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Still in denial about Berserk. Also RL made me busy.
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If there is anyone out there... could you please tweak the RNG of the world?


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And coffee.

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Darla Drake


"Please, my knights! Deliver us ladies from this vexing injustice!" Darla beseeched."Deal with this blackguard who makes light of a lady's chastity and objectifies women!"

The horseplay continued as she quickly switched from a pleading stance to one than involved looking at her expensive manicure, while the subhuman who had such a lapse of judgement big enough to make himself an annoyance before her continued to yap. Her head tilted seeing the images taken. They would prove his innocence? Yeah right. What about lawsuits about improper filming and use of her own image without paying royalties? An army of vampir...err, lawyers would milk this perp dry. She concluded.

But no, she had to bring attention upon Reverio, the bad loser this kid was. That made Darla narrow her eyes. One thing was to fight one own battles...but he had the gall to bring her *cousin* into this. And then get away before she could order her servants to make an Ukelele out of his incipient facial hair.

Well, she had registered his name. "So be it. Your *senpai* has noticed you, perp. And it's not the good kind of attention." She muttered under her breath as she wiped her golden hair out of her face in exasperation.

Oh, there was the mutt now. Excellent. As if the morning could not get more annoying.

"It's not that kind of dog." She said. "It's a wild wolf. As he had said. The kind that makes good trophies and is fun to shoot at." Darla replied, a smirk in her face. However there was no warmth behind it, as she sized Kurogane up and down. The smile of the predator known as man, apex of all predators. "And with the same kind of social graces at a table"

Shooting this idiot won't help my time with Reverio.

She sighed as she rummaged on her possessions, producing a couple of black credit cards. One for Alrune, and one for Lambda. "Moving on. I did offer two million. Here's one for each of my knights. In Rhean currency. Tax free. A Drake always pays her debts. She frowned, as she cracked her knuckles and began typing on her phone.

"Jet, engage Rescue Mode on Reverio. Obstacles are to be eliminated." She instructed to the heavyset maid, who began running with thundering steps towards the last location of Reverio, with the same speed and momentum of a freight train. There was a loud gasp among students and staff as the gynoid immediatedly was set on the warpath towards the restricted zone.

Darla then typed something else.

"Pearl, hack into the Library systems, and cause major havok. I want also to send a message to Reverio."

The smaller construct nodded thoughtfully, and was beset as if by a trance. "My lady, I have found illicitly uploaded material updated into the library's systems about yourself."

Darla tilted her head. "Then scrub it clean!" She said in a measured tone, with an undercurrent of annoyance.

The robot maid nodded, as the entire Library exploded into a chaos of malfunctioning fire alarms and fire sprayers. Automated robots began spinning wildly, and even the media projectors began to project Magical Girl Descartes at full volume.

"I'm gonna get an earful for this, but I don't care." Darla said to herself.

Meanwhile, while Reverio was being hurried up, a large holographic display materialized in front of Reverio, typing a message. "I'll keep causing havok, so buy me flowers ;)" This was the herald of powerful blasts and the sound of running heavy footsteps as a large gynoid plowed through everything to reach Reverio's position.

It was Jet.

"Come with me if you want to live." The construct said.

The cowgirl beamed at Suzakura, bouncing slightly at the mention of Kiburi. "Lord Kiburi always treats me to sweets! Let's go, Suzakura!" She said, giggling as she latched onto the bully's arms, before blowing a last raspberry at the haunted building. That haunted building was a meanie!

And then a lightning blast the size of SUV sent her careening against a lamppost in the road, instantly taking her out, and leaving a certain aroma of smoked beef and burnt clothes.

"What did you do?" It was an eerily quiet voice on the street, belonging to a girl(?) who couldn't have weighed more than a wet chihuahua. She was standing there, her back arched and shoulders hunched, with a prospective of violence. The pink dyed hair gave them away. As well as the psychotic and liberal use of such heavy firepower. "Parker is gone out of the city. For training. My favorite toy gone. I demand...answers." Celestine said, clenching her teeth. They were not in a good mood. Usually they were far too whimsical, but first the flop at the library and the subsequent disappearance of Parker had brought them in a very foul mood.

"Oh. Unconscious. Well I guess that's all I can ask for a mountain of useless flab." They admitted casually, before their eyes met Suzakura. They gritted their teeth."B-flick prop. I will ask nicely only once. During the tournament, what.Did.She.Do?" They breathed deep, as the diamond spell component from the lightning crumbled to dust.
Darla Drake


Darla watched as the situation unfolded on its own. The scream and the enticement had drawn a crowd to her spot, it seemed. The creepy teenager whom she had labelled a pervert was making half assed excuses. Then a hero arrived. Or a would be hero. Of course the other guy played some cheesy lines, trying to make it so it was a play. Everyone believed him, despite obviously making such outrageous statements like two million gold bars? What were you, trying to collapse the city's streets with such weight?

