Lady Scylla was a bundle of complex emotions. The news that Olinda had just given birth to a healthy baby girl, down in the servants quarters reached Scylla, and she went off the deep end. With threats and bribery she switched baby Isadora with her own lifeless baby. Lord Raymond Evanthe would never know the truth. He was overjoyed to have a child, he adored her, and named her after his beloved grandmother. With that Olinda buried her daughter Cleo Sand, and little Isadora Evanthe was alive. Only three people at that point knew the truth; Lady Scylla, the midwife Britta, and a handmaiden named Nesrine.

Izza was three years old when Olinda finally knew the truth. The woman had always had her doubts, as she cared for the tiny girl, who looked eerily similar to herself, and has the exact same bright blue eyes as Lord Emerin. Britta finally confirmed Olinda's suspicions one night after to much ale. The results of this confession, were Olinda trying to kidnap a sleeping toddler, getting caught by none other then Lady Evanthe herself, and in the end Olinda was given the option of silence or death. So the crying Izza was put back to bed, and Olinda would watch her daughter grow up from afar. Britta was found floating dead in the courtyard fountain the next morning.

Isadora grew up oblivious to the truth. All she knew and believed was that she was the only child of house Evanthe, a noble girl from the Diovire Desert. Izza spent her childhood running around in the gardens, ignorant and happy. Long hot day where spent swimming in the river, and taking her lessons in the cool shade. Lord Raymond would read her to sleep with stories of mermaids, dragons, and fairies. He loved to teach her about the stars in the sky. She would sit in his lap as he told her all about the different places he been throughout Lhivoria. By the time she was seven Izza could tell you the name of all the constellations, and the stories behind them. Isadora was smart, warmhearted, and beautiful, which just made Scylla resent her more. The relationship with her 'mother' was strained, and full of bitterness. Scylla was strict, bitter and rather cold towards Isadora. After two more miscarriages and three still births Scylla finally gave birth to a living baby when Isadora was nine. Now that she had her own biological child she basically ignored Izza completely.

Izza never understood why her 'mother' disliked her so much. Now that she had a new little sister it became even more apparent to young Izza that her mother never loved her. She watched as the sour faced woman she grew up with changed into a loving devoted mother full of smiles and hugs for baby Magdalene, but never for Isadora.

Four years later Lord Raymond died of a heart attack. After the funeral Olinda told Izza the truth about who she was, and explained everything to her. It all made complete since. She had always wondered why she looked nothing like her parents, and this explained why Scylla hated her. Isadora confronted the woman, not really knowing what she was hoping for. Scylla barely batted a eyelash, as she told Izza that Olinda was telling her the truth. Shortly after Lady Evanthe sent her far away to be a handmaiden to the young princess. For appearance purposes Scylla didn't disown Izza outright, but she did make sure to disinherit her from the Evanthe fortune, leaving her with nothing for a dowry, or allowance. Scylla also made sure Izza's status as adopted was made apparent among the important people.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Female | 5'2" | 106 lbs | Red Curly Hair | Blue Grey Eyes

Name: Magnolia Eloise Delamere "Maggie"

Age: 19

Bio: Maggie grew up in a three bedroom farm house on the outskirts of a small town called Keshbridge, in Connecticut. She grew up rather sheltered, but overall in a happy caring environment. As a child she spent most of her free time reading, writing, painting and playing chess with her dad. The rest of her time was usually spent helping her mother with chores, and being homeschooled alongside her sisters, Tallulah, and Shiloh. She and her sisters loved to play fairies in the garden, and mermaids in the river near their house. Much time was spent together as, they had no one else to play with for miles. Weekends where spent at their grandmother B&B in town, riding horses, learning to play the piano, and knit from their grandmother. They also would ride bikes with the neighborhood children to the park, and play until the sunset.

Her father, Harvey, was an art history professor at the college four hours away, so he was not home very often. When he was home he was usually found in his study, lost in his little world of pirates, and sailing ships. Much of his time was spent building intricately detailed model ships, and collecting 16th century artifacts, like coins, swords, and jewelry. He was eccentric, and quite passionate about specific things. Other then his love of art history, pirates, and sailing, he was a amateur astronomer and knew the names and story of every constellation and planet. He was also in his youth a chess champion, and sometimes would play the guitar for his girls. You could always tell when he was home, because he would have one of his old records playing music through the house. The Beatles were always a family favorite.

Maggie's mother, Tessa, was a hippy through and through. She believed in astrology, karma, and the benefits of hot yoga. When she was not homeschooling her daughters, Tessa liked to garden. Before Maggie was born, she had renovated the old barn into a flower shop. Her mother also loved to sew, and wanted everything to be homemade, and as natural and organic as it could be. By the time Maggie was five their whole nine acre property had basically been converted into her mother's dream homestead, complete with composting bins, over a dozen hens, three goats, and an small orchard. Her mother was also a bit of a health nut, and loved the holistic natural approach to medicine. Needless to say her idea of cold medicine, was hot tea, with honey, and ginger. Homeopathic remedies, and essential oils were her goto anytime someone in the family was sick or injured.

Maggie was the perfect mix of her parents. With her mothers red curls, and her fathers light blue eyes. In her own opinion her life was practically perfect in every way. Unfortunately good things always come to an end, and her mother died of meningitis when Maggie was Thirteen. The farm was sold a few months later, and the family moved into an apartment in the city, so her dad could be closer to work. She and her sisters started online school shortly after. Spending most of there time in the college library while their father worked. With her grandmother prodding, Harvey sent Maggie to boarding school in upstate New York for high school. And thus Magnolia entered a new world of high school drama, pop culture, processed food, college prep courses, and living far from home.

Ninth grade was hell, as adjusting the real world, in an all girl boarding school over 400 miles away from any family was not something a sheltered girl like Maggie was made for. She excelled in the actual schooling part, taking mainly AP classes, and self study. But socially she had no idea what she was doing, or even where to start. The school was made up of mainly snobbish brats, spoiled rich girls, and genius IQ scholarship student from overseas. Thankfully she had made two friends by tenth grade. Martha was a fellow AP nerd, and Josie was an outspoken vegan, animal right activist wanna be. The trio got along perfectly, and they were able to bring small town Maggie out of her shell.

She graduated salutatorian, and was off to Brown the next fall, after spending the summer in the UK with her older sister Tallulah, who worked as a archivist at the Fitzwilliam Museum. College was interesting, and she rather enjoyed her classes. She lived in the basement of her sister Shiloh house, so she could save money by not staying in the dorms. Magnolia and her fellow classmate Julia where on their way to class when they saw the bright, yellow flyer tacked to the students center announcement board. She and Julia had decided to go, since the payout was to much to pass up. Unfortunately Julia ended up backing out at the last minute due to a cold, and Maggie was on her own, going to the address on the flyer.

Personality: Maggie isn’t concerned with what others think about her, so long as she follows her heart. The endless possibilities of the future excite her. She also sees through the facade of others; she understands them in ways they can’t expect. Her quiet observances, over time, lead her to grand conclusions, and strong opinions. Once she decides what she wants, Magnolia pursues it. She isn’t afraid to take action. Her emotions run deep, though she doesn’t usually like to talk about them. She shows them through actions, loyalties, and decisions. Maggie lives in a world of day dreams, random ideas, and fairy tales. She stays grounded by keeping busy whether it be with school work, art, or reading. Maggie doesn’t let morality stop her, if killing someone saves the people she cares about, she does it. She waffles between idealism and realism. Loyal to a fault some might say.

-Horseback Riding.
-Knows a lot about art history, and astronomy from her father.
-Knows a lot about homesteading, and the flower language from her mother.
-Fluent in French & Latin.
-She is a bit of a European history buff, do to most of her favorite book and tv shows being based in those time periods. She also knows quite a bit about greek mythology.
-Can resit quite a bit of Shakespeare by heart.
-She is very good at memorizing things, and studying.
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago


N A M E:
Sela Caitriona Dashwood

N I C K N A M E:

G E N D E R:

A G E:

B L O O D S T A T U S:


Sela considers herself to be more cute then pretty. Out of her three sisters, she resembles her mother the most. With the same pouty lips, big eyes, and mousy brown hair. Her skin is an attractive light peach, with soft pink undertones, and is thankfully blemish free. Her green eyes are distinctly something she inherited from her father. Sunshine brings out the gold flecks, and glittering shades of green in her eyes. She is considered petite, as she has a small frame, and is much less curvaceous compared to her older sister, Joan. Sela is 5'4, weighing in around 110 pounds.

When she is not in her school uniform, she dresses rather plainly. She favors sweaters, neutral colors, and anything with embroidery. If she is not wearing her hair down, she is most likely sporting some kind of braid. Any jewelry she wears also tends to be on the simpler side. She hates wearing makeup, and is not a fan of heels. Some might describe her as a plain jane type. Her family likes to tease her about her clothing style, saying she dresses like a granny. She is a big fan of glitter and sparkle, but tends to avoid wearing it.


H O U S E:

Y E A R:

E L E C T I V E S:
Muggle Studies, Divination, & Care of Magical Creatures.

B E S T C L A S S:
History of Magic

W O R S T C L A S S:

C L U B S:
Astronomy Club


W A N D:
Wood - Sequoia
Length - Eleven Inches
Flexibility - Sturdy
Core - Rougarou Hair

P A T R O N U S:
Polar Bear

B O G G A R T:
The Boggart will appear as anyone of her family, or loved ones. It then go on to rot away in front of her as they plead for help, and their skin slowly melts, puss bubbles burst, and black sludge pours from their mouth, nose, and eyes.

F A M I L I A R:
Everyone in the Dashwood family has their own cat. Sela is no exception. As soon as she got her letter to attend the institute, he father gifted her with Geneva, a sneaky little Siamese kitten. Geneva is slender, though you can't tell through all her fluff. She is rather hostile with strangers, and loves to prowl around the dormitory, chasing beetles, and sleeping in high places. She is friendly with other students cats, but she has been found taunting the caged mice familiars. Thankfully she knows better then to ever try and eat them. Sela loves her dearly, and Geneva is very bonded to her witch. She sleeps on her own satin pillow right next to Sela every night.


P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Sela is a clever, intelligent and naturally curious by nature. She has a sharp tongue and a direct way of approaching things. Her mother has described her as being a wallflower, and a bit of a daydreamer. But her father says she is a lot more crafty, and fearless then she lets on. Sela isn’t concerned with what others think about her, so long as she follows her heart. The endless possibilities of the future excite her.

She can typically see through the facade of others; she understands them in ways they can’t expect. Her quiet observances, over time, lead her to grand conclusions, and strong opinions. Once she decides what she wants, Sela pursues it. She is organized and has an excellent attention span. She isn’t afraid to take action. Her emotions run deep, though this doesn’t usually seem so to the surface. She shows them through actions, loyalties, and decisions. Sela lives in a world of daydreams, random ideas, and she get bored easily with routine. She stays grounded by keeping busy whether it be with school work, art, or reading.

Sela is a considerate person, and if something happens that would aggravate an average person, she commonly just smiles and moves on. Loyal to a fault some might say. She can be the best friend you've ever had. She is careful with who she puts her trust in. When it comes to betrayal, disloyalty, and abuse she is completely unforgiving, and can be vengeful. Striking you were she can hurt you the most. She is capable of being utterly ruthless against those who mess with her or her loved ones. But she is truthfully the most loyal person you'll ever meet...as long as she considers you a friend.

R O M A N T I C I N T E R E S T S:
She doesn't really have a preference yet, other then male and around her age. As she is only fifteen and her love life it limited to romance novels, she has not really had the chance to figure out her idealtype of guy. Boys are a complete mystery to her, and in the past she has tended to shy away from them. In most cases she would be oblivious to flirting.

