Avatar of Donut Look Now


Recent Statuses

1 day ago
Current As long as you meet the gay requirements and the crimes are against mega corporations, legally you can’t get in trouble… Right? >:3
3 days ago
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3 days ago
I think we’re talking about the wrong fight - obviously we need to know who would win in a Sailor Moon vs Goku battle
5 days ago
Every time I have to drive somewhere, I’m reminded how much I hate people 🥲
8 days ago
All of my cringe died when the forum went down and not even way back machine can grab it nyeheheh
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If you’re here to check why I’m online but not replying to you, odds are my computer just randomly woke up in the middle of the night. No, I don’t know why it does this lol

About Me

Names/Aliases: Don’t Look Now, DLN, Cait, Donut Look Now, DLN Cait
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Age: 28
Birthday: August
From: United States
Timezone: PST Currently
Occupation: Full Time Sales / Part Time Student
Languages: English, Learning Spanish
Orientation: Bisexual / Cis (Married)
Pets: Margot (10yr Australian Shep/Mix Rescue) & Luna (1.5yr Belgian Shep/Lab/Mix Rescue)

RP Style

POV: 3rd Person > 1st Person
Genres: Fantasy, Apocalyptic, Historical Fiction, Slice of Life,
Character Types: Cinnamon Roll, Submissive, Gentle, Chaotic Gremlin, Jokester/Comedic Relief,
Genders: F > NB > M
Tropes: Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Damsel in Distress, Tragic Backstory
Types: Casual, Advanced, 1x1
  • More than 1 sentence posts (Usually go for 1 paragraph)
  • Big overall plot w/ lots of subplots to keep it interesting
  • No OP characters
  • 50/50 collaboration
  • Equal amount of characters (1 for 1, 2 for 2, etc)


Hyperfixation: Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss


  • ‘Tempests and Slaughter’ by Tamora Pierce
  • ‘Finding Camelia’ on Manta
  • ‘The Last Straw’ on Manta
  • ‘Too Cute to Handle’ on Manta
  • ‘Raffine’s Plan: Save my Favorite Character’ on Manta
  • Midnight Mass
  • Sunny in Philadelphia
  • An Incurable Case of Love
  • The Resident


  • Social Path - Stray Kids, LiSA
  • Sweet Tooth - Scott Helman
  • Dysmorphia - girli
  • russian roulette - Ryan Mitchell
  • Pretty Lies - SouMix, Brad Arthur
  • d e a d - Madeline



  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Singing
  • Musical Theatre
  • Video Gaming
  • Sewing
  • Roleplaying
  • Photoshopping

Fandoms/Things I like:

This list will forever be under construction and never in a particular order


  • The Legend of Zelda (Favorite Game: Twilight Princess)
  • Sailor Moon (Manga, Anime, and Anime Reboot)
  • Rick Riodin’s Percy Jackson Universe
  • Fruits Basket (Manga, Anime, and Anime Reboot)
  • ‘See You in My 19th Life’ (Both the Manwha and the KDrama)
  • Studio Ghibli
  • ‘Sweet Home’ (Both the Webtoon and the KDrama)
  • ‘My ID is Gangnam Beauty’ (Both the Webtoon and the KDrama)


  • Scrubs
  • Shadow & Bone
  • Jane the Virgin
  • New Amsterdam
  • Bridgerton
  • Evil
  • Supernatural
  • The Walking Dead
  • Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss
  • Parks & Recreation
  • Community
  • The Good Place
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender / Legend of Korra (Animated Series)
  • The Owl House
  • Kipo
  • Never Have I Ever
  • Good Girls
  • Arrested Development
  • The Umbrella Academy
  • You
  • Dead to Me
  • Archive 81

International Shows
  • Business Proposal
  • Extraordinary Attorney Woo
  • Cinderella and the Four Knights
  • The Glory
  • All of Us Are Dead
  • King the Land
  • Squid Games

  • Demon Slayer
  • My Hero Academia
  • Black Clover
  • Parasyte
  • The Imperfects
  • Arcane

Books, Manga, Etc

  • Chibi Vampire (Manga)
  • Tamora Pierce’s Universe
  • Entwined by Heather Dixon
  • Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale


  • Stick It
  • Swan Princess
  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

I haven’t been playing video games lately, but once I pick them back up again, I’ll make this list

Most Recent Posts

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Hindu Temple - Cary, IL

“You might hurt your hand on these rock-hard abs.” I tease lightly. When she pulls back, I look down at her, catching where her eyes drift as mine do the same before I process what she’s saying. “Deal.” I say with a nod before glancing around. We’re still a little hidden and I seize the opportunity to tilt her chin up more so I can lean down and seal the deal with a kiss.


Location: SUV - Chicago, IL

“You seem to have some kind of power in hell if you have demons working for you, so what’s really the problem? Moving too fast?” Kiki says after a moment of awkward silence.

Oh I’m definitely not going to talk about this with her. I don’t know exactly what’s making me apprehensive, but I think it might be the fact that I don’t know why I went to hell when I died. I know Caden has assured me on multiple occasions that it doesn’t matter, that he accepts me for who I am, but there’s part of me that doesn’t believe.

