Avatar of ImaginedBird67
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 1 yr ago
  • Posts: 30 (0.05 / day)
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    1. ImaginedBird67 1 yr ago


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I actually forgot this site existed. I hate myself right now. Looking forward to being an Avenger! Hopefully I found the right group. One that I can feel comfortable with.


Currently in Avengers Unlimited Roleplay.

Hi, my name is ImaginedBird. Believe it or not, that name was randomly generated.

I have been roleplaying since 2014. Yes, that long ago. I didn't get in RP forums though until 2019 where I started with several groups. Eventually I cut ties with those groups and decided to quit Rping and stick with Dnd stuff, which was and still is, going quite well. Until late 2022, where I found this site (and the current year I am writing this).

Hopefully as the years go by, I will add more to this bio. Wish me luck!

Oh and my only problem is pacing. Go too fast and I can't catch up.

Most Recent Posts

Captian Marvel didn't bother with the front entrance, she just flew in through the roof. She didn't even need to ask where the briefing room was, she knew this tower inside and out, being an Avenger herself. As she walked, she remembered her failure. HEr failure of defending New York against the Hydra horde. They still won, but now even months later, New York was still recovering and Shield had disbanded. What was to come of the future?

Never mind that, she thought, there's a new mission to be had.

As she floated down, see two newcomers. A young girl that fancied herself "Hawkeye" no doubt, and another person that she mistook to be the Human Torch at first but at second glance realized he wasn't.

"Nice to know I am not the first to arrive." she said conversionally as she touched down.
I had actually intended that everyone already had decided to be an Avenger, making a deal with Cap. However, we can just say that Kate was a late addition.

Makes more sense honestly.
First post, yayy!
Kate woke up screaming. Another nightmare, another memory of the fall of New York and her near death experience at the hands of Hydra and her own parents. It had been six months after and she still couldn't get over it. Sighing, she got up and got dressed. It was during her morning routine that she got a message in the mail. It was a card. An AVENGERS card. She blinked, astonished as a hologram of none other than Captain America.

“This is Director Rogers calling all members of the New York branch,” stated the card, “Please report to Avengers Mansion for a mission briefing.”

Huh, the Avengers are still around? I thought they disbanded?

Hours later, she was standing the Avengers tower lobby, presenting her card to the person at the desk.

"Briefing room please!"

And then, one Elevator ride later, she was right beside a man who looked like the Human Torch.

"Oh! Are you the Human Torch?"

I'm glad you gave us time to post. I will be considering what to write, you gave me tons to think about. Merry Christmas!

Also, how many characters are we allowed?
Thanks for expanding on the history. As for the image, what site are you using to host it? I personally use https://imgur.com. If you could add a second story line, maybe something like her training under the original Hawkeye, and get the picture working, then Kate will be accepted.

Finally got the pic and did the other second storyline. I'm not sure if it's just my computer but my images don't show.
There’s a couple things I would like you to expand on. For the appearance section, I would suggest just using an image. The history section needs a lot of fleshing out, as it is currently two sentences and not the minimum two paragraphs. I would suggest expanding on Kate’s origins, her reaction to the Hydra reveal and then how she joined the Avengers. Also I would like you to expand on the sample story line section. If you could make those changes, I’ll look over your character sheet again.

Thank you for the response. The history section was me misreading what was required, I shall get to this immediately. But question what do you mean by expanding the story line section?

Also, the pictures don't seem to work for some reason.

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