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First Night, Kyoto Forest
Interacting With: @Digmata
Reality seemed to bend and shift around her as Caster used her Noble Phantasm, at least in her perception. She tried her best to not think too heavily about it, focusing more of her attention on her familiar. Getting distracted by what her servant was doing was a sure-fire way to get herself killed. Gotta get used to it and stay focused.

The only sign she gave Caster that she had heard her mention her familiar getting spotted was a small click of her tongue. It was unfortunate, but it was somewhat expected. Any magus worth a damn was going to be able to detect a familiar inside their workshop. Caster was a powerful Caster, but a traditional magus she was not.

"I have eyes on them."

The Tanuki took off at a run to try and keep up. As it went Samira used her Master's Clairvoyance. Rider class servant, parameters were generally above average but not too high. After a few moments of watching the man, she'd leave the Tanuki to attempt to keep track. Turning over towards Caster, she'd give her a slow smile.

"Think you can get a web up in time to give him a surprise, Caster?"

If they were going to jump into the Grail-War, they were going to do it the right way.
First Night, Kyoto Forest
Interacting With: @Digmata

"Interesting. I'm not sure how useful that is compared to getting your territory set up."

Samira's voice was full of snark as she called out to Caster. Her servant was, seemingly, bad at listening to requests. Or at least bad at prioritization.

Getting information on the enemy was useful. It didn't matter if they couldn't leverage it properly. To leverage it, they needed a strong point. Caster couldn't take them on in a straight-up fight. Maybe an ambush situation could manage it, but that'd leave them open to any other Servant attacking them.

If they were going to win they needed the territory set up. It wasn't a question, it was a fact. So she was just a little annoyed that her servant had seemingly spent all their time insulting her fashion choices, making new clothes that weren't going to help if a servant put a sword through her gut, and spying on the enemy.

"Please. Focus on getting the territory set up so we don't get nuked from orbit or something... Tell me where you spotted them, and I'll move my familiar over."

The fact that the term 'nuked' might not carry over properly didn't click with Samira. She just returned to focusing on her own familiar and beginning to move it over in the direction of where Caster found the Master and Servant pair.

Just because Caster was better off doing something else, didn't mean Samira wasn't best off spying on their opposition. The more information, the better.
First Night, Kyoto Forest
Interacting With: @Digmata

In the city that night, there was an animal.

It looked like an animal to the average person, at least.

The raccoon dog made its way along the rooftops, balancing along wires or leaping over small gaps as it went. Its brown eyes shone with intelligence as it inspected everything as it went. From far away, someone watched its every move, a small thread of mana connecting the two.

Samira had done her best, but the familiar she created was a rush job. A random Racoon Dog she had found dead in an alleyway. A quick application of a poultice to repair its body. Binding a nameless spirit, some lingering echo of some myth, into its body. She completed it with a single strand of her hair to forge the connection properly.

It did its job well enough though. No one would question it at a single glance. Someone scrutinizing it closely might realize it was a familiar. Yet anyone who did that was outing themselves as a Magus or a Servant. A Caster would be able to tell instantly, but she had the Caster of the war on her side. Speaking of which, she should probably check up on that. She flicked out of shared perception to look toward the work being done.

"Caster, how goes the bounded field?"

A Caster was only as good as their territory. This wasn't the perfect territory, but it could be worse. While not right on top of a ley-line, it wasn't far away from one. It wasn't the best defensive position they could ask for, but it was remote. Out of the way, so the odds of getting found easily weren't high. It was the kind of location suited to a spider, frankly...

Which made it important that Caster got their territory set up as quickly as possible. Before another servant could somehow find them and force them into a conflict before they were ready. She was not confident in Caster's ability to fight without an advantage. Whether they be her territory proper, or setting up an ambush ahead of time.

