Avatar of BespeckledCeph
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    1. BespeckledCeph 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I squat with fellow Gopniks. I slurp vodka. I eat semechki. I dance to hardbass. Life. Is. Good.
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Glad to see that you seem to be sticking around! It's always nice to get new people.

I'm glad I could be part of the role play, i'm glad that I've finally drawn interest to something that won't die in a month
Hmmm maybe, if you want to then sure, go right ahead
At the same time!
It's just that I had never seen the name "Kieth" before.

Yeah the name was from a book called The Chemist, I liked the name of one of the characters and I though that it fit the character.
i agree we are such cool kids
anyway, if Legend/Host/Fractured doesn't come on super soon I might send Soren sort-of over there to interact with Kieth
also how is that pronounced is it like "Keeyeth" or the English "Keith"

Oh that's nice, and it is pronounced as English Keith, I didn't really know there was another way to pronounce it really.
i pride myself in mind-blowing ability
If you'd like. You won't need an alt for every single character—we just add them when we happen to need more than the number we have, or if we want to set up an account for a specific category of character.

I'm less doing it because I need to and more because i'm using this account for other rp's and don't want people to be confused if I start changing stuff as well as some boredom and everything will look nicer and more consistent

Also so i can be with the cul kidz
We readily support the creation of alts with relevant titles and avatars because it helps us distinguish. I have six accounts for ~15 characters, so I'll switch the titles and avatars of the alts for the character I want. If it helps, I own whizzball1, Balance, Mammalia, Disdain, Efficacy, and Realmatic. which explains why I'm responding to you from a different account

EDIT: I won't be able to tell you the accounts of the others; they'll have to let you know. You get used to it over time.

I honestly can't say my mind has ever been blown harder than it just has been
Thank you for the information, I guess I link an alt to my character and make a few more to get some other characters.
yeah that's a millennium problem
several thousand dollars to whoever solves it

more helpfully, for us who have multiple characters, we just go ahead and start another thing while we wait
right now I'm waiting for Darlit Glitch
also helpfully, you're waiting for someone who technically is online; Fractured and Host who were just online are accounts of the user who plays Hestia, so you basically just time-skip a little or not time-skip at all

Hold up, they're the same person? That makes things easier, but now I want to know which accounts are attached to each other just in case. Also, ok that makes a lot more sense now, so wait until they're online and then continue where they left off. Also if I wanted to create another character, would I have to create an alternate account to go with that alternate character, because if so, then I might as well create an alt for this character while i'm at it.

Edit: Also sidenote, are people's profile pictures their character pictures as well?
Ok, now i've just realized a problem, once i'm gone and the story has progressed without me, how do we get back into the said story, especially when the people who I was making my own plot line with are offline?
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