Darla looked increasingly livid and aghast, perhaps disgusted.

Sheep, that's what they were, sheep.

Darla's expression of sheer disgust and cringe were patent on a scoff. "Oh you did terrific. You drew in this fella, who is a gallant knight, of which few do exist...just to be laughed at. Well...I am not laughing. You are worse than a creep. You are a deluded idiot, who thinks and breathes in an alternate reality." Darla added, her fist tightening before putting a shoulder on Al's quivering form, whispering a thank you formula in her native Vauquelin. "Merci, mon chevalier en armure rutilante."

Well, another one had come to her rescue. "Merci, messieur Lambda. Both of your efforts shall not go unrewarded."

"You...think yourself as a slick one. Disguising your stalking as a script, saying the lines are crap. Oh..aah...and you get laughs and applauses. Good for you. Well I'm not the one who...stalked a dozen of girls all the way up to me on his way in. And this no longer makes me fearful. It makes me...livid." Darla said, her eyes pointing at the assorted females that had been bothered by Mav's antics.

"Yeah! He's a creep!"

"He kept staring at my breasts too!" said another voice.

"And you...who laughed and applauded, are all accomplices." Darla said, before putting both of her hands on Al and Lambda. "Only these two, of all students and staffers, did believe me. Whatever happened to helping people? Is this a circus or a library? Why would anyone do a play here! Think, people, think! Are you even qualified to be here if you fail at such basic common sense?" Darla's words were potent, as even now a staffer grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Oh, and what were you doing, oh so competent staff? Don't touch me! Seize that one, he's using his gift inside the library!" She added, as a couple of figures interposed between the converging staff and golems, and Darla herself. Her robot maids.

Reverio needs more time. Darla thought to herself.Aaargh, do I have to do it by myself? Dance before these subhumans? Fine! It's worth a date with Reverio dearest.

She clasped her hands, as her face became pleading and radiant. This time... she was really trying, putting her courtly manners to use.

"Please, my knights! Deliver us ladies from this vexing injustice!" Darla beseeched."Deal with this blackguard who makes light of a lady's chastity and objectifies women!"
Darla Drake


Darla raised an eyebrow upon seeing the supernatural prowess of a certain individual who seemed to be powerwalking at an astounding speed, all while laughing out loud. Maybe it was a mating call? Or a territory marking? Anyway, it seemed to be the individual she had given a fashion advice. She had never expected him to be so gross and wrong.

More cherished memories were made, as she witnessed the ever elusive cousin of hers actually showing up for once. And not only that, he was taking the initiative to ask her out! Actually no, it was just a favour. Well, she was her senior and her elder cousin, so why should he honor his honest plea.

"Dinner and sleepover. My penthouse. No dress code needed." Darla offered a complicit wink as she smiled back at Reverio. Finally, he would be one closer to be hers and hers alone... now she just needed her genious intellect to triumph the task her baby cousin had set upon her.

It was then when she realized the crude creature that had scampered away like a centipede with light aversion was now crawling towards her, a black speech coming from his pubescent mouth. He was a student? Maybe. Of the prestigious school of Clausewitz. Ahh yes, the boys and girls, playing knights, thinking they were the best of the best, only to be indoctrinated in stick-up-the ass drones, ready made consumer goods for the wealthy elites like her.

This one seemed to be a little lacking. And he kept staring at her breasts like the half baked ape he was.

She was almost, -almost- tempted to execute the removal protocol on this sort of proto-human, but she decided against it. She beamed her best of smiles.

Reverio could recognize it. It was the smile of a shark that had smelled blood in the water. Darla gestured for Reverio to get moving, as she cleared her throat. "ahem." She said, before unbuttoning a couple of buttons of her shirt.

She yelled at the top of her lungs, catching attention on all the library staff and students alight.

"Somebody! Help! I will give two Million to the person who rescues me!" She added, sweetening the pot and stirring the nest as she pointed at Mav, her hands trembling with fake fear.

The fitting incident to get a new brassiere had been smoother than ever. Mina recalled there had been only someone with minor wounds this time. It was a difficult thing to get clothes that suit her ample figure. Well fed, well dressed. Her head didn't feel funny any longer, so she had given to her last need. Suzakura. She needed her king, because he was his dairy queen.

