Avatar of headintheclouds


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current Don't be surprised if your whiplash sneaks up on you. Mine showed up with a vengeance the next day.
3 mos ago
Ooh, RUSSIAN live edge tables! How exotic!
1 like
3 mos ago
I'd love Bethesda to create a character creator that doesn't result in humans that look like early 2000s abominations
3 mos ago
Well, there goes Rooster Teeth. I am also sorry to all the folks suddenly finding themselves unemployed :(
4 mos ago
Anybody know how to build a live edge slab table? Asking for a friend.
1 like


Hey guys! Thanks for checking out my profile :)
I'm pretty much always looking for roleplays, so I figured I'd put a list of my preferences on here in case you're interested. Always PM me if you have an idea. I promise I don’t bite, and I love to hear from new people!

I’m a massive history buff (it’s what my degree is in!) and I love sewing and historic clothing and theater, so if you’re at all interested in chatting about that, hit me up. My specialty is in early colonial English society, but I’m a sucker for a good castle and medieval family tree.

-I generally prefer to play female characters, but I'm not opposed to playing male characters either!
-I'm available to RP over forum, PM, or email
-I'm a big fan of 1x1 roleplays and prefer them due to my schedule, and the group Rp curse I seem to carry with me.
-Genres I like? History, fantasy, some fandoms, modern....
-Romance? Definitely. Just please no smut. Fade to black is where it’s at.

Current Cravings:
-Beauty and the Beast
-Class differences
-Jane Austen or Austen-Esque
-Probably something else I can't think of.

Most Recent Posts

Beep boop, putting this out into the world again to see if I get any interest!!
Done some mild editing: I'm open for new plots, and available over Discord now as well!
<Snipped quote by headintheclouds>

You should be able to reenable it in your user settings.

Can confirm that it does work, thanks!
FWIW: I liked the mobile format, and I shall celebrate its short but impactful life.
Gentle nudge!
I've updated the interest check: I didn't realize how god awful it was until I reread it! Hopefully this one is better.
Im going to update this later today, but I'm bumping this along anyways!
Hello! I was wondering whether you were still searching for partners for this; I'm interested!
@Cream Memememememememememememe
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