She has had a crush on only two guys in her life. One was a french boy who she met on vacation, and was convinced he was the most perfect guy in the world, before she caught him making fun of her cousins gap teeth, which mad her hate him instantly. She poured a bucket of mud over his head the next day. The other crush she had, was a guy at school who confessed that he liked her. But the only reason she liked him back could have been because he was always so nice to her.

L I K E S:
  • Animals
  • Smell of Jasmine, Almond, and Lavender
  • Muggle books/music/tech/movies
  • Puzzles
  • Tea
  • Sweets
  • Flowers
  • Hot Baths
  • Lemonade

D I S L I K E S:
  • Stupidity
  • Toads
  • Mathematics
  • Wearing Makeup
  • Bugs
  • Coffee
  • Hot Weather
  • Alcohol/Drunks

H O B B I E S:
  • Reading
  • Photography
  • Astronomy
  • Drawing
  • Embroidery
  • Piano
  • Painting

F E A R S:
  • Falling
  • Swimming in Deep Dark Waters
  • Dementors

B A C K G R O U N D:
Sela grew up at the Dashwood country estate, located in Vermont. She lived here with her lovable father Magnus, her beautiful mother Cassandra, and three sisters Joan, Albany, and Kimber. Overall it was a happy caring environment, and she spent much of her time reading, writing, drawing and playing Wizard's Chess with her dad. Not that she was ever any good at that game. As a little girl she liked to eavesdrop on her older sister's conversations, help her mother in the garden, and watch her father carve wands. She loved pretending to be a professor. She would line up her dolls to be her students, and get her little sister to pretend along with her. Sela also loved pretending to fly, and mixing the soaps and lotions in the bathroom with mud, juice and other things. Brewing potions was what she like to call it. Being just minutes old she showed signs of magic, unlike her older sisters who were a bit slower to show theirs.

At age eleven Sela got her letter from the institute. She was so happy to finally be going. She had become sick and tired of seeing her older sisters get to go every year without her. Sela had many of the qualities of each house, some more strong then others. In the end it really came down to Warren or Good. When the flame swirled black and red it it was kind of surprising. Sela had had no preference about what house she wanted to be in, but she kind of expected she would end up in Tituba like everyone else in her family. The candle knew Slea's true self before anyone else did, as she dawned her red and black Good uniform. Her first year was spent mostly studying, and following her sister Albany around. She learned quickly and excelled mainly in Potions, Herbology, and Charms. She got very high marks in all classes, except for flying and Transfiguration. Flying just seemed to not agree with her, and for some reason Transfiguration had proven the most difficult.

Second year came around. The Peregrine ride to school was fun, seeing as she had finally made some friends with two other girls in her house, and a Bishop girl named Heidi Jones, who would become one of her best friends. Sela tried out for her house Quidditch team. She was trying to be more like her older sister Joan who had been the Tituba seeker four years in a row, and had been adored by all. Failing miserably, Sela fell off her broom and broke her arm in two places. She spent the rest of the year studying and reading books in the library. She joined The astronomy Club that year making friends with a few others. She ended up with top marks in all her classes, though just barely when it came to Transfiguration. Thankfully a friend in Warren house had helped her study and taught her a few tricks. Near the end of her second year she chose Divination and Muggle Studies for her extra classes.

The summer before her third year, she spent with her extended family and bratty cousins, at the wizard resort in France. It was a nice brake from school, and she was happy to be around her family. That was one of the hard things about school, leaving behind her little sister and parents every year. The last month of the summer she spent in Scotland with her grandma Yaxley. That was the summer she learned to knit and got to ride horses at the muggle neighbors farm. It was her first true interaction with muggles, and their curious world. Muggle Studies would later become one of her favorite classes.

After the summer ended she returned to the Institute for her third year. Her first trip to _____ as a third year was fun. Most of her friends spent the entire time giggling over boys or wondering around Risinger Wizardwear. Sela spent her time looking around inside the book shop, which was a place she could easily spend hours in. Near the middle of the year she had noticed that a 5th year Warren boy, had taken a liking to her. Sela found it amusing and was secretly flattered, as she never found herself to be that pretty compared to her older sisters and Heidi. They only went on one date, if you could even call it that. It went well, and nothing embarrassing nor awkward happened, but Sela felt bored chatting about Quidditch and other sports, the relationship didn't go any farther then that. She sometimes felt that all she did was study. She wanted an adventure like the ones she read in books.

It was summer, and puberty was in full swing for Sela. Mood swings, and boobs basically ruined the summer. Her oldest sister got married, and moved all the way to Australia with her new husband. Then her father closed his wand shop for good. He got a job as a Arithmancer, at his fathers company. It was sad watching her father give up his favorite thing to do in the whole world. He had been a Wandmaker since before she was even born, but apparently he had made to many dangerous and defective wands over the years. Business had not been good, and then when he was finally slapped with a lawsuit, he thought it best to let his passion go. Kimber was going to start her first year at the institute so Sela spent a lot of the summer answering her ridiculous questions. It was a summer full of change.

Fourth year was spent mostly preparing for the O.W.L.s. sometimes with her friends and other times alone. She watched her younger sister, Kimber, be sorted into Bishop house. She pretty much new that she was going to be in Bishop, for her personalty alone, was everything the typical Bishop student was. Sela got passes from her professors to enter the restricted section, instead of sneaking in like she had done the years before. She spent many days reading over as many books as she could in the library. All the changes of the summer had taken its toll, and she was having a hard time that year. School was different to, and many of her friends had changed over the summer. Throwing herself into her studies was the only distraction. Potions class was becoming her favorite, and she secretly worked on trying to make her own unique potion in her spare time. Though this undertaking seemed to be going nowhere. Sela did accidentally ended up enhancing a cauldron of the Dreamless Sleep Potion during class. Adding a few unnecessary ingredients that had not been listed in her schoolbook made the potion more coma inducing rather then dreamless sleepy. On a dare Heidi drank some, and the poor girl ended up fainting and staying in a catatonic coma for the next two weeks. Sela lost quite a few house points for that incident. When it came time for Sela to receive career counselling from the Head of Good house, it occurred to her that she had no idea what she wanted to be or do as a career. It was suggested to her that she pursue being a Potioneer or do something in the arts. Her professor said that she could pretty much choose any career she wanted, because she has such a bright mind and curious spirit. Trying to create her own spells landed her in the hospital more then once that year. A month before school ended she got the sad news that her grandmother had passed away.

Summer again. The whole family was off to Scotland for a month, as to help pack up and sell Grandma Yaxley's house. After passing away she had surprisingly left behind quiet a bit of money, and centuries worth of stuff on her home. Sela's mother worked as a Spell Registrator, but with the money Grandma Yaxley left her, she finally quiet her job to pursue her love of magical gardening. Sela also stayed at Heidi's House for two weeks, with her muggle family. She introduced Sela to muggle tech and music that summer. In Sela's opinion cell phones, texting, and google were basically muggle magic.

Now she is a fifth year. Her 16th birthday is in two months, and she is contemplating whether to join potions club or Magical Creatures Club.

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Emma Amme

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Name: Magdalene Krishkov

Appearance: She has light caramel brown eyes. Her hair is dark chocolaty brown and is naturally wavy. She is on the petite side. Like all pure vampires, she is beautiful and fit with poreless pale skin. Maggie is about 5"3' in height.

Age: 438

Line of Succession: Third

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: As a child, and during the first century of her life, she was the epitome of warmth and sweet sunshine. She was the gentle and captivating one in the family. The girl who could brighten up a room with her smile, and make everyone around her feel light. But of course the decades passed, people changed, the times changed, and life brought its many hardships, sorrows, and challenges. Now almost 440 years old, she is a different person. Magdalene is stubborn, blunt, and artful. She tends to be old-fashioned like many other vampires, but she still knows how to embrace the new times. She has always been the motherly type, especially with 10 younger siblings. Maggie is extremely loyal to her family, and in most cases puts them before herself. She likes to portray herself as very charming, provocative, and a tad apathetic, but that is not the true her. She is ruthless when it come to protecting people she loves. It is best not to wrong her, she is a master at vengeance, and is very patient, and calculating. The final blow is always brutal. In all truth she is a brilliant sweet and extraordinary soul, that has hardened do to the conditions of the people and world around her.

Bio: Having lived for 438 years there really is to much to tell. She is the third in line for the throne. As a child she always wondered why the left wing tower of the castle was off limits, and who the figure in the tower window was. When she was about twelve years old her curiosity got the best of her and she went to check it out. She was caught by Niklaus moments before she found out the family secret. Being caught the first time didn't stop her from trying a second, third, or fourth time. At some point she got it into her head that it was a lonely ghost, and she started leaving origami critters, dried flowers, and friendly notes next to the locked tower doors. Anytime she spotted the figure in the tower window she would smile and wave. But alas she would never know the truth. Her interest about the tower waned as more of her younger sibling came into the world, and she grew older. She still to this day always acknowledges the silhouette in the tower window.

She was 220 when she met a lower noble vampire named Alastair, who swept her off her feet, and she was sure they were meant to be. Unfortunately a short five years later he was murdered by persons unknown, and that was when Maggie swore to find the culprit and make them suffer. She also decided to wait for Niklaus to find his mate before she started looking for her own, but lately her thoughts on the matter have changed. The search for the murderer of her dear Alastair has gone no where these past centuries, and though it may seem she has moved on, the thirst for revenge is still wedged deep in her heart.

Between the ages 340 and 400 she lived on her own. Traveling the world, and staying with distant relations around the globe. Maggie spent most of the 1920s in New York City, playing as a human socialite. But as every decade passes the more she comes to dislikes humans. When she was young she always thought and treated humans as her equal, but now she holds little regard for them other then being a meal. It's hard to have feelings for such a destructive race, that live for a very short time.

- Needlework
- Swimming
- Photography
- Flowers
- Reading
- Playing the Harp, Violin, and Piano
- Astronomy
- Art Nouveau
- Painting
- Animals

- Snakes
- Gambling
- Stupidity
- Obnoxious Behavior
- Most Humans
- Sitting for Portraits
- Coffee
- Hot Weather

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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Female | 5'4" | 112 lbs | Blonde Curly Hair | Hazel Eyes

Name: Eira Whittaker

Age: 17

Parent: Boreas

Abilities: She can control, and create ice, snow, and the cold wind.

Personality: Eira is very headstrong and determined young lady. She has a outgoing and altruistic nature. Her main goal in life is to be happy and have fun. She is intelligent, but at times can be a bit spacey. Eira is a considerate person, and if something happens that would aggravate an average person, she commonly just smiles and moves on. Though when it comes to betrayal, disloyalty, and abuse she is completely unforgiving, and can be vengeful.

Short Bio: Eira was born in the middle of summer, in the small town of Keshbridge Connecticut. Her mother's name was Gloria. As a divorced mother of three, Gloria was surprised to find herself pregnant. Mainly because ever since her nasty divorce three years prior, she hadn't slept with anyone. Turns out the extraordinarily vivid dream of being whisked up by a freezing wind, and greeted by strange man had been real. Though Gloria would never admit it, as thoughts of being sent to the loony bin, and having her kids taken away, made her keep her strange encounter to herself.

So Eira's early life was spent growing up in a completely average family, in a small boring town. She was a rambunctious little toddler with a mop of red curls. Other then the whole fatherless thing, Eira was your normal middle class american kid, growing up in a single parent household. Her abilities only manifested after she was about five years old. Her half siblings Adam, Brittany, and Willard were all practically a decade older then her, and spent every other week at their biological father's house, so the closeness that most siblings had was lost to her. She and her mother where never extremely close either. Even though Eira loved her mom, she did resent for a time. Since Gloria was never home, and always working, her older brother Willard was usually the one stuck babysitting her. For most of Eira's life the story was that she was the product of a one night stand between her mother and a man. All the info she could ever gather from her mother was that his name was Boris, and he had the exact same curls, and hazel eyes she did.

