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Hidden 11 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DarkwolfX37
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DarkwolfX37 Absolute L User

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Jan. 1, 2014.

Current: Dec. 25, 2019
Myriad Reality

Boundless Ideas | Infinite Worlds

Hello there! If you're reading this, you might be curious as to what this unique and fast-paced roleplay actually is. The following will provide all the necessary information, including details that will indicate whether or not Myriad Reality is for you.

What is Myriad Reality, Anyway?

Myriad Reality is a multiverse RP. You may have seen those scattered around this site in many different forms. We allow both OCs (the majority of the characters) and established characters from other fictional settings (all of which exist in at least one universe). But instead of throwing them all into one single world, Myriad Reality has a massive scale. We do our best to make full use of the near-infinite world we have at our fingertips.

Arguably one of the most prominent examples of Myriad Reality’s scale is our casual treatment of extremely powerful characters. On the high end, character strength exceed the destruction galaxies. But at the same time, several characters would fare poorly in an ordinary fist fight. The diverse interactions in Myriad Reality are the defining feature that sets it apart from other roleplays and are the source of our unique writing style.

Okay, How Does it Work?

In a sense, Myriad Reality is a simulation of the collection of all multiverses. Our members don't follow a predetermined plot with rigorous parameters. Instead, we all get to create our own stories and expect that our sagas will continually subvert our expectations. Here, the characters define the direction of their lives and many of them don’t act like you might want them to (even including your own). In Myriad Reality, adaptation is the key to success.

Because of this, we've developed a strong sense of community and involvement in Myriad Reality. Because the story isn't predetermined, we can't be sure that everything will work out as we intended; rather the saga directions rely entirely on the characters. We trust each other to collaboratively progress the story and find a realistic way to resolve various conflicts.

Sounds Great! Anything Else I Need to Know?

There are a few details that will help jumpstart your entrance to Myriad Reality. First off is adaptability: we've already mentioned it a couple of times—flexibility allows us all to enjoy our interlacing stories as they head in unexpected directions.
Secondly, we do enforce basic grammatical standards. A firm grasp of the English language is necessary.
Thirdly, posts in Myriad Reality are directed by a unique first-person limited style. While all speech is written from the perspective of the speaking character, we enhance immersion by describing action with only what the five common senses can perceive. If you want to convey a particular detail, present it in a way that other characters can see, as if a camera were recording their interactions. We consider characterization and interaction key components of Myriad Reality’s charm, providing us with a depth of interpersonal relationships to explore that can’t be found in other roleplays.

Rules, Guidelines, Entry, and Extra Info

Besides the aforementioned requirements, there are some basic rules and guidelines
  • We have no limit on maturity of content, including plot darkness, violence, life issues, etc. However, explicit intimate content is prohibited IC.
  • Relationships between characters are allowed and encouraged. IC relationships are MxF.
  • Be respectful of other RPers and their characters. OP does not equal godmoding, so don't force the direction of the plot—what you envisioned and what actually takes place will diverge. Have characters respond as they would given the circumstances.

Now, a guideline or two:

  • We have a special posting style that we believe best enables immersion. Any direct text is assumed to be speech. Actions are written in first person, inside action symbols—that is, asterisks. If you're using multiple characters at once, you can use "NAME: " (without the quotes) to refer to a character you're switching to. "-" (without the quotes) also denotes that the original character, the character that the account is currently associated with, is speaking. Here's an example:

Hi there!
Jack: *Waves back*
How are you?
-Doing great, thanks!
Black Knight: If only we all were that lucky.
  • Typically, we prefer to align our account’s avatar/title with the current speaking character. While not a hard-and-fast rule, this is greatly appreciated and makes it much easier to distinguish between characters.