"HEEEEY SUZAKURA" She called at the distracted bully as she saw him past a spooky building.
Darla Drake

"Mmm, far too long. This is not Okay, cousin. Really not okay." Darla, sighed, before folding her hands in front of her mouth, fuming ever so slightly. People were usually stupidly infurating sheep who could only bleat most of the time, but they had to be specially grating this time. Apparently, there was a small trickle of students who were in her way besides Reverio.

It had been such a decent scene she had played in her mind. Her cousin seating with her, complimenting her good looks. Asking for a favour, Darla opening her hand and endearing herself to him.

But no, there had to be a stupid dog-wolf-boy-drooling thing making an ass out of himself in the library. The problem was not his looks, he probably was so subpar Darla would not even cast a glance at him even if he were naked. The problem were the "oohs" and "ahhs" from the cadre of morons who had come to the library to see if they could reach enlightment by osmosis.

Or just get laid. Mainly get laid.

She lifted herself from her seat, indicating her other robot maid, Pearl, lightweight and petite, to follow her for the entrance, as she took confident steps with the swagger only the beautiful elite could pull. On her way she passed some sort of punk sci fi cosplayer, which made her raise an eyebrow and shake her head.

"Cutting edge tech. Zero fashion sense. Gross." She said as she passed Maverick. "Things have to have both suitable form and function." She casually reminded the youth, asserting her dominance as Alpha female.

She also saw one of the first year herbivores. Lamb, or something. She would have presented herself as her senior and watch him squirm and chafe under her judgemental stare, but she guessed the librarians would take over for her. That's what they were paid for.

Of course there was the fucking dog. Some Kiburi scum. He probably thought books were for eating. She pondered how such a creature would come to existence. Would the bitch be the mother or the father? That sort of stuff. It did matter not. She just grabbed some tinfoil wrap, with her hands blessed by the god of the Forge, and began to twist and transform the chewing gum wrapping into a makeshift dog whistle.

FUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT She blew air into it, confidently that most students would not even register the sound, but the dog-man-thing from Kiburi would feel as if someone was playing Death Metal on his ears. She just coyly smirked, discarding the wrapping, as she made good headway into the door.

"Oh, there you are Reverio. Can't you believe...how crowded the library is these days? I had thought you would have entered already... but I guessed wrong. So...did you need help with something? You can ask me...anything." Darla offered her best pearly smile.

Darla Drake

"Hey gorgeous." It was Grant Handsome's day. There she was, a real preppy beauty, sporting the St Laurel's crest on her shirt that contained a generous bust. A third year, she seemed to be. The Grand Library was an Oasis of repose for the youths of Rhea. Where one could sate their thirst for knowledge. Unfortunately, this also means people with other kind of thirsts approached these feeding grounds. And wherever water sources were, there were predators.

Grant offered the best side of his manly chin and his pearly white teeth, but the damn broad didn't blink for a second. She just kept fixated on the book.

"I said...Hey gorgeous." The jock was getting impatient. This time there was a reaction. A single finger raised, as the beauty smiled back, her radiant visage and aquamarine eyes sparkling.

"Jet. Initiate evacuation procedure." She said. An incomprehensible blabber. "I can't understand the theory behind BAK Reactors with this...noise."

"Wait-what?" Grant Handsome said.


Outside the library, Reverio was treated to a most unusual sight. A large, and stocky gynoid was hurling a blonde jock outside the front door so hard and fast, the poor teen flew some good ten meters, before landing inside a dumpster with pinpoint accuracy. The robot whirred menancingly, her head tilted to Reverio...

And offered him a curtsy. "Welcome, master Reverio. Mistress Darla is in the library."

@Scarifar@Letter Bee@Dezuel@KillamriX88

Mina blinked at the sudden turn of events. Her baby could talk now! She was so proud. Wait, her baby was Mike, of course he would be able to talk. She looked at the flailing Michael with a weird expression. "No. You're baby." She would say, unable to see the flaws in her argument. "You'll be safe here until you've got to fight. I promised the Pink Lady! That I would take care of you." Her eyes then darted towards the basket of apples present before her eyes, her mouth watering. It was then when she made a realization.

"Does Mikey want apple? I bet he does!" She cheered, grabbing an apple from the basket of apples. She was concerned about the gift the apple lady was giving to Michael. It kinda looked pointy, so she confiscated the Mithril brush. "Uh, I appreciate the sentiment but this thing is pointy! I will give it back when he grows up, okay?"