She learned from a very early age that no one else could do what she could, and that being able to freeze water, and make it snow indoors was abnormal. Eira quickly learned to ignore and pretend she couldn't control the cold, and ice at will. By the time she was eight, all of her siblings where in college or getting married. Her mother finally remarried, to a nice man named Daniel Harris, and they moved to Seattle as a family. Weekends where spent at her grandmother farm, riding horses, learning to play the piano, and spending hours reading by the pond in the garden. She made friends, got good grade, and started taking figure skating lessons. In her own opinion, her life had become practically perfect in every way.

Unfortunately good things always come to an end, and her mother was diagnosed with leukemia when Eira was twelve. So Eira, and her step dad were Gloria's caretaker for the next two years until she died. Since her step dad had never officially adopted her, the state placed her in short term foster care until they could find a legal family member to take her in. Two weeks later she went to live with her older brother Adam in Boston. 28 year old Adam, his wife, and newborn son, was a very different life then the one she had been leading. Six months in, the fourteen year old Eira runaway to the bus station, and used all of her birthday money she had been saving for the last three years to buy a ticket to Seattle. She made it as far as Cincinnati before the police brought her back to her brother's home in Boston. With her Aunt's prodding, Adam sent Eira to boarding school in upstate New York. And thus Eira entered a new world of school drama, pop culture, gossip, college prep courses, and living without any family.

High school was hell, as adjusting to an all girl boarding school full of rules, bullying, and schedules was not Eira's cup of tea. She excelled in the actual schooling part, not that her grades ever reflected her intelligence. Socially she had no idea what she was doing, or even where to start. The school was made up of mainly snobbish brats, spoiled rich girls, and genius IQ scholarship student from overseas. Her powers that she had been suppressing where getting more out of hand. For the next two years she spent the summers with her grandmother in Washington, but the old lady had developed dementia, and her Aunt put her in home. Depression, got the best of Eira, and her already bad grades turned to Fs. She started isolating herself more and more after a incident when her powers. She just turned was seventeen when the Greek goddess Khione aka her half sister via her father, came out of nowhere and told her the whole truth, gave her a hug, and sent her to the academy.

Extra: N/A
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sarisa Cade

Basic Information

Sarisa Cade nee Swann





Nobility, Third Wife of Lord Leoric Cade, Lady of Castle Tarrow.


Lord Gulian Swann - Age 58. Lord of Stonehelm. He was handsome in his youth, but did not age gracefully. The many wars and battles have taken its toll. He has been ill for some time now. He is a serious, stubborn, rarely-forgiving, hard man with a strong sense of duty and justice.

Lady Roswyn Swann nee Serrett - Deceased. Roswyn had always been frail, and weak. She was a gentle and magnificent mother. She was always a very soft spoken, shy, and timid woman. She miscarried and died three days later from septicemia. Sarisa was five years old when Roswyn died. She was a devout follower of the Seven.

Ser Donnel Swann - Age 35. So far unmarried, and thus no legitimate children. He is the eldest son, and heir of Stonehelm. People mockingly call him Ser Donnel the Constant, due to changing who he supports, and bending his knee multiple times in order to save his own neck. The concepts of loyalty and pride, fly out the window when it come to self preservation. He does enjoy pretending he is politically savvy, and courageous, but he is far from it.

Ser Balon Swann - Age 26. He is young, brave, courteous and a skilled fighter. Many people consider Balon to be a good and valiant knight, well suited to the White Cloak. He is a renowned tourney knight and melee fighter, good with a lance, better with a morningstar and exceptional with a bow. He is Sarisa's favorite of all her family.

Ser Clifford Swann - Age 50. Lord Swann's younger brother and right hand man. He rules Stonehelm while Ser Donnel is away, and Lord Swann is ill. Clifford is charming and courteous on the outside, but behind closed doors he is a cruel man who is extremely brutal and abusive. He is a widow and was married to Meralith Vikary, whom with he had two daughters with. Little Stelsa died of wasting illness when she was six. And Dyana "fell" down stairs resulting in her death at the age of fourteen.

Lady Meralith Swann nee Vikary - Deceased. She was a very nervous, and somber woman. She enjoyed needlework, exotic teas, and her husbands absence. After the deaths of her children, and years of abuse at the hands of her husband Ser Clifford, she killed herself by overdosing on milk of the poppy, while holding her daughters hair ribbons. Sarisa was fourteen at the time, and the death of her aunt hit her so hard she contemplated becoming a septa.

Lord Leoric Cade - Age 46. Sarisa's father made the match between Lord Leofric and Sarisa quickly after five prior failed betrothals, and promises of marriage. For Sarisa future husband, her father sought a mature man, with a decent reputation, and without an heir. He is not the young handsome knight she dreamed about as a girl. She still hopes for love and romance, but she wonders if that's possible with a man much older then her who has already married twice before.


Physical Appearance
Sarisa is attractive. She has long wavy hair that is the same inky brown as her father. Her skin has always had tan to it. The most prominent feature on her face, is her lips, and light blue eyes that contrast with her dark locks. She has a nice enough nose, and hardly a blemish or scar to her skin. She is considered at bit on the taller side of average. Sarisa stands at 5'6, and weighs in around 130 pounds. Her favorite thing about her appearance is her naturally strait teeth.

Her dresses are usually made of soft materials, mainly cottons, and linen. She tends to be drawn towards the more simple feminine designs, and natural colors. Though intricate embroidery, and bead-work are a favorite. If she is not wearing her hair just plainly down, she is most likely sporting some kind of pretty braided styling popular in the Stormlands. Her jewelry also tends to be on the simpler side, if she wears any at all. She typically smells of wild flowers, as she bathes practically every night in floral water, and uses honeysuckle body oils.

She was raised like many other sheltered noble ladies, and thus is a sometimes naive to the harshness of the world. She can be overly sensitive at times, but will hide her tears for when she is alone. Before she married, Sarisa was known in the Stormlands for her beauty, charitable works, intelligence, and gentleness. She has a whole second heart for children, and animals. And she has always had the childish dream of being a perfect wife to a loving handsome lord, and having lots of children. She is intelligent, but at times can be a bit of a daydreamer. Her father would describe her as being a wallflower, and a romantic idealist. But her aunt Meralith always said that Sarisa was a lot more crafty, and fearless then she let on.

She knows how to play the part she's been given, whether it be the doting daughter, sweet sister, or dutiful wife. Sarisa knows what is expected of her. She is a considerate person, and if something happens that would aggravate an average person, she can typically just smile and move on. She is obviously a truly kind person at heart, but she does not forgive betrayal. She knows how to hold a grudge, and she has no qualms about revenge or getting even. She will hit you where it hurts most. So note that just because she is generally a wholesome sweetheart, does not mean she is ignorant, or gullible.


Favorite Foods
  • Baked Apples
  • Honeycakes
  • Butternut Soup
  • Raisin Oat Bread
  • Roasted Potatoes
  • Blackberry Wine
  • Candied Plums & Orange Peels
  • Cherries
  • Rabbit Stew

  • Children
  • Flowers
  • Pearls
  • Perfume & Fragrant Oils
  • Waterfalls
  • Animals
  • Embroidery
  • Charity

  • Winter
  • Snakes
  • Stupidity
  • Wearing Shoes
  • Being Bored
  • Drunkards
  • Dirty Finger Nails
  • Gambling

  • Ambidextrous
  • Bites her bottom lip when she is nervous

  • Painting
  • Needlework
  • Playing the Harp
  • Weaving
  • Reading
  • Horseback Riding
  • Writing

  • Drowning
  • Ghosts
  • Dying
  • Loosing Her Mind
  • White Walkers


Sarisa was born in Stonehelm castle, to Lord Gulian and Lady Roswyn Swann. She was the only daughter and third child born to the couple. She was precocious, sweet, and full of smiles. Her brother Balon was two years older, and he quickly became her protector and best friend. She was never close to her oldest brother Donnel as he left to start training as a knight when she was only two. Many days were spent in the gardens together with their mother. She would read her children poems, and tell them stories as they giggled and played. Most of her early years were spent barefoot and following dear Balon around. Sarisa was only five years old when her mother passed away after complication from a miscarriage. She was old enough to understand that her mother was gone forever, and life seemed to change inside the castle. Her father grew even more serious, and Balon hardly spoke. Sarisa spent the next few months in tears.

A year passed, and her father had no idea how to raise children on his own. He knew he did not want to marry again. The Maester and the children's Septa was doing fine on there own but, he wanted a mother for his children. That's when his younger brother Ser Clifford and his wife came to stay with them. What started as a month long visit ended up with them coming to stay indefinitely. Thus a great part of Sarisa's early education came from her aunt Meralith, who taught her sums, heraldry, ethics, reading, etiquette, dancing, geography, writing, philosophy, and the practical subjects such as running a household, weaving, and sewing.

As a youth Aunt Meralith, Septa Rhea, Balon, and the cooks daughter Kyra were the people she was closest to. She spent her spare time riding horse with Balon, pretending to be a mermaid during baths, reading books in the library, playing with her dolls, and daydreaming about knights and princes asking to marry her. She and Kyra liked to sneak fresh honeycakes from the kitchen and have picnics on the roof of east tower. They would giggle about boys, and make up stories together. She taught Kyra to read, and Kyra in turn taught Sarisa all of the names of the flowers and there medicinal purposes.

Throughout Sarisa's childhood, Lord Gulian negotiated potential future marriages for her. When she was only four years old, she was promised to the young heir of House Estermont, but the contract was repudiated after three years. At the age of eight, she was then betrothed to marry Daven Lannister, but the engagement was broken off within a few years by Daven with Lord Gulian's agreement. Two more subsequent betrothals would take place over the next five years, both ending abruptly.

Her Uncle Ser Clifford acted like a charmer for the first year he lived with them, but he slowly began to show his true colors as time went on. More then once little Sarisa witnessed Ser Clifford hit his wife. She made it blatantly obvious that she hated the man. She would roll her eyes when he spoke politely to others, and she would glare at him anytime she saw her aunt had been crying. Her father and Balon both told her that it was between a man and his wife. Ser Clifford seemed to ignore her behavior, taking out his annoyance and anger on his wife more and more. Sarisa was nine years old when she got the courage to stand up to the man after seeing him backhand her Aunt for the final time. She threw her wooden doll at him, as she angrily screamed for him to leave her Aunt alone. The doll hit him square in the face, hard enough to bloody his nose, and he went off, picking Sarisa up by her hair, and twisting her arm around till it cracked. Luckily Balon and the Maester intervened.

Her father was furious when he learned about the whole scene. He sent Ser Clifford away for a short time. To negotiate another betrothal for Sarisa on his behalf, but in truth Lord Gulian had him leave before he did something even more stupid. It was no secret his brother had a temper, and no respect or care for woman. Ser Clifford's own daughter Dyana died at his hand, not that anyone outside the family knew the whole truth. Several months later Ser Clifford returned on his best behavior, and Sarisa kept out of his way. Though she was refining the art of being passive aggressive and making witty snide remarks anytime they conversed. She could tell by the way he bunched his fist, and clenched his jaw when he smiled, that she was getting to him. Once her poor aunt Meralith started looking worse for ware again, with all the crying and bruises, Sarisa took it upon herself to exact revenge by pouring ink into Ser Clifford expensive rare wine collection. Later in the day her best friend Kyra received Ser Clifford punishment for the destroyed wine, when he knew full well Sarisa had done it. Little Kyra had practically been whipped to the bone, and unfortunately she succumbed to a fever brought on by her wounds the next morning.