"I'm not getting much from my own scouting at the moment. Think people are hiding, hm?"
First Night, Kyoto Forest
Interacting With: @Digmata ---------------------------------------------------------------------

There was no need to answer the first comment about being victorious. There was no doubt that they would win this war. Their abilities were more unique, but that didn't make them less powerful. A servant as famous as Arachne meant that this war was as good as hers. She spoke disrespectfully, twisting one of her hands in a gesture.

"I thought I shouldn't let something like that sit and rot. My magic needs me to keep the spirits happy. Whether they're from my home or here; a little tribute to the locals can't hurt."

One eyebrow raised as she saw the cloak masterfully woven out of seemingly thin air. Even without magical detection, she could tell it was something different from ordinary clothing. The Greatest Weaver of Greece didn't make something that was lacking. Her eyes followed it into the air as she tossed it up.

Only to suddenly get yanked forward as it landed on her shoulders. Stumbling forward a step and only barely managing to catch herself from falling directly into her servant, she found herself almost nose to nose. Staring into the bright violet eyes, she let a moment pass. Before her mouth decided to speak her brain could think better of it.

"Watch out, Caster. The last time I was this close to someone, we were late for work in the morning."

Mentally facepalming, she kept her face straight as she stared Caster down. After a few moments, they were apart again, leaving her to inspect the cloak further. She had to admit that it seemed exceptional work; especially for something created so quickly, and seemingly from nothing. There was only one problem she could see with it.

"Fine work, but it's a little conspicuous in the modern day. Not many people go wandering around in cloaks after all. You designed fashion for yourself, you couldn't have designed a coat or poncho instead?"

She kept her eyes on Caster as she raised one arm, holding the cloak. For dramatic effect, she wiggled the cloak in her hand; sending the material rustling back and forth as she tried to demonstrate how it didn't exactly mesh well with either of their modern styles.

First Night, Kyoto Forest

Interacting With: @Digmata

A small sigh of relief escaped from Samira as the light shifted.

The pillar of blue light that stretched to the sky turned to a brilliant gold as it began to condense into the form her Servant would take. Only to suddenly turn violet and transform into strands. Taken aback, Samira took a single step back as it suddenly formed a cacoon where the circle lay.

Her mind began to race as she watched the cacoon begin to unravel. Whatever servant she summoned had to have some connection to insects. Perhaps a being who was insectile in their form? Her mind went back through all the legends and myths she could think of relating to insects. Several came to mind, from North America and the rest of the world. She couldn't say who exactly it was until they appeared.

Then they did appear, and she was at a loss again. Her servant's attire was surprisingly modern, and not what she expected. An eyebrow rose as she spoke of the modern world and the gods, which was the first solid clue she had to their identity.

Not that she had to wait long. At Arachne's name, her other eyebrow rose. There was a glimmer in her eyes as she activated her Master's Perception, reviewing the threads that made up her servant's abilities even as she spoke.

"I must admit, I did not expect to summon you, Caster. I expected either a figure of my homeland or a figure of this land. You are far from either."

Not that she would complain about this result. Arachne was an incredibly famous figure, and that naturally came with a significant amount of power. Her abilities seemed far more nuanced than raw physical strength. A small burst of feeling came from one of the fossils that jangled at her hip, and she reached down to tap it gently.

Not now Thunder, not now.

"My name is Samira Rainwright, Medicine Woman, Magus, and Master in this Grail War. It's a pleasure to meet you, Caster, regardless of my expectations. This shrine was the best place to perform this summoning and to use as my base of operations. Native beliefs align well with my magecraft, it was easy to set up the bounded field, and it's remote. Figured I should address any complaints you might have about the fact it's a shrine before they could be aired."

That was going to be an interesting problem. Samira was frankly put, a religious woman. It was a religion that her people would understand partly, and only she fully understood herself. Yet she was religious in some way. When paired up with a woman who hated the gods... that could be a problem.

First Night, Kyoto Forest

Interacting With: [@Digimata]

Kyoto was a beautiful city.

It would be an amazing place to set down roots once she won.