Celestine did a double take at the apparent knightly dive of Wolf, folding their arms as they waited for the student to fish out the spider senior. "Oh, so you are leaving me for her? Hmm I see. Can't blame you. She is cute, if you are into half-charred spider chicks." Celestine would add. "And she probably won't say no to you right now. No clothes either" They giggled impishly. "Scoop up fat hairy butt. I guess we are doing this and following my dear friend Aly." Celestine added as she hovered down to Wolf, and pronounciating a spell, enchanted the tree bodies with levitation.

"Well, I gave you flight. Let us go, then?" Celestine said, without mediating a word more and chased after Aly's trail. They could mention Kiwi could be healed with their powers, but they did not want to.

Finding Alyona on the trail of a bunch of goop minions, they would then join them facing the roof rat. "Morning delivery. Are you the key master?"

Mina looked at both Suzakura and Vera talking. Okay, using the Milk Thief's head as puppet she wasn't fooling her and was quite mean, but she accepted it because it was a bit hilarious and it was his King. However, what he said following that made the cow blessed sulk a little, her ears becoming slightly downcast. Manager? She hated managers. Her dad tried to become her manager to order her around and tell her whom she would give her Miracle Milk. She hated her dad. "I hate managers..." She pouted slightly.

However, the Pink Lady surprised her. "Moo?" She said in slight surprise. She had never been called smart frequently. Not even Suzakura did that to praise her. "Dummy", "Stupid", "R*tard", "Fat Idiot", "Beef for brains." All of those things. Her eyes beamed somewhat, as she pleaded herself she would put 110% of her brainpower to hear Vera's plea. She looked at her boyfriend. The pitiful milk thief. He was scrawny, and helpless. Maybe she had been too hard on him. Maybe he needed her Miracle Milk more than anything. She could understand his thinking now. He was trying to act tough, like all boys did. To win her girl a dinner or something. But he was tired, and his luck would run out.

Just like a toddler.

Her eyes then rested on Michael, then on Suzakura, then on Vera. "Mooo... Maternity leave!" She beamed as she began to search for a cloth to drape Michael with. "I'm sorry Suzakura. I guess I think I'll have to leave the tournament. Mikey is my baby now! He needs me!" She beamed as she began to craft a blatantly oversized baby carrier with some random cloth she found. Yes, she would protect him! Smart move, Mina!

"I'm too sore to craft a lot of milk." She would add. "So, if you want some, Suzakura, you'd best win the tournament for me, kay?" She would add as she tied the unconscious Michael to her torso and chest. To him, she would bestow her first serving of her remaining milk, hopefully restoring the Painter to top shape, while keeping a bottle apart.

Once she was set and with Michael fixated to her, she ventured out to reach Vera. "Heeeey, Pink Lady! Don't worry about your boyfriend! He's my baby now! I'll keep him safe and give him my miracle potion! Oh yeah, I'm taking maternity leave, so Suzakura will take over for me!" She would beam, before handing her a flask of her potion.

It was still oddly lukewarm.

Her outburst was by no means unnoticed, but a certain person who had hit the bar cursed under his breath. "Well...shit." Parker would say inbetween his teeth. Right next to him there was a scrawny teenager with braces and acne, a bucket right next to him with glowsticks.

"Gosh I wish that was me." The youth said next to Parker, while sipping a root beer.

"Pisslord, that's not helping." Parker would grumble. Maybe he'd need to help that umpleasant pink woman. She had some bad reputation in the streets.
@KillamriX88@Dezuel@Letter Bee@Scarifar

Mina was panting heavily still after the ordeal, as she got up from the prone Michael. She rubbed the bruised area with a downcast expression as she cast a last shot of disgust to the glasses wearing guy. She was specially sore and in a foul mood.

Out of nowhere came an apple. It smelt amazing. Pity that didn't last more than three bites. She couldn't be angry anymore as her face turned to bliss for a second. Then a frown.

"Why is it Chinami all these days... you hardly sing about me anymore." Mina said, slightly sulky. Well Chinami was a nice girl, so she wasn't as mad. It was complicated and thinking hurt a little.

And then another woman dared to touch her boyfriend. She felt vexed but the lady's words made a little of sense. Well they were complicated so Mina did her best to interpret them. And then it clicked.

"Oh you are a nice lady too." She said to Vera. "You are worried about your boyfriend the milk thief." She strained her face, thinking at her fullest."Oh, I get it. He needed restorative right? It should be okay, then." Out of nowhere a steely grip grabbed Vera's arm, while the bovine lady scooped Michael out of the ground with her other hand.

"We will go somewhere private, kay? You can watch. But don't think of telling, ok? I will give you some restorative like your boyfriend." She was offering her best smile there.

"I will be back, Suzakura! And you too apple teach!" She said while attempting to drag both of those away.
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