Sarisa blamed herself for the death of her dear friend Kyra. But she also would never forget who killed her. After this Ser Clifford seemed to be utterly calm and content for a long period of time. Sarisa made it her job to say out of his way, and Balon never seemed to leave her alone for fear of their uncle. Their father had had enough and Ser Clifford was again sent on a journey for the next year and a half. Time passed, and Sarisa was ten when Balon left to start his knight training. Her arrogant older brother Donnel came home sporting the title of Ser, and spent more nights in the local brothel then in his own bed. Sarisa made sure to not enrage Clifford once he returned. Normally that just meant staying out of his way, and being cordial. Sickeningly Donnel and Clifford seemed to get along like long lost friends.

She was fourteen when the maidservant found Aunt Meralith dead in her room clutching her deceased daughters hair ribbons, and a goodbye letter. On the bedside table was five empty bottles of milk of the poppy. Clifford's list of innocent lives taken was ever growing. Sarisa had resented her father for not doing anything in all these years to stop his brother, but a few months after Aunt Meralith passed he sent Clifford packing. Apparently all this time he had been helping the poor woman, just by having her live in Stonehelm. Her aunt's death took a tole on Sarisa. She refused two offers of marriage and even told her father she was contemplating a life as a Septa, for fear of having a husband like Clifford. She was blossoming into a beautiful young woman, but marriage was off the table for the next year, as she mourned her aunts death.

She was sixteen when her latest betrothal fell through due to the young knight dying in battle, she wondered who the next possible match could be. Sometime she felt like she was cursed to never marry, as every betrothal seemed to end in the grooms death or Lords reneging for finding love in another. Her father grew ill before he could set another match up. Being a doting daughter was how she typically presented herself anytime her father was around, and now that he was chronically sick it was no different, she spent many days as a nurse to her father, and she took the reigns of running the household with the help of the Maester. Donnel left to do his duty, and Balon was in King's Landing winning tourney after tourney.

She was nineteen and getting past her prime in blushing bride years. Her father was still ill. Balon was now a member of the white cloaks, and Donnel was off pretending to be a clever battle strategist, and leader. Clifford came back after many years of being a knight, and solider. He placed himself as temporary lord of Stonehelm while Donnel was away fighting, and Lord Gulian was ill.

She was twenty two when she gave up ever thinking she would marry. And reconciled herself to being her fathers nurse and a spinster for the rest of her life. During a short bout of wellness, Lord Gulian quickly betrothed Sarisa to the first good potential match. The marriage was much less of a political or potential gain then he had once wanted for house Swann, but he felt that he was setting his daughter free in a way. Lord Leoric seemed to be a relatively good fellow in need of a wife to give him an heir, and Lord Gulian wanted Sarisa to have a life outside being his nurse.

It's been a longer engagement the she hoped, and She has yet to meet her intended as he has been off fighting the war. Sarisa has arrived not to long ago at castle Tarrow and is now preparing for the wedding and meeting of her betrothed.

Faith of the Seven

She has a white horse named Lysithea.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Veronica Mercer



Relationship Status

Lower Gentry - Apprentice Healer & Apothecarist

Fire Elemental
- She can control and manipulate fire. She has average skills, and knows the basics, but has never been properly taught.

In-Depth Appearance
Veronica is pretty, and out of her two sisters, she resembles her mother the most. She has straight brown hair that reaches the middle of her back. Her most prominent feature are her beautiful eyes, which are a magnificent color mix of golden yellow, warm browns, blue, greens, and a few hazel speckles. The tricky thing about her eyes is that they seem to change color in different lighting, from green to brown to blue and back again. On the sunshine filled days they appear greener, and in the candlelit night they appear more of a mix of blue, browns, and gold flecks. She has a dainty nose, pouty lips, and a pretty smile.

Her wardrobe consists of dresses, kirtles, and surcotes. She tends to be drawn towards the simpler and feminine designs. If she is not wearing her hair just plainly down, she is most likely sporting some kind of pretty braided styling. She typically smells of wildflowers, as she spends most of her time in her father apothecary, or in the forest gathering plants.

  • Flowers
  • Embroidery
  • Music
  • Astronomy
  • Painting
  • Honey Cakes
  • Ocean

  • Winter
  • Stupidity
  • Spiders
  • Dirty Finger Nails
  • Snakes
  • Gambling
  • Rats

Biggest Fear
She is afraid dying. Do to her occupation she has seen her fair share of death. The unknown, about what comes after is daunting and the actual dying part scares her. Watching her mother and older sister die helplessly was also terrifying.

Veronica is kind natured young woman. She comes off as quiet and considerate, but there is a wildfire in her eyes that is often overlooked. Strangers typically notice her serene disposition and pretty face. But that's not all she is. Veronica is as intelligent as they come, and as tenacious as her father. She resembles her mother physically, and has the same natural grace and gentleness. Her parents always said she was an old soul. Even as a child she was mature beyond her years.

Her father considers education very important, thus she is articulate and freethinking. Her mother raised her with a strong moral background, so Veronica values fairness and charity quite a bit. She is extremely loyal and protective of those she loves and puts her trust in. Strong and independent, she is a girl who makes her own decisions and cuts her own path. The plight of others tends to weave its way into her sensitive heart, but this just makes her all the more adamant in her work to help others. She is a stubborn and strong willed woman, with strong convictions. Not one to be the coveted meek and obedient wife of medieval ideals. Her curiosity can sometimes land her into trouble. Towards people she dislikes she blunt, and callous, and not great at hiding her she truly feels about someone. Though she is content with her life in the village helping her father with his work, she sometimes longs for something more.

She was never a big fan of the Destined legend. Once her parents explained to her what the mark on her wrist meant. The idea that she had a soulmate out there in the big wide world that she'd most likely never meet didn't faze her. It was that fact that somehow her fate was already written that bothered her. That her choices and actions made no difference, that destiny was already set in stone. Veronica also always wondered why. Why was she marked while others were not. And so she disregarded her mark for most of her life. The fact that she would lose her powers if she didn't find her destined love, was more good news then bad. Having control over fire was never something she was happy with. In her opinion the only good fire could bring was warmth on a cold night. Otherwise fire was just destruction, something that burned everything in it's path to ash and dust.

Her father, Arthur was the youngest of five sons, and thus there was nothing to inherit from his father’s prosperous merchant company. Especially after all his older brothers got their shares, and quickly ran the business into the ground. He pursued his passion for medicine and became an apothecarist. Rather than appealing to the nobility and rich with his skills in medicine he chose to settle in the mining town of Culldune, and help the villagers for practically nothing in return.

Veronica’s mother, Enya was the only daughter of a local noble family. Their elopement was not approved of by Enya’s family who had hoped to marry her off to a wealthy nobleman, and thus she was disinherited for disobeying her family, and marrying below her station. Fast forward six years later and Veronica was born. Two days of painful labor in late winter, during one of the worst storms of the decade, she came into the world.

As a child, Veronica and her family lived above their apothecary shoppe. It was a cramped and cluttered home, but also one full of love. She was very close to her father, who she called papa. Though her father was always very busy, he always had time for his daughters. In his spare moments, he would teach Veronica about all the medical plants, how to read, and write, and everything else he knew. At night before bed he would tell her stories, and point out all the constellations in the sky. He instilled in her to always follow her heart and do what she thought was right. She liked to help her father in the apothecary. Young Veronica didn't want to just marry, have babies, and spend the rest of her life cooking and cleaning, she wanted to forge her own destiny, and do as she pleased. She wanted an adventure and to make a difference in the world.

Veronica was seven years old when her mother died after giving birth to Veronica’s youngest sister Amelia. It was a crushing blow to Veronica, and her father was never the same after her death. Her mother's side of the family had a change of heart with news of Enya’s death, and they offered to take Veronica and her sisters in to be properly educated and raised as noble ladies. Arthur refused not wanting split his family apart, or lose his daughters. But four years later after Veronica's oldest sisters Gwendolyn died during an outbreak of scarlet fever Arthur agreed, and he left eleven year old Veronica and little Amelia to their grandparents. She would not see her father for the next three years.

Her life with her overly strict grandmother, and fearsome grandfather was not exactly pleasant. Being waited on by servants and treated differently by the villagers she always though of as her friends was hard to get used to. Cooped up indoors, learning to dance, play instruments, and become a reverent passive wife to whomever her grandfather chose, was not her cup of tea. Besides their best efforts to brainwash Veronica into their way of thinking, she was steadfast in her beliefs. Unfortunately that was not the case for her little sister Amelia who seemed to thrive under their guidance as materialistic snobs.

Veronica was fourteen when her grandfather told her she was betrothed. That only solidified her resolve to runaway and look for her father. So she "borrowed" a few of her grandmothers jewels, and after six months of searching she found her father destitute and drunk in the slums of the Royal city. She cleaned him up, took care of him, and with the last of her money helped him get back on his feet. She found work as an apprentice healer. But a year later her father fell back to the bottle. He acquired so much debt from gambling that he ended up in prison, and Veronica was left on her own.

The master healer she worked for gave her a place to stay, as she waited for her father to be released from prison. Work took over most of her time, and finally two years had passed and her father was out. Veronica and him made their way back to Culldune, where the village was happy to welcome them back. They moved back into their old home, and opened up the apothecary again. Thankfully her father stayed away from the booze and the cards. Life became simple and peaceful.

Her godfather Rupert owned the local copper mine. He had hired a young man named Cedric to help run the mine. Veronica and Cedric disliked each other immediately. She saw him as arrogant, and presumptuous. He was handsome, but she couldn't help wanting to roll her eyes every time he opened his mouth. He saw Veronica as stubborn, and a know it all. Basically she had mild disdain for Cedric and he was indifferent towards her. Overtime their bickering and retorts turned to playful teasing, and flirty remarks. Then one night of drinking, and a spontaneous kiss later, they were on their way to a cheeky romance.

Cedric proposed to her six months later, and she said 'yes'. She had never thought she'd ever want to get married, but Cedric made her feel happy, he supported her, and loved her exactly for who she was. She couldn't see ever loving anyone, like she loved him. The couple ignored the fact that she was marked. They planned to marry in a year or so, once they saved enough to have a proper wedding, and find a place to call their own. Sadly a month later the mine he was working caved in, and Cedric along with a dozen of the other miners died.

Now she is twenty years old. Her father was the one who convinced her to go to the festival. He said that whether she found her destined partner or not, it would be a once in a life time experience.

Faceclaim: Astrid Berges-Frisbey
Color Code: 8882BE

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Oriana Delaney



Relationship Status

Farmers Daughter, and Peasant from Elkwood

Oriana is an Air elemental. She has great control over manipulating air. Childhood boredom gave her a lot of time to practice. Though she has not been formally educated, she is a natural at using her ability. She can make a strong enough breeze to shake the trees like a storm. She has yet to learn to manipulate weather, but she can fly a bit if she is going slow.

In-Depth Appearance
Oriana has a small round face. Her eyes are a clear cool gray, that sometimes appear more blue. She has long flaxen blonde hair, that is wavy and soft. She wears her hair up wrapped in cloth when she is doing chores, but otherwise she leaves it down and flowing. She owns three dresses, and one gown that was a hand-me-down from her mother. Her clothes are the typical village girl garb, and the have a bit of wear and tare around the hem. She has a nice enough face, but wishes she looked more like her beautiful older sister Maeve who is curvaceous, with red hair and bright blue eyes. She is tall and thin.