Fragrant steam wafted up from her coffee cup, filling her nose with the smell of coffee, chocolate, and cream. There was an excellent view of the city from her spot on one of the hills surrounding Kyoto. Spread out in a tapestry of intersecting streets, it didn't have the skyscrapers that dominated the skyline of so many modern bustling cities. Yet it still glittered and glowed like so many of them.

A breeze flowed past her, turning the wisps of steam into a long ribbon. The trees around her rustled with the sound, mixing with the natural ambiance of the forest at night. It wasn't the wide open plains of her home. Yet that didn't matter in the end. There was nothing back in America for the Rainwrights, but stagnation and death. Their future was here in Kyoto, with her victory in this War.

She took a sip of the vibrant blend in her cup. Her eyes closed as she savored the taste. When she lived here, that coffee shop was to be a regular destination. To win this war, however, she needed a servant. Opening her eyes again, she put a hand against the step she had been sitting on and pushed herself up. Dusting the seat of her pants off, she turned to climb up the steps she'd sat down on.

All the preparation had been done before she had gone to get herself a coffee. Sneaking in at night was child's play. Setting up a simple bounded field to keep people away was a little more complicated. Luckily Shinto had spiritual beliefs that were at least somewhat in line with her magecraft. Reaching the top, she passed under the torii that marked the beginning of the shrine proper.

It was as if she had entered another world. The torii was meant to represent the transition from the mundane to the sacred. A distinct line that separated the inside and the outside. It was the perfect place to begin her bounded field. The faint smell of incense filled the, despite only a few sticks being lit along the outer edge of the field. Placed at the foot of the shrine itself, a bundle of rice cakes was made as an offering to the Kami.

It was inscribed into the stone tiles at the center of the shrine's courtyard. A circle drawn from specially prepared herbs, the finely ground leaves forming an intricate pattern on the ground. It didn't matter what she used to draw the circle, only that she used something of value. It wasn't entirely foreign to her, the base principles were something she was familiar with. The symbols, the layout, the manner, that was what was foreign to her; just like this land.

A small sigh escaped her as she took another sip of her coffee. Looking over the circle one last time, if there was a fault, she saw none. Even if she got something minor wrong, it wouldn't change the result. It was mostly handled by the Grail anyway. Stepping off to the side for a moment, she placed her coffee cup down on one of the stone benches that surrounded the courtyard. Reaching into one of her pockets, she dug out a small wooden box.

Flipping the top open, she'd pluck out a single hand-rolled cigarette. Moving back towards the circle, she dug out a small silver lighter. A flame lit up the shrine as she struck the ignition. Lighting the cigarette before closing the top, she brought the cigarette to her lips and breathed in deeply. The smoke filled her lungs. In her mind, a familiar mantra echoed.

Creator of All, Grant Me Power.

As she exhaled, the prayer flowed out of her, and power flowed into its place.

The cores scattered throughout her body began to spin, and circuits raced through her to connect them. Od was converted into Magical Energy, and that small bit was sent into the tip of the cigarette in between her fingers. The faintly burning end ignited with a blue flame. Holding it out above the magic circle, she tapped it.

"Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill."

Five glowing blue embers fell. They landed on the bottom of the magical circle. For a second it seemed as if they would simply fade. Before the herbs ignited. Blue fire blazed along the lines of herbs, lighting the shrine in a brilliant cerulean blaze. Shifting her stance, she pointed her left hand towards the blaze. The faint smudges on the back of her hand showed her the path she had to walk.

"Let it be repeated five times, and each broken once filled."

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation."

Mana was converted into Magical Energy as it flowed into the circle, a searing pain glowing on the back of her right hand. Yet the pain was something every Magus lived with. Every circuit burned through her body, and she ignored it. To practice Magecraft was to walk with death. She poured more magical energy into the circle, her voice echoing through the shrine.

"Let my people be my ancestors."

"Raise a wall, against the wind that shall fall."

"Close the four cardinal gates."

"Come out from the crown."

"Rotate the three-branched road reaching the Kingdom."

