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<Snipped quote by Artifact>

I’m just glad to be back in society of any kind.

I'm sure. Get some rest, I'll see you early tomorrow. If you're hungry, Fairy Yellow will make you food.
*Descends the staircase*
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

*Steps inside and turns to face you*
This where we part ways for now?

Ah, you’re back. I hope you enjoyed the city.

<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

I think so. If you need me, I’ll be around.

That doesn’t work on you at all.
<Snipped quote by Artifact>

Sounds good to me. Thank you again, Lady Blue.

*Smiles again at the name*
Until next time.
*Makes my way up the spiral staircase*
<Snipped quote by Artifact>

Small price to pay. Not a problem.

Great. Fairy Yellow can show you to your room and give you a tour of the castle.
<Snipped quote by Artifact>

The positivity in itself is super reassuring at least.

Try to also avoid eating or drinking for at least a day before we take samples, for the same reason.
<Snipped quote by Artifact>

Come again?

That’s going to distract it. But it’s fine, we’ll work around it, and I like a new challenge.
*Brushes my hair behind my ear*
Who knows, maybe I’ll learn something new.
<Snipped quote by Artifact>

My hair… And for good measure, I suppose it’s worth mentioning I apparently had some sort of dormant power that was forcibly awakened while I was being used, but I haven’t been able to do anything superhuman of my own accord since I’ve been me again. And I have very foggy memories of it even being true, like a dream or something.

*The right-half of my lips betray a grimace*
<Snipped quote by Artifact>

I’d have taken a memento if I were given the opportunity, believe me.

Is there anything about you that’s changed drastically since you were home? It’ll throw off the readings if we don’t know about it.
<Snipped quote by Artifact>

Not really. More concerned at the prospect of like, major surgical procedures or something. Needles are nothing.

They’re just blood samples, you’ll be fine. It’d be better if you had something from your home though, like a stuffed doll.
<Snipped quote by Artifact>

Well let me know when you want to get started I guess. Hopefully none of those “samples” you need hurt or anything.

<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

And you seem real good at it, don’t worry.

Are you afraid of needles?
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