  • Fruit
  • Rain
  • Dancing
  • Butterflies
  • Drawing

  • Yelling
  • Drunkards
  • Math
  • Early Mornings
  • Low Morals

Biggest Fear
Oriana is extremely afraid of being stuck in small confined spaces. She has been claustrophobic ever since she was four years old,
when during a game of hide and seek she accidentally got locked in a chest, and no one found her for hours. She doesn't know why she gets so scared, but as soon as shes in a small tight place she panics and can't breath.

Oriana is a clever, optimistic, and quick-witted girl, with a curious nature. She has a sharp tongue and a direct way of approaching things, thus she is not afraid to speak her mind. Her older sister describes her as being reckless, but caring. As a child she was an energetic, and tomboyish girl filled with life and humor. She is a very unforgiving person. She’s never been a fan of people who treat her like a child or think they're better then her. She wants to be strongly independent, but being so young that's not always possible. She appears afraid of nothing, and is always up for a daring adventure. She is not easily upset or agitated, even in stressful, or difficult circumstances. Oriana is also hard-working and does not place much value in material possessions.

Oriana is a hopeless romantic at heart, and always wished to find her destined to find her. As a child she would dream up a handsome knight in shinning armor who would ride into Elkwood, sweep her up and gallop into the sunset.

Oriana grew up in and around the village of Elkwood. She lived with her parents, two brothers, and three sisters on the family farm. Her father married her mother out of obligation, after she got pregnant by him when she was fifteen. She was never the housewife type, and it became more apparent as the years past. Her father left to fight in the war when Oriana was only two years old, and her mother was four months pregnant at the time. Her brother Seamus was only ten, but he took over the role of parent to Oriana and all her siblings. Five months later her mother gave birth to twins girls, and once she was well enough she started spending most of her time at the tavern, and spending what little they had on fineries for herself.

Two years into the war, her father came home. He had been badly wounded, and it was a miracle he survived the amputation and consequent infection. The once cheerful and hardworking man, came home broken, missing an arm, and full of nightmares. Oriana was a little free spirit, full of energy and no fear. With hardly any supervision, she spent most of her early childhood wounding around the fields, chasing butterflies, and climbing trees. On nights when her father would wake screaming from his nightmares, Oriana and her brother Declan would take their blankets and sneak into Seamus bed. When her father was not consumed with his nightmares and hallucinations he was typically drinking to numb himself and take away the depression.

The war ended a year later and that’s when the taxes grew too much to bare. They had to sell quite a bit of their land, both horses, and all the pigs in order to keep the farm afloat. All of the workers were also let off, since there was no coin to spare for wages. What was left of the farm quickly fell into disrepair as Seamus just couldn’t do it all himself. Food was scares, but somehow her father found money to drink, and her mother had coin to buy herself silk stockings, and exotic perfume from Salahar. Her parents never loved each other, and the loss of income didn’t help the unhappy marriage. All her mother would do was berate, and yell at her father. Calling him things like lazy, drunkard, cripple, stupid, worthless, and crazy. While he just sat their jaw clenched with shame in his eyes.

Oriana was nine years old when she caught her mother in the barn with another man. Naive to the ways of the world, she thought the man was attacking her mom. So she beat the man off with a broom. The man ran off, and her mother slapped Oriana in the face for ruining her fun. She told her not to say anything to anyone about what she saw. Her mother then started ranting about how she wished her cripple of a husband would have died in the war, and the she never had any ungrateful children. Oriana didn’t stay to hear the rest. She ran off cradling her stinging cheek, and holding back tears. She got it in her mind to runaway, and got halfway to the mountains before she came back home exhausted and hungry. She told her sister Maeve what happened, and the girls never spoke of it again.

Seamus got arrested for smuggling about a year later. Luckily instead of the typical death sentence, he got twelve months hard labor. With him gone, ten year old Oriana quickly became more responsible, helping Maeve around the farm, and making sure the twins didn’t get into trouble. Declan got a job working at the stables in the village, and what he earned was carefully hidden away from his parents. The siblings were counting the days until their brother came home. Oriana even had a tally on the wall next to her bed, and every night before bed she would draw a line in coal.

Oriana was thirteen when Maeve got married to the butchers son, and left to live in Daralt. It was the first time she had seen her big sister so happy, as she said her vows, dressed prettily with flowers in her hair. For Oriana the idea of leaving her parents behind was appealing, but she didn't want to leave her siblings or the farm she loved so much. Her mother had a miscarriage later in the year, which resulted in her being unable to conceive ever again. Father knew the baby couldn't be his, as they hadn't slept together in three years. Yet somehow after she lost the baby, they seemed to reconcile. Her mother, the once selfish spoiled young girl, was now a tired woman with graying hair, and fading beauty. News came right around Oriana's fifteenth birthday, that Maeve had given birth to a baby girl.

Seamus and Declan fixed the crumbling cottage at the end of the farm field, so Seamus could move in with his new bride. Their father got off the booze for the most part, and did his best to run the farm with Seamus. Declan left the village to become a priest. Seeing her brothers and sister succeed in life, and find love made her want to dot the same. The unfortunate thing was every boy in the village knew Oriana was marked, and nobody wanted to risk their hearts on a girl who was destined by the Gods to be with someone else. At this point she had come to the conclusion that she would end up alone, a spinster caring for her aging parents.

When the royals offered to pay for the marked to come to the festival she took the chance. Her mother had high hopes that Oriana would be destined for the prince or someone wealthy. And gave her a purple velvet gown to wear at the ball. Her whole family wished her well, and she was happy. It is her first time on her own, but hopefully she can find her destined, and live the life she always wanted.

Face Claim: Elle Fanning
Color Code: CA97CC
Horse: Buttercup
She doesn't know how to read or write.
She is an expert at riding her horse.
She doesn't know how to swim.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Full Name: Samantha Charity Kerner
Real Name: Myrrine
Nicknames/Alias/AKA: Mary, Mura, or Mare for nicknames. Juliet Elizabeth Knoll is an alias.

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Ice Blonde

Eye Color: Gray...

Height/Build: 5'4 - 130 lbs.

Personality: Myrrine enjoys research, and values personal freedom. Before the sacrifice she was a different person. The endless possibilities of the future excited her. She had been the epitome of warmth and sweet sunshine. She was the gentle and captivating one in her family. The girl who could brighten up a room with her smile, and always took care of those around her. The harshness of real life had hit hard many times in her young life. The death of her mother, the life of poverty, and betrayal by her own father that led to life as a slave, would have made just about anyone a cynic. But not Myrrine, who tried to enjoy the simple things and see the good. Over all Myrrine was a hard working and caring young woman. And then her life was cut short. From then on every time she reincarnated, life just kept throwing punches. So as the centuries passed, she began to grow and change as a person. Because of course people change, the times changed, and she became a little less naive and hopeful as time poured on.

Myrrine tends to be old-fashioned the way she carries herself and speaks, but she still knows how to embrace the new times. She has always been the motherly type, and even after all the trauma, that protective tenderness is still a core personality trait. She has become ridiculously loyal to the few she truly considers family, such as the other five. Morals and ethics tend to fly out the window when it comes to protecting herself and those she cares for. Myrrine is ruthless and unapologetic towards those who she hates. It is best not to wrong her, she is a master at vengeance, and is very patient. She also keeps an emotional distance from people outside her circle of friends. The process of fostering meaningful relationships is grueling when you've watch so many loved ones die, and know that you'll go on forever.

Substance abuse is something she has struggle with through a majority of her lives. It's become a coping mechanism, and way to forget. She hates small talk, common forms of etiquette, and is brutally honest to her small group of friends. But she knows how and when to behave to fit social norms and local customs. Her fake happy average person mask is something she perfected long ago. Basically being cold or fake on the outside, while handling the tornado of emotions inside with efficiency until somebody pokes in the foundations of it. is how she handles life. Deep down in her core she is a caring, and extraordinary soul, but she has hardened do to the conditions of the people and world around her.

Bio: Myrrine originally grew up in a tiny village on the Greek island of Syros. The village was so small and insignificant that there is nothing about it in the history books, not one mention. She was the eldest child of five. Her father was a stone worker by trade. Unfortunately do to an accident when Myrrine was seven, her father lost his right arm, and thus his profession. The whole family worked to make ends meet. Begging in the street was not above them.

When she was about ten, her youngest brother Tityrus, and her mother died from a pox. She had been extremely close to her mother so the death was a hard blow. Life moved on, and she took on the parental responsibilities of her younger siblings, as her father had survived the pox but became too ill to do much of anything. Feeding a family of five was impossible without an income. Her brother Aegon was able to find work as a servant, and so he sent most of his salary home to his family. This small amount of money, she was able to stretch for months at a time.

Later Myrrine was able to give her sisters an opportunity to be chosen as novice priestess for the newly erected temple in Keratea. Her sisters practically had to audition for a spot, but thankfully at one of her sister was chosen. Little Pelopia left with a dozen other young girls to dedicate her life as a priestess, and Myrrine knew that at least one of her siblings was safe and fed for life.

She was thirteen when her father secretly decided to sell Myrrine and her sister Nysa off as slaves. It was a terrifying moment, as she and her sister were put in a wagon, and then tossed on a ship to gods no where. It would take centuries for Myrrine to forgive her father. She watched as her younger sister Nysa was sold off to a disgusting man as a plaything for his son. And then she was thrown on the boat again. Anyway Myrrine ended up on the island of Melos as a slave for the wealthiest family in Phylakopi. Her owners were a mysterious woman and her husband. At first she worked hard for the family, feeling like she owed them something for keeping her clothed and well fed. But four years of slavery takes its toll. She was one among two dozen slaves in the household, and totally overlooked.

She was seventeen when her mistress asked for her one day. It was an odd request, and something the woman had never done before. She treated Myrrine to wine, desserts, and other fineries like an elegant blue dress, and a pearl necklace. Sadly the next thing she knew, Myrrine woke up with her arms bound, and a sack over her head. It was dark, and smelled like fire around her. She felt groggy and had obviously been drugged. Once the sack was pulled off her head, she was made to kneel, and face a huge fire. The five other youths that were tied up around the fire all looked as confused and scared as she was. The woman holding her down and preventing her from moving was none other than her mistress. What went on from there was the stuff of nightmares, and she watched as the flames turn blue, and a woman slice the throats of five others before she stood in front of Myrrine with a smile on her face, and robes covered in blood splatter.

...Many lives later...

Myrrine was born this time as Samantha in Boston to a stripper named Crystal Byrne. Her father was Daniel Kerner, who was an abusive drunk that made money dealing drugs. He was also Crystal's newly ex-boyfriend who denied he was Sam’s father, until a paternity test came back and he was court ordered to pay child support, much to his displeasure. Sam also had an older half-brother named Marcus, who was five years old at the time she was born.

She was one year old when Daniel got busted selling drugs and was hauled off to prison with a five year sentence. This was where he would simultaneously find Jesus, and become a white supremacy supporter. Crystal turned to prostitution to pay the ever growing pile of bills, as she change boyfriends every few months... Some were good, most were bad. The worst of them was Hank, who had major anger management problems, and broke Marcus’s arm. CPS was called by hospital staff, and baby Sam and little Marcus were put in temporary foster care for two months. Crystal cleaned up the apartment, and reluctantly tossed Hank out. She took the mandatory parenting class, and the state gave her children back. Big mistake. About six months later their case worker ceased the monthly house check-ins and Crystal was back to her old ways.