The blaze grew larger and brighter. Magical energy was gathered in the tornado of blue fire that had formed in the center of the shrine. Reaching higher and higher towards the sky. A call was sent out into the beyond. From both the Grail and the Magus, seeking out one who could answer the siren's call of a Grail War. One who would match the spirit of this particular Magus.

"I shall declare here."

"Your body shall serve under me."

"My fate shall be with your sword."

"Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail."

"If you will submit to this will and this reason…… then answer!"

It was no longer fire. Pure magical energy swirled in a vortex. Something forming in the heart. The Spirit that answered her call manifested into the world. The wind grew stronger, sending the trees rustling and incense smoke flying. Even her coffee cup shook on its bench across the courtyard. Shifting her foot for a better grip, she pressed onwards.

"I shall declare here."

"Your body shall serve under me."

"My fate shall be with your sword."

"Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail."

"If you will submit to this will and this reason…… then answer!"

There was no doubt in her heart. There was no second thoughts in her head. There was no option for her beyond one. She must win this war. She must succeed. The Rainwrights must claim Kyoto as their Spiritual Ground. If her family was to have a future, then they must make it here. She must make it here. Even as the wind sent her hair streaming behind her, she brought her cigarette to her lips. Breathing in again, another prayer escaped with the smoke.

Creator of All, Grant me Strength

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraint, Protector of the Balance!"
Eh. Been a while since a Fate Forum RP. Might as well say interest. Probably won't be busy by the time this starts. Hopefully.
Somewhere in the hotel
Saber looked at the woman and blinked before clapping at her expense, it truly was impressive what her master could do and it never ceases to amaze her. A big smile brushed across her face as she took another look at Thaelia, even she had trouble looking through the disguise. It maybe a simple spell but it seems to be very effective.

"I am staring too much, come then we go ride to have this burger, just saying it sounds odd but tasty." She patted her stomach and continued walking but the part about leaving the hotel made her stop in her tracks and mood shifted. Hervor was told to stay in the hotel to not reveal herself to the public because who knows who is watching nowadays, but as soon as the thought of finally getting to be in a battle with another servant crossed her mind, a smile slowly grew on her face. She turned to Thaelia and nodded at her.

"Today we feast!" She exclaimed, raising her fist in the air, she wrapped her arm around Thaelia once again and started walking a bit quicker to get out of the hotel, "We ride this motorcyle of yours, I can ride, I am positive my riding skills apply to even modern machines like what we see now."



If there was something she was not expecting from the giant of a woman, clapping was not it. It made her jump slightly, even as she turned to stare at Hervor. Her eyes turned to look at her, and saw that massive smile on her face. Her face lit up scarlet and she ducked her head in embarrassment. If there was one thing she was not good with, it was attention.

Nodding her head a bit as she said she was staring too much, she frankly was staring a touch too much for her liking. It was one thing if it was mother, an ancient hero from history was an entirely different matter! Hurrying along slightly as the elevator deposited them on the first floor to try and hide her embarrassed blush, it took a moment for her to realize Hervor had stopped. Turning about to stare at the woman, she blinked a couple times as she watched the emotions on her face shift... Why was she getting a bad feeling about this?

Jumping slightly as she got an arm wrapped around her by the frankly amazonian woman, she started getting hurried out of the hotel. Her blush was definitely not going away any time soon, was it? "W-Wait, you're g-going the wrong direction. W-We're heading t-to the garage, not the front doors!" She jabbed a finger towards a pair of doors off to the side of the main lobby, and thus began to get them in the right direction. It wasn't too far to the Garage, though they did wind up having to go down some steps.

Eventually though, she managed to guide Hervor to her motorcycle. A modern piece of machinery, black, orange, and white emblazoned across the fancy motorcycle. "I-It's a KTM 1290 Super D-Duke... Mother g-got it for me as a birthday g-gift last year, did her own mod-difications on it as well... Said I-I deserved only th-the best if I was g-gonna ride. S-So... helmets are in the b-bags at the b-back."
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