“It’s nothing.” I reply, choosing to look out the window as we near Caden’s home. I hear a huff of mild irritation from Kiki, but so far only Caden knew who I actually am as a demon and I want to keep it that way.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Hindu Temple - Cary, IL

I look down at her when she squeezes my arm, still concerned but I feel it start to dissipate. I smile warmly before I pull her into a hug. “I’m sorry, it’s going to take a minute before I don’t go full nurse mode on you anytime you’re hurt or in trouble. I have to remind myself that you’re not some fragile doll I need to take care of. I’ll work on it, I promise.” I close my eyes and lean my head on hers, inhaling the scent of her hair as I remind myself to relax.

“But if I start annoying you, you have full permission to smack me.” I say teasingly. If she actually hurt me, both of us can help it heal. I smile to myself, thinking of the irony of someone in the medical field dating someone who can use magic to heal.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Driving - Chicago, IL

I listen to Nero as they talk, still surprised and a little confused by Caden’s behavior. His text message was accurate though - this little imp was not like other demons. When Nero says they’ve been trying to regain their humanity, I raise my eyebrows in surprise, but ultimately realize that this makes sense with their demeanor.

“So, what’s holding you back? Just that other demons will find out and what - judge you for it or something? Or that they might hurt him?” I glance over to see Nero fidget and shift their weight in their seat. Granted, I could understand being worried about Caden’s safety, but also the man was pretty indestructible. “Caden’s a big boy, he’s been taking care of himself for centuries now, after all.” I say bluntly as I turn my focus back to the road.

Nero rolls their eyes as they cross their arms over their chest, slightly pouting as they turn to look out the window again. “It’s not that simple.” They mumble.

“Then tell me. The only other people you’d get solid advice about Caden from are Cassi, Henry, or Avery.” I see them scrunch their nose at the mention of Cassi and I smirk, dying to know what caused a reaction like that, but otherwise ignoring it for now. I turn down the street to their townhome, Nero having insisted earlier that they wanted to grab their cats at the very least.

When I pull up, I can see demons meandering on the plot. Nero hops out and tells me to stay in the car before they run up to the others and head inside. They don’t seem confused by Nero’s appearance or their eccentric behavior - in fact they seem to treat Nero as some kind of boss. Who exactly is this demon?

Nero reappears with a black cat and a white cat in each arm and a tote full of what I can only assume to be things for the cats. They set the bag in the back seat before climbing back into the passenger’s seat, still holding the mewing cats.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Hindu Temple - Cary, IL

I watch in amazement, yet again, as Cass manages to get our clothes less sopping wet.“Much less conspicuous now at least.” I say with a nod as I watch her chug water down. “Are you going to be okay?”

I know she’s told me her magic comes from the earth, but I still want to make sure she’s not overdoing it or anything. And I know I have no right to worry, this woman has at least 270 years on me if not more and has done just fine so far in her life, but it’s second nature for me to be concerned.

“Should I start having towels on me now?” I joke, trying not to start going nurse mode all over again with her.


Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

”I think it’s official - you now have an entire wardrobe.” Kiki tells me with a nod, proud of her work apparently. The back of the SUV is packed with boxes and bags. I should have told her to stop way earlier. I know Caden is stupid rich, but this seems like it might be too much.

Although, i remind myself that the man had asked me to move in with him. Getting in the car I fidget anxiously, debating if I want to open up to someone else about it. I stare out the window instead, getting lost in my own thoughts as Kiki drives us back to Cadens.

“Penny for your thoughts?” I hear Kiki say and I turn to face her. If there is ever a time to start believing in ‘signs’, now would be it I guess,

With a sigh, I run my fingers through my short hair as I explain to her what Caden had suggested. I’ve barely been to my own place since meeting Caden, so what is there to debate even? Kiki listens silently as I ramble on about it, her face not giving any emotion away.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Hindu Temple - Cary, IL

My ears burn when she asks if she needs to do the same as my dad and I purse my lips, reminding myself that she’s not fragile. “You’re a lot more capable of taking care of yourself than my father, so no, I won’t make you do that.” The magical wall comes down and we step out of the fountain, soaked at the bottom of our clothes.

“Do we want to wait for our clothes to dry off a bit first?” I ask as I kneel down to try and wring water out of my pants.


Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

I grin happily when Caden texts me back and skip after Kiki as we go to the next shop she insists on, a little too lovestruck to worry about where we’re going next. I take a selfie from behind Kiki as I follow her and send it to Caden with a funny face.

The next store we go into seems to be garnered more towards basics and Kiki is already hard at work finding clothes for me. A lot of them seem to just be t-shirts, shorts, socks, etc, but I blush when a sales lady appears to take me into the back to take bra measurements.

Kimiko “Kiki” Voss

Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

I focus heavily on the task at hand, determined not to think about what I overheard. It seems way too fast for that, but this isn’t my relationship. I do manage to get a little video of Nero skipping down the sidewalk with a big grin for Caden though.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Hindu Temple - Cary, IL

I grab her hand against, watching the burn fade right before my eyes. I let out of the breath I didn’t know I was holding, relief flooding over me. “Does it go away on its own or did you heal yourself?” I flip her hand over and back just to make sure there isn’t something permanent.