When Sam was about four years old Crystal became addicted to drugs, and her primary goal in life was how to get her next fix. She would sometimes disappear for days at a time leaving Marcus and Sam alone to fend for themselves in their roach infested apartment. Marcus went to school dirty, and hungry. The free school lunch was the only place he could get a hot meal, and every day he would stuff his pockets with food from his tray to bring home for Sam to eat. Unfortunately the school turned a blind eye to the blatant neglect. A few weeks before Samantha's fifth birthday, Crystal had left one summer night and never came back. Marcus and Sam lived off saltine crackers, beer, stale fruit loops, and tap water... It went on like this for the next two weeks.

Thankfully the landlord came knocking since the rent was late, and found two dirty malnourished kids living in squalor. The authorities were called and Marcus and Sam were put into a foster care yet again. After a few weeks of investigation, they matched the body of a Jane Doe to Crystal. She had died of a heroin overdose in an alley only three blocks away from the apartment. Marcus's paternal grandparents got custody of him. Sam on the other hand was left in foster care, as her only living relative was her father who was still in prison.

Marcus’s grandparents had offered to legally adopt Sam, but Daniel refused to sign away his parental rights, and so Sam went through three fosters homes till he was finally release for time served. As soon as he obtained a job and an apartment the state placed Sam with him. All the while she was slowly regaining her memories of who she truly was. Daniel stayed away from the drugs, his old associates, and life. But the new philosophies and ideals he picked up in prison took him down and even darker path. Sam social worker only saw what she wanted to see, just a dad who was trying hard, and who took his daughter to church every Sunday. Somehow that was good enough for the social worker woman and Sam’s case was closed.

Sam was seven when her father married fellow neo-Nazi Jillian and they all moved to Atlanta Georgia together. The couple tried their best to instill the horrid crap into young Samantha. They took her to rallies, protest, klan meetings, and made sure anything she watched, read, or played with was as white as could be. Thankfully she knew better, and had been practically every race and religion in her many previous lives. She legitimately hated her father, and Jillian was a monster. Her father and step mother had three kids by the time Samantha was ten years old. She remembered everything and the first thing she did was pack her bags and head to the nearest guardian hideout she could remember.

With 100 dollar stolen out of Jillian purse Myrrine as she liked to be called now, got a one way ticket to Williamsburg Virginia and walked all the way to the Bruton Parish Church where she found the Matthew Whaley grave, and spent the night digging under newer gravestone trying to locate the lever that would open the damn tomb. The tomb that actually was just opened to reveal a hole that lead down to a very old guardian base. Early in the morning police found little ten year old Myrrine covered in dirt asleep in one of the many holes she dug. She was taken into custody, and asked where she lived and who her parents were. She refused to say anything, and was rather annoyed with the whole process of being a minor in this era.

They put her face on the news in Virginia, with an explanation on where she was found, and two days later Claudia Knoll came to her rescue. With an excellently forge birth certificate, SS card, and claims that Myrrine, or as the papers stated Juliet Elizabeth Knoll was her daughter. Myrrine went along with it of course, and the police released Juliet into Ms. Knolls care. Claudia was a fifth generation guardian, and thankfully had been watching the news when she heard about a kid digging around Bruton Parish Church, which was basically her assigned post, she came with the forage papers just in case, and was pleasantly surprised to meet a real member of the six for the first time.

Time passed, and for appearances sake Myrrine was enrolled in school, and called Claudia mom in public. But in truth most of their spare time was spent looking for the others. They became good friends in the process. Interestingly this was Myrrine’s first life using the internet, and that made things a lot easier. They followed up on all leads big and small, driving cross country, and flying oversea on the weekends. They updated the records and maps stating where all the active guardians were, and if the bases were still around and uncompromised. She reminisced a lot at the different secret bases that were full of journals and items from everyone’s pasts. She did her best to stay off the witches and vampires radar, but somewhere along the way the Callaway family started to stir up trouble. Going on the run was never Myrrine’s style, and thankfully the Virginia base was not identified by the two witches that came searching for Myrrine and Claudia while they were in Australia.

Unfortunately dodging the witches in Australia resulted in having to blow up the base in Adelaide, but they were able to relocate all the artifacts to the base out in the middle of the outback. They went back to Virginia, and Myrrine graduated high school early at the age of fifteen. She started college at Virginia State University, and moved into the dorms. One thing she liked to do in every new life was to learn something new. This time around that new thing was computer code. She and Claudia had spent five years looking for the others, and planting "contact Myrrine at Whaley’s Place messages" (aka the Williamsburg Virginia base). They had left the messages at the four dozen or so bases around the world they had visited. The six were her true family, and she missed them dearly.

As soon as she turned eighteen she located her biological father and his family still living in the same rickety house in Georgia. She asked for her birth certificate, and basically told him she never wanted to see him again. Her half siblings were freaked out when she showed up. Jillian and her father had literally been telling them horror stories for years about how Sam was kidnapped and murdered by black people becuase she was a pretty white girl. Unfortunately raising your children to be hateful racists was not illegal, and so she left and never looked back. On the other hand she contacted her older half brother Marcus who was doing well as a member of the navy.

She was nineteen when she graduated from Virginia State University, and left for New York to start working on getting her masters degree at Colombia. She connected with the guardians there, and was upset to find that Robert Benson was dead. Robert Benson has been the guardian there since the 1920s with his family. He had been someone she had known and cared for during her past two lives. Apparently he had died the year before at the age of 98. His grandsons had taken up his duties. Anyway before she left Virginia Myrrine left instructions with Claudia, so if anyone was trying to find her they would know where to look. She is 22 now and living in Manhattan.

(Parts of the bio are subject to change, as to fit the other people’s bios. Any idea you have about previous meetings, run ins, or contact between Myrrine and your character in this present life before the IC I’m open to hearing. PM me!)

Extra: (Anything you wish to add, talents, hobbies, likes, dislikes, fears, accomplishments...)

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Emma Amme

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Emma Amme

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Wayback machine characters from the past (link)
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Jasmine Quinn

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Country of Origin: Atrela

Weapons: She has a small dagger she hides up her sleeve. She also has her Tome.

Abilities: Her ability and main area of study pertain to illusion. She can enter and control other peoples dreams when they are asleep. There is no sense of time inside the dream world, so leaving others dreams only happens when the person wakes up, or she can hop into someone else's dream, or if somebody shakes Jaz back to reality. Inside the dreams she can control and create everything she can imagine. Outside the dreamworld and back in the reality she can only create illusions. These illusions are similar to holograms, as they are harmless and intangible, but look solid and real. She knows most basic spells, like lighting a fire, or locating lost things via scrying. She has also learned how to change pebbles into coins, but the spell only lasts ten minute. Most of what she was taught had to due with controlling her ability, and making potions.

Appearance: She has pin straight shoulder length hair, and yes the silvery color is natural. Depending on how the light hits her shiny hair it can appear more pink, gray, blue, or purple. Her eyes are the same strange gray lilac as her hair. She is on the shorter side standing at 5'2. She is petite and thin, with a tiny waist and lithe legs. She only weights about 100 pounds, and wishes she looked more like the statuesque dancers of Opalium.

Personality: Most of the time Jasmine can come off as cheeky, or even rude. Do to her history, she has learned to put up a wall between people and her true self. She puts on a confident, and brazen attitude as a way of making sure no one can hurt her. She has also become a tad more cynical then your average girl, do to the many betrayals, and hardships in her past. Her walls come down when inebriated, but otherwise she tries to remain as sarcastic, and relaxed as possible.

She is capable of being utterly ruthless against those who mess with her. She is truthfully the most loyal person you'll ever meet...as long as she considers you a friend. Jaz is someone who is suspicious of others, and unforgiving towards those who wrong her. By unforgiving I also mean vengeful, so basically you don't want to mess with her. Then again it is actually hard to get on her bad side.

She takes peoples bullshit in stride, and basically ignores idiots. Count yourself lucky if Jaz chooses to be her genuine self around you. Jasmine is a very stubborn, and intelligent woman. She is secretly a bleeding heart, and takes the suffering of innocents personally. Over the years of hiding a persecution as a mage, she has become more sly, blunt, and uncompromising.

Other: She is not religious, but she believes more in the False Gods then the creator if anything.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 2 mos ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

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The Drummer Girl

Philippa Harriet Donovan

"Where in the dress code does it say I have to wear a bra?"

| | N I C K N A M E S | |
  • Philippa - She hates her full name. Everyone outside her family knows her as Pippa.
  • Pippa - Has gone by this name since the second grade.
  • Philly - Her mother calls her this on occation.
  • Pip - Her friends tend to call her this.

| | A G E | |
16, January 23rd

| | G E N D E R | |

| | S E X U A L I T Y | |

| | R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S | |

| | O C C U P A T I O N | |
Aspiring Musician and Drummer

| | C L A S S I F I C A T I O N | |

| | R O L E | |

| | A P P E A R A N C E | |
Height: 5'4
Weight: 110 Pounds
Build: Slim & Petite
Hair: Very Dark Brown
Eyes: Bright Blue
Clothes Style: EDGY af

W H O A M I ?

| | H A B I T S | Q U I R K S | O D D I T I E S | |
  • She raises her eyebrows a lot when she speaks.
  • Dots her i’s with a tiny x.
  • Tends to doodle on any piece of paper in front of her.
  • She is super flexible, and can do the splits.
  • Believes in reincarnation.
  • Enjoys wearing wigs, and colorful hair extensions.
  • Exclusively wears and smells like Diptyque Olène.
  • She knows lots of useless trivia.
  • Hates driving, and prefers to walk or get a cab.
  • Has a fake ID.

| | D R E A M S | |
Pippa has her own dreams about the future. Of course her dreams seem to change week to week, but for now she just wants to tour with her band, and make it big as a musician. She also has been thinking about studying philosophy, anthropology, archaeology, humanities, mythology, or art history when she goes to college, since she has to go to school at some point or her parents will disown her.

| | L I K E S | |
  • Folklore & Mythology
  • Indie Music
  • Playing the Drums & Piano
  • Flowers
  • Silky Sheets
  • Dogs
  • Glitter
  • Feminism
  • Reading
  • Adventure
  • Manga & Webcomics
  • Lemonade - Cherries - Brie - Doughnuts - Grapefruit - Pie - Fries - Frozen Yogurt - Tea - Seafood - Zucchini

| | D I S L I K E S | |
  • Intolerant Fuckwads
  • Rap & Country Music
  • Booze
  • Skunks
  • Driving
  • Smell of Balsum
  • Politics
  • Flying
  • Asparagus - Olives - Coffee - Butterscotch - Italian Sausage - Lima Beans - Brussels Sprouts - Pickles - Kiwis

| | F E A R S | |
Acrophobia, Basophobia & Arachnophobia


| | H I S T O R Y | |
Philippa's parents divorced when she was three years old. Custody was set up without any court battles, and so she lived mainly with her mother during the week, and her father on the weekends. Not that he was every fully around. He was to busy working, wooing, and campaigning. So weekends were spent mostly under the care of a nanny, or at a fancy schmancy daycare. Week days with her mom were a different story entirely, since her mother chose to work from home until Pippa turned five and started kindergarten. Days were spent at the beach, or baking, coloring, dancing and singing around their condo in Burbank. She was the flower girl at her father's wedding to Aurore. Much to her mothers displeasure little Pippa got along with Aurore rather well. When she was six Aurore urged Pippa into modeling, which was also something her mother was not a fan of.

She was seven years old when her little brother Oscar was born, and Pippa's fame as child model was reaching its peek. She was the cover model for Alalosha twice, walked for a dozen runway shows, and was becoming well known in the LA fashion world. When her mother got a new job in New York City there were lots of arguments over which parent she should live with full time. In the end Pippa moved across the country to the big apple with her mom. Custody changed to spending the summers in California at her fathers, and the rest of the year in Staten Island with her mother. She started school at Columbia Prep and started taking piano lessons at her mothers behest, this is where she discovered her love for music. She took up the drums later that year.

