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Then to Berto, Noel responded, "If you mean Huo Ren, well, he's a very powerful Arms Master who is also a perverted asshole. He lusts for two people in this Task Force; one is Nico Makri - He's the slightly older youth with the grey hair - and the other is me. And he wants to provoke us into getting ourselves captured by him so he can have our way with us."

Berto blinked; that wasn't the direction he expected this to go at all.

"Well, L.T., I didn't, but you saying it that way makes me think I shoulda brought a longer shit list to keep track of all the criminals and degenerates the Chinese are throwing at us. I meant the Russki fella, Julie whats-his-nuts. Ol' Uncle Dong-Dong knew what he was doing when he dropped that steaming pile of crap in our lunchbox."

Berto straightened himself up a bit. "Respectfully, L.T., this is a Rule .303 situation. It's beyond our remit, but we've got the means, motive, and the opportunity to pull these thorns out of High Command's paw, so it's our duty to do it. We just have to make sure that it's China with egg on their faces at the end."
Berto, of course, had no clue who these men were-- but it only took one glance at his young comrades for him to understand the nature of the situation."Cristina, is it? The Chinese sent that man here for one reason. Well, two reasons; one, to rattle our people at the negotiating table, and two, to provoke us into firing the first shot. Our primary objective hasn't changed. We still have to make sure nobody fires the first shot."

He tried to catch Cristina, and Callie, and Koichi's attention."But now we've got a secondary objective. We've gotta find something soft on their side, as close to this 'Avatar' is possible, and we've gotta stick something in it and break it off. The bean counters and the pretty little liars are gonna thank us for it, because if the Chinese are slapping us in the face out here-- fishing for an incident-- then you can bet they're trying to screw us a lot worse in there."

"So what do we know about this asshat that the PRC wishes we didn't?"
"So, Chief..." Berto's deferential tone belied his casual words, "what's our role in this? Site security? Maybe I'm just the FNG talking, but this doesn't seem like a 'site security' kinda crew. I mean, we can have a look, shore up any holes... but is that actually what you want us doing?"

Name: Robert "Berto" Williams

Age: In his fifties, approximately.

Nationality: American.

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Archie's Lever; appears as a variety of old, battered hand tools, but its "natural" form is a weathered and pitted iron prybar.

Noble Arm Rank: D
Power: E (S)
Speed: E (S)
Range: F (S)
Persistence: B (S)
Precision: D (S)
Potential: D

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee/Ranged, close-to-mid range, depending on form. Archie's Lever is serviceable as a weapon, but its real power lies in its use as a near-universal multitool.

Noble Arm Abilities:

Multi-Tool: Berto can use Archie's Lever as pretty much any small hand tool whose form and function he understands.

Field Surgery: When Archie's Lever is used to provide first aid, it can temporarily allow a wounded character to function with the injured body parts and allow total (or near-total) healing within 24 hours. The extent of the long-term recovery depends on how effectively Berto can dress the wound.

Kintsugi: Any physical object that Berto repairs with Archie's Lever-- including people and animals he offers first aid-- is more resilient than it was before it was damage. This effect is only temporary when applied to living beings.

Misc Abilities: Berto has picked up a lot of odd skills from his years on the fringes of society. Notably, he possesses a solid, if unpolished, grasp of the Occult Programming Language.

Personality: There's something a little unnerving, perhaps a little unnatural, about Berto's easygoing demeanor; his kindness and patience are seemingly endless, but anyone who spends time with him gets the impression that he's constantly doing everything in his power to keep from screaming. Berto loves using the powers of Archie's Lever to help people in little ways even more than trying to change the world.

*Likes: Solving problems, wandering in the city, homecooked meals.

*Dislikes: Authority, cruelty, senseless destruction.

Bio: Robert-- probably not his real name-- was enrolled by his parents in an illegal Spartan Training Program in his early teens. The program was particularly brutal, but more effective than most; nevertheless, Robert was an abject failure and by the time the program was shut down, his psyche was believed to be irreparably broken. With his parents in prison, Robert was made a ward of the state until he was eighteen years old, and spent the next couple of decades bouncing in and out of homeless shelters, jails, and hospitals.

A few years ago, Robert discovered Archie's Lever while in "therapeutic isolation". Unconsciously and unintentionally, he used it to fix his mind, a feat that appears to be beyond his current powers. A few months after that, he was declared competent to stand trial, convicted of a laundry list of petty misdemeanors, and sentenced to time served. A few months after that, he disappeared without a trace, and the first sightings of a "Robert Williams" using a Noble Arm to repair bombed-out houses and set broken bones were reported.

*Current Goal: Identify the problem. Understand the problem. Fix the problem.

Military or Civilian Rank: Is in the country illegally on an expired tourist visa.
I run a lot of MHR in the eXiles format, so I have a metric borkload of Marvel-specific Variant ideas.

Name: Robert "Berto" Williams

Age: In his fifties, approximately.

Nationality: American.

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Archie's Lever; appears as a variety of old, battered hand tools.

Noble Arm Rank: TBD.

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee/Ranged, close-to-mid range, depending on form. Archie's Lever is serviceable as a weapon, but its real power lies in its use as a near-universal multitool.

Noble Arm Abilities:

Multi-Tool: Berto can use Archie's Lever as pretty much any small hand tool whose form and function he understands.

Kintsugi: Any physical object that Berto repairs with Archie's Lever-- including people and animals he offers first aid-- is more resilient than it was before it was damage. This effect is only temporary when applied to living beings.

Misc Abilities: Berto has picked up a lot of odd skills from his years on the fringes of society. Notably, he possesses a solid, if unpolished, grasp of the Occult Programming Language.

Personality: There's something a little unnerving, perhaps a little unnatural, about Berto's easygoing demeanor; his kindness and patience are seemingly endless, but anyone who spends time with him gets the impression that he's constantly doing everything in his power to keep from screaming. Berto loves using the powers of Archie's Lever to help people in little ways even more than trying to change the world.

*Likes: Solving problems, wandering in the city, homecooked meals.

*Dislikes: Authority, cruelty, senseless destruction.

Bio: Robert-- probably not his real name-- was enrolled by his parents in an illegal Spartan Training Program in his early teens. The program was particularly brutal, but more effective than most; nevertheless, Robert was an abject failure and by the time the program was shut down, his psyche was believed to be irreparably broken. With his parents in prison, Robert was made a ward of the state until he was eighteen years old, and spent the next couple of decades bouncing in and out of homeless shelters, jails, and hospitals.

A few years ago, Robert discovered Archie's Lever while in "therapeutic isolation". Unconsciously and unintentionally, he used it to fix his mind, a feat that appears to be beyond his current powers. A few months after that, he was declared competent to stand trial, convicted of a laundry list of petty misdemeanors, and sentenced to time served. A few months after that, he disappeared without a trace, and the first sightings of a "Robert Williams" using a Noble Arm to repair bombed-out houses and set broken bones were reported.

*Current Goal: Identify the problem. Understand the problem. Fix the problem.

Military or Civilian Rank: Is in the country illegally on an expired tourist visa.

(Apologies. I am having the devil's own time getting the hang of this site.)
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