Character Creation

There are several things to note when it comes to creating a character:.
  • You don’t need to explain to us their personality or detailed background. Almost all information transfer will take place IC; as long as you have their details organized and consistent, we can learn the rest over time.
  • That said, be creative! Although all works of fiction are represented in Existence and you're free to take ideas or even characters from them, the possibilities for original creations are practically endless.
  • Your character can be strong! The power scale ranges from humans with advanced technology to beings capable of destroying entire dimensions. Most fall somewhere in the middle; pick something that makes sense and works for you.
  • Even still, power isn’t everything. A weak character with clever uses of a unique ability can easily become stronger than someone who relies on brute force to defeat those around them.
  • It may be difficult to immediately be able to defeat strong, established powerful characters one-on-one. Get a feel for the general scale before introducing your villain that you want everyone to fear.
  • Feel free to ask for help! We all want to work together to have a great time and we’re more than glad to do anything we can to help you succeed.
  • Design your character sheet however you like. At minimum, include their name, appearance, and description of their abilities in the OOC tab; anything beyond that is discretionary. Once your character is approved, you can immediately begin posting in the IC. After you become an approved member, character sheets are no longer required.

Entering the IC

So you've gotten your character approved and you're ready to jump in. What’s the first step? While they’re not adventuring, the primary headquarters for most of the characters is located toward the top of a mountain on a barren, uninhabited planet, none of which provide any reasonable amount of safety. If you intend to add your character to the main set of heroes, we can work with you to get them to HQ.

Keep in mind that most residents of Existence are unaware that there's a near-infinite multiverse around them. This does not count out the dimensions that are multiverses in and of themselves (think: Marvel or DC), but as a whole, travel throughout Existence is only known to a handful of dimensions.

Above all things, remember that this is a reality. Consider yourself a viewer instead of a writer; you are simply observing the world that you have had placed in front of you. The allure of of MR exists is because it is a world outside of ours, a world of adventures that are actually taking place far from us.

And that's it! Equipped with this information, you're all set to start the introduction process. We look forward to seeing you in Myriad Reality.
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Hidden 11 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Jackal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Everything that shines is gold.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Jackal

Member Seen 1 day ago

alright. thank you. i will begin posting soon. also, i would like to create a new character. possibly an alicorn?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 15 min ago

Sure. But nobody else is here yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Jackal

Member Seen 1 day ago

yeah, i noticed... i wonder when they will get back,....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 15 min ago

When avatars can be uploaded again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vampire Chick 2

Vampire Chick 2

Member Offline since relaunch

hey guys.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Jackal

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vampire Chick 2

Vampire Chick 2

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pm me back SE?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Jackal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by souleaterfan320
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souleaterfan320 Jackal

Member Seen 1 day ago

what is the death clock thing for exactly?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vampire Chick 2

Vampire Chick 2

Member Offline since relaunch

ive been wondering about that as well
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Legend
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Legend Stella

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Classified to all of us.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by whizzball1
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whizzball1 Spirit

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Only Dark knows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RuffledMane
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RuffledMane Pinkamina Stream / (Pinkamina Dianne Pie)

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Finally back. Got my laptop and lots of ram, so let's do this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by whizzball1
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whizzball1 Spirit

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

RuffledMane said
Finally back. Got my laptop and lots of ram, so let's do this.

Nice. I thought you weren't coming back because of how much power we had...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RuffledMane
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RuffledMane Pinkamina Stream / (Pinkamina Dianne Pie)

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

whizzball1 said
Nice. I thought you weren't coming back because of how much power we had...?

Me too. But here I am.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 15 min ago



Not obeying physics of the show is not breaking the fourth wall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 15 min ago



THIRD WALL: Usually referred to as the "fourth wall," depending upon how a stagebuilder numbers the sides of the stage, the third or fourth wall is an imaginary barrier that separates the events on stage from the audience. The idea is that the stage background is constructed with a cutaway view of the house, so that the people sitting on the audience can look through this invisible "fourth wall" and look directly into the events inside. Such stages preclude theater-in-the-round and they require a modified apron stage with an expensive reproduction of an entire house or building, often complete with stairs, wallpaper, furniture, and other bits to add verisimilitude. This type of stage became increasingly common within the last two centuries, but the money involved in constructing such stages often precludes their use in drama, leaving arena stages most popular for the architectural design of the stage.
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