Her modeling career had been on hold while in NYC without Aurore's eager guidance and connections. It also abruptly ended when she was nine, after coming home from summer with her hair bleached blonde. Her mother was furious when she saw little Philippa's hair and eyebrows dyed. Needless to say the shit storm that followed resulted in a traumatic haircut, and her mother forbidding her to model ever again. Camilla was born a few months later, and Pippa's mother begrudgingly let her go to California for spring brake to meet her new baby sister.

Her mother started going out with a Rodney Diaz when Pippa was ten. He was a closeted alcoholic, and worked in IT at her mothers office. Pippa didn't take very well to her mom's new beau, and did her utmost to piss him off at every turn. She even squeezed packets of soy sauce into the keyboard of his laptop in an attempt to make him leave. But even with all her efforts at trying to brake them up, he still moved in six months later. Her mother was stupidly in love with the man. It baffled Pippa since all she could ascertain about Rodney was that he was a homophobic, loud mouth, know-it-all, with a obnoxious since of humor, and love of booze, football, and guns.

He came with baggage in the form of two delinquent teenage sons, a jealous ex-wife, and some megalomania. His sons Drew and Marcus were what Pippa would come to refer to as garbage humans. Drew was the older of the two. He enjoyed violence, and already had a record at fifteen. Marcus was a klepto with an obsession with knives. Thankfully the boys lived with their mother in Jersey, and Pippa was only stuck with them on the weekends. As close as she had been with her mother, Rodney Diaz was driving a wedge between them. Drew was scary but he treated Pippa like air, and spent the majority of his father's visitation time sneaking out or locked in his bedroom watching porn. Marcus on the other hand was thirteen and excelled at making Pippa feel small. He spent most of the weekend playing nice in front of the grown ups, but physically tormenting Pippa behind their backs.

Life went on and Pippa's love of music expanded. She spent the majority of her allowance on books, and stocking up on drumsticks since she kept braking them. Unlike her younger half siblings, and contrary to Rodney's opinions, Pippa was not growing up as privileged and indulged as Oscar and Camie were. Her mother mainly worked pro bono as a child advocacy lawyer, and even with the help of child support via Pippa's father, NYC rent wasn't cheap. Her mother's parenting philosophy was basically raising Pippa up to be a positive, free-thinking, independent feminist. Essentially this meant Pippa had to get straight A's for allowance, and to take drum lessons.

She started writing her own songs when she was eleven after taking up guitar. She spent countless hours writing songs about her friends, being a tween girl, and her feelings. If she was not hanging out with her friends, playing drums, or reading in her room, she was usually hiding out in her nook on the rooftop of her apartment building. Less time in the presents of Rodney and her infatuated mother the better. She won her school talent show two years in a row, and her passion for music exploded. When she entered middle school her mother got Pippa her first subway pass, and said as long as she was responsible, kept her grades A's, and was home before seven she had free rein.

Early puberty was tough on Pippa. Her small group of friends split up in seventh grade, leaving Pippa a loner for the rest of the year. Holly, and Kirby ditched her for lipstick, popularity, and boys. Ryan ended up snubbing her and hanging out with the delinquent kids. And Jerry decided that Pippa was not worth his time now that he lost the braces and baby fat. Socially Pippa had never been a shy one, most of her teachers would have described her as hyper, and loud. But middle school drama, popularity, and cliques were not kind to the thirteen year old drummer girl with shaggy blue hair, no boobs, and rainbow braces. Marcus also was becoming even more of an issue, and without friends houses to sleep over at on the weekends Marcus was home she was stuck with him.

Happily her mother broke up with Rodney once his drinking problem got so bad he was fired, and he refused rehab. He moved out and this brought harmony back to the house. Her mother even got her a kitten, as a strange way of apologizing for all the drama caused by Rodney, and the Diaz boys. Pippa named the fluffy black cat Onyx. 8th grade was all together better once she made friends with Clyde and Myra who moved into the apartment across from her. They were older by two years, but they let her tag along to concerts, and hangout with their other friends at the skate park.

Pippa was never the athletic type and gave up learning to skateboard after baking her arm. Two surgical pins and a series of florescent pink casts became her signature accessory for the year. Middle school came to an end and she was actually look forward to being a high schooler. Unfortunately both her parents decided without her knowledge that Pippa would attend their Alma Mater, BHHS, and live in Beverly Hills with her father. She got her cast and braces off just in time for the big move to LA. Living with her father and family full time was very different then the fun filled summers she had grown up with. Now there were rules, requirements, and expectations. The first things to be outlawed was her wacky colored hair. Two bottles of bleach resulted in a trip to Aurore's hair dresser after melting Pippa's blue hair into an green yellow mess. Thankfully she came out with her natural dark brown locks in the end.

Ninth grade at BHHS officially started, and she quickly became friends with a few other oblivious ninth graders. She even tried out for cheer-leading while trying to fit in with the crowed her father deemed acceptable. Yes she could do the splits, and had energy to spare but she ended up twisting her ankle and falling on top of the cheer captain. She seemed to be lacking in valley girl pep. Thankfully five months into ninth grade she became best friends with ____, and abruptly stopped trying so hard to be the posh society girl her father wanted her to be. She missed missed New York for a long time, even though she would be spending all her school brakes and the whole summer their from now on, she still missed her friends, her bedroom, her mom, and her cat. The chill energy of LA was very different from the electric one of NYC.

The summer before tenth grade was one full of change. She spent it back in New York with her mom. Went to her first college party, and lost her virginity to Clyde on the rooftop of their building. It was a fleeting summer romance that ended as soon as she flew back to LA, and other then that she has yet to have another romantic relationship, unless you count a handful of one night stands. Tenth grade and most of this year Pippa has really come into her own, and is enjoying high school to the fullest. Unfortunately home life has taken a turn, after she accidentally eavesdropped on her fathers phone call and found out he was taking bribes by keeping BHHS students records clean in turn for favors from their influential and wealthy parents. And her mother has hinted that she is getting back together with the bastard Rodney.


| | E X T R A C U R R I C U L A R A C T I V I T I E S | |
  • Drummer in her band called Tantalus.
  • Volunteers as a Math tutor.
  • Member of BHHS art club.

| | B E S T & W O R S T S U B J E C T S | |
| B E S T |
Mathematics & Creative Writing

| W O R S T |
French & PE


| | F A M I L Y | |
Father: Harold Donovan - Age 50. BHHS Alumni. Graduated from Dartmouth. He was a hot-shot attorney right out of law school. He quickly joined his father's corporate law firm in Boston and made it big. After his father refused to make him a partner in the family firm, Harold moved to LA and started his own practice. He became the highest paid, and most sought after criminal attorney in LA. Now he is a criminal court judge. He has major political ties, and plans to run for office in the near future. Harold is a slick, abrasive, cocky, coldhearted careerist who hungers for money and prestige.
"Innocent people can't afford me." - Harold Donovan

Step Mother: Aurore Donovan nee Catroux - Age 37. Aurore is originally from France. She signed with Limitless Models when she was 16. Her fame skyrocketed over night after she signed a four-year, multimillion-dollar contract with Bellerose, which gained her international recognition. She became the It girl of the 2020s. She moved to LA when she was 24. She married Harold Donovan when she was 26, and retired from modeling after the birth of their son Oscar. She has participated in a number of unsuccessful ventures, including a short lived acting career, a fashion magazine, and stint as a reality TV host. A year after the birth of Camilla, she launched her own luxury fashion brand called Verre. Verre is a thriving brand at the moment, and is becoming synonymous with brands like Burberry, Chanel, and Prada. She is a Hollywood socialite, and celebrity.
"Darling, you've got more issues than Vogue." - Aurore Donovan

Half Brother: Oscar Donovan - Age 10. He is a clean cut, self-assured, smart ass, and a self-professed fiscal conservative. Oscar loves anything and everything related to tennis. He is very competitive, and type A like both his parents. Oscar is known to be a sore loser, and willing to cheat to win. He spends at lot of time with his friends at the country club, and on the tennis court with his professional coach Bruno. He is a part of his prep schools Tennis club, and on the honor roll. He is the ring leader of his friends at school, and enjoys tormenting the "poor" kids at his elite elementary school. gets along fine with Pippa, but he thinks she is weird and they are not very close. He tends to be very snarky, and entitled. He thinks his little sister is an annoying horse fanatic.
"Well I don't play video games, so if you want to hang out with me, you have to do what I do." - Oscar Donovan

Half Sister: Camilla Donovan - Age 8. She can be quite mischievous and sometimes a little bit cheeky. Sometimes she may seem bossy, but for the most part, she is a nice girl. Camie looks up to Pippa and thinks that her big sister is cool. She has been obsessed with horses since she could walk. She takes riding lessons five times a week. Has two of her very own horses Starlight, and Goliath. Spends most of her time playing with her horse figurines, or at the stables. As well as riding lessons, Camie takes dance, violin, and golf classes after school, and she often wishes she has less to do. But she is a perfectionist, and encouraged by her mother to be best at everything. She competes in equestrian competitions, and is part of her schools orchestra.
"I wish I had been born a thoroughbred! Or maybe an appaloosa! No no defiantly a Akhal-Teke, they're shinny!" - Camie Donovan

Mother: Monica Philips - Age 42. BHHS Alumni. She was a nerdy scholarship student at BHHS. Monica was valedictorian of her high school class, and got a full ride scholarship to Brown. She met Harold while interning at his father's firm. They got married when she was 23. Two years later Pippa was born and they moved to LA. Monica later graduated from UCLA with a masters degree in law. Her marriage began to rapidly go down hill after she started her career. They divorced when Pippa was three. Four years later Monica moved to New York City. She works as a child advocacy lawyer and does pro bono work on the side. She raised Pippa to follow her heart, and be free spirited. Monica sent Pippa to live with her father in LA so she could attend BHHS, but she was hesitant since she dislikes her ex-husband.
"The sun will come up, tomorrows a new day." - Monica Philips

| | F A V O R I T E T H I N G S | |
Animal: Lemurs, Sugar Gliders, and Fennec Foxes
Smell: Jasmine & Honeysuckle Flowers
Book: Immortal Rain by Kaori Ozaki
Movie: Stardust or Practical Magic
Food: Thai Curry with Rice
Drink: Grapefruit Izze
Color: Cobalt Blue
Season: Summer

| | O T H E R | |
House & Bedroom
Car - New top of the line Jaguar in Electric blue.
Dialogue Color - 0066FF
Face Claim - Ksenia Solo

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Natawa Nimiane

Nia Rivers
Continent of Birth:

Southeastern Waters of Penault


Mage School of Foci:

Starter Equipment:

Her clothes.
A leather coin pouch containing: Dried Kelp, Shells, Pearls, Coral Beads, and gold from a sunken ship.


Natawa is free-spirited and wants to experience all that life has to offer. She has always been a clever, intelligent and adventurous girl. She can be very blunt, and has a direct way of approaching things, mainly because she doesn't know the social constructs on land. She understands there is more to life than what you see and touch. She is secretive about her world, but that comes with being a Siren. She finds beauty in ordinary things. Do to her naivety about the world, she can come across and innocent and dumb, though she is anything but. She tends to give her trust freely, but once its broken she never fully forgives. Braking a promise to her is the worst possible thing, as its seen as a sin in Sirens terms.
Character Traits:

Curious Adventurous Intelligent Perceptive Unpretentious Naive


Quick learner
Can breath underwater
Adept in constitution magic
Good eyesight

Clumsy on land
Ignorant about the cultures, and customs on land
Can not read or write
No fighting skills whatsoever

The extinction of her people
Dark Elves

Nimiane was born deep in the ocean off the southeastern coast of Penault. She and her family along with hundreds of other sirens became displaced as the toxic waters of Oceana Abyssal expanded into their region of the ocean. She grew up in a cove in and around the caves surrounding Oceana Abyssal. Unfortunately she was seven years old when a group of dark elf slavers raided the hidden cove. Natawa along with a dozen other sirens were taken. She was kept in a dungeon with the others for months. Things such as their blood, scales, tears, and hair were harvested bit by bit as dark elf mages tested the magical properties of Sirens. Rescue thankfully came, and she escaped with the surviving few.