“So would we want to try and speak to some of the worshippers here?” I ask after processing the next thing she said. I zip back up my bag, happy that she isn’t hurt but also very wary of what could happen next.


Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

“Pass auf dich auf, ich liebe dich.” I manage to say quickly before Caden hangs up the phone. Kiki is at the front of the store, motioning for me to follow. I pull out my phone and send the text with what I said, just in case it didn’t pick up.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Hindu Temple - Cary, IL

I wrap my arms securely around Cass when she stumbles back into me, worry creasing my brow almost immediately. I know she’s still speaking in French for my benefit, but I’m gently grabbing her wrist to look at the seared image in her hand. “Are you okay??” I ask, glancing between her and the fountain as I process what she said in French.

“Is that bad? The lost in connection?” I’m unzipping my sling back, and grabbing antibiotic ointment and gauze from the mini first aid kit I have on me. I would have her dunk her hand in the cool water we’re standing in, but I don’t know how clean it is.


Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

I grin stupidly at Caden’s response to my violence before I calm my face down. “I can definitely see that now.” I say, watching Kiki direct where to take the purchased goods.

“It sounds like I need to let you go now though.”
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Hindu Temple - Cary, IL

I don’t have time to question why we’re getting in the fountain before I’m pulled in by Cass. My mouth pops open in awe and my eyes aren’t wide enough for me to feel like I can see everything happening. I start to reach out to the wall of magic, but stop myself when others enter the area. I try to duck before I realize the wall is probably the illusion Cass had mentioned earlier to hide us from others. The small family pass by, admiring the fountain before moving along.

”They really can’t see us,” I whisper before turning to look at Cass as she explains some of the symbols on the fountain. She really is incredible. I would stay all day in this fountain with her if it was necessary.


Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

My ears are reddening as I listen to Caden laughing and I bite my lip as I hold my tongue until he shifts back to German. “Ohne zu zögern.” I say almost immediately before I realize Caden is probably teasing me. I debate silently with myself if I want to retract the statement, but ultimately decide to leave it as is. The answer itself is true.

Kiki looks over the shoes I’ve tried on so far and instructs the sales lady following us which ones we’re buying and which ones we aren’t. I’m worried I’ll have to use the other bedroom’s closet at this rate. “Hast du Kiki ein Limit gegeben, denn ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass sie es überschritten hat.” Not to mention this is only the first store.

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Hindu Temple - Cary, IL

My free hand twitches as I try to imagine the words in front of me as I translate them for myself. Most of the words I can catch without mental gymnastics, but I repeat what Cass said in my head a couple of times before I respond.

“Eh bien, nous devrions... certainement nous rendre visite ensemble.” I say with a grin, watching her face as she focuses on the statue.

“Y a-t-il quelque chose dans la fontaine?” I follow her gaze, squinting my eyes to try and see something hidden as if I could.


Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

“N-no! I’m just… shut up.” I feel my face flush at his tone and I’m glad he can’t see me right now. I’m even more grateful when the conversation shifts.

I hear Avery snort near Caden’s phone at his simple explanation of what happened. “Well, I guess we’ll keep an eye on the little pups, but from what Kiki said, it sounded like they deserved to lose an extra appendage. Good thing we’re all pretty strong, so it shouldn’t be a problem.” I try on a pair of black Mary Jane’s that Kiki had brought over.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Hindu Temple - Cary, IL

I chuckle, shaking my head. “The delicious yogurt thing from McDonald’s?” I tease before I try to think of the next question in French before I say it out loud.

“Alors, votre... formation en Écosse... c'était pour devenir un... sorcier?” I ask as we continue walking through the temple grounds together. I mostly let Cass take the lead, but don’t let go of her hand. It’s so soft and small in mine…


Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

I smack Kiki and wave her off but she doesn’t budge. “Stay safe please and tell me if we need to join you, okay?” I tell Caden earnestly. I know he’s practically indestructible, but I still worry about what this killer might be.

“Speaking of the puppies, how did that go?” I plop down on one of the chairs and Kiki runs off to go collect an assortment of shoes to bring back for me to try on.
Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Hindu Temple - Cary, IL

I smile when she starts getting her bearings again, then it turns into a grin when she confesses what had caught her off guard. “Well, I meant every word of it.” I tell her with a squeeze of her hand.

“I would also love to practice French with you - maybe then patients who speak it won’t give me those judgey eyes.”


Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

I grin at what he says. “Würden Sie sagen, Sie lieben meine Stimme?” I tease as I pick up a pair of chunky shoes with thick soles, trying to decide if I want to be taller or if I just like the aesthetic. I wait until Kiki is a good ten or so feet before I whisper into the phone, “Ich habe dich und deine Stimme auch vermisst.”

“Das Einkaufen läuft gut, Kiki kann das viel besser als ich.”

I feel a presence behind me and squeak when Kiki talks. “I heard my name, are you and Caden trying to talk about me behind my back?” She teases.

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