She was taken in by a siren woman named Oona. Finding her parents became a impossibility, as the Oceana Abyssal toxic waters seeped into the migration paths between the oceans. If her parents were still alive they would have to cross deadly ocean, or land to find her. She and Oona lived deep down in the underwater cavern city the Sirens call Kembre. Over time it became a refuge for the influx of displaced and wary sirens running from the dark magic. Natawa and her friends spent their spare time in a Lagoon in the mountains near Brithomdale. This is were she would meet a Foreas boy, and learn the land language.

All the while the adults and leaders of the sirens debated the best course of action to save their people. The deadly waters were ever expanding. Even their innate shield magics could only do so much. Sirens were dying by the thousands, and many were left without the ability to change back into their true forms, thus land locked with legs in an alien world. Seeking the source of the poisonous water was and option, but others thought migrating to the Alexandrian ocean would be best.

The strongest sirens have been tasked with blending in with the landfolk, and learning their ways, and if possible finding the safest path to the Alexandrian ocean, or finding and eliminating the source of the toxic water. She volunteered to help, and has now been on dry land in human form for a day. After stealing something to wear off a clothes line she is semi dressed and observing her surroundings.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

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Siniophe is kind natured young woman. She comes off as quiet and considerate, but there is a wildfire in her eyes that is often overlooked. She has wavy strawberry blonde hair, bright green eyes, and a beautiful angelic face.





Sinna was born in Andula City, to Jovan and Zinra Lavendis. She was the sixth daughter born to the couple. A strawberry blonde baby who was precocious, sweet, and full of smiles. Her twin brother Thallan was five minutes younger, and was the first son in the family. Her sisters were all older then her by ten or more years, and the twins birth came as a surprise. Her mother had been told by the midwife and two different healers, that after the birth of her fifth daughter Alba, she would be unable to bare anymore children. So ten years after that diagnosis when she found her self pregnant again, the whole family assumed that it would end in miscarriage or a stillbirth. Luckily it didn't and that is how Siniophe's story began.

As a child she loved to run around with her brother. Many days were spent in the lavender fields outside the city, or barefoot in the forest. Their mother would read them poems, and tell them stories as they giggled and played. Her father was a quiet man, but he loved to teach them how to sew, and tell them the names of all the stars. Out of her sisters it was Alba that she was closest with. Alba always acted as the twins protector from their mothers delusions, and she was also the best at making up games. Her mother was a very caring and creative woman, but she had her issues that made her what her father called eccentric. She said she could hear the voices of the gods, and tended to believe in things like curses and invisible creatures. But even with her crazy bits, Sinna loved her mother dearly, but her odd ideas and behavior always made it hard to connect with her. Thoosa ended up being more of a mother to her in the end.

Most of Sinna's early years were spent happily helping her mother weave cloth, or running around the city with Thallan and Meryl. She loved playing with her dolls, climbing trees, picking wild berries, and learning to use her earth abilities. It was idyllic, except for the yearly reaping. She would watch as her father hid her terrified sisters in the hidden room in their house. Her understanding of just what the reaping was, was limited when she was a kid, her older sister Alba made sure of it. But the atmosphere of the whole city seemed to darken around that time of year, and Sinna would come to understand why a few years later.

She was nine the first time she saw a Drakkan reaper. He dragged a girl screaming and crying down the street, and stuck her in the caged wagon his horse was attached to. None of the Gem adults or men standing in the street did anything to help the poor girl. There was only clenched jaws, tight fists, and Gem's hanging their head in defeat. Her eldest sister Thoosa pulled her under a long cloak and hustled little Sinna away. Her mother had always told Sinna that the Drakkan would take her away one day, but Alba and her father said it wasn't true. Her father claimed that not one Lavendis girl had been taken by the Drakkan in over 90 years, and that Sinna had no reason to worry because of his practically perfect hiding place. Her five older sisters all made it past the reaping, so Sinna would too right?

She dreamed of traveling around Gemina once she was past the prime reaping age. She wanted to see the northern cities, ride on a ships, and go to the festival of Vivari in the Capitol. When they were kids, that had been Thallan, Meryl, and Sinna's big plan for the future. But now Meryl was starting her apprenticeship as midwife and, All Thallan could think about was making new tinctures and concoctions to impress his teacher. She began learning the art of weaving at a young age, and her grandfather Durlan took her under his wing to teach her the family secrets of dyeing cloth. As a teenager she blossomed into a beauty.

Unfortunately when she was 18 the Drakkan reapers arrived a whole two months earlier then when they were scheduled to. When they stormed into Andula city no one had prepared, including Siniophe and her family. She had been helping her father by standing very still as he pinned and drape cloth into a gown around her. So as her father snipped and stitched, Sinna was happily told him about her day. Meryl came into the Tailor shop out of breath and looking pale, quickly explaining the reaping was early, and the Drakkan were already here.

Meryl was in tears, and on the verge of sobbing. Siniophe looked to her dad for help. She had no time to change out of the half sewn gown. So her father tied his big brown cloak around her shoulders. She could tell he was silently panicking. The hidden room that he used to hide his daughters in over the years was nine blocks away in their home. So in a rush he sent the two girls off with explicit directions to keep out of sight. Out the back door of the tailor shop and through the alley they could hear the screaming before they saw it. As they eased their way towards her home, it became clear that it would be impossible to make it inside without being discovered. Sinna had to half drag Meryl behind her. She made the decision to backtrack and escape through the west city gate and into the forest.

When the girls noticed the sound of horses behind them they ran faster. Hidden behind a tree Sinna took off her cloak and gave it to Meryl. "Remember the old redwood we played around as kids? Take that path straight there and hide under the hollow root. I'll take the long way round, and meet you there. Listen to me Meryl, even if you don't see me in an hour, you have to stay there and be quiet till morning. Understand? Keep running and don't look back." Sinna whispered as she pushed Meryl toward the overgrown path. Thankfully Meryl obeyed and ran into the trees out of sight. Sinna took a deep breath and ripped off the tangled fabric train. Then she bolted in the opposite direction just as a scary Drakkan on horseback came into view. Unfortunately even though she had always been the fastest of her friends, the chase didn't last more then three minutes. The reaper caught up quickly and scooped her up taking her back into the city and placing her in a cage with the other new brides.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Olenna has a small round face. Her skin is pretty and pale. Her eyes are a cool gray, that sometimes appear more blue in sunlight. Her long black hair is silky and soft.





Olenna grew up in a tiny village in the west. She lived with her parents, three brothers, and grandparents on the family farm. Her father married her mother out of obligation, after she got pregnant by him when she was sixteen. She was never the housewife type, and it became more apparent as the years past. Her father left to find work in Aldentine since the farm was failing. Olenna was only two years old at the time, and her mother was pregnant. Her older brother Jonas was only six, but he took over the role of parent to little Olenna. Five months later her mother gave birth to the twins, Arren and Theon. Then once she was well enough she started spending most of her time at the tavern, and spending what little money they had on fineries for herself. The small bits of money their father was able to send home from working in the southern mines was also spent.

Two years later her father came home. He had been badly wounded when the mine he worked caved in. It was a miracle he survived the amputation and consequent infection. The once cheerful and hardworking man, came home broken, missing an arm, and with a mind full of nightmares. Olenna was a free little spirit, full of energy and no fear. With hardly any supervision, she spent most of her early childhood wondering around the fields, chasing butterflies, and climbing trees. On nights when her father would wake screaming from his nightmares, Olenna and her brother Theon would take their blankets and sneak into Jonas’s bed. When her father was not consumed with his nightmares and hallucinations he was typically drinking to numb himself and take away the depression.

About a year later taxes grew too much to bare, and they had to sell most of the farm land, all three horses, and the pigs in order to keep the family from going hungry. What was left of the farm quickly fell into disrepair as eight year old Jonas just couldn’t do it all himself. Food was scares, but somehow her father found money to drink, and her mother had coin to buy herself silk stockings, and exotic perfume from Andula city. Her parents never loved each other, and the loss of income didn’t help the unhappy marriage. All her mother would do was berate, and nag at her father. Calling him things like lazy, drunkard, cripple, stupid, and worthless. While he just sat there jaw clenched with shame in his eyes.

Olenna was nine years old when she caught her mother in the barn with another man. Naive to the ways of the world, she thought the man was attacking her mom. So she beat the man off with a broom. The man ran off, and her mother slapped Olenna in the face for ruining her fun. She told her not to say anything to anyone about what she saw. Her mother then started ranting about how she wished her cripple of a husband would have died in the mine, and that she had never had any ungrateful children. Olenna didn’t stay to hear the rest. She ran off cradling her stinging cheek, and holding back tears. This was the first time she had ever witnessed or had violence done to her. She got it in her mind to runaway, and even got halfway to the mountains before she came back home exhausted and hungry. She told Jonas what happened, and the kids never spoke of it again.

Young Jonas got arrested for smuggling about a year later. He was sentenced to three months hard labor. With him gone, ten year old Olenna quickly became more responsible, helping her father around the farm, and making sure the twins didn’t get into trouble. Theon got a job working at the stables in the village, and what he earned was carefully hidden away from their parents. The siblings were counting the days until Jonas came home. Olenna even had a tally on the wall next to her bed, and every night before bed she would draw a line in chalk.

Olenna was thirteen when her grandparents came to live with them. They were lovely and for the first time in practically forever the siblings had people looking out for them. Jonas got married to the butcher’s daughter two years later. It was the first time she had seen her big brother so happy, as he said his vows, and finally did something for himself. For Olenna the idea of leaving her parents behind was appealing, but she didn't want to leave her little brothers or the farm she loved so much. Her mother had a miscarriage later in the year, which resulted in her being unable to conceive ever again. Father knew the baby couldn't be his, as they hadn't slept together in three years. Yet somehow after she lost the baby, they seemed to reconcile. Her mother, the once selfish spoiled young girl, was now a tired woman with old eyes. Right around Olenna's fifteenth birthday, Jonas and his wife had their son Rowan.

Arren, Theon, and grandfather Corrick fixed the crumbling cottage at the end of the farm field, so Jonas could move in with his little family. Their father got off the booze for the most part, and did his best to run the farm with Jonas, and grandfather Corrick. She was eighteen when Arren left the village to find something better then farming. Theon fell in love with a girl named Coralee who was just passing through, but stayed to be with him. Seeing her brothers succeed in life, and find love made her want to do the same. The unfortunate thing was every boy in the village knew Olenna was most likely to be reaped if she was found, and nobody wanted to risk their hearts on a girl who was destined to be stolen away.

The reaping happened quickly. The same Drakkan reapers that plundered through their tiny village every year came through again, and plucked Olenna up. Coralee was also taken, and Theon had to be held back by his brothers as he protested.

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Olenna is extremely afraid of being stuck in small confined spaces. She has been claustrophobic ever since she was four years old, when during a game of hide and seek she accidentally got locked in a chest, and no one found her for hours. She doesn't know why she gets so scared, but as soon as shes in a small tight place she panics and can't breathe.

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